
XIAO WU TAKEN (Minor change at the end)

After my little talk with Rong rong i had my fill and Ryu too ..although she feels a little glum ...i think it is because of what happened before so i sent her to the personal space again ,so that she can relax for a whike i also allowed for the system to send her to the ascension realm if she wants to.

After all was done i left with the others to the forest to look for a beast for Oscar we found maany beasts but it was not enough because what can you find for someone that has sausage as his spirit and stuff ...maybe plants are more suited but at the ame time animals are fine too as they are also an ingredient for The spirit or something like that,though i know that he was supposed to get something like a flying ability or so but i hope we can find a better one for him

""One hour left for the wish to be completed""

well thats good atleast i am passing some time here i hope we do not get to see that Titan ape cause he is a 10,000 year old beast..i had fought or should i say fled from a Titan ape when i was in ascension realm so i am very aware of how strong they are they can fight someone leaguesahead of them beause they all possess ancient titans lineage or blood line and have inherited some broken abilities from the blood.

after another hour or so found a chickencomb beast that i already knew , was gonna come our way ,

"That a chicken comb phoenix tail and has the perfect age ,everyone get ready dont kill it we need Oscar to obtain it" said Master Yu as he summoned Luo pao who was smaller now but had two dazzling war horns on his heads ,which i had never seen before ..i have never seen master's spirit becoming bigger or having horns before ..it might be a mutation or something.

I was about to hold it down so that we can attack it and weaken it for Oscar ...but it was fast too fast i almost kept mistaking it for a shadow causing me to accidentally bind the others with their shadows gaining a little bit of hostility ...in all my years in the realm i had never ever fought an opponent along with a team so i am very reckless

i started to use steps in order to come in its way but then Dai accidently hit me with lightning wave which i could not avoid causing a big wound to open up as i was flung away from the snake...my wound started to heal up as i got up trying to run after it again ,but this time i clashed into one of Canes swords ,i mean i have never really been in a team that much ...not in a team of more than threepeople and we all are ten including master Yu.

BOOM "Thats it i caught it OYE Oscar come up and kill it everyone else go and give Kyuuji some medicine he has a large woynd on his back "

Master yu rushed to me in apparent worry but soon relaxed when he saw i was already healed and ready to go again ,"You could have used phase you know" said master as he made an angry face while Dai mubai came with a tofu from Oscar as he apologized with a sorrowful face "I am sorry brother ,i did not expect you there"

"Its fine i am not used to fight in bundles ,anyways i have healed already it was a small wound" i said as i got up again and dusted my clothes

seeing that i was fine me along with the others shifted our attention to the surroundings , i was mainly looking for a witch like granny with a sexy girl that might appear at any moment while Oscar was absorbing the ring ..though they cannot have the ring now that Oscar is the one that killed the beast but still i need to be wary of that slut witch .

As genius as he was he had absorbed the ring in fifteen minutes or so ,he had the new spirit ability to let any one fly for a duration of xx for time xx ,he can already make four of them .

just as we were congratulating him a sound came,"Who is the one that killed our prey ,let me find out and see if he can live another day"

"Grandpa it was him he is the one hmph "

three people came into our view ,one was a women ,one was a girl with short hair and a cane in her hands while the last one was a old man that had a robe on him while a pride look filled his face,

"Esteemed elders i dont know what my students did wrong but i hope you can forgive them ,for my sake" said Acala as he cupped his hands to show humblness ,as they knew it will be difficult to or not possible to defeat Zhao wuji so the old man fling his hands as he shouted ,"Well you must pay us with something valueable.....how about that Armour that kid is wearing i know its an Armour ,it took the hit of such a strong attack and did not even get a scratch" said the man ,making something click in my mind

"You said that we stole your prey dont make me laugh you were after this Arrmour from the start ,you have been after us since we started to fight that snake" i said as i pointed at him ,he gritted his teeth while Zhao wuji cracked his knuckles"I thought we were in the wrong but this is the case,if seniors dont withdraw i will have to be forceful if it requires me to " although Zhao knew that he had a slim chance of fighting and winning against two opponents such as the snake and dragon combo but he still stood forward.

Silence grew as the three stared at each other while me and the others aong with master Yu got ready for support ....BOOOMMMMMM WUUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHH

Came the sound of the ten thousand year old beast looking at us with eyes of utter pride and anger his punch came flying towards us .We all evaded the attacks

"Guhh this is a very strong beast we cannot risk it lets run while this bunch of bumpkins fight it " was the last i heard from the ol trio as theu took their daughter and fled

(Hmph wtf being all showy and stuff but when the beast came they all fled like ants ,i would never do that )

i thought to myself that when i looked at the dragon spirit master ,(He is a dragon yet he runs away )

{{You ran away too when it came ...disgrace you are }}

came a deep dark voice from within me and i could feel my chest rattle from the sheer voice of whatever it was that spoke

WHOOOOSSSSHHH BOOOOMMMMM came another fist and as i was distracted again so i got hit too hardfor my current self i felt like my bones went numb as my skin colour became purple from a single punch .Truly a strong beast ,i have got to think of a plan ...it was here for Xiao wu all along so maybe i should make an illusion while i contain Xiao so that she does not run

i was thinking all this while i lied down near a tree while Zhao wuji exchanged a blow with The TITAN APE but still failed ...man he is too strong i can never beat that beast even if i try my hardest until maybe i reach the next rank. i used Illusion to create a false Xiao while changed the real Xiao wu into the presence os a leave ,Titan ape roared to the skies as it took away The false XIAO wu while the Real one was retreating with us,is what I planned to do before I decided against it , I did not want to hinder the growth of both my friends and since I knew that Xiao wu was in safe hands ,i was not worriedafter running for a while we reached the hunter city again ,everyone was puzzled by the titan ape

"May be we disturbed it or something ...what did it grab ..i think it was a tree orsomething " said master yu.

"No nooooo, XIAO wu" yelled tangsan at the top of his lungs before he chased after it.


Yay i am the only autbor that did not let Tangsan get any external bone i am so happy and as for tge voice that came to hus head it will not be revealed till later on but i suppose you all already know what it was 😜

i also do not think i need to explain how everyone talked during the attack i mean comeon if that was the case would you guys not want to read the original novel lol

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