
CH3 Everything’s Coming up Pendell Part 2

(Alodar's POV)

I stormed through the corridor hurriedly putting on my nicest coat.

" Mister Cuphling, you're sure there's a potential marriage partner waiting for me in the dining hall? You sure it's not for Leopard or Elias my brothers?" I felt worried as this was the first time I needed to dress for a potential mate. 'Gosh what am I even thinking? I should be the one choosing my partner, not my parents.'

I walked into the dining hall with meaningful steps, ready to tell my parents that I wanted to chose my own partner. I headed toward my parents who were situated on the side of the table which I found, as usually there at the height the table. When I glimpsed at my potential wife, I stopped. She was beautiful. No. That was not enough to describe how this nine year olds golden hair cascaded down her slim shoulders, hiding her still radiant skin. Her eyes as gold as the gates of heaven and as vibrant as a spring meadow full of flowers.

I felt myself get lost in them, hoping never to return when Mr. Cuphling nudged me forward, sending a sign for me to 'snap out of it and introduce myself.'

I jolted to attention and introduced myself. "Hello, my name is Alodar Lanett, what is your esteemed name?"

'That totally sounded cheesy," I reached out to grab her hand while dying a little inside.

"My, how very nice," she politely replied. "My 'esteemed' name is Alexis Lotto Pendell. It is nice to be within your presence Alodar Lanett." She slightly giggled, clearly imitating my previous attempt at manners.

'Well! Everything's coming up Pendell isn't it? Wait... Pendell?' I looked up, and yes In fact she had the birthmark every Pendell had, a crown shaped mark above the left eye.

"You're the princess?" I asked straightening my back.

"No, no... well yes, but no need to stand on attendance. It's fine just loosen up." She waved her hand on her forefront and smiled gently. "Can I have a moment with you?"


We walked into my room and I sat down on top of my oversized bed.

Alexis came up next to me and check my right arm. She flashed a look of distress retracting her gaze from my unique birthmark of a 'x'. Alexis fixed her expression with a quick motion to push my arm away.

"What are you doing, Princess?"

"Err... nothing, just looking for something?" She replied, obviously guilty.

"Umm, okay whatever you say." I didn't want to pry into whatever weird 'royal' business Alexis had on my arm.

"So, future husband, what sort of stuff are you into? I like to run away and feel free, and sometimes I like to prank Lankaster, the chief of the knights."

"I'm into magic, why?" I expectantly answered.

"Really? Do you read about it in books, or do you watch performances?" Alexis questioned.

"A little bit of both I guess." I smiled bitterly, reminiscing about my mostly failed attempts at time magic.

Then once again, just like in class Mister Cophling burst into the room bellowing at the top of his lungs. "Young Master Alodar, Princess Alexis!! It is time to dine!!! Please follow me to the dining hall!!!"


(Note Lanett's POV)

I woke up bright and early to get ready for Princess Alexis' arrival.

She was arriving as a potential marriage partner to my sweet boy Alodar.

Lately Alodar has been having some trouble with his brothers. So I was trying to promote him as a fine marriage partner.

All day I prepared the halls and decorated the dining hall with gold lining drapes. I picked the most exquisite and exotic flowers from within the garden and around the world just for this one visit from the princess.

When it became time to awake Alodar and prepare him for class I instructed my butler, Eugene Cuphling, to remind Alodar when it is time for the meeting. I then proceeded to tell the maids to wake and bathe my son.

After around three hours I ran to the gates to welcome the princess.

"Welcome miss Alexis, to my most esteemed abode. Enjoy your stay. Alodar will be with you shortly."

I then turned to Eugene. He seemed to catch my message as he dashed off in the direction of the classroom.

"Follow me please and leave your carriage here, my servants can move it for you, my highness."


(Alexis' POV)

As me and Alodar walked to the dining hall I turned to him. "Alodar, please go on to the dining hall. I will be with you shortly. I just have to finish some unfinished business."

"Yes, princess, I will wait for you there. Don't be too long." Alodar continued in his path unaffected.

I dashed into a room unoccupied and sprinkled some unknown substance on a wooden log I found in the corner.

A bright magenta flash flickered on leaving me to worry about other people seeing me in this storage room.

"Fire Sage, I think I have found our 'x marks the spot!' And better yet, he's still young like me!"

An ancient voice like the sea at high tide replied, "It is great you have found him but do not underestimate him, princess. The ones who seem helpless are usually the ones who pay more attention to the abyss. Even if he seems like a child, he still has the soul of a seasoned warrior," the ancient boice boomed.

"But now that we have found him, what should we do with him?"

Once again the voice boomed, "We shall make friends of him. He will become a fine sage, a fine one indeed, but only if he is properly nurtured. We must ensure his safe upbringing and make friendly ties with him."

"I'll see what I can do Fire Sage but I don't know if it's good marrying him. I mean we're only ten and seven, we're a little young to be engaged."

The ancient voice grunted and spoke again but this time not as pleasant. "Girl do not question me. I know what is needed. Have I not taught you the prophecy? Have I not taught you I have gained hints from Silanage, God of Prophecy himself?! The mouth the prophecies themselves flew out of!"

I trembled in the Fire Sage's anger and shrank. "No, great sage! I know it! I'll repeat it back! Listen, it goes like this:

Once prophecy turns to truth,

When legend fades to history,

An egg of silver from Klibuth,

A human not of this story,

And powers past the divine,

When talent becomes an object

And fate twists to Adam,

Inpossible power becomes possible,

The darkness of one from far

To wipe the sinner known as "Alodar".

I probably going to update the next chapter on Friday, so...


Also I’m sorry this is a little late but I’m probably gonna update around this time, maybe a little earlier? I don’t really know.

ImmortalLakeSpiritcreators' thoughts
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