
Overlord: To Be Infinite [FanFic]

AU retelling fanfic: Momonga finds himself alone and hurting during the final minutes of YGGDRASIL. But rather then the shut down, he finds himself and his Tomb in an unfamiliar world. Join him as he reshapes the world in his image. This is a retelling with occasional convergence and divergence. Fluff, World/Kingdom Building, War, Conspiracy, Lemons…Eventual Daddy Ainz. I also have an AO3 account and FFN account if anyone is interested. If you’d like to support me then I have a pa-treon account /BoombaTheSaint. Though, I’d like to inform you to check out my other public accounts as I’m still trying to accumulate chapters for would-be patrons.

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Grand Merger: White Angel

I officially introduced the beginning of the second arc. Different POVs in this arc.

I plan on limiting it 50k words too...

Well, without further ado.


Ainz stood at the far centre of the arena with a night sword pulsing with arcane energy tightly held in his hand. He was in his [Dyig'Eri] form. His long silver hair — now dishevelled and dirty — fluttered in the mysterious wind.

Similar to his hair, dirtied crude combat clothes hung loosely on his person.

Ainz's chest heaved slowly as his feet moved and his body assumed one of the many battle stances he had learned these past weeks.

This was just one of his many tasks he had to go through everyday.

Contrary to popular belief, the supreme ruler of the Great Tomb had plenty of things to do. He just managed to make it look like he was free all the time.

His grip tightened as he waited with bated breaths.

Opposite his direction was Cocytus, who held his sword [God Slaying Emperor Blade] with one hand and taunted him to get closer with his other three.

The weapons master was having fun.

— Battle Junky right to the bone.

An involuntary smile found itself on his face as he took it all in. It had been a couple of weeks ever since he requested tutelage on the blade arts from the insectoid.

And since he had no prior practice with the blade, he had to start at the very beginning. Form.

But by some miracle, he found himself taking to Cocytus's teachings quite easily as if the moves had been long engraved within him. Following this revelation, the insectoid's instructions had become more frequent and longer. Ainz was able to execute decent swordsmanship within a few days.

The insectoid had showered him with genuine praise when he witnessed his progress. Ainz wasn't as impressed.

Despite his initial demeanor, he had taken to exploring some parts of his strength. In doing so, he had come to understand a few things about his [Blade Whisperer] class, if it could be called a class anymore.

Simplicity had been thrown out the window long ago. Hell, he didn't even know how the assistant butler did his job with just his flippers.

Amusement came over him but he quickly regained his composure.

Ainz's vision drifted to the sides. A dozen or so high tier summons flanked the insectoid. The summons were all meant to act as support. Some buffed the insectoid while others interrupted Ainz's attacks or actions.

[Blade Whisperer] was overpowered thus something had to be done to maintain the balance.

Even so, he was starting to grow weary of the prolonged battle.

Ainz sucked in a breath and his body tensed. A boom sound resounded followed by a silver blur.

As soon as he started to move, several spells were shot towards him by Cocytus's supports. The insectoid followed behind the spells, body shimmering with power.

Despite his large form, the insectoid had shown to possess incredibly high agility.

[Presence of the Earth]

Ainz stopped, allowing the wave of spells to reach him.

"[Time Acceleration]."

Time slowed to a significant degree as he began to patiently weave pass the spells shot towards him.

The time spell casted a small dome that slowed time for everything within it except for the caster. It was a fairly low tier spell mostly used by beginner time based casters.

Unfortunately, all the parties within the spell range had countermeasures against wide range time based spells. This was not a surprise as it was only natural for individuals above level 75 to have resistance against low tier spells.

Even so, Ainz wasn't disappointed. Unlike back in YGGDRASIL, time spells were now able to affect projectile spells, ignoring the tier differences.

Cocytus was undeterred by his display of time manipulation and continued his approach.

Ainz didn't want to wait for the insectoid as it would force him into a defensive position.

He exploded forward, meeting his opponent's sword mid-swing as he had already anticipated it. Regardless of the many buffs upon him, Ainz was still significantly stronger than Cocytus.

He blocked the insectoid's swing with enough strength to caused a bit of an imbalance.

Even so, Ainz didn't grow arrogant just because he deflected the giant katana with ease. Countless encounters with the large insectoid allowed him a nimble jump, avoiding the insectoid's incoming tail, as his body twisted into a sideway spin.


