
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


Hekkeran roared, using all of the martial arts he had to boost his strength, he shot towards Dracula while the others supported him from behind. they had time to go over their plan, they should have this in the bag. 

Dracula moved to dodge the arrows shooting towards him, but Hekkeran appeared jumping in mid-air while sending a kick toward Dracula's head. Dracula's hand moved to block, but it was too slow. Dracula was sent shooting backward, but he flipped over, landing on his feet. his neck which was twisted in ways it shouldn't be, put himself together while Dracula removed the blindfold.

He looked at the party of 4 with a deep frown, he was annoyed. round two just began and he was snapped out of his calm state of mind so quickly. He looked at them for a moment, before smiling slightly.

"You guys impressed me... so I will keep you as pets," I said calmly, it was clear keeping them alive would benefit me far more than if they were to have died. As for the use I wanted to put their body to use, there were many humans out there I could pick up

"That was not the deal!" Archer said in shock, to which I gave her a confused look. when did we ever have a deal?

"You seem to have made a mistake... we never had a deal. and the mistake you might have might have something to do with the things I was saying about your punishment.... this is your punishment. you went from faiths worse than death to being pets worth less than even animals." I said making them all grit their teeth

"Should I teach you all how pets are to act or what? good pets don't show their teach to their master." I said while my eyes glowed, causing the 4 to be swallowed in a sense of horror. their legs went weak, with a few of them even wetting themselves,

"Sebas, I will leave you to look at where they will be staying. Demiurge, find a time to get Arche twin sisters. be gentle, I will put them through harsh training." I said with a smile, making Arche's tears start raining down

"Please, leave my sister out of this." She cried, to which I just looked at her with a non-interested look,

"Naw, if you are this capable at your age. I can't wait to see how they will turn out. second, I will not treat them poorly. That I promise, the more you four help me in my training, the more freedom you will get. you would even one day be able to see your dear sister or go outside the tomb. thats a promise" I said calmly, while walking off, while Sebas stepped forward. I had Sebas deal with them since he was nice and all.

"Lord Dracula, are you sure it's okay to allow them to live after they showed you such disrespect?" Aura asked unhappy with how things turned out, but I just saved her words off, while rubbing her head.

"Look at the greater picture, I got pets who would be motivated to help me train. simply throwing a tool away when it has so much use is a waste... let's not do that." I said calmly, to which Aura nodded at my great teaching,

"you're so cool, how were you able to move like that?" Aura asked with interest written all over her eyes,

"Reflect. I trained my gut feelings, I guess thats the simplest answer. it's like sharpening your instincts on the battlefield. but what I'm doing is removing my mind from my body, and allowing my instincts to control the body. As you saw, I could only dodge. soon I should be able to counter, and attack." I said making Aura nod slightly,

"for now, I will call this the self-movement Martial arts. in the future, I will train you all to be able to use this. we all need to grow stronger. walk down every possibility until there are no more gains to be gained." I said while walking through a portal that led to the throne room, where Albedo stood with AInz

"Everything went perfectly... now it's time for Ainz Ooal Gown and Momon to clash," Ainz said while standing up from his throne. why were they going to clash you may ask? simple, Ainz Ooal Gown lived here. out of rage and annoyance, he went outside and drove everyone off. we can't be leaving any goals in our story.

Ainz put on his mask, as for who would be playing Momon. Ainz's son would take that role. Ainz had created an NPC called Pandora Acter. he had the power to transform into any of the 41 guild members and even use their ability.

Although in his base form, the overall stats of Pandora's Actor are noticeably lower than other level 100 NPCs, he is still one of the most capable servants under the command of Ainz Ooal Gown. According to the Overlord, Pandora's Actor possesses very flexible abilities, to the point where he can replace all the other Guardians in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Pandora's Actor's main ability is the transformation. As a higher-tier Doppelgänger, he can transform into YGGDRASIL characters or New World denizens. When Pandora's Actor transforms into the target, his stats will be replaced by the target's stats except his HP, MP, and special ability. Aside from physical appearance, His transformation also grants him access to the target's skills and abilities. Thanks to this power, Pandora's Actor can adjust his power and skill set according to the situation and opponents he faces.

With his transformation, Pandora's Actor obviously can disguise himself and his presence as a player or even the creator of an NPC to some degree. Such a disguise can deceive an NPC such as Sebas while in the form of Pandora Actor's creator, Momonga.

