
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Death of Pu Tai

Back in Scheming vs. Strongest Cosmos, millions of heavenly soldiers were shouting and asking for payment of debts. Everybody was shocked but something even more surprising was courage of Xu Que who was dashing towards these soldiers. Everybody was mocking him, actually they were not angry for his suicide attempt, but that if he dies his treasures might be reduced to dust as well by those heavenly soldiers. Xiao Taixuan and Qin Ji recognized this man now as culprit from the incident back at Bright Moon Hotel. Their revenge will be taken by heavenly tribulations now, so they were happy and started mocking him. Nobody cared for an ant like Xu Que they actually wanted to see how Jiang Hongyan gonna deal with this tribulation instead. Those soldiers were still demanding money and Xu Que clearly spoke "NO....." and then cursed those soldiers too which was heard by everyone. Everybody was stupefied hearing this. Even Liu Jingning was thinking what has Xu Que done to invoke wrath of these soldiers? This was not enough now Xu Que started scolding these soldiers too that he borrowed their money because he is strong enough to do so and so he doesn't owe them anything. Dong Genji called this man stupid for this action of his and thought that nobody can save him today after being rude to heavens. All soldiers converted into silver bolts of lightning. Xu Que waved his swords too bringing out its tremendous aura and changing into tens of thousand black shadows. This time all spectators knew that they have underestimated Xu Que after noticing the powerful sword aura. BANG..... Both parties clashed and several soldiers after dying turned into electric arcs of lightning but Xu Que was also in worst condition. His armor and cloak were broken and fell down and he was bleeding all over, if it was not system's pre-activated auto healing then he would have been dead for sure. When approximately 100,000 among one million soldiers died Xu Que absorbed their lightning energies too which raised his cultivation of Thunder Seal to 40 percent from 30 percent. His God of Hell's Compulsion cultivated physical body got stronger too. He pointed his sword towards 900,000 remaining soldiers and challenged them once again claiming that no one among them will survive today. Everybody was dumbfounded and now thinking that who the hell is this arrogant and reckless guy? Now they don't dare to look down on this guy too like earlier. Also they were relieved to see that these soldiers are converged from lightning and not the real heavenly soldiers. If they were real then East Continent would've been destroyed today. Xu Que earned 10,000 Act Tough Points by his courageous act too automatically. He reinvested those points for more Banshee's Veils and Cloak and he purchased multiple of them. He equipped them simultaneously but was stopped by system on wearing his 7th equipment as maximum equipment slots are only six. Xu Que cursed system that he is not playing games there should be no limit. But what else can he do, he jumped up towards remaining soldiers again for his attack wearing 6 pieces of equipment only. Over 100,000 soldiers dashed towards this arrogant boy too with even stronger momentum if compared to previous wave of soldiers. Liu Jingning warned him again and suggested to run away. But he acted tough saying a quote, "Immortal body and undestroyable soul of mine, shadow everyone!" Then he continued with more bull crap quotes of bragging and made his move. A deafening bang echoed in the skies with this mighty clash. Xu Que was devoured by the silver light. Hills and mountains shattered. Even the Myriad Flames Incinerate Ghosts spell which was setup by Xu Que has got cracks in it by the tremendous energy of this clash. Everyone was forced to use their magical arts to protect themselves from the shock waves. Everybody thought that there's no way that Xu Que will survive this round of battle with heavenly soldiers. However when silver light dimmed down then lonely figure of Xu Que was still visible, and everybody dropped their jaws in surprise as even Void Training Experts couldn't withstand this sort of attack. Xu Que started laughing like a maniac to act tough further and he repeated his bragging quotes too even after his clothes have turned to rags and he was bleeding heavily. He even created a new quote that he will wash heavens in his demonic blood. He raised his hands and started dragging power of heaven and earth (maybe just like Goku when he starts powering up his Spirit Bomb/Genki dama). He looked at remaining 700,000 soldiers and said, 'Heavenly-Thunder-Seal'. A huge magic seal was formed surrounded by lightning and on top end of it were statues of an elephant and dragon, and it was hovering above remaining soldiers. Xu Que threw the seal towards soldiers and next minute more than 300,000 soldiers (Author/Translator wrote three million here maybe by mistake, it should be 300,000 so i will write it as 300,000 only) were killed and converted into electrical arcs that flew into Xu Que's body looking like countless snakes. Everybody was speechless this magical inscription of Xu Que was not showing any signs of Taoist Connotation that is found in only Void Training Experts. They thought that it means that this magical inscription is from an Immortal Emperor. In fact theories of these surrounding people were right too as infant transformation stage warrior can't be this strong without any Immortal Emperor inscription. If it was someone else at Void training stage then even if he manage to slay million soldiers, but his core strength should be consumed and he will be killed by the remaining energy arcs only. That's why only possibility left is that even body cultivation technique of this guys is an ancient one. Also his body was healing automatically too. Someone shouted in crowd, "Could this be The Immortal Inscription of the Immortal Emperor of Eternity?" This technique can help in healing even if one drop of blood is left in the person cultivating it. Greed in eyes of all cultivators was clearly visible after knowing this. Everybody was surprised that who can own two immortal inscriptions and eyed towards Liu Jingning but she was also not sure and pointed towards Jiang Hongyan that she is his acquaintance only. Buttface popped out from nowhere and claimed that he has taught all those techniques to Xu Que. Suddenly an invisible hand attacked Buttface and he was alerted. A voice boomed out demanding all those techniques after that. Buttface ran away immediately. Everybody was surprised to see how the doggie survived (not just survived but didn't received even a scratch) such a strong attack from a Void Training Expert who was holy virgin Bai Linglui of Bai family. Now everybody started believing his lie as truth that he really owns immortal emperor's techniques and inscriptions. All Holy Sons and Virgins started chasing this stupid doggie. Meanwhile Xu Que was absorbing electric arcs and now he has cultivated 70 percent of the Thunder Seal. And his physical body was being strengthened to such a level that he feels that even without equipment he can take on the heavenly soldiers now. Buttface shouted and asked for help from Xu Que but he ignored it as this was a mess created by himself. He stared towards remaining 500,000 soldiers and challenged them once again provoking them to come take their money if they can. All soldiers were angry by this provocation and attacked simultaneously rather than in waves like earlier. Xu Que created another seal but this was much stronger than previous one.

