
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Stepping on Planet Dorra

After few months the scientists that created mutants earlier in Dubai, created the first spaceship made up of Jellitonium which was capable of entering in the Sun without getting itself reduced to cinders. And thus in the following months, new space race programs were launched by the governments of all nations one by one.

**USA will launch an manned space probe beyond the Pluto to find planet Nibiru on....**

**Russia will launch its super long range telescope fitted unmanned space shuttle towards pluto to search for Nibiru on.....**

**China will launch an manned space shuttle towards Alpha Centauri on....**

Nowadays OPS news flashed space race programs. Meanwhile Hirosha and Hirusha have successfully touched Neptune and Pluto and successfully returned to Delhi. Creating Jellitonium wasn't difficult task for Flame Yrrah, she can do so even with her eyes closed. Only difficult thing for her is forging or upgrading weapons and armors from Jellitonium and other super rare metals, alloys and elements that Stonexia discovered from Neptune and Pluto recently. After upgrading or creating even one weapon she need to go rest and stays dormant for few days. It's just like mental fatigue that Stonexia receive using time stoppage in demo mode. That's why Yrrah didn't forced her to craft weapons for all members, he has just upgraded 'Overpowered Sword' which is now giving him +4 levels of advantage (earlier it was +2) and "Overpowered Armor' capable of resisting assault from level 27 creatures as per system's estimates. (earlier his armor was giving only +1 protection, now it is improved hugely by +4.)

Soon Space Organisations from all nations in hopes to reach outer space contacted Yrrah family members to travel in their spaceships as they had already created history by returning alive from space programs of Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Earlier it was Mr. Han Yrrah requesting these organisations and even paid huge amounts to book a seat for travelling the space. But this time its quite opposite as Space Organisations are willing to pay Yrrah family for travelling in their space missions. And as expected Stonexia was happy with this as he will get more locations to copy in Alpha Centauri Star System. He sent his father on trip to Proxima Centauri planet. For Neptune and Pluto probe missions he refused the offers politely as he had already got the copying points for them by last visit of Hirosha Yrrah and Hirusha Yrrah.

Now only concern left with Stonexia was to improve economy of Earth, as due to all these space explorations various resources and lots of money were spent by space organisations of various countries. And in return they can gain knowledge or some new resources but those were also merely researched by them and there was no buyer in outer space for them. Only hope to raise economy of Earth in the outer space is by finding other planets with life like Dorra for trading i.e. start of Inter space Trading.

Today he wanted to check on Planet Dorra's teleportation node by sending his clone to Planet Dorra, after equipping it with new 'Light Saber' and 'ordinary Jellitonium full body armor'.

"WHOOOSH" (Teleportation sfx)


On Angara continent, planet Dorra.....

"BAM, BOOOOMMMM..." (Laser light striking sfx)

Fortunately clone managed to survive multiple hits from a Robot like creature which was most probably doing sentry duty for the teleportation node, then it used the newly invented 'Light Saber' on Earth to strike towards the robot, but it didn't hurt him in slightest, then without wasting time, Stonexia switched to Plan B i.e. to escape at the fastest speed. And amidst the barrage of light saber shots Clone managed to escape safely out of robot's range and super speed. Robot was stronger but very slow, as compared to Level 12 clone (half of Stonexia).

After getting to a safe distance, Stonexia's clone used compass to locate his direction and planned to explore the planet unidirectional and chose North first. After many days he came across an river. River means that there should be life in this planet for sure. And it didn't took him long to notice a small fish within those waters, which was totally different from those found in Earth. It's a never been seen before species of fish for him. Clone kept moving northwards crossing the river and entered an forest where he found various new species of creatures. Various types of insects were found, but all species were at least double of their look alike on earth. Some look liked honey bees, some looked like mantis. Many species looked like oversized rats, oversized wolves, tigers, lions and so on. Even their levels were minimum 10. And thus clone was in imminent danger, but before the creatures attacked the clone it vanished in thin air and replaced by Stonexia and Tutanka instead.

Stonexia immediately equipped his 'Overpowered Sword' and was already wearing 'Overpowered Armor' a specially designed armor which was much better than the normal Jellitonium full body armor of his clone. Tutanka was wearing a set of ordinary Jellitonium armor and upgraded claws dipped in Jellitonium solution. Also his teeth were mouthwashed by Jellitonium solution to make them unbreakable and sharper.

Soon a massacre was carried out by this newly arrived duo, and they got experience points which were much better than on Earth's creatures even if they were at same levels. But Stonexia soon realized that it was due to their fighting in live mode. Later when Stonexia switched to demo mode then he got normal experience points which were equivalent to that of Earth. He switched to demo mode to prevent his immediate death in case of finding some super strong enemy who may secretly assassinate him without letting him know how he died. North direction exploration mission continued, and after few kilometers travelling a mammoth like creature was spotted with level 22. Just a single slay from 'OP Sword' cut its neck clean for letting it regrow in demo mode. Exploration continued and this time a dinosaur sized creature showed up and it was at level 27. As usual, 'OP Sword' helped in wounding the beast, and also Stonexia has advantage of numbers with Tutanka. And demo mode helped to make this fight an easy mode. But still it was really difficult to slay this beast and fight took almost half an hour. Massive experience points were awarded and directly leveled up Stonexia by 2 levels. Now his level is 26. He continued the slaying of dinosaur sized creature in demo mode to eventually reach Level 27.5 and didn't used the love-cum-hate cheatcode. He didn't cared about slaying creatures of other planet. He switched to live mode to give final end to the beast to gain enormous experience points which helped him reach Level 28.5 directly. But due to his previous training in demo mode he felt lot of fatigue, and thus immediately teleported back to Earth and threw himself on his comfy bed and immediately started snoring.

After an hour, Maya came to his bedroom along with Onix and Onie. And kids after seeing their father immediately pounced on his dad, as they rarely get to meet their father nowadays. Even Maya felt very happy seeing her husband back home. But what a bad luck he is snoring and won't even move after continuous pouncing by two kids. But kids were still enjoying the warm and sturdy body of their dad. It was like a jumping board for them, and they keep jumping on him. Maya didn't stopped them too, as she knew that body of Stonexia is strongest in whole Earth and won't be damaged even with the pouncing of these superhuman children. Soon Flame Yrrah also arrived there noticing the constant sounds of laughter from Onix and Onie and joined in the fun.

Ha ha they made trampoline outta their dad :P

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