

Our Mc is a adult of age 15 currently he is in a white space where God (haters gonna hate) has told him that he will accept his any five wishes,lets see what the future has in store for the Mc as he does not know about Douluo dalu more than average, for those looking for a novel from a pro writer ,don't come here and bash my face and if you do come here, please explain to me patiently what did I do wrong, THE MC IS NOT SMART , HE IS LIKE THE NARUTO OF DOULUO DALU,He easily yrusts people and makes mistakes so dont complain later READ MY OTHER ORIGINAL NOVEL THE SENSEI EARTHS GUARDIAN Discord over here:- https://discord.gg/8GreGtD

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34 Chs


All of us were ghastly pale except me who was rather fine other than half of my spirit being wasted because of the effect of that titan ape delivered. Heck, it was powerful enough to break up Acalas guards even.

Acala stood at the side while everyone was in shock about one of their own being taken away like that,


"We have to give chase, maybe we can catch up to it "Oscar

"And what then we will not even be able to stand a single attack in this state " Rong Rong

"OSCAR!!!!" Tang San

"HIIII!!! YES, wh WHAT" hearing that threatening voice of Tangsan, Oscar could not help but tremble, honestly the sheer aura surrounding Tang San was no joke.


~SWEET TOFU ~ I, Your father has a sausage

Tang San stood up as he gargled down an insane amount of tofu

"SHIT, it's ALL MY FAULT I WILL TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY TILL THE END, I HAVE TO MAKE SURE TO ATLEAST HELP YOU GET TO HUNTER TOWN" As Acala shouted in a large tone while furiously pounding the tree in front of him a sliding light broke out from besides Oscar and from what I knew that was Tang San taking off, probably to chase after Xiao wu. although in such a state ii could more or less stop him since I knew that this trip was beneficial for him I did not intervene.

Acala tried to run up towards Tangsan to stop him from going, A energy sword cane flying at him from the side, In his fury, Acala looked behind and was surprised to find Cane in such a serious mood as well.

"A MAN HAS TO DO WHAT HE HAS TO DO, Let him go, we will follow after him, ain't that right, Boss," said Cane as he ate a mouthful of tofu.

[I saw in one of the previous chapters that I wrote that through his domain, everyone gets healing something like that but I miswrote it, it actually increases their overall power by, 30℅ and I made a small change in the previous chapter A/N]

After a but if more than ten or so minutes, we start our journey towards the inner circle of our forest, before long we see the traces of a battle, I could see various of Tangsan hidden needle and daggers places here and there and so could the others.

Sights if a bit of blood here and there was seen soon enough we reached the place where Tang San was sitting and absorbing a purple color ring of the demon spider.

I walked forwards and talked Acala out of his fury. Just before Tang San was about to collapse, Xiao wu seemingly appeared out of nowhere and jumped towards the blood-covered Tang San who was trying so hard to assimilate the ring into himself.

Honestly, I have actually already recovered my spirit power to a hundred percent.

Soon enough Tang san weakly gets up as he welcomes Xiao wu in a romantic fashion causing her to jump at him and give him a kiss.

Causing both of them to be teased by Oscar.

Xiao wu then proceeded to give us an excuse of a story that seemed believable enough, Acala not wanting to stay in the forest was about to lead us back to the town when suddenly a yell resounded from within the forest,

"Who took my human-faced demonic spider, Aarrgh"

Yup, that's ma queue, Just before the Douluo could emerge I conjured an illusion for him, he will be in for a big surprise.

The grandma and grandpa, the couple douluo came forward along with their, daughter I don't really remember her name but she is just a passing cloud and thus does not need to be remembered.

"Boy, you are really something, just because we are old does not mean we can be pushed around since you took our beast before I want that Armor and will not take no for an answer, Yet again you have taken my things so I hope you can compensate with your life" the old man was really forceful, he resembled those old idiots that would go to a store and harass the employees and then be demanding compensation.

It's a blessing that I still remember the scenario somewhat and prepared a copy beforehand, let's show this old geezer who is the real badass here.

Acala, " Dear seniors, we did not mean to humiliate you but it was my students that hunted the Demon spider so I think it's right for them to have the ring, I am sure that with the esteemed douluos might you can look for another beast, if you accompany us to the hunter town I can have my principal to compensate you." as he gave the first bow

"Huuuuuuuhhh, you think we have time to go to some backwater place for such things, just have the kid cut his one leg as compensation for our wasted time," said the dragon douluo


As Acala and the couple were about to fight a sudden pressure descended making the couple grit their teeth in pure distress from the burden of such pressure.

"Ais! let me see how you can ask for compensation from my people, it seems you have lived for far too long." said a raspy voice accompanied by the sound of snakes rattling, bringing with it another bone-chilling danger.

The man descended from the dark sky, his robes fluttering in the night making him look majestic. Soon Nine dark red Rings emerged from his back causing everyone to be slackjawed The dragon douluo was not able to calm down, Let alone a title douluo, This person had nine rings that represented their age is above 100,000.

"Ahaahahaha, senior if I would have known before I would not dare ask for compensation, please forgive this juniors mistake, I will not waste seniors time anymore," said the dragon douluo when he again heard the voice of the douluo

"Wait! I want compensation, you see I had to come all the way out here because of an idiot like you, so show me something worth my while alright, or else...." said the man as his fluttering robe started turning a bloody red

This was one of the elders of the outer circle or something System told me about.

Of course, I just made an illusion out of him if the real him were to be here I would have killed this douluo couple.

"Sir we only have our rings at this moment, it is a spatial ring, they are very rare nowadays," said the douluo with terror in his eyes, hands shaking in horror, he just wanted to get away from this calamity as fast as possible.

With a snap of the mysterious figure's fingers, the rings flew and landed in My hands which actually surprised the others, In mere moments, the couple left along with their daughters

"Dear senior I Acala thanks you for your help" again said Acala as he gave a sincere bow.

But to their surprise again, the mysterious figure started to scatter into dist and finally vanished.

"Guys, did you forget, I have an ability that lets me initiate what I have seen, and stuff like that sheesh am I turning invisible," I said in a smug manner

To say they were flabbergasted was not a lie, soon we reached the town with safety, while Acala went looking for headmaster as he was not in the room which we bought

"So system what about the wish, I can see that it has been granted so give me a briefing"

[Yes, The wish was accepted, but with some limits, that is we cannot let many of our troops roam outside of our world, it's not unbreakable but the being said that we should do it in moderation and I think so too, There are two kinds of departments, one being weapon department and the other is like a shop departments, where our people can but stuff from system, of course you can choose what kind of things they can buy and to what degree they can buy.Weapons department is what it means The sect has outer , inner and core circles, with four clans within]
