
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Book Club

"This Ainz Ooal Gown just appears and takes our city just because what?" A noble of the Re-Estize Kingdom said angrily. news has just reached the Re-Estize kingdom about Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix opening diplomatic relations with Ainz Ooal Gown of the newly formed Sorcerer Kingdom.

Emperor Jircniv was even going as far as supporting this Ainz Ooal Gown with his claim over one of their cities. many were unwilling to just roll over, but many remembered something, Dracula's words as well as Gazef's words. On top of this, Ainz and Momon's battle had spread over the past few weeks.

"is this not the same man Sir Dracula spoke of?" Marquis Raeven said causing all of the nobels to suddenly go quiet. the Re-Estize Kingdom had gone through great changes since the demon attack. the king hearing Dracula's words went on to act quickly, with the help of Renner he had regained hold of the power within his kingdom. 

well, this was mostly because Renner said she could call Dracula, the fact that Renner had also seemed to be on good terms with Momon helped a lot. Gazef's newfound power also helped, at the rate things were going, it was clear that the king would have a nearly absolute hold over his kingdom by the end of the year. of course, many heads had to fall, but it was the heads belonging to dirty nobles.

"Dracula said... that bag of bones is up and walking, sucks for you.... did he know something like this might happen?" Renner asked with an innocent look, which made the air in the room grow heavy.

"..." the king frowned deeply, he had two paths he could take at the moment, the safest was to take a step back and allow this Ainz Ooal Gown to take the Kingdom. but how would this look? his reputation would drop greatly, plus he would be making their kingdom look like a pushover. they had to fight... but was it wise?

"Gazef, what do you think?" The king asked while looking at Gazef, a man he greatly respected.

"I believe Ainz Ooal Gown and Dracula could be of the same level of power. Jaldabaoth retreated upon hearing this name, E-Rantel isn't that important... we should cede to the Sorcerer King." Gazef said while the king looked at him deeply, he 110% agreed with Gazef... but if they just cede their city away just like that.

"Never thought I would see the day Gazef would speak like a scared munt... but I will agree with Gazef on this one. we are pretty much fighting against 2 kingdoms with Ainz Ooal Gown popping up. with that in mind, the best we should do is put on an act. we should act like we are fighting, but be easily pushed back. this way we don't lose as much face, and we could have more time trying to find a way to deal with this trouble." Marquis Boullope one of the 6 nobles said, and with his words, everyone went quiet as they went over it.

"I'm also with Marquis Boullope, maybe we should try and build a close connection with Lord Dracula. we could do this through marriage. the least we could do is get Momon word on Ainz Ooal Gown, which I have already taken the measure of doing." Marquis Raeven said making everyone's eyes turn towards Renner for a moment, who else would they marry off to Dracula?

"What did Sir Momon have to say?" The king asked while sitting up, everyone ears also opened up, not wanting to miss a single word

"Sir Momon... has said he would not take part in this battle. Ainz Ooal Gown's power rivals the likes of Dracula and Jaldabaoth. Along with that, Ainz Ooal Gown has powerful summons, just one of which is capable of destroying the whole kingdom. this last part is his final world... 'I'm saving my lifespan to stop the demons, and since there are a total of 8, it's unease for me to make enemies who might one day help in my goal. the demons are up to something, something which would shake this world. Ainz Ooal Gown is a small matter once you look at such a picture." Marquis Raeven said softly, leaving everyone quiet,

Indeed, Ainz Ooal Gown seemed small... but they were small as well. it was clear that big changes were coming, they would either be caught up, and destroyed along the way, or stand strong.

"than... I believe it's clear what we should do." the king said while looking towards his daughter, to which everyone for the first time nodded slightly, in full agreement with the king's ideas. 

Marquis Raeven looked towards Renner, memories of a few days ago flashing through his mind. there, he and the fat prince sat in Renner's room.

"Just what is your goal with having such a normal guy as your guard?" Prince Zance asked while looking at Climb who was leaving the room. for a moment, CLimb stopped, wanting to hear what Princess Renner had to say. but he realized that was rude and quickly left,

"... if I were to throw it away, it would cause eyes to turn towards me. I spent years cultivating the golden Princress, it would be a waste to throw it away." Renner said with a smile, which made both Zance and Marquis Raeven's bodies shake at the sight.

"Why? Your eyes landed on something else?" Marquis Raeven asked, to which Renner's smile grew from ear to ear, something almost out of a horror movie.

"Oh yes... Dracula... but that bitch vampire took his first kiss. At this rate, I will not have him all for myself." her smile suddenly twisted which truly made her look as if she embodied the concept of a horror movie.