Pandora's Actor's transformation has some limits

1. He can only mimic up to 45 different forms, the forms of 41 guild members of Ainz Ooal Gown, and unique 4 forms. Even so, if it is simply mimicking physical appearance, Pandora's Actor can still transform into anything as long as the target is a living thing.

2. When Pandora's Actor mimics a person's form, he will receive penalties in all attributes and can use all of their abilities and skills only up to 80% of their original potency. While the transformation of Pandora's Actor is weaker than the original, the shape-shifter's summons will not be any weaker.

3. His set of magics and abilities also change following the transformation. by transforming from one spell caster to another, the type of magic he can use will switch completely around as well. For example, If it is a magic caster he takes the shape, Pandora's Actor can only access and use their set of three hundred tier spells exclusive to that one form.

4. He is unable to gain access to the target's Super-Tier Magic or spells. However, Ainz never entirely rules out the possibility that he can as long as he has a certain item with him that allows him to perform Super-Tier Magic.

to say the least, he was powerful, he even once turned into and we had a fight. of course, I had to remove my gear as it wouldn't have been a fair battle. I of course killed him. just because you were me didn't mean you could defeat me. this was years ago, 

For one, he didn't have my Perfect Block, Perfect Counter, and Perfect Pary. although he had my vampire lord abilities, but far weaker. Pandora's Actor could not copy the World Champion's official cheat ability, and there was a long list of things he couldn't copy from Dracula 

Currently, Panora Actoer is playing as Momon. Panora was among the smartest NPC, but he was kept in the treasury for one simple reason... he was the guild treasure. in a way, he was our treasure.

A mirror appeared before me, while Ainz disappeared, sitting down on the stairs, Mera, Aura, Shalltear, Cocytus, Demiruge, and Albedo watched the scene that was about to follow.

"You dare!" the range Ainz was keeping buried exploded out as he stepped out of the great tomb of Nazarick. instantly, Momon rushed forward while roaring at everyone to run while he brought time.

"You dare step into my home, with your dirty boots, dirtying the home I built... the home we built." Ainz exploded, he was against this plan, but he didn't want to speak up seeing how everyone was on board with it. this was his home, sir most of them were in a fake Nazarick... Some of them still stepped foot into the real Nazarick through some teleportation traps. yes, it was to test a few things. Yes Dracula wanted to test himself... but still, he was angry

"We didn't know this belonged to everyone, it looked like a tomb. we meant no harm." Momon said while ready for battle. behind him, everyone was in a state of panic while looking at the masked man before them.

Ainz came back to reality after hearing Momon's words, he glared at all of the humans here. he had to kill a few,

"No harm? for years I stayed here in peace... and now with my home discovered, can I still have such a thing? if I kill you all... no, people would just home seeking answers. So, allow me to send you all off with something you will never forget.

"Appear, Primal Air Elemental, Primal Earth Elemental, Primal Fire Elemental, Primal Star Elemental, Primal Water Elemental" Ainz called out, while 5 monsters he had summoned areal appeared, their level ranging from 82 to 89.

Ainz had them attack everyone, while Momon quickly moved to fight them. the overwhelming power these brought Ainz Ooal Gown summoned instantly caused everyone to start running in a panic. they could have never imagined that such power could exist. to make it worse, Ainz unleashed his aura, causing the fear everyone felt to grow, nearly causing the Insanity on everyone there.

The scene was absolute chaos, yet Momon held Ainz off while those who could escape ran, when they were far away enough, Ainz moved, blocking the outside world from spying in on them if they were. After which, Pandora Acter transforms into Ainz

"Great job," Ainz said while equipping the raven's back armor.

"You need not think me father... by the way, your acting was so real, I almost thought you were really angry which scared me. I have so much to learn," Pandora Acter said, leaving Ainz speechless for a moment, but he simply acted like he didn't hear that and had his summons attack his armor, just damage it, but not damage it too much

after which, he nodded and ran off toward the others. Nabe had been tasked with helping as many people as she could escape, of course, many lifeless bodies were lying all over the place. Nabe was strong, but even she wasn't stronger than the summons...

