
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Shi Yan's Return to Desolate Territory

Slaughter Cosmos, deep inside the space chaotic basin peerless existences like Xuan He, Frederick, Adele, DeCarlos, Lei Di, and Azure Dragon were looking exhausted and dispirited. Like Shi Yan was teleported to Sea of Nihility they were teleported randomly here by Hui (an absolute beginning creature, earlier she was harem member of Shi Yan too when she didn't received her memories of being an absolute beginning creature) They are stuck here for dozen of years and also searching entrance to desolate territory. After so many years half their powers are exhausted by defending themselves from outer space aliens. DeCarlos was expert in Space Upanishad but due to some reason he can't get past the barrier around Desolate Territory. He was leading the way for others to find the entrance but they have failed from so many years. After several months they entered a sea which was Sea of Nihility and found three unconscious people. Surprisingly they were Shi Yan, God Lord Brian and Audrey. Ming Hao was there too but his soul was injured too. They asked Ming Hao about the situation. Ming Hao said that they have just returned from Sea of Nihility. Then Ming Hao explained whole story how they were trapped in Absolute Beginning vestige and how Shi Yan acquired an symbol and tower. Then he told about the seven clans and how they are blinded by their greed for tower and Symbol of Shi Yan. And finally also about the giant shadow which was formed my combined souls of God Lord, Audrey and Shi Yan which singlehandedly overturned whole situation and saved their life in a desperate situation where they could be killed. Everybody sighed as their eyes missed such an adventure. Azure Dragon understood and joined all the information from Ming Hao to think that it was actually Desolate who rescued this party. Ming Hao was unsure so told him to wait for Shi Yan and others to wake as only they can tell what exactly happened that time. Ming Hao asked from Xuan He's group if there's any news from Desolate Territory but they told their story about how they are in exile too by Hui. They even doubt that Hui must have destroyed or even swallowed whole Desolate Territory by now as they are unable to locate its entrance at all. DeCarlos pointed to Shi Yan that he is capable of breaking the barrier which is stopping him from executing his space upanishad to enter Desolate Territory. Shi Yan has the origin of the Grace Mainland which can help him locate the teleport node for Desolate Territory easily. Frederick suggested killing God Lord as he was the enemy of Bloodthirsty force and killer of their master. It was a golden opportunity for them to exact their vengeance. But Xuan He suggested that Ming Hao would have already taken action if he wanted revenge for Bloodthirsty's death. Ming Hao nodded and he can't take revenge because they have to confront a monster like Hui and Tian Xie to reclaim their Desolate Territory and for that they need strong forces. Thus the idea of revenge was dropped from all bloodthirsty's members and they patiently waited for the trio to wake up. Several months passed and they stood on guard to protect the sleeping trio. The trio was not in any fatal danger as they were breathing and their vitality was fine. Finally Audrey woke up first and was surprised to see that her dream is over and later she noticed that she is still in possession of Soul Refining Cauldron, an absolute beginning divine weapon which clarified that she was not in dream at all. She was blushing in excitement. Ming Hao coughed to bring her back to senses and she now noticed that a whole group of familiar people is surrounding her including her mother Adele. Ming Hong appeared on Audrey's shoulder and gave her news that she has reached Immortal Realm. Adele was surprised to see Ming Hong. "Right, I am Ming Hong from Imperial Dark Tribe. Twenty thousand years ago, I was your grandfather's comrade. We'd accompanied each other for many years. Bloodthirsty had damaged us a lot. He also ended the ruling time of Imperial Dark Tribe. After that, the Bloodthirsty Force had risen." Everybody asked Audrey about shadow thingy but she had no idea.

