

Due to some conflict issue between story content (Which I can't change, because it's the core plot) and WNrules, this series will be paused/hiatus until further notice. A casual 'Ex World Persona' player, Lham. After watching the first official tournament of Ex World Persona, his heart beating so fast, fascinated by the top player performance at the tournament. Lham suddenly has a great desire to play on the big stage as a pro player. This is the story of a casual player to become a pro player! Note: I'm not the owner of the art used in the cover book, credit is given to the owner of the art (Please, do tell me if anyone knows the artist)

iLhamzki · Games
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The Walking Fortress


<You leveled up!>

"Fuh, nice. I managed to level up to level 20 before the meet with Nia's party."

After the work, Nia asked Lham about his experience in Ex World Persona. Lham told her that he had only played it for a month, and he's still level 20. Nia then asked Lham if he wants to join her party for a raid dungeon. Thus, they agreed to meet in the southern forest.

"I told her that I will be at kobold farming spot," Zyou was sorted items in his inventory. "And convert all my SP into STR...."



Name: Zyou

Level: 20 (0/56000)

Class: Berserker

Title: One Who Desire Power Than Anything Else, The First Player To Be Rebirthed

Health: 6440/8820

Mana: 120/125

STR 175

AGI 30

INT 25

DEX 30

CON 34

SP: 0


"No matter how it's still unbelievable I have 175 STR at level 20."

Even though he said it with a disbelief tone. But, deep inside his heart, he was very happy.

"I also got plus 4 CON from novice's equipment set."

Zyou looks around, there's no sign of another player other than him in the area. Even though kobold and goblin are at the same level 20 to 25, the difference in difficulty to kill them made players choose goblin over kobold.

Goblin in the field is a weak individual, even if they are in a group it's still easy to kill them, the player just needs to swing their weapon or shot an arrow without proper strategy or teams. Meanwhile, the kobold is also a weak individual like a goblin, but they are always in a group everywhere they go.

Not like the goblin that doesn't have teamwork with each other even in a group. A group of kobolds had teamwork, in a group at least there is a ranger attacker kobold and they have a variety of attack patterns. No one ever makes a list of their attack patterns because it's too many and complicated, the only advice the veteran gave for newbies who just reach level 20 is to hunt for goblin than a kobold.

"Well, I pity the newbies who choose to hunt goblin over a kobold. It's natural for them to looks for something easier, but there's also a reason why you must do a harder job. And, that reason is you will get a privilege from killing a thousand kobolds!"


<Kobold's Mortal Enemy>

You almost made a kobold population go extinct, they swear to their god to kill you at all cost even if they must do a dirty trick.

Effect: Increased exp by 50% from killing kobold for 3 days, at the end of the day a kobold's ancestor will be spawned.

This privilege lasts for 3 days.


"A hidden privilege that Dave told me. If you hunt a number of the harder mobs, you will receive a privilege, title, or equipment, like my King's Barbarian Robe as a reward. But, there's a level restriction to it, to get the kobold privilege I need to kill a thousand kobolds before I reach level 25. Losing all my level to start over for things I missed is worth it, I guess."

Zyou heard footsteps approaching. "???"

"Excuse me."

A soothing and familiar voice was heard by Zyou, he looked to the voice's owner. A familiar face is standing with a smile after she saw Zyou's face.

"Ah, you're Lham, right?"

"Yes," he nods.

"You really didn't change your appearances."

"Well, you too, Nia. Your face is still the same as your real face."

"Haha, I told you that I didn't change anything," she laughs. "Oh, I forgot to introduce my party members."

A blonde young man using leather armor with a bow on his back, his face looks gentle and friendly. "This is Accurate, he's an ADC in our party."

"Nice to meet you, boss's friend. I'm Accurate."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zyou."

Nia hit his stomach with her elbow, "I told you not to call me boss!"

"Ouch! haha, sorry sorry, boss."

"Do you want this shield to kiss your face?" Nia lifts her shield.

"No, no. Forgive me."

'Her personality is so different when we're in real life,' Zyou thought while smiles awkwardly.

"This is Fotia, she's a pyromancer. Her skills are mostly deal nuke damage, she can also support the frontline by giving us a mana shield."

A cute girl with waist-length red hair, her height is a bit shorter than Nia. She wears a red magician outfit just like her class as a pyromancer which is related to fire or red color.

"Fotia," she shows no interest to Zyou.

"I'm Zyou. Nice to meet you, Fotia," she nods to Zyou's introduction.

'Her personality and her class are opposite to each other,' Zyou scratches his cheek.

"You already know me but, let me introduce myself. I'm Nia, the leader of The Walking Fortress. My role is a tanker, nice to meet you, Zyou!" she smiles widely.

"The Walking Fortress?"

"It's what people call our party because of our hardcore tanker leader right here," Accurate teased her.

"Ah, I remember hearing about your party back then. I don't know the detail, but you guys are quite famous among top rankers too."

"You're exaggerating. But, how do you know we are famous among top rankers?" Nia asked.

"S-someone, I mean my friend is one of those rankers. I heard about you from him."

"You have a ranker friend?!" Nia and Accurate shocked, meanwhile Fotia is showing a bit of her interest in Zyou.

"Ye-yeah. He's around rank 900's tho."

"It's still amazing you know. 900 out of millions of players! He's in the top 0.1%!"

'I hate to admit it but that's the fact, ugh!' Zyou bit his lip. "Well, that's true... Btw, when will we start the dungeon raid?"

"We can start now if you're ready."

"Okay, I'm always ready," Zyou said optimistically.

The three of them smile. Zyou accepted the party invitation from Nia's party.

"Wait! You guys already level 70?!"

What a shock for Zyou after he found out that Nia and her party members are already level 70. Nia says that she was already playing Ex World Persona for 3 months but she never mentions her level when she talked with Zyou after work, so Zyou thought that her level is around 45 or 50.

"Hehe." They smiled smugly.