And so, another shock hit the world. the great Hero Momon had clashed with the magic caster Momon. Momon power was shown off once more but even caught by the magic caster Ainz Ooal Gown. a man whose people left many people taking their own lives just a few days after everything, while the rest were left unable to eat or sleep. the fear they felt that night was instilled into their very being, not even spells that made one not fear things were effective on them

From what Momon revealed, Ainz Ooal Gown only stopped attacking him after seeing if they kept fighting, it would be unknown who would have won. to try and lessen Ainz Ooal Gown's rage, Momon brought up Dracula, which seemed to have shocked Ainz Ooal Gown.

Ainz Ooal Gown then just had Momon leave, which Momon did, not wanting to start more trouble... but the next day, a dragon landed in the center of the Baharuth Empire, on its back were 2 dark elves investing the Emperor to Nazarick where he had to answer to Ainz

of course, the Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix was not foolish enough after hearing Ainz Ooal Gown's power rivaled that of Momon, Dracula, or even Jaldabaoth. he didn't even need to see the elves prove their strength, Momon's words held such a huge weight.

that very next day, the emperor rushed off towards Nazarick. while at the same time, he was trying to see if he could hire Momon or something of the kind.

"Why are we here?" two little girls stood before Dracula, who was calmly drinking some tea under the large tree. the kids were scared, how could they not be scared after suddenly appearing before this man?

"My name is Dracula, your sister Arche... well, she ran into some trouble," I said calmly while looking at the sky, the dark clouds above slowly changing. I smiled seeing this, it had begun. that emperor should be here, and the Pleiades should be meeting them. they were just showing off their power by changing the weather. I of course couldn't go, my face was well known. the same for Shalltear, although Demiurge could after he changed his clothing and appearance, 

"w-what? Is big sister alright?" They asked in worry, to which I nodded my head slightly. causing the twins to sigh in relief.

"for now that is... it's up to you two if you want to save her," I said calmly, stunning the twins, worry filling their pure and innocent eyes.

"she broke into someone's house, to steal his stuff. normally she would be killed, but I managed to buy her time. after which, I came to get you before your father could sell you two off or something like that." I said stunning the two girls,

"you see, your big sister has been working hard. doing everything she can do to pay off the money your parents owe to the people. now these are bad people. so she takes dangerous jobs for the sake of making you two happy. she was even planning on taking you two away, and living somewhere thats safe." I said calmly, causing the two girls to slowly start crying,

"I want big sister Arche!" they were just kids, Dracula expected this, so he wasn't shocked much. but after a moment, spoke

"you can save her," I said causing them to stop crying, as they looked at me with hope-filled eyes,

"I can't save her, but you can. I can go see her and maybe from time to time, I could send you to go see her... but in the end, it's up to you two to grow strong. you have to go and save her. Of course, she doesn't want you to, she wants you to live a happy life. but she would die, we don't want that right?" I asked seriously, to which the two girls nodded their heads

"Then I will train you, I will even have other trainers. In the future, you will be united with your sister and live happily," I said while my eyes glowed, using mind control to make my words have more effect on them.

"yes, we will save big sister. we will train hard." Ureirika the twin with the red shirt said with deturmantion, while her other sister with the blue shirt nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Great, but for now eat up and get your rest. tomorrow money, I will have your teacher come here to give you the basic training, and then we will move from there." I said to which the twins nodded slightly while looking at the foot at the table. they stepped forward, and quickly ate their full before I had them go towards a mansion that I had built there,

'it would get lonely, I will have some maids look after them... but what if they are not talented? this would be a waste. I should go use the book of wishes to wish for something that could help.' I thought while sitting back on my chair with cross legs,

"Now, Ainz Ooal Gown would have an Empire backing it. this would make us look less villainous in the eyes of others. and in a few months, Ainz and Dracula shall meet." I said with a smile, resting my head on my palm, extremely relaxed. Ainz Ooal needed a reason for its actions, all evil it does must be done with just reason

we don't know what enemy we have out there. it would be foolish to do just as we wish... who knows, maybe one day we will be surrounded by all of the players in this world. but if new players we to appear in this world and see the perfect world Ainz had created...

"sharp... I don't know if it's an Act or What. But Momonga is more than worthy of the guild master." I said with a smile, I knew Momonga. I never seen that man as such a genius, sir he was smart and all... but never so smart as to see years into the future. or maybe I was looking down upon Momonga... Momonga was just so hard to read. maybe Momonga was just so smart, he was toying with me.

"either way, I can't wait to rule the world... let's try and collect all 200 world-class items. this is far more exciting than any game." I said while disappearing, things were just getting interesting...