As Ming Hong was whole time with Audrey he should know about the shadow thing, thinking this Ming Hao asked him about what happened back there? And he told that Shi Yan's life was threatened by Neptune's attack that's why Desolate's consciousness alerted him that its host can be destroyed so he burst off instinctively. Also Audrey and Brian are parts of Desolate although they have separate origins. They also felt that their hosts i.e. Audrey and Brian might be destroyed too under Neptune's attack that's why they joined Desolate's clone too in Shi Yan. And it was not desolate himself who appeared there to collect his clones. The real Desolate should still be in Desolate Territory he just sent his supernatural powers to protect his hosts. Ming Hong also explained that just like audrey gained cauldron, God Lord has also obtained dark energy in this process and is one step closer to Territory Ancestor Realm. Suddenly the group found that God Lord has woken up and is listening to Ming Hong like them and he nodded and agreed that he has indeed acquired knowledge of dark energy and its secrets. But then what did Shi Yan get? Ming Hong explained that Shi Yan consciousness is strongest among the trio, because other two clones merged in his origin. As for what he has gained can be only explained by Shi Yan when he wakes up.

Meanwhile Adele was very happy to see a bright star Audrey of their Imperial Dark Tribe. She has gained so much in this trip unexpectedly. Ming Hao asked God Lord to sense the God continent and its situation. He replied that situation is not looking good. Everyone is following Hui now. His four great heavenly kings have got intimidating aura too, maybe they have gained dark energy too. Hui and Tian Xie must have enticed them with dark energy to accomplish some of their goals. Otherwise it was impossible for them to acquire dark energy in such short time.

But God Lord is unable to use space upanishad so he can't carry back this group to desolate territory so they still have to wait for Shi Yan to wake up. Everybody was getting impatient and they wanted to try some tricks to wake him up fast but Ming Hao snorted and refused to let them do so as Shi Yan may be learning something out of this mysterious experience and that's why he's still comprehending some secrets. Time flew and Several years passed waiting. They discussed the upanishads and started meditating as they have nothing else to do. Finally one day Shi Yan began to shake. A terrifying energy fluctuated and his blood mark activated and blood mark appeared on bloodthirsty forces of Ming Hao, Xuan He and Frederick. They were overjoyed as Shi Yan has finished refining energy received from Seabed. He is ready to share the excess energy with them now that's why their blood marks appeared. Others were surprised and Adele was worried as Ming Hao was her blood brother and Xuan He was her lover. Everybody stared towards Ming Hong wanting to know what's happening and he explained them that battle on seabed of Sea of Annihilation killed various experts at Immortal Realms and Shi Yan's devouring upanishad in form of black hole sucked in their essence qi along with their soul altars and that's why he slept for so long digesting all that stuff. And probably he is sharing the energy that his body can't handle at the moment due to its amount being massive. All three members of Bloodthirsty force were gaining tremendous energy. Ming Hao was even able to recall the teachings of Neptune about dark energy and he understood that dark energy is actually soul energy only but pure and ascended or evolved form of the latter. The energy sent by Shi Yan had dark aura which help him comprehend such secrets easily. Frederick and Xuan He were on second sky Immortal realm so they can't comprehend dark energy still. Energy sharing continued for several days. Eventually it came to stop. Shi Yan's consciousness returned. Refined energy entered his Incipient Extent and expanded it that's why gaining extra space. The misty air hovered there as if its heaven and earth energy which condensed into brilliant stars, and planets with mountains, lakes, foliage etc. Slowly plants appeared and Shi yan can see some creatures too. However they didn't have soul and were like dead objects. But suddenly his black hole released dark energy and poured into his incipient extent. Some stars in his incipient extent got their soul flames ignited. Shi Yan's host soul was feeling like he is a creator now. Soon some planets also gained feeble consciousness. Shi Yan was master of this world so his consciousness can reach every corner of this world instantly. He understood the marvels and origins of Dark Energy and God Power. He can create many things but still can't impart intellect to animals created by him, maybe his cultivation is not strong enough or understanding of his dark energy is not profound enough. But he understood that having living beings in his incipient keys is key to create Territory and enter the Territory Ancestor Realm. After a while he checked his sea of consciousness and found a strange pond there which was holding dark energy in its purest form. He noticed that he is on peak of Second Sky Immortal Realm. He just need to comprehend more about his upanishads to enter the Third Sky. Meanwhile Xuan He and Frederick have also reached Third Sky of Immortal Realm. They opened their eyes and asked Adele how much time has gone since their meditation and she replied that 30 years!!!!! If combined with their earlier locked in period here its equal to 100 years now. Shi Yan is still in his meditating state and nobody knew what's happening inside his head or body. But others can rely only on Space Upanishad of Shi yan if they wanted to return to their homeland. Finally after three years Shi Yan opened his eyes with two galaxies visible in his eyes. Others looked at Shi Yan and shivered as they can sense something archaic or melancholic from him. Even though he was youngest here but it felt as if he is more experienced than them and possess several eras of wisdom. God Lord thought that Shi Yan must have earned something much better than him or Audrey and thus asked Shi Yan what did he gained? But he didn't talked much and only said that he's still at Second Sky of Immortal Realm but gained knowledge about heaven and earth and some other important secrets. Later he noticed the gains of God Lord, Xuan He, Frederick, Ming Hao and Audrey and then understood that everybody is waiting for him to open path to desolate territory. He didn't wasted any time and created a light door and walked through it. Others were afraid to enter. Lei Di was so afraid that he thought that desolate territory should be like a bowl of soup placed in front of Hui on her table waiting to be swallowed. God Lord snorted and encouraged others that even after four heavenly kings have betrayed him he is still not afraid. After saying this he was the second one to enter the door. Ming Hao and Audrey followed him. DeCarlos leaped in afterwards warning other that this door has time limit. Others didn't hesitated now and jumped in door too.

