
Overlord: The True God Kin

After getting caught cheating, Noah was brutally stabbed by his girlfriend's, before dying a gruesome death. However, he got a chance to reincarnate into a world of his liking, due to the love of some powerful being. Noah was an avid lover of the anime overlord, so he choosed to reincarnate into the world of overlord. However, he didn't got any wishes from the god, instead he got something even greater. [This fanfic is dropped] * I don't own the cover image. If the artist wants me to remove it i will.* * I don't own the world and characters except my original charchters*

AzazelGrim · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

New Quest and Information

Upon reaching the huge gate that had chains crawling all over it, binding it to the ground. Noah looked at the entrance, which only showed him the other side of the gate. Where players were still wondering, wether they should go in or not.

"Hey, Noah!" Ulbert shouted behind him, as Noah got lost in his thoughts.

" What is it, Ulbert San ?" Noah asked looking at the goat demon behind him. Ulbert looked at Noah and a smiling emoticon appeared beside his face.

"We have conquered the tomb of Nazarick!" Ulbert said with a happy tone, as if trying to make Noah jealous.

"Is that so ?" Noah used a smiling emoji to appreciate Ulberts effort in making him jealous.

" So, anything i can do with that information ?" Noah asked, looking at Ulbert mischeviously, as his avatar formed a smile.

Ulbert looked at Noah, once again with a wide mouth emoji. Cause that was the only way to show his surprise other then screaming.

" You Really brought those expensive textures, just to smile ? " Ulbert asked in one breath, however, his voice was calm unlike before.

" I sure did." Noah replied with a small chuckle looking at Ulberts defeated expression.

" Anyway, let's go now. " Noah said trying to get Ulberts attention, which he succeeded in, as Ulbert walked towards him and stood beside him, confronting the huge gate.

They looked at each other once, before they both held their hands forward touching the empty space between the huge gate.

A game screen immediately popped in front of them.

[Would you like to enter the Dungeon (Realm of Sin) ?]


Without any hesitation both Noah and Ulbert choosed the yes option, and they felt a white light flash through their eyes.

Without even a timer, they both vanished from the spot. Leaving the few restless players behind.


Noah felt his body getting transported. This feeling was similar to when he spawned in Yggdrasil. It was definitely not something like the spell, [Teleport] or [Gate], which was like taking a step and passing through a door, respectively.

After the brief flash of light, Noah found himself staring at the ground beneath him, which looked like a broken road with small fissures and rubbles littered in the ground.

Noah looked beside him, and found Ulbert, who was gawking at the scenery around them. However, Noah wasn't able to do the same, because his thoughts were stopped for a few second, as he heard a system noise In his head.


– Description: The Dev's have decided to punish you by creating an unconquerable dungeon that has 7 world class boss monsters.

– Objective: Defeat the Seven Corrupted virtues. And conquer the Dungeon. Becoming the master of the Dungeon.

Rewards: –1- Right to the Dungeon [Realm of Sin]

–2- A Hidden class

–3- Transportation to the New world}

Hearing the system issuing him a quest, Noah was shocked. Not because it was something he didn't expected but because the contents of the quest was something that he was sorely unaware of.

Before getting the quest Noah thought that this Dungeon was created by the system itself but the description of the dungeon just confirms that the Dev's have created this dungeon. And it's written that it's unconquerable dungeon which made Noah curious to no end. Just what did the Dev's created to deem it and unconquerable dunegon by the rewards system nonetheless. Whatever it might be Noah had all the reasons and excitement to check it out now.

He understood that the Dev's have seems to finally become aware of his presence and decided to mess with him. Though he didn't understood why they didn't just outright banned his accounts. Although he had a lot of money invested in Yggdrasil it was through many proxies, so they didn't knew who, he actually was. It would be shocking for them to not ban him, unless they can't for some reason. Noah had already taken certain measures if they actually tried to ban him. But they didn't.

Which Noah attributed it to be another systems help and safety provided to him. He can't help but feel even more grateful to mother Omniverse.

Now that he understood what he had to do Noah was excited. But the reason for that was something else. He was excited about the rewards. The rewards were tantalizing after all. It was something that he has been waiting for years. All these years the most prominent thing plaguing his mind was the way to new world.

And these rewards were not normal, they the thing, he was most looking forward to all these years.

To get to the new world with his own guild base, that was what he was hoping for. He was aware of the cause of the incident that led to the Great Tomb of Nazarick getting transported to the new world. So, he knew in normal scenario it should be impossible. Nonetheless, that would be very amazing. That was Noah's thought before, but now.. it'll come to reality.