Buttface used his minds in his desperate situation and shouted that their plan (Xu Que and Buttface, he forcibly involved Xu Que in this) is success and he has lured all of them. Hearing this all chasers stopped and started looking above towards skies vigilantly where Xu Que was still creating his seal. He didn't cared about Buttface because he knew that Buttface was not something that could be killed by these cultivators, due to his tough body and also this so called plan of Buttface was just a bluff. But suddenly Big Bang sounded from the spell of Xu Que and a small opening was created in it. Buttface dashed in and felt relieved as it was very close encounter. He cursed Xu Que for not coming to his aid. Xu Que was surprised to see the skill of Buttface which enabled him to open and rush inside his spell quietly. Chasers outside now knew that doggie cheated them and they attacked on the weakened spell to break it completely and then kill Buttface. The Elders of Utopia Faction (Liu Jingning's faction) also planned to steal the magic arts from this doggie now after seeing his power to create hole in this mighty spell of Xu Que. But Jingning tried to stop and retreat instead. But they were blinded with greed. Jingning again warned that the guy who setup this spell is very cunning and would have prepared countermeasures in case of breach of his spell too. So if they still want to offer their lives to Xu Que they are free to do so. After hesitation they understood Liu Jingnings words and controlled their greed. But not everyone was lucky, as people of Carefree Building has joined this chase. Dong Genji himself was leading in this chase. With the strong members of Carefree Building spell of Xu Que was finally shattered. But boundless sea of black flames surrounded all those on front lines. Over 100 explosive sounds came one after another. Anybody below original Infant cultivation became blood mist immediately without the chance to scream too. Elders warned their clansmen to stay away from flames. Buttface sneered and mocked everyone that he has entered through the right entrance and others tried to do that forcibly that's why they are doomed. However cultivators in the spell could not see Buttface and were watching the sea of black flames around them as if they are trapped in mirage. The experts who were still outside spell were observing the spell carefully and knew that many cultivators are now trapped in this spell. Even one of the powerhouse from Utopia Sect came out to observe as he still has greed in his heart to rob the Buttface. Liu Jingning ignored him too as she didn't want to leak out the plan of Xu Que. She knew that powerhouse will die under the bombardment of hundred storage ring bombs which is secret countermeasure of Xu Que. The trapped powerhouses started using their defensive artifacts to nullify the sea of black flames. People of Heaven Secret Pavilion were good at such skills, so everybody started searching for members of Heaven Secret Pavilion but to their surprise they saw none. Buttface was worried that he is temporarily safe but sooner or later other cultivators can cross the sea of black flames to kill him. So he told Xu Que to finish remaining soldiers hurriedly and come to his aid, started urging Xu Que for help again. Second seal was launched and it crushed 300,000 soldiers this time. Now only 200,000 were left and without giving any time to Xu Que, they charged at him. He spit out blood and was blown off, but it appeared that countless shining items fell out from his body. Everybody noticed them and were happy to see so many storage rings. Their hearts started boiling with greed. Meanwhile Xu Que shouted, "Stop!! Those are my precious storage rings. I will kill anyone who dares rob them."