Immortal Island, Endless Sea, Grace Mainland --- The immortal Island is now having the liveliest city and also have thickest heaven and earth energy. It is managed by Shi and Yang families. Many strong forces of Agate Star Area were based on surrounding islands. These forces were submitted to Immortal Island. Shi Yan appeared in a valley and sensed whole continent using his co-soul which was master of Grace Mainland. He couldn't help but be amazed. He found that the warriors of the Bloodthirsty Force like Yang Tian Emperor, Blood Devil, Leona, Fei Lan, and Ka Tuo had gathered by the island. Xia Xin Yan, Feng Han, Ling Xing, Gu Te, and Bath were also on the Grace Mainland. He sent his soul consciousness calling his friends and family. Everybody came out of the light door now too. God Lord was worried suddenly as he felt as if his connection with Ancient God continent is cut off after landing on Grace Mainland. Same thing happened with Audrey too who was linked with God blessed Mainland. Logically as long as they are in desolate territory they should be able to sense the aura of these two continents. Azure Dragon sensed that Cang Yun is dead and his origin is robbed by someone else. Seems like many things happened in these 100 years of their exile from Desolate Universe. Decarlos went somewhere and then reappeared in a flash, and informed everybody that barriers of all galaxies or star areas have been shattered and therefore many star areas have merged or come closer now in Desolate Territory. And now only three star areas are remaining and all available barriers have fused together to protect these three great star areas. It's difficult for him to pass through such barrier too. He further explained, "Agate Star Area, Fiery Rain Star Area, Fantasy Misty Star Area, Dry Bone Star Area, Fearsome Hollow Star Area, Prosaic Star Area, Sirius Star Area, Black River Star Area, and Earth Eye Star Area have merged together. They are now a single great star area. Besides the Grace Mainland, I can vaguely feel Desolate around. Seems like it stays within this inter-star-area." Shi Yan tried to sense all these changes and he confirmed that report of DeCarlos is true.

Finally Shi Yan's family and friends arrived. They were excited to see Shi Yan alive and had tears in their eyes especially Yang Tian Emperor. Ming Hao broke the reunion atmosphere and asked Yang Tian Emperor about the happenings and why are they not in blood sea which were Bloodthirsty's headquarters instead? Blood Devil spoke that they escaped from that place to arrive here and are incapable of going back there. It's now that Ming Hao checked and found that he has lost connection to Blood sea just like God Lord and Audrey lost connections to their respective land of origins.

