
overpowered multiversal cafe owner.

A 21 year old died and is reincarnated as an overpowered cafe owner.

Daoisty4n49c · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

(After the time skip, Mc Pov)

It has been an eventful year to say the least. I had returning customers like Hades and Persephone with their daughter Melinoe, The Jacksons and even the heroes of Japan. But there is one customer who I even struck a friendship with Hestia, and I built a Dedicated hearth for her cementing our friendship, I even treat her like a daughter in her young form. I also expanded the shop with new sections like a library, a shop for concessions and magical things. Hecate even visited once she heard of a magic library which she came on every month on the 13th. ' At least the business is good, but the story is starting soon, and I want to get involved in this and other worlds' I thought to myself as I was creating a crystal which will give some the ability and knowledge of how to cast <<Living magic (Fairy tail)>>. the price being if I decide to give it to a person and a pay of 50 credits. I also created the <<mortal blade(Sekiro)>> for 500 credits modified to just submit to a person through a trial of blood absorption. It will drain blood to test endurance and resolve. if you stay standing, you get the blade. ' well lets flip the sign and serve some customers' I thought.

So as the sign flipped I started brewing coffee, tea and even making pastries and breakfast burritos. The door bell rung and I went to the counter to greet the guest. " Hello my name is George, what is yours" I say to the guest, a girl from an anime I have seen before and 2 other figures. "My name is Misha necron" said the girl now identified as Misha. " Ah so your from the necron family, well may I know the name of your companions?" I asked her. " Their name is Anos voldigoad and my sister Sasha necron" said Misha in a quiet voice. " So your sister and if I remember right the demon king right" I said to them which makes them gasp. "How did you know, everywhere we go nobody believes him" says Sasha suspiciously. "Well when you can view the worlds past using your eyes, you can infer a lot of knowledge" I told Sasha.

They then start looking around with Anos going toward the books while Sasha and Misha head toward the magic item section.

Anos Pov

This place is interesting I would say. As when I was going into a Cafe with Sasha and Misha the door glowed and we ended up here. the way it is incredible as it is filled with magic and divine energy, so much I thought enemies long past might have set up a trap for me, though my thoughts were squandered by the calm atmosphere. I begin looking through the books as I feel magic energy coming from them. I pick one that says <A study of wild magic> by someone named Philip Witte bane. I start looking through it and I find it is filled with an interesting school of magic referred to glyphs, and it seems to originate from raw nature. 'This might be useful for onetime talismans and surprise attacks' I thought to myself. I continue looking through the book and I wanted to take it with me. "Hey sir, can I take the book with me" I asked him. " Of course, it is going to cost 10 credits per month though" he said to me. "what are credits sir" I asked him. "Credits are the currency of this cafe, you should already have the card for the transaction" he explained.

I pull the card out and I went up to the owner and made the purchase and decided to look at more books.

Sasha Pov

Me and my sister Misha were looking at the magical artifacts and spells for sale in the item section of this cafe. We see a diverse collection of what seem to be powerful artifacts by the energy emission alone. "Hey Sasha come look at this" says my sister Misha. I went over to see her looking at a crystal labeled <<Living magic>> (50 credits). We were curious of this item as it was magic so we decided to ask the owner. " hey owner, what is this" I asked. "Living magic is the art that allows the caster to bring life to their creations, giving them a certain appearance based on users desire and can give it abilities, one which may be magic itself" The owner said to me, making me shocked at the notion of the powerful magic. "Hey Misha you should buy it as it compliments your creation magic" I told my sister. "Okay" my sister replied to me. We went up to the counter to purchase and I did grab something known as the phoenix bloodline and we purchased our desired products.

We went by the door waiting for Anos and he came to us holding a bag filled with five books. " What did you buy" I asked him. "I rented some books on magic to broaden my perspective" He said as we left.

Mc Pov

After they left, I decided to close the store and went to the museum where the story is starting. I already see Percy's class going in. I follow them up and head to the Greek section. I hear them discussing the statue or mural of Kronas eating his kids. I looked at Percy slightly notifying him with my presence but him seeing I want to remain quiet. I then see them head out for lunch. I went to the gift shop buying a t-shirt. I went outside and ate lunch next to Chiron. "Hello mate, who are you" I say to him trying to start a conversation. He looks at me weirdly as he is on a field trip and does not know me. "My name is Mr. Brunner, who are you" he asked me with a suspicious look.

I start speaking while eating a bento box while slightly letting out my divine aura to give a clue on who I am. "My name is George Luthor, owner of the cafe mythos" I tell him while his face changes into one of shock and uncertainty. "Who are you, what are you" asks Chiron suspicious of my aura planning on how to hide this. " I am a divine being centaur, now may I ask why you are here" I ask him. He hesitates on answering, even more now that he sees the math teacher (Alecto) approach Percy. " I am here because I sense a powerful Demi-god" he says, seemingly filled with a little fear. "That would be Percy right, he is a good customer at my cafe" I told him. He seemed surprised and he then asked me something. " Hey, can you give this to Percy and help him out" He asked. "Sure, he is my best customer" I replied and headed off to the room where Percy and that Fury were going.

"Hey Percy, catch this" I alert him and throw the pen to him. "Sir what is a pen going to do for me?" He asked me. " uncap it and find out" I told him. He did and it turned into a sword with him having minimal Suprise. He then slashed at the fury coming down on him and she disintegrated. "That was great Percy. If you need anymore help call me on your card saying my name and also do not be shocked if people do not remember her" I told him and teleported back to my cafe.