Slaugher Universe, in an isolated corner of south west of Sea of Annihilation, Emperor Sea Shark and Shen Ren were cultivating. Their brothers in sea of annihilation had sent a message. Their clansmen were told to not cause any trouble as they were exiled from Sea of Annihilation by five clans of Sea of Nihility due to his helping Shi Yan. So Emperor got worried that something bad happened. But actually the message stated that a young guy visited their clan and gave out the coordinates for the entrance of Desolate Territory. He was Shi Yan as he summoned tower in front of their clansmen as a proof of his identity. He wanted Emperor and Shen Ren to meet him at entrance of Desolate Territory to talk about something.

Deep under sea of annihilation, there was a danger zone with terrifying water pressure and hundreds of whirlpools which leads to a passage towards outer space. Many experts from Sea of Nihility tried exploring this area but none returned alive. But today a skull floated here, which was skull island of White Bone Clan. Hiro and another guy named as 'Gae' who was also territory ancestor realm were watching the area with astonishment as it was new sight for them even after living for tens of thousand of years. Little Skeleton was eager to meet with Shi Yan too as he is the only one who can help his parents. Soon they noticed a crystal shuttle of Phantom clan too. Mei Ji and the little girl Grannie whose name was Montecie appeared out from it. They greeted each other, and wanted to move towards entrance as soon as possible so that other clans don't detect their presence here. However Montecie was being cautious thinking that Shi Yan might have evil thoughts towards them so she sent one of experts of his clan first to scout the area. They started waiting but soon Emperor Sea Shark and Shen Ren arrived there too. They exchanged greetings. They indulged in idle chatter and informed Emperor about existence of three Absolute Beginning Creatures in Desolate Territory, which was not told to Emperor by Shi Yan earlier. Emperor was frightened by this. Montecie told him to think carefully if he wants to come. Meanwhile the scout has returned and informed that the passage is safe. Montecie along with her clan mates immediately entered the forbidden area waving her hand. Hiro and White Bone Clan members dived in next. Emperor thought for a while but decided to dive in too.

Back on other side of Desolate Territory Entrance, Hiro and Montecie released their soul consciousness and located Shi Yan. Mei Ji was happy to see Shi Yan safe and sound. Its been many years when she was left on broken stars field by Shi Yan after the great battle in Sea of Annihilation. They exchanged greetings. Soon Shi Yan eyes fell on Little Skeleton who was having all his hopes on this guy. Little Skeleton immediately asked if Shi Yan is capable of saving his parents? White Bone Clan members brought out two coffins in which his parents were still lying dormant. Shi Yan consoled him that its possible if he has enough energy. If he encounter a bloodly battle and use his devouring upanishad to collect lots of essence qi and soul altars of deceased it's easy for him to transfer lots of vitality towards parents of Little Skeleton. Not only this he has Absolute Beginning Original Symbol with Surging Vitality too. Hiro and Gae were excited as their trips to Desolate Territory are not wasted as Shi Yan has agreed to help them. But Shi Yan has his conditions too, he promised White Bone Clan that he will wake up the parents of Little Skeleton and even refine a symbol for them from his tower if they provide him materials. Same things are promised to Phantom Clan and conditions were same for both too i.e. joining hands to kill or make Devour and Hui run away from Desolate Territory, who are not at their peak power currently. Also everybody has to work as per Shi yan's plan only and they are not allowed to invade or damage Desolate Territory at all for any selfish motive. They asked about Desolate, but Shi Yan said that they don't need to worry about him as he himself will handle all affairs related to Desolate creature. White Bone Clan has vendetta with Devour so they will attack Devour and Phantom Clan will attack Hui. Hiro agreed but reminded that if Devouring Clan's Edgar is here then he is not sure about success in this attack as he is really powerful Territory Ancestor Realm expert. But Montecie told that if she helps then its easy to deal with him. After that Shi Yan again asked if everybody agree to his conditions? And nobody objected to it. He shifted everybody to Grace Mainland by tearing a space slit.