Blood Devil explained, One hundred years ago Wederson came to Blood Sea and he suddenly became so fierce and unrivaled. He claimed to be the true heir of Bloodthirsty. He can use eight power Upanishads and Devouring Upanishad as well just like Shi Yan. He told everybody that Shi Yan and other three chiefs Xuan He, Frederick and Ming Hao are dead and thus he was the new master. After that many people tried fighting him but everybody who dared to rebel against him was devoured by him. That's why they were forced to run for their lives to this place.

Everybody was shocked as Wederson should be dead as per their knowledge. When he was young he has swallowed Bloodthirsty's bone to obtain Corrosion power upanishad. While fighting against Hui, God Lord and Ming Hao has used his body to implant Bloodthirsty's remaining bones in it to maximize the Corrosion power. And by this Wederson wounded Hui and gave chance to Shi Yan to obtain dark energy and evolve his lifeform. At that time Wederson's soul energy was burned and he was dead when his energy ran out. Nobody could make any sense out about the Blood Devil's claim of return of Wederson. But Shi Yan pondered and told that he's not Wederson but the Blood Ring's spirit or in other words Young master of Devouring Clan from Sea of Nihility. It was earlier trapped in Blood Ring of Shi Yan by Ming Hao but later Hui released him. And as per Shi Yan's theory he has possessed the body of Wederson now alongwith the remnants of Bloodthirsty's remnants bones and thus obtaining all upanishads and devouring power of Bloodthirsty. He is the heir of Devour, another absolute beginning creature just like Desolate and Hui. He had already obtained lot of inheritance earlier by swallowing original ring spirit of blood ring of Shi Yan too and during these 100 years he must have returned to Devouring clan to learn each and every upanishad available there too. Earlier it was just spirit but after getting unsealed from Blood Ring due to immense pressure of battle with Hui, it has acquired Wederson's body.

Ming Hao understood now as everything makes sense now. He further asked about remaining Bloodthirsty Forces? Blood Devil reported that leaving the people that ran that day, all other eight branches of Bloodthirsty forces have joined under Wederson's banner. Today under his lead, the dark abyss is towering above Ancient Demon Continent and that dark abyss seems to have consciousness which is devouring the ancient demon continent itself which is making him stronger day by day. Imperial Dark Tribe and Immortal demon clan has submitted to him. Their star areas are his territory now too. Hearing about dark abyss Ming Hao was shocked and said, "Devour has awakened! The one that has occupied Wederson has awakened it! The Ancient Demon Continent's a part of Desolate. As the dark abyss is corroding the Ancient Demon Continent, Devour's attempting to refine Desolate's body parts!" Ming Hao shouted. God blessed Mainland is right next to Ancient Demon Continent. So once Demon continent is devoured he will start devouring God blessed Mainland as both are parts of Desolate's body.

God Lord now asked about his Ancient God Continent's status too. It is now largest star area managed by God Clan, Tsunami Chamber of Commerce, Broken Hall and Heavenly River Temple. They worship Goddess Mother Hui and Tian Xie is their spokesman. Four Heavenly Kings also serve Goddess Mother. They are currently strongest force in sea of stars. It seems two absolute beginning creatures have eaten Desolate's clones throughout these 100 years. Hui and Devour are existences on the same level as of Desolate. Desolate's losing his supreme power on his own territory and that's why star areas are shifting so much which is not a good sign.

Azure Dragon was worried about Cang Yun so he asked about him too. Then Hugo one of his clansmen from Heavenly Monster Tribe reported that he had a dispute with Ghost Hunter and thus Ghost Hunter swallowed him whole. Shi Yan was shocked hearing this as Ghost Hunter was his personal mount and served him with utmost loyalty. Ghost Hunter's rate of growth is unfathomable which made everybody envious of him especially Cang Yun. Cang Yun was discontented with Ghost Hunter becoming next Chief of Heavenly Monster Tribe too. Azure Dragon realized that he should have foreseen this dispute earlier and blamed himself for death of Cang Yun instead. But where's Ghost Hunter then? he asked again. "Missing since that incident", was the reply he received.

