
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Will of Humans

Royal capital of Re-Estize Kingdom, Re-Estize, a very first ancient city founded since the establishment of the Kingdom. It was supposed to be a prestigious city among all in the heyday of the kingdom. But now, it's one of the most dangerous city in the whole kingdom due to the increasing crime rates.

The royal capital is basically divided into three areas; Upper-Class, Middle-Class and Lower-Class area.

Upper-class area is the most peaceful and prosperous area among them which centers around Ro-Lente castle. The roads are mostly paved and the kingdom's general soldiers are also stationed there on daily basis. This is basically a paradise of the royal capital, and the only ones who can afford to live in such place near the royal palace are nobles and people of such authority.

Whereas, the middle-class area is a place for both the local and foreign merchants, and also the adventurers. Although this area isn't as prosperous as the upper class area, it is the most lively place to be in the capital. Almost all the merchants are settled in this place, making this the central hub of the capital's economy.

Nevertheless, nobles rarely cares about this area. The kingdom's soldiers are rarely dispatched and the law and order is only maintained due to presence of the adventurer's guild. Only the foreign merchants and high-level adventurers have some value for the high ranking nobles. Foreign merchants are the source of latest foreign products, whereas high-ranking adventurers have enough strength to rival the authority of the nobles.

And the least developed and dirtiest place of the capital is the lower-class area. It is the nerve center of all the criminal organizations, The Slums. Since the downfall of the heyday of the Kingdom, the criminals arose from the slums. Although the controller of the criminal organization live in the upper class or middle class area, their resources are cultivated from the slums. In a year, at least hundreds of people rise from the slums to join the underground.

[Few Hours Earlier]

In the middle-class area, two beautiful girls wearing maid outfits appeared out of thin air. After separating from Albedo, Narberal and Solution immediately set off to complete their mission. Their mission was to spread the name of Nazarick in the royal capital.

Looking down on one of the fair-sized house built of red Lyons Sandstone with crumbling rock walls, Solution opened her mouth.

"So this is the place?"

"According to [Widen Magic: Life Detection], this place fulfills the requirements." said Narberal.

If you want to gather or spread new pieces of information quickly, then a tavern is a best place, and the more crowded it is, the more advantageous it is. So, with the help of [Widen Magic: Life Detection], Narberal pinpointed the Brass Didgeridoo to inhabit large number of crowd.

The Brass Didgeridoo, was a relatively famous tavern in the whole royal capital. You can also regard this place as to be the gossip hall of the aspiring adventurers. Not only the low ranking adventurers, the high-ranking adventurers are also the frequent customers of the Brass Didgeridoo.

With the serving of nutritious foods and the rapid flowing of the latest news of the country, the Brass Didgeridoo, has also gained the fame of the information hub. So, it was natural for the [Widen Magic: Life Detection] to represent the Brass Didgeridoo more populated than adventurer's guild itself.

"Oh, so many energetic humans. Who should I chose to begin with?"

Solution said with a sadistic tone.

"Remember not to go overboard, and divulge in your own fun. Lord Demiurge concluded the will of humans to be extremely fragile. We can't afford to fail the order of the supreme one."

Narberal said seriously. This was the mission given by Ainz, their ultimate master, and top of that it was of upmost importance which includes the prestige of the name of Nazarick. They really couldn't afford to make any mistake, and shame the profound name of Nazarick.

"I also know that, Narberal. You don't have to worry. I won't play with them. If their will is completely broken, then they are as good as dead."

Solution also understood the importance of this mission. Before, she would have slowly tortured the humans and inflict her spells. But today is a different thing. If she goes her usual way, then the human specimens' mind will break apart before she could cast [Slime Usurp].

[Slime Usurp] is an exclusive skill of the sub-race [Predator Slime] under the main race [Slime]. This skill detaches a chunk of slime from the caster's body and takeovers the mind of the targeted beings. The requirements to successfully activate this skill are; the targeted being should be of at least ten levels lower, and their mind shouldn't be affected with any other mind interference spell priorly.

That was the requirement when they were still on YGGDRASIL, but after coming to new world the second requirement was slightly changed to blend in the reality. That is; the target should have their own will intact until the skill [Slime Usurp] completely takeovers their will and hands it over to the caster's control.

"Alright! I'll cast area effect mind interference spell. The next group entering the tavern will be your prey." {Narberal}

"Sure." {Solution}

Narberal summoned her weapon, Keraunos MK 3. It's main function was to increase the effectiveness of the thunder spells, but due to it possessing the light magic it can also help in enhancing the AoE spells.