Ainz casted another low tier spell, but this time he called upon [Ninth Sorcerer] to give it a significant boost, enough boost to push a level 100 warrior a few feet.

The shock indeed managed to throw Cocytus a short distance.

Still in the air, Ainz performed multiple swings laced with his [Arc] skill, sending multiple crescent cuts towards Cocytus and the summons.

When he touched the ground, the crescent cuts were already upon Cocytus.

His first spell alerted him of the presence within its domain.

Ainz knew that the insectoid wouldn't be surprised by this much. So to catch him off guard, he casted a well known spell.


Ainz replaced the nearest crescent cut to Cocytus with one of the summons behind him. The insectoid had already been in the mist of cutting his attacks, but ended up cleaving the summon instead.

The utilization of both martial arts and spellcraft left him giddy...

The lingering effects of [Time Acceleration] still hindered the summons from mustering a proper defense. This was what Ainz hated about summons, the lack of creativity and rational compromise.

With Cocytus distracted, the summons were easy pickings.

His abnormal eyes darted mechanically before his form vanished.

"[Greater Teleportation]."

Ainz appeared before the mage based summons who were slow to react. A series of cuts mirroring instant death spells left only three summons standing within an instant.

It was times like this when Ainz wished he could have tried this outrageous build out on the pinnacles of YGGDRASIL. Heck, he might have even been able to take down a [World Champion] if he really went all out.

— Ah, such is the unexplainable working of fate.

It was stupid to lament something so insignificant after all he had gained in return. But unfortunately, such was the nature of greed.

"Do not hold back on me, Cocytus. I intend to see how far I've come under your tutelage."

Ainz said with a turn, the three remaining summons getting exterminated by the remaining crescent cuts that escaped Cocytus. The disparity between level 80 and level 100 was just that great.

The insectoid seemed excited, showing little lament to the swift departure of his temporary subordinates.

"I hadn't expected you to utilize spells in this session, Lord Ainz."

Ainz shrugged dismissively.

"I grow weary of the prolonged battle. I wish to see if my swordsmanship could match that of a Sword Saint before the time runs out."

Cocytus mandibles worked.

"I dare say Lord Ainz's swordplay is already beyond that of a Sword Saint."

Ainz wanted to scoff at the insectoid's words but he knew they were said in good faith.

He cracked a lopsided smile.

"Then you won't mind going all out... What say you, Weapons Master?"

"It would be an honor to battle against a Supreme Being unrestrained."

Ainz acknowledged the insectoid's resemblance to his creator.

— This is the least I can do.

He wanted to satisfy the insectoid's battle cravings, with an actual attack. And while he wouldn't say it out loud, he wanted to finish his final session with a bit of dramatic flair.

"[Greater Dispel]."

Both the still active spells [Presence of the Earth] and [Time Acceleration] receded. He also made sure to focus only on honourable swordplay instead of actual combat based fighting.

This was a measure of skill, not killing.

Ainz fixed the sword the color of night again in his hand, internally thanking Pandora for finding him this incredible blade.

As much as he hated imposing on his busy creation this much — a sentiment the doppelgänger didn't share — Ainz had come to realise that only he would be able to help him with his situation.

His green eyes flickered briefly before settling on the commander dressed in the dark flamboyant military attire.

Ainz requested he observe his training so that Pandora would be able to impersonate his adventurer's persona should he be busy with other matters.

Something that he suspected would be happening more often in the near future.

— Let's hope [Sacred Strings] works as intended.

Ainz wasn't sure if the [Miracle] would placate his and Albedo's obsession or just make it worse.

It would be his first time testing out skills from his Dyig'Eri's [Deity, after all.

— This class's skill tree is full of useless religious nonsense.

Truthfully, Ainz wondered why this class was even a class at all. He honestly didn't see a use for it.


Fearing that his current train of thought would bring back his anxiety, Ainz decided to focus on the battle.

Cocytus took his stance, ready to pounce on him like a raging knight.

Ainz truly felt happy that the Weapons Master imparted all he knew about blade arts unto him without reserve...

— I will have to ponder what reward to give him as thanks for his generous help.

Ainz feared that direct inquiry would lead him nowhere... And if it did lead somewhere, it would probably be something to do with battle or weapons.

He would be damned if he allowed Cocytus to waste his reward on something so pedestrian.