One of the reasons, why Noah was good friends with all the guild members of ainz oal gown was because, he was planning to join the guild of ainz oal gown, if he didn't get any rewards that will allow him to have his own guild base be transported to the new world that is. If it was not possible then he'll just join the guild of ainz oal gown.

Because the guild was very strict with it's members, Noah had to make friends of everyone, just to be safe. But he was sure, that if worst came to worst, he'll be able to join the guild and his sister and Nami would also be allowed. There was also the fact, that Nami was slightly accounted with Momonga, due to working in the same company. Albeit in different positions.

A good decision and outcome as it might have been, if he wasn't given the privilege to be transported to new world with his own guild base.

However, things were different now. He can have his own guild base. And maybe this will be his new home ? This was the best outcome Noah could hope for. If he conquered this Dungeon, then Noah will be able to get his own guild base. Create his own NPCs and create his own place, which he can call home.

Although, being in nazarick was a cool thing when thinking about it. Creating something greater then Nazarick sounds even better.

Noah had a faint smile forming on his lips, as he thought about all the great things he can do now. Which only made him more excited as time passed.

Not even 20 second had passed, that Ulbert looked at Noah, who was absentmindedly looking at nowhere.

"Hey, Noah! What are you thinking!?" Ulbert shouted, bringing Noah back to reality.

Noah shook his head and looked at Ulbert and asked.

" What happened ?"

Ulbert only looked at him, before he pointed at their surrounding. Only then did Noah realized where they were.

They were standing on a city. Or atleast what was left of it.

Broken walls and broken buildings covered their entire vision, as far as the eye can see. The long roads had stone and rubble of the houses and buildings. It looked like a big storm has passed through the place destroying everything and everyone.

There were no NPCs in this empty ruined city. Everywhere their eye could see was just the rubble and broken bits of different architects.

Noah looked at his surroundings and further away using his skill, he found some players flying. However, there were no NPCs in this ruined city.

Normally a city Is filled with NPCs, and players all around filling the entire mediaeval city with life. However, this city looked more like a danger zone, where a tragedy has befallen.

Well.. it was a dungeon after all.

Noah looked at the game screen to check the places name.

[Place type : Ruin

Name : City of Greed]

Looking at the name, Noah can assume few things. Like why the city was named city of greed. But..

" This is a ruin! Never thought we'll see this kind of Dungeon. Is it possible that this is a guild based Dungeon ?" Ulbert asked, fiddling with the game screen checking the same name of the city as Noah, and when he saw it, he looked at Noah and said.

"City of greed. Doesn't it sound cool!!!" Ulbert asked looking at Noah, with his demonic goat eyes, that were sparkling.

" Yeah.. it's cool. But remember. It's a dungeon not a city. " Noah said to Ulberts inquiry.

Although, there were many dungeons that were based on a ruined city. None of them had a racial requirement. And nor were there any gates, required to dive into them.

Ulbert nodded, and looked at the city around him. He walked ahead and started looking around the houses, that were but relics of past. He was trying to find if there was anything he can discover from it. After all, these city type Dungeons often had secret passages, that might lead to the location of a rare item.

" Ulbert San, I'll try to look around from the sky. " Noah shouted towards Ulbert, to which Ulbert replied with a thumbs-up emoji. Saying it's ok.

Two majestic wings immediately sprouted from Noah's back. And fluttered, creating wind blasts, before he flew into the sky at a blazing fast speed.

As soon as Noah was at the minimum height to see the entire landscape better, his wings stopped and he floated still in the sky.

When Noah looked around, he saw that the city was almost as big as the centre City of one of the nine world's. Almost, because it was only 70% of the size of the centre City. But still, it was huge!

Atleast it spanned for 100 kilometres!

Noah can see players like him flying, most of them having wings behind their backs, from white angelic to black demonic. He assumed them to be the players, that had visited the Dungeon.

When Noah looked at the place, where they came from, he saw that there was no gate or anything of that matter. That means the gate just threw them here, and they'll have to find the exist themselves. Either that, or clear the dungeon. Or die to get out of this Dungeon.

Normal dungeons didn't worked like this. There was always the exit open for you to leave anytime. Unless you entered the boss room, which you can't exit unless you defeated the boss for obvious reasons.

As the vast city ended, there was a wall surrounding the city that was broken to the bits. As if some powerful hammer has hit the city, breaking everything into rubbles.

After that, as far as Noah's eye can see, there was a vast grassy plain. It looked almost like a paradise, as there were beautiful pounds here and there with trees fruit hanging on them. Some might even mistake it for the garden of Eden, due to how peaceful and beautiful it looked.