In Grace Mainland, Xuan He's group was still worried for Ming Hao and were discussing that even if one of the soul of Ming Hao survives then its possible to save his life at least. They noticed the new arrivals soon and asked from Shi yan about them. Shi Yan told that they are friends from Sea of Nihility and as Shi Yan's allies are too weak so he has to gather external support from them for attacking two star areas. He told Hiro that coffins can be put to rest now and they will move to see Pu Tai first in Ancient Demon Star Area. However Hiro said that they will take care of coffins themselves as they believed in only themselves. Shi Yan didn't mind and led them together with Xuan He, Frederick, DeCarlos, and Adele from the Grace Mainland, heading toward the Ancient Demon Star Area. Gae helped in breaking the barrier between sea areas but he was counterattacked by Desolate's power filled in those barriers because he was an outsider. Later DeCarlos helped everybody by making a safe passage using his space upanishad. This is the reason why Devouring Clan can't attack other star areas too. When everybody left then Emperor Shark asked Shi Yan that what's his purpose of inviting him? And he replied that he meant no harm for Emperor and he invited him as Shi Yan owed his life to him. And also Emperor is struggling to live in Sea of Nihility so he can stay at ease here in Desolate Continent. And Shi Yan promised him to try his best to provide a great encounter. Emperor Shark was curious about this encounter but Shi Yan didn't revealed anything else.

In Ancient Demon Continent, the Devouring clansmen were trying to make Ming Hao submit to them willingly and accept slave mark if he want to save his life. But he refused them flatly.

Thousands of asteroids were shooting toward the Ancient Demon Continent. The Devouring Clan's experts used their powers to counter the asteroids. Pu Tai was excited to see Shi Yan. He arrogantly informed Shi yan that Ming Hao is still alive too. Shi Yan was amazed to see Pu Tai's level at Immortal Realm second sky. It seems he has devoured a lot of energy after gaining new body of Wederson. Pu Tai further bragged that devouring Shi Yan will help him reach Territory Ancestor Realm and he knows everything about Shi Yan while Shi Yan knows nothing about him. A spiral energy expanded from his body and nullified Shi Yan's asteroids attacks. This battle is predestined and was an unfinished battle between Bloodthirsty and Devour. Pu Tai suggested one on one battle and Shi Yan pondered and figured that he is not proficient in all upanishads of bloodthirsty like Pu Tai so he will at disadvantage in this fight. But if he can somehow beat Pu Tai he will gain everything that Pu Tai owns including his Power Upanishads. Before he can decide, Hiro and Montecie recognized Pu Tai from Devouring Clan. They told that talent wise he is most superior in whole Sea of Nihility. Even Mei Ji can't compare to him. Hundreds of years ago, Devouring clan announced that he has entered state of bedevilment and gone. At that time all other talented young warriors were relieved hearing this as they had no chance competing this prodigy but now they can earn name for themselves too. But it seems that it was lie and they sent him here in Desolate Territory and that announcement was just to keep him low profile. He has cultivated in new body here so his realm seems to be Second Sky but actually he can be as strong as a Third Sky Immortal warrior. He was so powerful that's why he was able to devour original ring spirit too. But on other hand Shi Yan has absolute beginning symbol and tower which gives him advantage. So almost both parties should be equal.

Soon tens of thousands of all bloodthirsty forces which have submitted to Pu Tai arrived on the scene. There were important people from Imperial Dark Tribe too seeing which Adele and Audrey were upset. They surrounded Devour which was eating the Ancient Demon Continent. Many of them were loyal subordinates of Ming Hao, Xuan He and Frederick. Shi Yan praised Pu Tai for gathering so many forces in such short time. But Pu Tai has sensed the aura of hidden warriors at Shi Yan side so he didn't dare underestimate him too.