"... H-how about we pushed for a marriage? you and Dracula. even your father would be helpless against this." Marquis Raeven said, causing Renner's smile to suddenly turn into an adorable smile. with a finger in her chine, she adorably thought for a moment,

"This would give you a reason to be with Dracula all of the time, and no longer have to wait." Marquis Raeven said, but he was already out of Dracula's control. Dracula's mind control was powerful and could last an extremely long time. but during that battle against Dracula and that demon, the shock and horror he felt were more than enough blows to his mind to break Dracula's mind control. he also knew how much of a genius Renner was, and already guessed her weakness to be Dracula.

"I could be with him all of the time..." Renner said, the plan she had being thrown out of the window at these few words. Demiurge had asked her to push for something else to happen, but the opportunity to be with Dracula as his wife was before her.

"Dracula just had his fiancee nearly kill him, I'm sure the vampire nobles would push for him to marry someone else. let's not forget, that he might even have a wide amount of females lining up to try and win his heart. the longer you take, the closer they would get to Dracula. who knows, they might take advantage of his easy-going personality," Marquis Raeven said, and an uneasy look appeared on Renner. it wasn't an act, but her weakness was being attacked, her face became twisted once the idea of the person she loved having her first being taken. they should have each other first.

"fine... but while at it, I want you to push for battle. we can't look weak in front of Dracula, or else it would be that much harder for me to marry into his kingdom." Renner said calmly, a blank unreadable look on her face.

'yes, I can finally get this woman out of my life.' Marquis Raeven cheered in joy inside, but on the outside, he just nodded in agreement...

"I'm sorry Renner." The king said while looking at his daughter, to which Renner shook her head with a gentle smile.

"For my kingdom, I'm honored... I don't believe Dracula would harm me." Renner said with a smile, and seeing the pure and innocent daughter of his he was going to marry off he, sighed. he seemed to grow order with that breath he released

he looked towards a window with a lost look, 2 months, is when that battle shall start. he had to play things carefully...

"Now, stop it. I have to do to my book club." Dracula said while two huge vampire dragons licked him nonstop. these vampire Dragons were summons using YGGDRASIL gold. they cost a lot as they were at level 75, but Dracula coughed up his own money to buy them.

the two Vampire Dragons stopped, licking Dracula, and turned towards a carriage. which Yuri Alpha was careful looking after. the carriage was majestic, to say the least. raven back and red carriage, with 3 windows which were covered by red cloths.

"Yuri, you need not overwork yourself. it makes me worry for you, what if you work yourself to death?" I said with a smile while looking at Yuri. Yuri Alpha is the vice-captain of the Pleiades, she was a workaholic

"My lord, as an undead you need not worry about such a thing. I can work night and day without trouble." Yuri said with a slight bow, making me rub my head slightly.

"I'm saying you need to relax... how about you join my book club?" I asked making Yuri hesitate for a moment, she looked around for a moment, there was still so much work to be done. but she needed in the end, unable to reject her master who had just hopeful eyes.

"Then let's go, you can leave the work for another day. we have 2 months, we can finish everything tomorrow." I said with a smile Yuri sighed softly, and just nodded while following me to the 8th floor. they headed towards the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary.

"..." Yuri's eyebrow raised seeing they were coming here, she didn't expect the blood club would be taking part there.

"Aureole Omega wanted to join the club, she even wanted it to be held here, and due to how beautiful this place is, I didn't mind," I said with a smile while looking around at the beautiful cherry blossoms, and their beautiful pink leaves falling to the ground,

"I see..." Yuri said softly, Aureole Omega is an Area Guardian of the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary and the leader of the Pleiades. She is in charge of the Teleportation Gates throughout Nazarick. At the same time, she is also tasked with protecting the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown in the Cherry Blossom Sanctuary. 

"You're finally here, Father..." The air suddenly grew heavy while Dracula walked up the stairs to the shrine. Rubedo stood at the top of the stairs while looking at Dracula. Dracula blankly looked at her before ignoring her, and just walking past her, leaving Rubedo stunned

"w-what are you doing? you can't just walk past me when I came to greet you." Rubedo said hurt by her father's actions.

"a fight is not the right way to greet someone," I said calmly, making Rubedo bite her lips slightly, which looked weird as her face remained emotionless.

"a clash of blows would allow us to greet each other far better than any other words." She said, making me rub my forehead in annoyance. Rubedo was doing well until she started reading those martial arts novels and manga, now she was sure that a battle was the best greeting way.

"fine, 3 blows," I said with a sigh, Rubedo's eyes brightened before she quickly shot towards her, her fist slamming towards her. sighing softly, I stepped forward and my fist and her clashed. 3 shock waves were released in the blink of an eye, causing Yuki's hair to blow wildly in the air while she stepped back.