However, it was not as calm as it looked to the naked eyes, because as soon as some player goes out of the city, some invisible white tiger looking monster with white wings appears and starts attacking and from the trouble the normal level 100s are having, Noah can assume that they were powerful. However, he can't identify them from here using the system, because there was a range for everything in the game.

Noah looked at Ulbert, who was looking at the surrounding with curiosity, like a child discovering a new chocolate.

Noah was planning to gather some information from other players, while Ulbert was busy trying to find some secret item in this city. Which Noah thought was useless, because the city was not the entire Dungeon, but the entire world was.

Well.. Why was Noah planning to ask other players for information, when he can get them himself ? Well.. there are many ways to get all the information he need. But for that, he'll have to use the trial and error method. And Noah had already knew, that some players have already been her for more then 5 hours.

5 hours is a lot of time in game. If you think about it. You can discover a lot of things in 5 hours. And Noah wasn't just going to waste that much time, trying to do trial and error in this place, where players are eyeing each other out and looking for opportunity.

I mean.. why waste time when you can buy the information ?

Deciding to fly to some players who can give him information, Noah fluttered his wings and eyed his surroundings, looking at all the players. Out of all of the players, only 3 group of players stood out to Noah. As they looked calm and collected, unlike the other players who were haste and going outside the city, fighting monsters. Instead, they stayed in the city standing and talking, as if they were waiting for something.

He saw a group of angels and looking at their white wings, he determined they were pure arch angels and decided to fly towards them using his wings.

His wings were naturally larger then normal, after all, this was his Seraphim wings. Seraphim was a class hard to unlock. First you will need to have a pure angel racial build. 15 levels in angel, 10 levels in arch angel, 10 levels in Throne, and then you'll need to have 5 levels in cherubim. Which Is another rare class, that you can only unlock after defeating a copious amount of undead players.

Even after that, you would need to defeat Undeath the lord of Death monster. To get the class of Seraphim. Which is hard to say the least.

Fluttering his beautiful majestic wings, Noah slowly flew towards the group of angel players, that were a little further from him.

As soon as Noah approached them, they all got on high alert. After all, not disturbing other players in a big Dungeon raid where other guilds and clans are at the same time is a courtesy.

Noah seeing their vigilance, raised his hands and said.

" Calm down, i just want some information in exchange for some cash items, if you can. "

The players all looked at each other, before putting their weapons and hands back. It was normal to trade information with information or with some rare items, like cash items, which can only be brought through money and luck.

In fact, there is even one trade in past, where two world items are traded. It was the biggest news when it actually happened.

There were 4 players in this group and judging from their avatar, all of them were male. They all had different charachter designs obviously, except for a badge, that they wore on their chest. The symbol was the symbol of their guild, which Noah was able to identify at a single glance.

" I'm Noah, a solo player. Nice to meet you." Noah said as his feet landed on the ground, however, unlike before, he didn't retracted his wings instead, he folded it making him look like an angel descending on earth, Coupled with his sophisticated robe and looks that despite wearing masks can make players feel attracted to, made it easy for the 4 players to look at him favourably.

" We are from small clan who are co joined to the guild of Seraphim." One of the players, the one having two swords on his waist said.

Seraphim! A guild, no! A huge guild actually. It was one of the largest guilds in Yggdrasil and it was a guild made especially for angels. The rumours are that the guilds leader and co leaders were all seraphims. Hence the name. They were one of the top powerful guilds. But what their guild was known for was not their power or numbers. But rather their information. Their information on Yggdrasil was top notch. Many larger guilds and even powerful solo players looked for seraphim for information, regarding some items or even some special needed quests, that can Elevate or remove restrictions from classes.

Noah obviously knew about it. After all, there were many information that he himself has provided to the guild of Seraphim. Maybe because, he was Seraphim or because his informations were all credible, the guild leaders had favourable opinion towards him and can be considered friends.

Noah nodded and looked at all four of them at once, before Asking the question that he wanted to ask.

" So how many things have you discoverd?" Noah asked looking at the players. However, he didn't expected them to just tell the information outright.

And as expected.

" Why don't you first present the reward. What can you give for the information ?" One of the players, the one with a spear on his back, asked looking at Noah with a Little suspicion and a lot of anticipation. From Noah's look they can tell that he was a high level solo player. Most of the players who played solo relied heavily on cash items, so they had high anticipation from someone like him

" I see.. well whatever you like." Saying those words, Noah waved his hand and from his inventory, two white drops of glistening crystal liquid appeared. They looked like a drop of water frozen in time. appeared out of nowhere. However,.that was normal when you use inventory. But what shocked the players was the white crystalline tear drop.