Ainz felt a bit boyish, remembering how Ulbert would act when left to his own devices.

— Prepare yourself, Cocytus. I shall honor you with my most fatal ultimate attack. Muahahaha!

He had regretted not meeting Ulbert in the old world seeing how they had a lot in common... Even if it was just dead parents. Who said that bonds couldn't be forged through sad memories?

Ainz allowed a handful of seconds to pass, letting Cocytus apply all the necessary boosts he would need .

— Next time I will try against Rubedo. And maybe add the twins too, we could make a game out of it.

Ainz was starting to feel guilty for tasking such young kids with too much responsibilities, but he was also aware that unless he spearheaded a fun activity, they would never try to have proper childish fun.

— I've always wanted to try out a game of tag.

Games from the golden age. He would have them a new home in this vibrant world.

He could even have time to impart some much needed wisdom upon Mare. The existence of an Elven Kingdom made him think if he could have the young elf rule it when he came of age.

It was a bit unfair to Aura, but Ainz didn't think she would be interested in ruling over anything given her vibrant nature.

Even so, Ainz still wouldn't force the responsibility upon Mare if he didn't want it. At the end of the day, Ainz just thought the idea was cool.

A frosty scent that encompassed the entire arena with blue mystic aura alerted him of Cocytus readiness and Ainz wasted no time:


He could feel the air around him turning dry and cold, frozen by the raging aura that would have killed many humans simply by being within its vicinity.

Unaffected by the imposing might of the insectoid, Ainz dashed forward, his image leaving a mixture of green, silver and blade blurs, this attack contained all of his training behind it. He saw Cocytus dash forward as well, his speed not as fast as Ainz's but still jarring nonetheless.

There was a sinister sound when the two crossed each other, and then there was silence.

Ainz stood straight and sheathed the night blade with a calm expression.

Turning behind him, he could see Cocytus doing the same with his giant katana. Except he returned it into his inventory with half his arms missing.

Ainz winced, not at the sight but the burn that came from his chest.

"It seems I've still yet to match you."

Ainz admitted defeat.

"I wouldn't say that, Lord. I had to utilise everything I had just to match you in your base state, and even then I still managed to lose two of my arms. This victory is yours."

Cocytus glanced at his severed arms — translucent blood still pouring out like a grand waterfall — without a hint of pain or deterrence on his face. Ainz silently praised the Weapons Master's formidable mental fortitude and enviable willpower.

— Had my natural defences been lacking in any way, I would have been cleaved by that attack.

Still, Cocytus was right about him limiting himself to only his natural strength. Had he actually put effort in his strikes, he wouldn't have ended up with injury.

But such an approach would put him back at square one. Overwhelming one's opponents through sheer might instead of technique and skill. He didn't want to seem barbaric.

His eyes flickered to the cut on his chest which had stopped bleeding. The burning pain failed to falter his composure.

His brow knitted into a frown when he saw the cut beginning to close itself.

Obviously, Ainz couldn't let it do that. He seized the recovery process with a thought.

"You should have the clerics reattach your arms."

Cocytus had stopped the bleeding by closing the fresh wounds with ice.

— Smart utilisation of [Frost Aura].

A wave of approaching footsteps alerted him of the healers. A dozen of them.

Ainz strained a smile when he saw their enthusiastic expressions. The fact that they showed such an expression at the sight of his wound was concerning, but Ainz knew that they held no malice towards him.

The clerics swiftly bowed and got to 'healing' him with unconcealed eagerness.

Having resolved himself for this, Ainz turned his focus towards the sky of the 6th Floor as he allowed thoughts of what awaited him come evening to occupy him.

Minutes passed in this state until multiple thud sounds pulled him out of his anxiety induced stupor.

Ainz looked at the clerics who were working on his wounds. These were level 45 healer focused clerics, and they were having trouble healing his cuts and bruises. Seven of them have already passed out from mana exhaustion, but a person wouldn't know that if they looked at their expressions — clear ecstasy.

They had barely any of the cuts closed. Still, Ainz wasn't upset, he knew that the denizens relished their time with him. And he would feel bad for denying them the pleasure. This had become routine, after all.

Releasing the restrictions on his passive regenerative trait, he allowed the wounds to start closing if only to give the clerics the satisfaction of knowing that their efforts weren't in vain.

"You are far too lenient with them, My Lord."