Actually, she didn't required to use the function of her staff on these low level humans, but to be on the safe side she had to utilize it. Although these humans are low levels, there are few high ranking adventurers inside of tavern which is considered relatively strong in human standards. So better safe than sorry.

After MK 3 appeared on her hand, she slightly raised it and cast the spell looking down mid air.

"[Plea of Fascination]"

A gust of white light spread from the core of the staff and merged with the sun rays and pierced inside of the Brass Didgeridoo.

[Plea of Fascination] is a 5th-Tier mental state interference magic. It's not a hypnotic magic spell which makes the target a puppet. It's a spell which greatly changes the mental state of the target maintaining their will intact.

At this time, Solution saw a group of adventurers, and said.

"Oh! A group of toys are heading this way. I'll go to greet them properly."

Solution had a playful smile on her face and directly jumped down towards the street canceling her invisibility.

It was a clear sunny day, so people would definitely notice them if they hover around in the mid air. So, along with [Fly], Narberal had also put [Complete Invisibility].


Solution sneakily landed in one corner of the street. Looking at the group of four adventurers, she casted a 1st-Tier charm spell to attract their attention. These group of adventurers weren't that much strong even if compared in human standards, so she could only use 1st-Tier charm spell in order not disturb their mind wildly.

After the four men sidetracked towards the corner of the street, they arrived near Solution. She quickly dispelled the charm spell. As it's 1st-Tier, the effect didn't seem to affect a little longer. Then, she quickly used her exclusive sub-race skill.

"[Slime Usurp]"

Four fist sized piece of slime detached from Solution's body and directly hit the adventurers, disappearing inside of their heads. Within a few seconds, the skill showed it's affect and the four adventurers gradually lost their expressions turning into lifeless puppets.

To be clear, it wasn't a puppet. The previous will of the four men are still present. It's just that, Solution has taken control over it. Once Solution gives the order, the men will regain their emotions and behave like their usual self. The only difference will be that they will be subconsciously following Solution's order.

This was one of a kind of rare and most useful manipulation skills, but the restrictions was there to balance the effect of making it easy to use on strong opponents. Otherwise, she could probably use it to easily infiltrate the Slane Theocracy, where the dispatched spies are operating relatively slow.

Solution indifferently looked towards the lifeless four adventurers and took out a piece of parchment.

"You will continue your usual routine to visit that tavern. After entering the building, you can continue to slowly bring the topic about the sudden march of the royal and private army along with adventurers. Then, you will gradually recite the information I'm about to say."

She began to read the contents written in the parchment given by Albedo. It mainly contained about death of King, Crown Prince, nobles' rebellion, demon invasion and lastly the one who could save this Kingdom.

"The details are simple, but you shouldn't directly bring these topics. After you bring one topic, the other adventurers will support you and slowly change the topics like a chain reaction. In this way you should be able to spread the name of Nazarick."

The result she wanted wasn't difficult, but not easy too. Although the states of mind are controlled by Narberal, if there are any who wasn't affected, then also the act wouldn't be recognized. Once the group of four men bring the related topic to discuss, the other uninterested people will also show their interest due to [Plea of Fascination].

Then, they will gradually begin to understand the threat the Kingdom is currently suffering and about the one who has power and rumors of the secret meeting with her royal highness, princess Renner.

"Now, go and perform well."

"As you wish, my lady."

On Solution's order the four men entered the Brass Didgeridoo regaining their former expressions. Inside the building, before they could sit down and start the topic, there was already the news of the battle of E-Rantel. But still, they had to go through scrip and mention from the death of the King and the upcoming demon invasion.

First they have to show the threat the Kingdom is suffering and will suffer in the future. Then, bit by bit, they will reveal the existence of a saviour and the extent of the sacrifice that will be necessary. Although some are unlikely to believe and behave, they couldn't refute the words of other adventurers' team.

Most of the adventurers' teams have already been to the battle of E-Rantle and had also heard some news about the mysterious men. So, even if they some false rumour, it's likely to be easily believed by others.


Soon the operation in the Brass Didgeridoo was successfully completed. They observed the situation for a few hours, and were happy for first stage of the mission to be accomplished.

After this, they quickly began to target other largely crowded areas too. And, in this way, the first large scale news began to circulate not only in the royal capital, but also outside the capital.

In the middle of her work, Narberal received an order from Albedo and left Solution to only observe the situation and increase fire from time to time. Albedo suddenly called for Narberal in the middle of such an important mission was due to the lack of secrecy while communication with the opponent in direct confrontation through the princess of the Kingdom/


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