Pu Tai gathered energy from eight great, evil power Upanishads, including Soul Control, Death, Corrosion, Dark, Chaos, Destruction, Despair, and Corpse Qi by calling the eight continents under Bloodthirsty Force which are now inside the Dark Abyss. Xuan He and Frederick didn't knew that islands of blood sea can work in this way too? It seems Pu Tai gained all this knowledge after devouring Blood Ring true spirit. Finally another island appeared which was Devouring Island which implanted itself on the crown of head of Pu Tai. Every upanishad became a single entity which seemed like Absolute Beginning Formation. Pu Tai is emitting horrifying aura and if Shi Yan doesn't show any trump card then he can't stand up against this mighty foe. Shi Yan's asteroids aura seemed puny in front of this aura. Shi Yan combined Star Power and Space Power Upanishads to make his asteroids more formidable. Now the feeling for everybody is as if the void gonna blast up any moment. It's thanks to low cultivation realms of these two warriors or else whole galaxy would have been destroyed if they were on Territory Ancestor Realm. Pu Tai was awestruck with the move of Shi Yan too. Pu Tai split himself into two, then four and then eight Pu Tais. They jumped on eight islands of blood sea. And islands converted themselves into bone islands. Blood sea emitted a bright light which was absorbed by islands. All eight bodies of Pu Tai expanded and become much more larger and stronger than original one. He mocked Shi Yan that he has combined only two upanishads however he is a combination of eight, so there's no way he can compete with him. He launched all eight powers towards asteroids and they were being crushed under this tremendous energy. A light column pierced through the eight islands and devouring island turned into a whirlpool which seemed to be waiting to choose a prey and attack. Shi Yan was being suppressed and was feeling as if fighting eight great chiefs of Bloodthirsty forces like Ming Hao. Shi Yan brought out his blood shield and blood sword. Blood sword's evil eyes opened one by one and a band of bloody lights shot from clouds and attacked one of the Pu Tai. Pu Tai started laughing and absorbed the light and even the Blood Shield. All eight Pu Tai's made armor out of the absorbed equipment and all of them were wearing it. Their aura was skyrocketing. Xuan He and Frederick were frightened and now compared that current Pu Tai is equal to the Bloodthirsty now. Shi Yan lost his connection with his shield and sword just like that. Pu Tai started bragging about Wederson body which was implanted with Bloodthirsty remnant bones and that is the reason for his higher knowledge and control on all the Bloodthirsty's stuff. One of Pu Tai summoned the Blood sword and attacked on hundreds of asteroids of Shi Yan and exploded them in single slash. He revealed that Blood Sword and Shield aren't Absolute Beginning divine weapons but still quenched by Bloodthirsty for countless years and can enhance the power of him multiple times. Now only one asteroid was left in which Shi Yan and his allies were standing. Pu Tai gave him chance to submit to Devour and himself to save his life. Everyone on Shi Yan's side including Emperor Sea Shark, Montecie and Hiro were not confident in Shi Yan now. Their hopes were fading with every passing second. But Shi Yan flatly declined saying that Pu Tai is not qualified enough to become his master. The whirlpool on Devouring island has changed his mouth's direction towards Shi Yan after his declaration and an enormous soul sucking force was generated from it. Shi Yan's soul altar came out of his body and started moving towards whirlpool's vortex. Pu Tai was excited as after sucking in Shi Yan's soul altar he will gain Space, Star and Life Upanishads which will make him strongest in whole cosmos. Shi Yan's host soul and co-soul flew out too alongwith his Incipient Extent which was holding so many stars. Under his Incipient extent were the power upanishads Star Power, Life Power, Life Original Symbol, Space Power and Death Power. So many flames started separating too which were heavenly flames he has gathered from all around of Desolate Territory. Sea of Consciousness was extending and there was small pond holding the purest Dark energy. All secrets of Shi Yan were being exposed in front of onlookers and they were surprised to see the lifetime achievements of this young man. Shi Yan's body was controlled and he can't move. Pu Tai's real body came next to the black hole. He came personally to circulate the energy and absorb the power upanishads from it. Everybody earlier thought that Shi Yan is the true successor of bloodthirsty but seems no one can save his soul altar from being devoured today by his own favorite Devouring Upanishad. This upanishad helped him grow stronger by sucking others soul altars and today his own soul altar is gonna get sucked in it. Mei Ji was worried and was about to take action but Montecie stopped her saying that Shi Yan still has a chance. Suddenly everybody was surprised to see that heavenly flames have transformed into an ox's head. It started releasing the purest Dark Energy. Shi Yan's co-soul sunk deep into those flames. Constraints on body of Shi Yan were broken automatically and he can move his body now. Dark Energy triggered the Life and Star Upanishad Powers. Hiro was frightened to see that nuclei of various solar, lunar and life stars of Ancient Demon continent were stimulated somehow and they will soon receive life and cognition. Hiro explained everyone that Shi Yan has the origin which were formed by the combination of heavenly flames and origin is one of the clones of Desolate himself. He is master in Desolate Territory. Ancient Demon Continent is part of this Desolate Territory too so he can control everything here. Massive stars started rolling and marching towards the warriors of Ancient Demon Continent. Their faces were pale with the fear of apocalypse. Pu Tai was panicked now as well. Pu Tai started spurting out blood with the pressure of incoming stars and his armor was cracking. A massive life star of size of Grace Mainland bumped into Soul Control Island and thus got shattered. So many souls flew out of the island including Ming Hao's soul clones. Ming Hao was released now and he reformed himself by combining all his soul clones and was surprised to see the miracle of stars shooting like asteroids which were capable of destroying whole star areas or galaxies. Seven massive stars bumped on remaining seven islands and crushed them as if it was nothing for them. Billions of ordinary mortals were slaughtered in this process which were living in those stars or on the islands. Pu Tai's armor was reduced to powder and his aura diminished significantly. He hurried to retrieve his black hole. But Shi Yan confined the space. Void became hand of Shi Yan and started squeezing Pu Tai's body and he couldn't move anymore. Pu Tai's bones pierced through his skin and he started bleeding all over. Situation is totally overturned and Shi Yan has complete upper hand now. Pu Tai was angry and said that Shi Yan is not alone, he's used desolate's hand to destroy him. He was really dissatisfied by his pathetic defeat. But Shi Yan replied him that he was always Shi Yan and is currently also same Shi Yan.