God Lord was the first to bade farewell to Shi Yan's group as he wanted to check out situation on his own. Then Ming Hao, Frederick and Xuan He were next to depart for checking their blood sea forbidden land. Adele and Audrey left to check out their lands too. Ming Hao tried persuading Shi Yan to go with them but to him his family and friends matter most and they are all here already. Shi Yan was not interested in becoming master of Bloodthirsty forces. Only DeCarlos and Lei Di remained and he was interested in going to Desolate Planet as he can sense Desolate's presence there. He wants to ask directly Desolate about the happenings and changes in star areas. Shi Yan was happy with this decision of his so he nodded. Now only Azure Dragon is left. Grace Mainland was ancestral home land of Heavenly Monster Tribe so he has to stay here only to protect it. And he has to find Ghost Hunter too as he still believed that he was more suitable for becoming next Chief of his tribe.

Xia Xin Yan the topmost harem member of Shi Yan came forward showing her deepest affections and asked about Shi Yan's happenings in past 100 years. Yang Tian Emperor, Blood Devil, Leona, and Fei Lan looked at him as well, waiting for his explanation. He started explaining and told every single detail like he met Hui in the chaotic space basin, who defeated him and then sent him to the Sea Domain of Nihility. It was the first time they knew that Desolate Territory was just one of the hundreds of thousands of territories; it was just a drop in the sea. Everybody was surprised to see him progressing from incipient realm to immortal realm in just 100 years. After that he was tired and left to rest in seclusion.

Basically he has to plan his next course of actions. First thing that caught his attention is blood mark seal which he use to transfer energy to other Bloodthirsty forces. He believed that mark is an Absolute Beginning Original Symbol of Devouring Upanishad. He wanted to break the mark to understand the root. He needed to comprehend the Origin in his co-soul to seize memory of Desolate's clone and learn about the business in between Hui, Devour and Desolate. Hui, Devour, and Desolate were the Absolute Beginning creatures. Why did these three have to entangle with each other for billions of years? Why had Hui been dormant in the chaotic space basin? Why had Devour left the Devouring Clan in the Sea Domain of Nihility to fight against Desolate? Why had Desolate been divided into five pieces, the five ancient continents? Shi Yan must know answer to all this to resolve the complicated situation of Desolate Universe.

Ancient God Star Area contained dozens of galaxies or star areas now. Everybody served a new goddess and called her 'Mother Goddess'. Heavenly Kings of God Lord Brian have become God Guards of Mother Goddess now. In a corner of the star area, Brian appeared with worried looks. He was the true God of this clan who guarded his clan from ten thousand years. He led a group of experts and killed a monster like Bloodthirsty too seeing him as a potential threat for his clan. Today this star area is even more vast than his days but still this place has no place for him. He observed the continent with pale face. There was no member of God Clan operating on Ancient God Continent. It was covered with halos. In others sight it appeared beautiful but actually massive snake body of Hui was coiling around whole continent. Her twelve heads were digging different areas of the continent. Continent size is reduced to one third. Many lakes and mountains were gone. Actually Hui was devouring whole continent which was part of Desolate absolute beginning creature. This enraged God Lord and he burst out immediately and turned himself into a dazzling sun with scorching light and heat. Various people staying in God Continent noticed this including Tian Xie. He disappeared and reappeared in front of Brian and greeted him in mocking tone and asked if he has brought something magical from Sea of Annihilation's vestige? He said Goddess Mother sent her with high hopes. God Lord was stunned to know that it was all planned by Hui? Tian Xie mocked him further and this time clearly asked about Power Upanishad Symbol Tower. Brian who was still attacking barriers created for protection of Hui, started understanding the situation. Hui already knew about tower but due to some reason could not go towards Sea of Annihilation herself. That's why she sent the strongest experts Ming Hao and Brian of Desolate Territory back at that time, to claim that tower in that vestige. She knew that these experts will come back to her for their revenge. And if they come back with tower then she can snatch it away.