" Is that [Tear Drop of Michael]?" One of them stuttered, eyeing the drop of frozen tear in Noah's hand with wide eyes. All of them had similar reactions, as they gazed at the crystalline Tear drop, that was smaller then a nail, yet looked bright like sun.

" Why don't you confirm it ?" Noah said grinning a little inside. This was an item that was only available through a very rare gacha and as lucky as Noah was, he was able to acquire an hefty amount of them.

Giving two of them would be but throwing a penny, while having millions. Although, it was a very rare and useful item he got thousands of it. So why would he mind throwing one or two for Saving his time.

This items name was [Tear Drop of Michael]. An item that lets angels with low magical stats, increase their magical stats including Defense and attack and even MP. But one point of increase in the magical stat will mean you will lose one point in your physical stat. However, the good thing is that, you'll be able to choose which state you are able to decrease. This is rare and hard because, There are many angel racial class focused warriors, who only realized later after taking multiple physical attributed job classes that, they are Wasting their benefits they can get from their angel racial class.

Which is mostly based on magical stats, because angels can use inherent healing skills even without magic, at the cost of their HP. It's similar to wild magic but not quite, because the HP that will be lost will not regenerate untill you drink a certain Potion, which is specific to angels. This item has another effect which is that. It let's you get the passive skill of Michael's blessing. Which give you the ability to get your HP back after a certain amount of time, even if you sacrificed it to heal someone.

"Can I really touch it ?" The one that had a spear behind his back, also looked like the leader asked.

" Go ahead " Noah moved his hand forward, Making the two tear drops collide, creating a chime that made the four players take a gulp because this item was very rare.

The guy looked at the small white tear drop that was crystallized and took it from Noah's hand. However, he made sure, he only took one. He then touched his console and information appeared displaying on his gamescreen.

As soon as he read the information, he understood that this was the legit item.

His friends who were looking at him were quite impatient, as they started asking him.

"Hey Ray, is that not the item ?"

" Is this guy scamming us ?"

They asked. However, as soon as he heard his buddies Asking questions, he immediately got out of a daze, and he looked at Noah, before looking at his buddies and saying.

" It's legit."

" For real. "

" Damn!"

All of them then started talking between themselves without returning the item, which Noah wasn't very cautious of. After all, who was he ? Was he stupid enough to let them go without the information. He is simply playing with them right now, because he is in the eyes of multiple players. Otherwise, he would've used his world item to get the information he so needed. However, that was not the case because this place was surrounded by players.

"Are you guy's done with your chattering yet ?" Noah said, interrupting their conversation. From what he got from their conversation, they were actually in search for one of this item. This item was rare and they were planning to buy it through actual money, which would've cost them a lot.

They really can't believe how they were able to stumble upon someone, who was able to give such precious items for information.

" Are you sure about it ?" The guy with red hair and swords asked. Instead of their assumed leader Ray.

" Are you unsatisfied with it ?" Noah asked with a grin emoji floating before him.

"No! We are satisfied. We'll give you all the information, but first we need to set up countermeasures for divination. " Ray, the leader this time spoke, as he bring a triangular pagoda looking item and placed it on the ground.

" Fine with me, but wait for a minute." Noah said stopping the guy, which he did so without Asking any unnecessary question.

Noah then pulled his gamescreen and pressed onto the chat section. He then messaged Ulbert to stay in the city, he told him that he is going to get more information before they venture out of the city ,which he assumed was the safe zone of this dungeon.

After 10 second. Getting Ulberts response which he replied with a big 'OK', Noah looked at the guy and said.

" Tell me now. " As he said that the guy Pressed into the pagoda and activated the item. The moment the item was activated the surrounding was covered by a white light as Noah and all 4 players vanished. However, the pagoda remained floating there spinning slowly emitting a white light that dimmed as the time passed.









AN : sorry for not uploading for a month now. i didn't actually had any mood to write because people seem to not like the fanfic and saw a lot of bad reviews so my motivation kinda plummeted. but now that i think, it doesn't really matter. anyway. I'll maybe upload another chapter next week if i can write it. but don't worry. I'm not dropping it although the updates might be late. some things might not make sense in the Yggdrasil world but i have grand plans for when Noah arrives in the new world so look forward to that. a lot of actions, political tension, show of strength, faceslapping, Romance, harem and if i can write it then lemons too.