The low refined voice of the head butler echoed beside him.

"It's not leniency, I'm merely giving them a sense of purpose."

Ainz responded with furrowed brows, feeling the butler drape a simple long coat on his shoulders. He extended his sheathed blade towards Sebas, urging him to return it to the training grounds.

His etiquette was really improving.

"Is everything ready?"

Sebas had proven to be more well adept at setting up luxurious events and beautiful moods. Ainz had tasked him with something important.

"Yes, Lord Ainz. All preparations had been taken care of."

He heaved, letting out a sigh of relief at Sebas's reassurance.

His hand played in the air before vanishing into his inventory, bringing out two ring boxes of different colours — white and red.

There was a brief dim shimmer of wine on his finger when he held the small ornate boxes.

The Rings of Solidarity.

Well, there was more to it than that...

Ainz returned the red box and held the white one with a complicated expression on his face. He could feel the butler's concerned eyes on him, and the pulse of soothing binding power from the inside of the box.

— Please don't fail me.

With great reluctance, Ainz gave the container to Sebas.

"Place it on the table. I want it to be the first thing she sees."

The butler heeded his words and bowed.

"It shall be so."

Ainz forced calmness and looked towards Cocytus who was still getting his wounds mended.

It seemed the clerics were having less trouble healing Cocytus than they did with him.

— Does it have something to do with the nature of my race?

He clearly needed to learn more about YGGDRASIL gods to understand the extent of his godhood.

Maybe then he could fully utilise the skills in [Deity] with a clear mind. As much as he disliked it, most of the skills in that class were highly passive. He had even started to hear voices echoing from it, to his dismay.

— No good deed goes unpunished, ha?

Ainz shook his head and looked back at the butler.

"Have a couple of maids escort her."

Sebas repeated the same moves before he started his departure.

"Ah, bring Hikari to my quarters."

— I'll need the little bastard if I don't want to die from anxiety.


Albedo gracefully walked the halls.

Two figures dressed in near identical maid attire flanked her, just a couple steps behind her. Unlike her, the maids brushed the porcelain floor with silent steps, careful not to interrupt the sequential rhythm of her elegant taps.

Her pure white stilettos echoed brilliantly as she drew closer to her inevitable destination.

She radiated beauty, her superior sempstress skill laid bare for all to see.

...a fashionable long evening dress of navy blue and side slit coming up the middle of her thigh wrapped perfectly around her perfect hourglass figure. Its linings were woven with crystal silver and micro symbol of both Ainz Ooal Gown and Momonga could be seen if one looked hard enough.

She had made it almost a tradition to include either or both in every piece of her clothing, just so no one got the wrong idea who she belonged to.

The dress exposed her shoulders and its v deep line design gave way to insinuate her ample bosom.

Albedo was expectant.

A crimson tint touch her cheeks as she was reminded of her deliberate absence of pesky distractions.

— I do hope I'm not underdressed.

Her attires always stimulated primal needs.

Unlike her rival, her style was more fashionable and alluring instead of noble and elegant.

A thin smile crossed her face as her eyes shone with curiosity and eagerness at what her husband had in store.

Her heart flattered with joy as the reality made itself known again.


She giggled softly, careful not to let it be heard by the maids that escorted her.

The man she had sought out her entire life had finally acknowledged her and declared her his eternal wife. It was surreal, but it was true.

She was wife to the last Supreme Being; 'Momonga' Ainz Ooal Gown.

It felt like a piece of her had finally returned. She knew deep down that what she felt for the ruler of Nazarick was something that far eclipsed 'love' and boarded on something both beautiful and dangerous.

Being around him felt true and natural...complete. And Albedo felt that he was starting to feel the same.

Countless nights she had prayed to whomever was responsible for the supreme beings' creation to have her feelings reciprocated. Her prayers were answered. She had been happy when he spent those days with her...with them.

And now his duties were calling to him. Why wasn't she being supportive. His magnanimous heart had sprout a seed of selfishness within her soul.

She was married to a ruler, and a ruler had to look out for his people.

The selfishness had been dwindling the more she thought about it. She still knew his logic to be flawed. His venture to the outside world wasn't necessary. The Sacred relic [Mammoth's Eyes] would have him immerse in the journey like he was personally walking it.

She understood when he mentioned his need to build an empire. At least she hoped she did. While she was content with her current life, he still had goals outside love. He had ambitions.