Tian Xie understood as there's no aura of tower coming from God Lord they should have failed to obtained the tower. And if God Lord has failed he didn't have much higher hopes with Ming Hao too. Tian Xie called ex heavenly kings of God lord i.e. Carefree, Easygoing, Light and Divine Martial which are now God Guards instead. They were now having a green snake mark on their heads. They greeted Brian by bowing towards him. Brian mocked them for offering their ancestral land to Hui. But they denied and said that they did this to preserve clan, as if they didn't surrendered then God Clan should've been annihilated. They admitted that they failed Brian's expectations still and apologized. But they have no other choice but to protect Mother Goddess if they want to protect the God clansmen. And after apologizing this they attacked Brian. Brian was filled with grief and sorrow to see that his loyal subordinates are attacking him. Tian Xie enticed them that Brian doesn't have tower so there's no use of his living so they can kill him and thus the bond in their hearts towards their master will be lifted which will help them obtain Territory Ancestor Realm.

Inside seven-colored halos a massive snakehead appeared above the God Zenith, the peak of glory that belonged to God Clan. Massive snakehead was carrying a throne where enchanting figure of Zi Yao was sitting who was once harem member of Shi Yan. She seems to be interested in ongoing battle. Four new third sky immortal realm God Guards were attacking a lonely figure. The chiefs of twelve families arrived too but they were embedded with slave mark of green snake on their heads too. With this slave mark Hui can kill them with a single thought. Even if Hui dies all of his slaves will be killed too due to existence of this mark. Tian Xie scolded them for standing idle, and made them join the four heavenly kings to kill Brian. Now several hundred warriors ganged up against Brian. He recalled his situation to be same as Bloodthirsty when he ganged up on Bloodthirsty and killed him back then several tens of thousands years ago. His situation is actually even worse as Bloodthirsty was an Territory Ancestor Realm warrior however he is just third sky of Immortal realm. Moreover his own clansmen are attacking him so he can't mercilessly kill his opponents. After bearing continuous attacks he was wounded badly, he got enraged and pledged that he will break all relationships with this clan and return after reaching Territory Ancestor Realm to exact his revenge. He crushed various incipient realm warriors from twelve families that were surrounding him to escape this place. It was his first action during the battle. Tian Xie was worried so he bowed in front of Zi Yao and asked for directions and she told that this is business of four heavenly kings. They should chase him and end their business themselves. She further ordered that Ming Hao and God Lord failed in retrieving Tower so Tian Xie should keep an eye on Ancient Demon Continent so that Devour doesn't rob the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower. Tian Xie flew away after delivering Goddess Mother's message to four heavenly kings that they should keep chasing and kill Brian.