"I see... so you facing a bottleneck in your training? want me to help you?" Rubedo asked, making my face go blank. Did she actually get that out of 3 clashes? It was hard to believe, but the proof was before my eyes. maybe I should try and look into this more,

"Sir, I don't mind. It's better than you sitting around all day reading manga." I said calmly, to which Rubedo pouted slightly. She had no work to do, Manga was all she could do.

"what's going on over here? this is a no-fight zone." A pink-haired woman suddenly came running out of the shrine, her eyes glaring at Rubedo

"My apologies Aureole, I kind of forgot," Rubedo said with a bow of apologies. Aureole crossed her arms slightly, she was the big dog here. Aureole Omega is a young girl, no different from a regular human. She had on traditional attire shrine maiden clothing, 

"Lord Dracula, even you can't fight here. this is a no-fight zone, do so again and I will have to see you as my enemy." She said with cross arms, with a look that said, I'm the boss written all over her face.

"toilet paper is on your leg," Dracula said calmly, causing Aureole to jump while looking at her legs in the paper. but she saw nothing, then she remembered she didn't need to use the bathroom thanks to the item she had equipped,

"My bad, did I say toilet paper? I meant to say you forgot to wear shoes." Dracula said with a smile, making Aureole pout with slight tears at the corner of her eyes. Aureole was a wild card. Like Pandora's Actor, Aureole Omega is also a level 100 Area Guardian. She specialized in commander-type classes. As a commander, she could issue orders that buffed her allies. She was also an all-rounder, 

before Aureole lashed out, Dracula pulled out the book which held all the stories, and quickly gave it to Aureole.

"You got more copies! now Rubedo isn't the only one." She cheered while flipping through the books. her tears nowhere to be found,

"Greeting Lord Dracula." Victim appeared. She too was a part of the book club, she was in Mera's arms.

"VIctim, did you finish reading all of the books?" I asked with a smile, 

"Thanks to lord Dracula who allowed me to sleep upon his bed, I have gained telekinesis which has greatly helped me in reading. and yes, I have read all of the books that had MCs who have telekinesis, i wish to one day master my power to their level." Victim said to which I nodded in approval

"Why does she get to sleep on your bed?" Rubedo asked leaving me speechless for a moment, seeing this Rubedo explained

"I'm your daughter, and we never once bathed together, ate together, or even slept together." She said making Aureole throw a weird look towards us.

"you need to choose your words better. If you want to sleep in my bed then go ahead, I was never forbidding you... but just allowing you would be too easy, so let's speak about it tomorrow." I said calmly, making Rubedo's eyes brighten slightly,

'Did that sound better?' Aureole thought her weird look was still on Dracula and Rubedo, but as more and more people appeared it was clear it was almost time for the book club to start,

"Ninya, how's your training?" Dracula asked seeing Ninya, due to his training, Dracula had no time to meet Ninya or check up on her 

"i-it been well. I have mastered many 1-tier, 2-tier, and 3-tier magic. I have currently mastered 5 4th tier magic. It all thanks to the item you gave me. it greatly increases my learning speed." Ninya said with a bow, to which I waved off

"No need to thank me, it's my pleasure to help out. how is your sister? should I be expecting to be a grandfather any time soon?" I asked in a soft voice, making Ninya's face turn red while shaking her head. seeing this, I nodded slightly. It seems like Sebas needs some help taking that final step. I have given him so much free time so he could be with her,

"Greeting Sir Dracula." Pandora's Actor said in an over-dramatic way while saluting to me. seeing this, I saluted back.

"Greeting Sir Pandora's Actor," I said making Ainz who had just appeared lose some HP at the sight of this. he nearly opened a gate to leave, but he was noticed by everyone, so he couldn't leave.

"Big sis... didn't expect to see you two join my book club," Rubedo said calmly while seeing Albedo and Nigredo,

"don't get it wrong, I'm only here because Lord Ainz, the one I love is in this club," Albedo said calmly. Nigredo, who held a baby doll in her hands, with her long hair hiding her scary face just sighed seeing her two younger sisters.

"To think a book club would have so many members," Ainz said while looking at just how many were coming to the book club, with even some normal maids coming here

"It's a book club, but it's mainly a way for them to relax and escape into books. plus, we can use this to see what they are into." I said while entering inside with Ainz, where we were of course the 2 heads of the club, we of course didn't want this, but everyone pushed us to be on such a level.