Shi yan summoned his black hole and sent into the crown of head of Pu Tai and activated Devouring Power Upanishad. Now it's Pu Tai's soul altar that's hovering in sky ready to be swallowed by Shi Yan. But as Desolate has interfered all experts believed that Dark Abyss/Devour will interfere too so they started looking towards Dark Abyss. Devour was the Original Ancient God of Destruction and Evil. Even Legends claim that Absolute Beginning era came to end due to this God of Evil. And as expected Dark Abyss fumed a large amount of black smoke, and the followers of Devour from Ancient Demon Continent had their bodies and souls dissolved as they were nearest to it. Abyss started expanding more by consuming those bodies and souls. Now the surviving warriors who had submitted to Pu Tai and worship Devour were running for their life from their own master. But all of a sudden the black hole mark on their foreheads shattered and their bodies exploded like watermelons and got merged in Dark Abyss. Dark Abyss started expanding at enormous speed. A piece of abyss tried to absorb Shi Yan and Pu Tai too. Shi Yan understood that this is the wrath of the absolute beginning creature Devour. As soon as the abyss reached the stars earlier controlled by Shi Yan to destroy blood sea's islands, Shi Yan lost his control over them. Devour wanted to swallow Ancient Demon Continent entirely. Killing Billions of people was nothing for the creatures like Devour and Desolate as they have power to create new life and creatures themselves. At this moment Abyss was really close to Shi Yan, but Shi Yan was busy in refining Pu Tai. He asked for help from his allies. But Forefather Labitte of Devouring Clan appeared from nowhere who seems to be enraged by seeing the situation of Pu Tai and release of Ming Hao. Montecie was relieved to see that its just Labitte who is on first sky of Territory Ancestor Realm and not the Edgar who is even stronger. Hiro ordered Gae to take care of him. Montecie executed her technique and it appeared as if time has reversed. Countless people dead under Devour's attack were emerging one after another but in shadow form. Dark Abyss started shrinking rapidly. Devour vomited the parts of Ancient Demon Continent which he had swallowed earlier. Actually Montecie cultivated Time Power Upanishad just like Xia Xin Yan but as she is in territory ancestor realm that's why she can reverse the time too. But there's one flaw she can reverse the energy but can't revive the dead as the people who were dead became just lifeless shadows only. But still it was mighty and helped in weakening Devour by making him spit out everything he swallowed earlier. Shi Yan's eyes brightened with an idea. He started swallowing all the released energy from the shadows of countless dead earlier and even the energy vomited by Devour. He was really thankful to Montecie. Montecie reminded Shi Yan that he can use this energy to revitalize the two ancestors of White Bone Clan.