And it was her job to support him and not restraint him. It took time to understand, but she was still afraid about him exposing himself to the unknown like this.

She feared for his safety, even with how powerful he was.

It was the fear of a wife.

— How worrisome, I should stop acting like a spoiled wife.

A silent sigh allowed her to reclaim her lost composure.

She had been elevated now, it was something that came with uniting with a Supreme Being. It was now her responsibility to adjust to her new position.

Her thoughts were starting to delve into parts depressing. She forced calmness, and refocused on bubbly things.

She was to be with her husband alone outside his suite...their suite.

Fictional literature hinted on such developments leading to romantic and beautiful nights. He was to treat her like a princess, she felt it in her soul.

This only made her regret her treatment towards him.

She clenched her hands, resolving herself to be a better wife to her lenient and loving husband.

The maids guided her well, softly passing on directions to where her beloved was expecting her.

This part of the building was unknown to her as she usually spent most of her time doing her administrative tasks, and when she was free she would tend to make clothes, improve her wifely skills and do other miscellaneous tasks that limited her to a single floor.

Of course there were times where she would spend the whole day conversing or engaging in other activities with her beloved.

Those were the most exciting times.

Albedo smiled contently as she saw the huge double doors.

She slightly pondered if this was to be her destination? The doors parted at her approach and a beautiful paved pathway illuminated by multiple levitating pale orbs presented itself.

A soft gasp left her lips as she took in the fantastical sight.

Her rhythmic taps slowed.

A glance behind showed her that the maids stopped just before the doors with their heads bowed. Their task was complete.

Albedo nodded to show her appreciation of their help.

There was excitement and contentment within the eyes of the maids. Her husband had really placated their restlessness beautifully.

— I wonder if they're progressing well?

Curiosity took her, and Albedo worked her jaw, but before any words could leave her, a deep voice interrupted her mid-question.

"Evening, Lady Albedo? Please, this way."

It was her husband's personal attendant and head butler of the Great Tomb...


She whispered.

The butler flashed a rare smile and extended his white gloved hand, showing that he was her new guide.

"The master is anxiously awaiting your arrival."

He encouraged calmly.

Albedo had reservations about extending her hand to anyone that wasn't her husband. It was an open secret, which was why Sebas changed the gesture from one of receiving a hand to one of showing direction.

"Forgive my rude behavior, Sebas."

Albedo smiled apologetically, aware of her unreasonable behavior.

"Pay it no mind, My Lady."

The butler led her to a luxurious carriage drawn by two pale moon pegasus. Albedo felt giddy as she sat in the priceless carriage and felt it move.

"Where is my beloved?"

Her soft melodic voice gave nothing to her impatience.

She had started to hunger for his presence.

The carriage sped silently on the road paved with precious minerals and priceless gems. The awe inspiring sight of the pale light dancing on pristine stones left her in admiration of the vast creativity of the Supreme Beings, and even more for her beloved husband who guided them through it all.

Albedo felt immense pride as her heart started to thump rapidly. Her body's temperature increased as her 'hunger' grew stronger.

— Relax, Albedo.

Her heart grew patient and a long second passed.

A look upward showed a pure dark night devoid of any stars, artificial or otherwise.

The multi-skilled butler who now acted as a coachman answered the question.

"Lord Ainz waits for you at the Gardens of Oasis."

Her eyes flickered at the foreign name.

"I'm unfamiliar with this part of the Ninth Floor."

Sebas nodded at her ignorance.

"The Ninth Floor is vast, even I am only familiar with a few locations."

Albedo's eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in less than she had expected.

Luscious greenery and colorful flowers littered the entire place in complex design.

If Albedo had one word to describe this place it would be, romantic. She wished to stroll the place under the bright radiance of day with her husband, fingers intertwined.

— Such an event would make for a beautiful memory.

She calmed her selfish wants and hoped she wouldn't have to impose on her beloved.

The carriage came to a stop, and the door opened.

Once again, a soft gasp left her lips as she took in the colorful sight before her.

"Follow the Illuminated pathway, My Lady. You will find Lord Ainz."

Sebas said as he closed the door to the carriage and riding of to the distance.

Different from the previous illuminations, this section of the garden was illuminated with dim purple light reminiscent of their chambers. It was her husband's signature style.