In Ancient Demon Star, which was also immensely vast now contains Ancient Demon Continent, God blessed Star Area and many other smaller star areas. Earlier Bloodthirsty used to manage this area. Ming Hao, Xuan He, Frederick, and Adele stopped there on an barren asteroid. They can see that vitality of two massive continents was being drained rapidly under the impact of dark abyss which was acting like a black hole. Deep inside the abyss were the islands of Bloodthirsty's force. Ming Hao reported about this to others that Devour's swallowing the Ancient Demon Continent. He's not free to attack the God-blessed Mainland yet. The God-blessed Mainland is sealed. Their fellows of the Imperial Dark Tribe have moved out. Their homeland's temporarily safe. Then Xuan He urged to check on the blood sea forbidden land too, but there's Devour's body now and they are not confident that they could deal with an absolute beginning creature. But Ming Hao remembered that their master Bloodthirsty has defeated this creature in past. Moreover he is currently devouring continent and thus busy. Its perfect opportunity to sneak attack on him. And its not even true body of Absolute Beginning Creature and just body of Wederson there. After everybody agreed they went deep inside dark abyss. Before they can find him, Wederson himself appeared in front of them saying that he was waiting for them. Randolph, Conley and Split were three elites gathered around Wederson. They were elites of his Soul Control Force who were trained in all eight Upanishads by him. They are now slaves of Wederson as a black hole mark is embedded on their foreheads. Ming Hao was surprised to see that his hidden aces which even God Lord Brian was not able to uncover from tens of thousands years were revealed in front of this Wederson. He asked Wederson that "Who exactly are you?" Just like heavenly kings these elites have progressed in their cultivation too and Ming Hao was unable to sense the cultivation level of Wederson. Wederson replied that Shi Yan should have told them the answer to his question. Ming Hao now remembered that Shi Yan told him about young master of Devouring clan in Sea of Nihility which was spirit of his blood ring. Ming Hao was shocked as Wederson also knew about the possession of Power Upanishad Symbol Tower by Shi Yan too. Wederson wanted to take revenge for their killing Gan Fu and Qi Mo and other members of his devouring clan. Wederson's true soul's name is Pu Tai, Young Chief of the Devouring Clan. When he was really young, his father had given him the power Upanishad. To contact their ancestor and find the lost inheritance Devouring clan had sacrificed millions of fellows. They used their blood to create the sacrificial altar, and even the Territory Ancestors of the clan had to damage themselves to contact the Ancestor. To execute plan of their ancestor he has to detonate himself and convert himself into soul form to enter this desolate territory and even here he was sealed in blood ring of Shi Yan by Ming Hao himself. Ten thousand years ago Bloodthirsty betrayed their ancestor Devour. He rebelled, ambushed and sealed their ancestor while he was fighting with Desolate and was badly hurt. All his upanishads were obtained from this ancestor. He robbed Devour to create the bloodthirsty forces and today same things must be taken back by Pu Tai now from this bloodthirsty forces which included Ming Hao, Xuan He and Frederick.

Ming Hao signaled others not to speak and retorted Pu Tai that it was Devour himself who trained Bloodthirsty for his selfish evil motives of defeating and devouring Desolate instead and didn't had any good will towards Bloodthirsty too. But Pu Tai didn't cared about that and claimed all Bloodthirsty's forces to be his slaves as they are branch of Devouring Clan. He claimed that Devouring clan will surpass all other races in sea of nihility once Devour is finished eating the two continents. Pu Tai also revealed that he has connected Sea of Nihility with this continent so he and even his devouring clan can freely move in both spaces. Meanwhile an old man at territory ancestor realm arrived from abyss to inform something to this young master Pu Tai. Ming Hao took this opportunity and opened a light door and dragged everybody in it to run and inform Shi Yan about all the stuff. At the same time he dashed towards the old man of Devouring Clan. Old man didn't cared about the ones escaping as they were weaklings however Ming Hao is just one step away from Territory Ancestor Realm so he can become a future threat so he concentrated only on him. He used his real power of Dark power Upanishad to counter attack and Ming Hao and his Incipient Extent disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind nothing. There was no sound or energy fluctuation; no one knew what had happened.

