
CH2 Everything’s Coming up Pendell Part 1

A few years had passed and I was nowhere closer on finding a way home. On the bright side, my family was nice and my life was well. My father, actually is a duke. His name was Note Lanett and he was the second in command of the army, just behind a prince, Prince Lewis Pendell.

I had heard a lot of their family and how they had an ancestor who stood up to a vampire who was only the grandson of the first vampire. They also had ancestors who fought in practically every war, winning with relative ease, making me think I was in a 'light novel' as my friend called it. The Pendell family being the main character family, and everyone in it a main character.

Well enough about history and back to me. I had grown in strength over the few years, and now I am seven. In five months I'll be eight and I'll be shipped off the The school of Ziffine, which funny enough, was founded by another Pendell.

Anyway, I had learned some characters in the old language from Neowalt and some magic, although it's hard to learn from an invisible force that can't help when I need practical help. Anyway my stats had gone up quite considerably and now my stats read:

[Name: Alodar Lanett

Age: 7 years and 7 months

Status: Healthy

Health: 24/24(43)

Strength: 21(41)

Mana: 17/17(33)

Intelligence: 52(100)

Agility: 23(39)

Stamina: 21/21(44)

Vitality: 11/11(-)


Appraisal-lvl 4.2

Hide Status-lvl 2.0

Water Magic-3.0

Air Magic-lvl 2.3

Time Magic-lvl 3.2

Fire Magic-lvl 0.2 ]

I couldn't practice inside with fire magic so I never really got it up, and for some odd reason ever time I try to upgrade time magic by one point it goes up two. 'Neowalt, why does time magic go up by two every time I improve it by one?'

[Because host, some bloodlines, such as yours can coordinate with the system to help it improve your stats faster]

I was astonished. 'What kind of bloodline do I have?' I was hoping for something that could stop time at will, mostly because my bloodline obviously had something to do with time and stopping time and going through time. But I had heard online that it would create an alternate timeline completely separate to the other one.

[Host has a bloodline of a time dragon. It is a little different as it also has a hint of a god, so it most probably has been tampered by Temporal, Ancient God of Time. I also sense a stronger connection with your ancestor Fletcher Von Conflame than any other person in this household]

I felt exhilarated at the prospect of being half dragon and growing wings on my back and soaring through the skies.

[Host can not transform or have the qualities of the dragon unless host was a dragon or had been blessed by another dragon. Also, host's undetermined talent of vitality is not abnormal, because the extent of the stat can not even be changed by myself yet. Anyway, Host should hurry to class, otherwise you will be late]

'Right,' I scurried down the western hall disappearing into the crowd of maids, cousins, and other officials.

I had class today with my teacher, so I was walking to the classroom in the back of the two-story Victorian mansion. When I got to got to the door, it was slightly ajar so I slid in and took a seat on a sofa in the back of the room. There was a four person table in the center of the class and a chalkboard near it to the left of the door. My teacher was standing near it writing down equations I couldn't understand even with my high intelligence.

"Teacher? Are we going to start class soon?" I politely questioned the light brown haired instructor who had a darker green robe resting in his shoulders.

"Ah! Al when'd you get in here?! I didn't notice you." My teacher, Terrance Spirit an accomplished alchemist currently the branch head of the Alchemist Foundation in New Worthwood City, a major city in the country Pendell.

"Sir it is time for lessons, did you forget again?" I tilted my head in disappointment And placed my hand on the stack of books on the table.

"Huh? Whatever do you mean!? Well none the less, it is time for your lesson. Today we- I mean you will be learning about Asmetheius, or was it background information about your appraisal next week. I have an idea," he declared pointing at the ceiling with his sky blue eyes widening. "Why don't I teach you both!?"

He flipped through a few books which I had been resting my hands on, shooing me away.

"Okay, to start class off I'll teach you about the most famous star elf ever. He was born to Haryk, Star of Chaos and a princess of the Star elves, Umile Treestar. His birth name was Lael Treestar, if you may remember he was a saint of the Micahian church, started by Lucah and Micah de Lotto, both from the city of Lotto. Anyway, Lael grew up quick and when he became eight his mother passed away. This left Lael miserable and as Inthumeius passed Lael saw him and bowed down asking to be his disciple.

Inthumeius, who had once been called Aithin Stargazer was the creator of the 'Star Arts' a mystical magic power that used the powers which Lael's father was. These powers could match the powers of the gods, but legends say, each comes with a price. Most common was sanity and that's what Inthumeius said the constellation art took from Lael or what Aithin called him, Asmetheius. Lael then kicked out his own master of his state. Asmetheius eventually took control of the other tribes and ruled over them in a dynasty which the elves called the Lael Dynasty. Eventually Asmetheius vanished after he retires as was never seen again, although legend says he went to find his master and end what he had begun." Terrance took a deep breath, and flopped down into the closest chair to him.

"Is that really all that happened to him?" I asked

"Uh... well... no, there was another part with him meeting the church and helping create many churches in his territory and the time he fought a demigod giant named Gianthath who he let survive if he would forge for him a spear. But enough of that and onto the next lesson." Terrance brush his hands together and stood back up. He was about to talk when a certain gray haired butler burst into the classroom.

"Young Master Alodar, a potential marriage partner is waiting for you in the main dinning hall!!"

'A WHAT?!?'

Next chapter