
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chaotic state of Mind

[Villareal Residence]

Marquis Raeven was sitting on one end of the sofa in the grand room of the Villareal Residence.

The heart of the Ro-Lente Castle, Valencia Palace has three buildings. Royal Residence is located at the center where the member of royalty resides. Villareal Residence was mainly used by the nobles of royalty faction, and lastly Nuer Residence was for the stay of the nobility faction.

Whenever they visits the Ro-Lente castle, it would be the place of stay. And while they were away in their own territory, their subordinates would take charge of it. The residence was basically located inside of the Valencia Palace, but the late owner of the palace had almost minimal control over it.

The main blockage of the control was due to the deployment of the private armies into royal army, and letting them guard these buildings. From this, it would be projected as contribution on the surface, but it was the representation of the same foothold of the nobility and royalty faction with their King himself.

"The private armies of six great nobles has been withdrawn to Villareal and Nuer Residence."

Marquis Raeven sighed exasperatedly and continued his words.

"Now the previous royal army is divided into three parts, or should I say the superficial show has finally ended. Now, the Royal residence only has the ordinary peasants as their soldiers, while the two faction has made the other two residences their stronghold for the time being."

Now that the private armies of the six great nobles were withdrawn in their respective residence, the civil war is inevitable. The nobles has clearly shown their true colours of rebellion to the royal family.

"Aghh!! This is all that fatso's fault. If he had only contacted me before pulling their men from royal army, I would have thought of something. Now my brain hurts when I think of what the princess will do. She isn't some normal teenage brat, she is a real demon, and you had to go poke that demon when there is another threat hanging on the fate of this Kingdom."

Before the princess started to take control over the royal army, Marquis Boullope, the head of the nobility faction suddenly ordered the retreat of the remaining private armies in the Nuer Residence. After that, the princess also started her pursuit of the military strength.

The march of Renner to seize control of royal army wasn't due to the action of Marquis Boullope, but the other nobles wouldn't think so. They would only believe that, the leader of nobility faction was the first to start the rebellion to the royal family which caused the princess to take action to ascend the throne just after the death of her father.

"And prince Zanac is also an idiot. Why would you follow the footstep of that fatso? I was only gone to ensure the wellbeing of my family, and now all is mess here. If the one who we're against was a normal naive princess, then it wouldn't be a problem. But, she is a demon, and a very intelligent one at that."

After the rebellion of Marquis Boullope, She directly took control over the royal army, which only consists of the low class peasants. She must have known that it wouldn't be effective to repel other nobles with that strength. But the first thing she did was, seize royal army under her command, ignoring the threats of both nobility and royalty faction.

It was like a desperate move of a naive princess, but Marquis Raeven knew the true nature of Renner. So, he couldn't figure out her purpose. Why would she choose the powerless royal army with only quantity over the soldiers of other nobles?

If she wanted military strength, then she could show the support to Zanac and slowly turn his supporters into hers. It was well known that the princess has always been neutral till now, so she didn't have any noble supporter. So, with the disguise of supporting Zanac she could clearly gain more support.

"But she didn't do that. Why?"

This single 'Why?" was enough to rampage every brain cells of Marquis Raeven. On the top of that, there is also the concern of possible demon invasion. This new external threat also needs to be considered which requires unity of the Kingdom.

If it was earlier, then it wouldn't be much of a concern. The kingdom could not only resist, but could also hope to fend off the threat. But now, it was different. The unparalleled brain of the Kingdom, the golden princess, Renner, started to take action not against the demon invasion, but against the rebellion.

"It doesn't look like taking action against the rebellion, but we couldn't be sure of her actions. She looks like a lone wolf, a powerless one at that. She would also think that of herself, if she sees the current situation on surface. But she isn't like that reckless naive princess."

Did she sent the proposal to Baharuth Empire to cooperate? No. Baharuth Empire doesn't need princess's support at this moment. The internal condition of Kingdom is already unstable. This reason alone is enough for the Empire to prepare their attack. Cooperating with the royalty of invading nation will only hinder their future control.

"Then, what backer did she found, to tackle not only nobility faction but also royalty faction?"

Although the princess hadn't announced her targets of attack, but it could be clearly seen, she wants to confront both factions. Noble faction was a sure candidate, but when she directly started to take control over the royal army without consulting with the royalty faction, it was clear as a day that she was not in the favour of royalty faction.

And to dare to do such a thing, she needs more power. The only strength she has are, Royal Army, Gazef Stronnof, the Blue Rose, the Red Drop, and her own intelligence. But it wasn't enough to handle both factions. The adventurer's guild wouldn't interfere in the battle of throne, as the throne wasn't only between thin lineage of nobles, but also against royalties each other.

The Kingdom has provided funds to adventurer's guild to operate in the Kingdom. So it was their duty as a citizen of Re-Estize to stand in the support of royalty in the battle of throne. But, the royalties were also fighting each other, that put stop to that action. If there wasn't Zanac standing against Renner, then the adventurer's guild would surely show their support.

"There is also Magician Guild, but it doesn't have such power and authority in Re-Estize."

Magician Guild was same as the Adventurer's Guild, but their authority and state in the Kingdom was different. The Kingdom doesn't support the magician guild like adventurer's guild and their origins are also not clear. They don't have any attachments to the Kingdom, and the possibility of their influence in the strife of the Kingdom's internal battle is near to null.

The only people the magician guild could order around is their staff members, as the magic caster under their membership are VIP for them due to its rarity in the Kingdom. So, the magician guild was out of the picture.

"So who could it be? If only I knew, I can prepare some negotiation statements and think of the cause and effect of the various future actions."

Yes, Marquis Raeven had already planned to negotiate with Renner. If his support is shown, then Renner wouldn't surely oppose. Who wants to reject such generous offer of the support of the leader of the royalty faction. It's even better that he has more brains than the actual candidate of the faction to enthronement.

But for that, he needs to know about Renner's source of confidence in her actions. Renner has no affection for the Kingdom's well being, but Raeven is a true patriot. He has to think of the consequences of helping the princess.

"Is it that man?"

The man Raeven was thinking of was Ainz. He also heard the combat capabilities of that man. Princess Renner also had some discussions with him. If he was behind Renner, then these private armies would be crushed like ants.

"But it's unlikely. My representative from that meeting didn't say anything of it."

What his representative from earlier meeting said was that everything was normal, and that man had no interest in the Kingdom. He only received some thanks, and walked on his own path.

Marquis Raeven also believed that. A man who can easily defeat the monster which couldn't be even scratched by the Kingdom's best shouldn't interfere in such trivial matters. Although the Kingdom was relatively big, it was average at best comparing to other nations. So, this possibility was even less than anything.

"Aghh.. My brain hurts. Let's wait for a few days to figure out. I can't think of anything for now."

Saying this, he took a glass of brandy, closed his eyes and gulped it down hard at once.

"Haa!.. Huh! Wh.. Who are you?"

But when he opened his eyes, a beautiful figure wearing a maid outfit appeared in his vision.