"This week's book was the book The Son Of The Dragons, who wants to share your thoughts on this book?" and so, Dracula, secretly put on a mask which disappeared. while he secretly closed his eyes and dazzled off, to everyone it looked like he was paying close attention.

Ainz on the other hand... well, he actually liked the club. Dracula owns joined because of Rubedo. so hours of talk flashed by, everyone giving their thoughts on the book and so on, in the end, it was time to look at a new story.

"I have a story." Shalltear who was among the few who had said little suddenly jumped up, causing a few people to jump up. Dracula who was in dreamland, suddenly felt his instincts kick in... telling him to stop Shalltear who was walking onto the stage.

"well, it's a personal book of mine I have created. It's called My Lord Dracula" SHalltear said as she pulled out a manga, which had a shirtless Dracula lying on the bed, looking sexy at the readers. everyone's interest was instantly caught as they sat forward

Dracula quickly looked towards Ainz, and AInz looked towards Dracula. Ainz hesitated for a moment before standing up... this was sexual harassment, as guild leader he couldn't allow such a thing. but before Ainz could speak, an enraged voice sounded

"You dare draw my father in such a shameful way?" Rubedo said, her aura making everyone jump up, ready for a battle that might happen. Shalltear eyes widened for a moment as she stepped back, she shook her hands she meant no harm. all she wanted was to show her love to Dracula.

"This is a no-fight Zone." Aureole stood up, glaring at Rubedo. Rubedo looked toward her and Shalltear, but in the end, out of respect for the rules set by the supreme beings, her aura disappeared.

"Shalltear, such books are inappropriate. there are children here, second... you didn't ask Dracula if he was okay with you doing such." Ainz said, making Shalltear open and close her mouth for a moment. She looked towards Mera and then Dracula, who was covering his face,

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to let the world know Dracula's beauty." Shalltear said in a panic, Dracula sighed softly while a sharp nail grew from his finger. cutting his finger, blood shot out grabbing the book in Shalltear's hands. this was blood magic, a unique form of magic that didn't show in Dracula's Job Classes. For some reason, it did show before Dracula became a Vampire Lord, but it disappeared after Dracula became a Vampire Lord.

"It's alright Shalltear. but I'm happy to see you exploring a new hobby." I said softly while blood-red flames appeared on my palm, burning the book to the point not even its ashes remained. 

"Really?" Shalltear eyes brightened, to which I nodded with a gentle smile,

"new things are scary, it finds it brave when a person tries something new. You're putting yourself out there and for that... thats the coolest thing a person can do. it's a bit beautiful... and for that, I couldn't be more proud." I said making Shalltear eyes heat up, she walked up to me... before she suddenly threw herself at me. caught off guard, I fell to the ground with Shalltear on top of me.

"Lord Dracula, I have tried my best to control myself. but you... you had to go and say such words," Shalltear said while she rubbed her butt against me, he tried to get her off me, but I currently was a level 70, due to my special training.

"W-what? Shalltear stop, where are your hands going? Ainz! A little help" Dracula yelled as Shalltear's hands went places they shouldn't be going. Ainz who was blankly looking at this scene quickly moved, along with everyone else. Shalltear was quickly pulled off Dracula, who quickly straightened out his clothing, while at the same time using blood magic to make sure nothing was sticking out.

"... wait, was that considered fighting?" Aureole asked with a not knowing look on her face, but before anyone could kill a sharp killing intent shot into the sky. Rubedo looked at Shalltear, who was being held down by Albedo, jealously hidden by her killing intent filling them.

"You dare!" Rubedo said angrily, she was truly enraged, first, her father goes on to say such beautiful words she never gets to hear to Shalltear... she didn't care much for the second part. her jealousy at this moment was sky-high.

"wait, no fighting here. Aureole..." Dracula went speechless seeing Aureole looking around, as if not sensing the killing intent. for some reason, that wall looked so interesting to her today,

"Rubedo, how about we have a father-and-daughter night?" Dracula said, causing the skilling intent to freeze. Rubedo who had grown 4 arms, had all types of weapons aimed at Shalltear, with even her eyes glowing red, froze. looking at Dracula. 

"of course, in fact... let's go to my room right now. you've never been there, right? I have this secret room that even Ainz doesn't know of." I said with a smile, making the killing intent disappear while Rubedo returned to normal

"Does Shalltear know?" She asked, making me freeze slightly. Although I didn't understand her reasoning for asking such a question, I spoke quickly

"to motivate Shalltear with her train I showed her... but you are different, I will allow you to sleep in my room whenever you want," I said making Rubedo's eyes go from disappointment to joke. seeing this, Dracula quickly took Rubedo away before she could cause more trouble... at that moment, Dracula felt like a parent who couldn't show their child in public