
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Flame Yrrah

**Semi-Sentient Fire is discovered in one of the gaseous location of Jupiter.**

Stonexia was overjoyed with the news, as currently his life was getting boring without much to do. He can only train, spend some time with wife, kids or family and read books to enhance his knowledge. Even the Earthians no longer caused any trouble for him or his family so almost zero news events were coming from Earth. Only notifications were of copying continents on the other planets but on travelling there he never found anything interesting. There was no life, no treasures, no past life signs. Only some new types of elements were discovered and Stonexia use to spend time researching them and experiment with them to upgrade weapons and armors for himself and other Yrrah family members. But success rate was very bad with scientific methods, and mostly all researches end up in failure. Even if success, the results are not as per his expectations.

That's why he needed sentient fire for trying the blacksmithing and alchemy methods from the ancient book he had acquired from Dark Forest on Earth itself (as explained in chapter 10). It was an book left by Annunaki from planet Nibiru too, just like the 'Overpowered Sword'. Stonexia has found some armors and new type of stronger yet lightweight elements on planet Mars. Mars did have various signs of visit by Annunaki too like similar diagrams as left in temples of Maya, pyramids of Egypt. The book mentions the method to capture the sentient fire and its usage as well.

Stonexia immediately teleported to the Jupiter planet and using his super speed travelled around planet to reach the specified location as per news. He can't directly teleport there as it was not a pre-visited location. There he saw a humongous amounts of liquid fire in the core of the planet Jupiter. Maybe this fire is the reason for the planet being gaseous. As per the instructions of the book, he started incantations to subdue the fire. The temperature was even higher than that of Lava, but with current level of Stonexia, his physique can handle the heat at least for few hours nonstop. Moreover he was using magical armors of rock, ice and water simultaneously. After few hours he was successful in taming the fire, and system congratulated for this as well.

**Congratulations on capturing a semi-sentient fire. It is a top grade fire that can be used to produce limitless potential weapons and armors and also for medicines based on ancient recipes. Produced output depends on the level of the host and fire too. Currently host has to issue commands on maintaining temperature and various other stuff, but later when this fire fully grows its sentience then it will become just like a living being made up of fire, and host will just need to communicate with it to produce anything. Actually it needs trillions of years to gain sentience for a flame, but as you have OPS, system will help you make it sentient within a month. But host can't use time stop feature of Demo mode during this period. So time will be real time even in demo mode for host.**

"Then i am really thankful to you." replied Stonexia politely.

**No need to boot lick the system.**

Stonexia was used to such sarcastic comments so didn't mind much and just smiled. Jupiter started showing signs of solidification after getting the semi-sentient fire removed from its core. Maybe it will become the largest non-gaseous planet of Sun's Solar System in future .


One month later....

Not many changes happened. Stonexia kept training and researching new elements and metals found in various planets at slow speed as the time stop feature was not available to him this month. Due to increased speed of copying after OPS Upgrade, almost all planets were about to be fully copied. Even Earth has copied its moon and asteroids in its surroundings.

Stonexia reached Level 23 and all other members were at 20 as well. Onix Yrrah and Onie Yrrah were at Level 13. Earlier Hirusha Yrrah and Hirosha Yrrah were not sent to outer space explorations to give them time to enjoy and get used to their new life of luxury. Also there was no spaceship going for Neptune and Pluto earlier but 10 days ago, they were sent on a space program launched by Russian government towards Pluto, and another space shuttle launch by USA towards Neptune. Estimated time for them to reach their destinations is 4 and 5 months respectively.

Semi sentient flame showed metamorphosis and took the form of human girl of about six years, and was released by the system who helped her fast forward trillions of years. It was something OPS willingly did for Stonexia. Otherwise, if it was Stonexia commanding OPS to do such stuff, OPS would have probably refused such request as usual with some kind of sarcastic comment.

Stonexia named this flame 'Flame Yrrah'. She was an very cute girl, and was going to remain by side of Stonexia forever.

"Flame Yrrah ...good .... good." said little fire girl acknowledging her new name.

Stonexia although seemed to be in hurry of trying the flame's abilities, but as she was an living being and that too so cute, Stonexia almost treated her like his own daughter, so didn't forced to immediately start creating weapons and armors for him. Instead he went to home to let her meet with Maya, Onix and Onie Yrrah. Then she was given lots of luxurious stuff to eat but she just burnt everything to crisps. But she was still delighted and desired more and more. Maybe she was getting taste of that stuff before the food was reduced to cinders. She burnt the furniture as well, accidentally breaking fire in the house. But maids and servants immediately controlled the fire. Stonexia wasn't angry at all and just showed an awkward smile. He simply told her to not repeat this stuff, as it is a bad thing. Flame Yrrah too realized that she did something wrong and thus agreed. Stonexia wanted to research on flames more so he opened the ancient book, and found that sentient fires usually devour other fires to grow stronger, and doesn't require normal food at all.

For next few days, Stonexia spent his days with family and Flame Yrrah is adopted as daughter by Maya too and Mr. and Mrs. Yrrah also love her as their granddaughter. Other Yrrah members also claimed her to be the cutest thing in the whole world or maybe even universe, and thus dote on her very much. Flame Yrrah was very happy with her new lifestyle and getting such loving family. Slowly she learnt controlling her flame and didn't trouble Stonexia or other family members anymore. She got all sorts of toys to play, that were earlier bought for Onix and Onie Yrrah. Flame Yrrah was a naturally talented top grade flame, that's why Stonexia didn't entered her name as disciple as well and currently her level is showed as Level 15 by OPS Scouter.

Finally after many days, Stonexia gathered his courage to become selfish and ask Flame Yrrah to help her in upgrading 'Overpowered Sword' and also create some armor from newly found metals and elements from other planets, so as to power up himself to, at least put his step on the planet Dorra. He first taught her blacksmithing and alchemy techniques as per the ancient book of Annunaki, and surprisingly she had photographic memory and didn't required referring the book for the second time. She memorized whole book within three days.

Various experiments were done and failure rate was only 1 percent with Flame Yrrah so Stonexia was able to research new elements and metals at faster rate. Finally he has created a new type of artificial alloy by fusing various metals, gases and elements from all explored planets and named it 'Jellitonium' as it appeared like flexible jelly like stuff but was countless times harder than diamond. Through Mr. Han Yrrah, Stonexia sold the Jellitonium to the modern scientists in all countries as well thus giving another stuff for their business and also allow Earth to grow itself to the level of other higher planets out there. But as it's an element of destruction too, that's why a treaty was signed before selling of Jellitonium, that if it is used for war purposes within Earth then Yrrah's Endless Supplies will terminate its contract with the party that misused Jellitonium.

Various researches were conducted on Jellitonium now by lots of scientists. One of the top scientist who also taught Stonexia for his Phd earlier invented laser guns and light saber (Star Wars products) using Jellitonium. Bulky households products were created using Jellitonium which was light like feather allowing everything in modern world to become portable. Soon more researches were made and new technology inter-spatial rings were invented using Jellitonium. Soon Jellitonium robots and clones were also invented and were much more successful than ordinary Robots.

Wars generally didn't happened in world nowadays as almost whole world was united as Onies of One God Religion, so contracts were never breached. Only some news of terrorists getting their hands on Jellitonium was flashed by OPS but Gordon easily take care of such stuff and annihilate all enemies.

My internet is fine now, as i have switched ISP. Hooray !!

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