Albedo caressed the ring on her ring finger hidden beneath the elbow long laced navy blue gloves with intricate patterns woven on the back side of the hands.

And just like their private quarters, the flowers in this section were only limited to purple, red and white. A faint but familiar sweet fragrant lingered in the air.

The sheer magnificence of the whole setting left her wondering what would warrant such extravagance? Was today a special occasion? Was she missing something?

A light heave calmed her of such worries.

It didn't really matter, all she could do was make herself even more presentable to her eternal husband.

She touched upon her outfit a tiny bit and prayed that her husband wouldn't find her wanting. He clearly went through great lengths to have all this prepared.

As she hadn't known about this prior, she only had one thing to give.

"I will have to make sure that he finds me irresistible... Well, more irresistible than usual."

Much could be said about Albedo, but when it came to her beauty, she firmly believe that she ranked far above every other female in the Tomb.

That and the fact that her [Succubi Aura] always alerted her when her beloved was in a salacious mood — which was every time his eyes linger more than a minute on her.

It was comforting to know that he found her so irresistible. The feeling was mutual.


With a flap of her wings, she finished her final touch ups and began her lone walk towards her beloved.

Different from before she opted for silent steps, careful not to disturb the tranquil nature of the garden and the calming sound of the comforting waterfalls.

She strolled happily, heart thumping fast and the soothing scent growing stronger.

She came to a sudden stop when a familiar critter crossed her path and her steps slowed to a halt.


The rabbit stopped and spared her a glance. Its crimson red eyes were filled with disinterest for but a brief moment before it continued its run.

— That's definitely him.

Albedo's eye twitched in annoyance at the rabbit's obvious disrespect.

"Well, at least now it is certain that my beloved is near. Either that or another annoying existence lurks in the woods."


Ainz paced the inside of the luxurious pergola, his heart heavy with anxiety.

Hikari was gone, he wandered away while he wasn't looking.

— Ungrateful bastard.

He let out a heavy breath, right arm raised before he ran it along his loose silver hair. His fingers finding no resistance and the sweet fragrant clinging to his hand.

The initial thought was to have the hair shortened. It wasn't manly to have long silky hair akin to that of females. And with his soft — and almost bordering on feminine — facial features, he would pass for androgynous any day.

"The beard saves it though."

It did, until he had Sebas shorten and trim it. It hadn't grown back ever since.

Now Ainz had reservations about shortening his hair. No one wanted to be bald, not to mention a ponytail usually prevented the problems accustomed with long hair.

"Better save than sorry, as the saying goes."

His handle over the english tongue was moderate at best. He had failed to expand upon it after he started to work.

Ainz frowned, his heart rippling with suppressed emotions.

His mother had imparted whatever knowledge she could due to the limitations of institutional education.

She was a good mother.

Ainz smiled.

"Yamaiko was very adamant about expanding one's horizons, even if it was through books."

She had assigned herself the person in charge of the Grand Library, thus many books were educational. Ainz had even found books of higher education in his private library, and he suspected that the same was true for the other suites.

He would expand his knowledge. After all, who would want an ignorant existence ruling over them?

It was never too late to learn, especially for someone unaging such as himself.

He stopped his pacing and shook his head.

Again, Ainz was aware that he had good friends. It was his personality that was the problem.

Now he had an uncaring rabbit, oblivious to his anxiety.

"So much for a support animal."

Ainz planned to repay this traitorous behavior with sour carrots.

He turned with measured steps and looked at the luxurious furniture that occupied the grand pergola.

The place was beautiful, and he hoped it would lighten Albedo's mood even if it's just a little. He seriously wanted this to be perfect, to be memorable. Eternal.

The sound of tapping drew him out of his stupor.

She was approaching.


Author's Thoughts


The Saint: I'm sorry but I had to stopped before jumping over 5k words.

Should I added a part 2? A chunk of it will be explicit, Ainz ravaging Albedo. And a tiny bit of emotional discussions.

Grand Merger: Purple Butterfly will be similar. But it will be far in the future. Shalltear has to deal with some things before Ainz could burden her with role of Queen, after all.

Ainz might be smitten but his still self-conscious.

Still working on improving my battle scenes... o3o

Albedo's impregnation happens in this chapter, just an FYI in just case y'all don't want a part two.

Leave feedback about what you think about this chapter.

Well, Bye bye.