DeCarols was surprised to see this Time Power Upanishad which is even rare that his own Space Power Upanishad. Earlier he has noticed Montecie gazing towards Xia Xin Yan but he didn't understood what she's looking for, but now he guessed that she want to take Xia Xin Yan as disciple. And it was true too, Montecie really wanted to have her as disciple as in Sea of Nihility she hadn't find anybody suitable for inheriting Time Power Upanishad. DeCarlos knew a technique from his master who had died, to combine both Space and Time Upanishads which is capable of sealing entire world. Earlier he wanted to teach Xia Xin yan that technique and test it but now with Montecie's eyes on her he felt that he has no chance to see the execution of that technique at all.

Montecie who was still reversing time and weakening Devour shouted out to Hiro with a plan to crush Devour by reversing the state of Devour to that time when he was wounded and has to lay dormant to recover his powers. Hiro cultivated in Metal Power Upanishad is famous for its destructive power. Devour was finally being subdued. Labitte was cursing that if their ancestor Devour wasn't wounded or if Edgar was here then the situation should not be in favor of Shi Yan or his allies. Labitte made up his mind to sacrifice his life to save Pu Tai so that he can bring Edgar here at least. But Emperor Sea Shark and Mei Ji has seen through him and they attacked him together along with Gae to prevent him from self-detonating. Finally Pu Tai's soul altar entered the devouring power Upanishad. A ring flew out from the bloody mass of Pu Tai's leftovers and returned to Shi Yan. It was Ring Spirit. A beast roar suddenly reverberated and a massive wild beast appeared out of nowhere and devoured Pu Tai in one bite. Beast gazed towards Shi Yan and then disappeared in the void. Pu Tai had Wederson's body which contained Bloodthirsty's remains and essence. But before Shi Yan can obtain it a wild beast has stolen it. Everybody was shocked by this event. The beast was giving a familiar aura, and Shi Yan recognized him as his Ghost Hunter. Azure Dragon confirmed this as he can sense him too. Ghost Hunter was missing from 100 years after eating Cang Yun and obtaining Origin of Ancient Demon Continent. But somehow he is stronger to an unfathomable level now. Xuan He sensed that his life energy surpass old chiefs like him and even Azure Dragon who has lived for ten thousand years. Ghost Hunter's actions left everybody puzzled. Even Shi Yan was puzzled as Ghost Hunter's life energy was similar to an Territory Ancestor Realm expert. Suddenly a shining crack was torn underneath the Ancient Demon Continent like a beast opening its mouth. The Ancient Demon Continent plunged, sinking and disappearing into that slit. Ghost Hunter has control over Ancient Demon Continent so he escaped with that. Shi Yan was still absorbing energy and soul altar of Pu Tai and retrieved his memories and know knew everything about Devouring Clan. Pu Tai's sea of consciousness helped in expanding Shi Yan's sea of consciousness. Pu Tai's soul pond which was much larger than Shi Yan's merged with Shi Yan's pond. Shortly Shi Yan's soul of consciousness got doubled and dark energy grew significantly. Eight crystal balls of upanishads entered the tier of power upanishad. Shi Yan had a wonderful feeling of receiving complete Bloodthirsty's inheritance. The Blood Vein Ring must have kept all great eight power upanishads but Pu Tai must have sealed them so that they are not retrieved by Shi Yan earlier when he was in spirit form in ring. But now its all his. Shi Yan's God Power Tree evolved too and he reached Third sky of Immortal Realm. He went towards Xuan He and Frederick and ordered them to guard him so that he can strengthen his realm. Ming Hao respectfully bowed towards Shi Yan accepting him as new Bloodthirsty's master officially now. Xuan He and Frederick followed after him and bowed and welcomed Shi Yan too. He left Devour for Hiro and Montecie. Inside Dark Abyss, blood sea arose and blood bubbled inside it.

Deep inside Sea of Nihility in Devouring Clan and old man was soaking in blood pond. A big bubble of blood appeared in front of him. He shouted in disbelief that someone dared to disturb their ancestor. He turned himself into a blood drop and inserted himself into bubble and reappeared in inside Abyss and converged himself back to his original human form. He shot an aura to warn Montecei who was still using Time Power Upanishad to kill Devour. Montecie and Hiro were alerted as they recognized the newcomer as Edgar. Labitte screamed and informed Edgar about death of Pu Tai. Apparently Pu Tai was son of Edgar and he is enraged on listening news of his son's death.

Chapter 1481 to 1489 covered for GoS in this enjoy :)

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