Meanwhile Xuan He, Frederick, Adele and Audrey appeared in Grace Mainland and shouted name of Shi Yan desperately. Shi Yan, Yang Tian and all others were cultivating from several days since Ming Hao's team left them. Suddenly they heard the voice. Finally Xuan He arrived and told Shi Yan about Ming Hao being captured by Territory Ancestor Realm expert from Devouring Clan who had come to Desolate Territory and Ming Hao's life is in danger. Adele cried in front of Shi Yan and pleaded him to save her uncle. Frederick reminded him that he is master of bloodthirsty and thus helping its members in need is his responsibility. Shi Yan was still immersed in cultivation as if he is comprehending somethin. Yang Tian Emperor and Blood Devil stopped Xuan He and others so that they don't disturb in Shi Yan's comprehension. They told that Ming Hao is in serious trouble and is captured by someone at Territory Ancestor Realm, but what can Shi Yan do against Territory Ancestor Realm expert himself too? Do these guys want Shi Yan to die in place of Ming Hao? retorted Xia Xin Yan. She coldly told the newly arrived group that its their trouble and they should solve it themselves. But suddenly DeCarlos arrived there. He was here to inform about God Lord Brian's situation too who is being chased by four heavenly kings who are all currently at third sky of immortal realm and much powerful than past and even have comprehended dark energy. He asked Xuan He's group for help but they told him about Ming Hao's situation too. Yang Tian and Blood Devil noticed that everyone's relying on Shi Yan now which was actually just second sky of Immortal realm. This was really surprising for everybody. Shi Yan opened his eyes and asked for situation one more time. He now knew that Devouring Clan is connected to Desolate Territory and even knew about the incidents of sea of annihilation and even about tower in his possession. He started thinking but can't think about any plan as he can't do anything unless he himself reach Territory Ancestor Realm. Hui, Tian Xie and even four heavenly kings are peerless existences and Devour, Pu Tai and Devouring clan were even more difficult to handle. After lots of brain work he opened a light door towards outer space basin. DeCarlos couldn't understand the meaning of this. They asked the reason and Shi Yan told them his plan. In sea of nihility everybody is searching for Shi Yan and Desolate Territory as they are interested in Desolate absolute beginning creature. And they should be interested in Hui and Devour too as they are also not in their peak strength. So he will open path for clans of sea of nihility to come here. Xuan He's group started calling him crazy as nobody can stop the incoming forces if this plan is executed. But Shi Yan reminded that there current is not any good too and the leaking of entrance territory to seven clans of Sea of Nihility won't make much difference. He looked towards Grace Mainland below and murmured that probably he (Desolate) wants heavens shaking change to overturn this situation. After this he entered light door and vanished. He went into sea of annihilation and to the place with broken star field. He rubbed one of the rocks and an image popped up from nowhere which was Grannie of Mei Ji. She told that if he wants to talk with Mei Ji or Phantom Clan then he can come to any base of Phantom Clan and also Hiro from White Bone Clan is searching for him and don't mean any harm to him. He then disguised himself and moved forward. He came to surface of Sea of Annihilation and started catching rumors and news above. He got to know that this Grannie from Phantom Clan had forced Ferrell and Neptune to go into hiding. Also White Bone Clan is searching for Life power Upanishad experts to help their ancestors recover their vitality. He found the base of Phantom Clan shortly and he also contacted White Bone Clan and gave them the coordinates of Desolate Territory's entrance.

In the Phantom Clan's fairyland headquarters.... Mei Ji was refining her Territory. She has stepped in Territory Ancestor Realm now. She was incharge of gathering intelligence and news for Phantom Clan. She informed Grannie about news of Shi Yan, that he sent the coordinates of Desolate Territory's entrance and that it has three absolute beginning creatures and even Territory Ancestor of Devouring Clan is there. The little girl like Grannie was excited by this news and she immediately all hotshots to gather and move towards Sea of Annihilation.

In Holy land, White Bone Clan, Hiro was excited too about news of Shi Yan and as Shi Yan voluntarily messaged them it means that he has good feelings for White Bone Clan. Shi Yan has told them to find him in Desolate Territory and he has provided details of coordinates for entrance of territory too. Three absolute creatures are there too and even Devouring clan's ancestor is also there. He immediately called for his cousin 'Little Skeleton' and decided to move to desolate territory immediately along with the unconscious parents of Little Skeleton.

Posted upto Chapter 1480 enjoy :)

Some readers want me to make Stonexia interfere in the GoS or USS storyline but let me remind you that it will be very difficult for me as i don't usually copy paste and write most of the posted summary of so many chapters after personally reading them. So for personal plot i really don't have much time so sorry for that. However i try to do smaller plots like currently Lin Fan's plot is ongoing who is messing with Xu Que.

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts