
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Extra: Valentine's Day


...[Date: 13 February --- Time: 23:13]...


"It's almost time. Hehe.."

Now that she had prepared almost everything, she walked out of the room to change her dress. After changing into a seductive and beautiful outfit, she paced towards Ainz's room.

At that time, she felt something unusual behind her back. Turning her head, she looked around her but couldn't find anything.

"Strange... Heh.. I must be overexcited.. He.. He.."

Thinking that it was just the effect of her emotional state, she ignored it. Then, she increased her pace to get near Ainz. She arrived in front of Ainz's office room in about a minute.

[Ainz's Office Room]

At this time, Ainz was reading the document on the table and thinking about something. The paper on the table was titled [Conversion of Magic]. It was the report of one of the research done by Demiurge.

'Can we convert the physical substances into MP? It would be great. But, this only shows the hypothesis, not the practical progress.'

The hypothesis's main gist is:

"MP is the primary source of energy, and everything around us is the molecular stability of MP in a specific condition, forming a unique substance."

With this statement, it is clear that we can produce effective MP from some unique substances. It requires detailed research of essence, and all the objects aren't suitable for short-time development.

The most appropriate one is Nazarick's Gold. When he was pondering about this, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

With permission from Ainz, Albedo walked into the room. She was wearing a strappy white sequin dress, giving an extreme elegant vibe. The vibrant red designs across the white dress also increased her charm.

She was wearing a necklace embodied with topaz, a yellow gemstone with a sleek design. Her earrings were also matching her eyes, made up of opal gemstone.

She walked seductively towards Ainz. With every step, you could see her slender long white legs. The alluring charm was off the charts, which made Ainz skip a heartbeat. He only woke up from a daze when Albedo arrived a meter away.

"Ahem! Albedo, what's the special occasion?"

When Albedo saw the flustered Ainz, a smile curled up on her face. Then, walking close to Ainz, she said with a flirty tone.

"It's a surprise~ my beloved~ Lord Ainz~."


The hot breath released from Albedo's mouth coupled with the breasts pressing on his arms startled him. He was about to say something, but the hot puff touched his reddened skin again.

"How do~ I~ look~ Lord Ainz~?"

Before he could realize what was going on, a single word flew from his mouth.


Albedo's face also turned red hearing his words. Then only did Ainz realize what he said.

"Ah.. I mean gorgeous."

"Th..Thank you"

The mood in the room was super abnormal. Albedo was rejoicing in herself, while Ainz was flustered due to the effect of Albedo's charm magic.

He didn't say anything to stop it, as not to disrupt Albedo's planning. But now that Albedo was trying her best to control herself, Ainz asked her.

"By the way, what is the surprise you were talking about?"

Albedo also came to her senses and realized her purpose in coming here. She bowed slightly and raised her hand to welcome Ainz's arm before saying.

"Oh.. It's in another room. Would you like to accompany me?"


Ainz stood up and allowed Albedo to embrace his arms with her plump chest. Albedo guided him towards the designated guest room. The door of the room was nicely decorated with heart-shaped balloons and other hanging decorations.

When both of them reached there, the door slowly opened, revealing a beautifully decorated room. The ballons, emeralds, hanging roses, flowers and many more were placed perfectly on each wall and pillar.

There were also many luxurious pieces of furniture, like a dinner table with the lovely red design, a dessert tray with sweet fragrance desserts, and other equally pleasant items.

"Happy Valentine's Da.."

Before Albdeo could finish her greeting, a loli dressed in a black-red knitted mermaid dress flew towards Ainz.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Lord Ainz."

She was also wearing ruby embodied earrings and a necklace filled with ivory gemstone. But the main attraction wasn't any of those.

Along with the dress and jewellery, the floating blood-red hearts behind her back perfectly represented her identity as a vampire. There were five heart-shapes of blood floating behind her with love written in the centre.

When Shalltear leapt towards Ainz, grabbing his neck, she placed her pink lips on his. Seeing this, Albedo lost her control and immediately summoned her halberd [3F].

"Bit*h!! Roll!!"

In response to that, Shalltear also took her fan to repel Albedo's halberd.

"Fu..fu..fu.. You thought I wouldn't find this. How naive."


Albedo exploded with anger, and a violent purple aura enveloped her body. She spent a lot of time preparing all of this to please her beloved.

But, at the start of the journey, Shalltear stole her joy. Albedo was ready to launch another attack when a hand stopped her.

"Alright. Cease this racket."

When they heard the commanding voice of Ainz, both Albedo and Shalltear bowed down. They both forgot that their master was watching their vile conduct. So, both of them apologized together with their heads down.

"Forgive us, Lord Ainz."

"Forgive us, Lord Ainz."

"Alright. Alright. Now, let's celebrate valentine's day together. Albedo, present your hospitality."

Albedo was angry with Shalltear for disrupting her soon-to-be happy time. But she couldn't even think about refuting Ainz's suggestion. So, she led both of them to the luxurious and lovely couch.

She sat on the left side of Ainz, while Shalltear was on another side. Soon, the musicians of Nazarick emerged while the maids served the delicacies appeared out of thin air at the large side table.

"Great. You've done a pretty good job, Albedo."

"It's not much, Lord Ainz."

On the surface, she said that, but in her heart, she was jumping wildly. And she was also peeking at Shalltear's expression, which wasn't so good. She felt proud and snorted, raising her chest.

In return, Shalltear gritted her teeth and ignored her coldly. At that time, Ainz thought of something and said.

"Hmm.. There should be a reward for every good work. Let's see... Alright. How about I reveal the [Domain of Dreams] for all of you who work hard to prepare this?"

When Albedo and Shalltear heard [Domain of Dreams], they were both surprised. It was the legendary magic developed by Ainz after coming to New World.

[A/N: Combination Magic is a new type of magic Ainz developed after coming to the New World, and certain conditions are required. Further details in future chapters.]

It's a [Combination magic] of 10th-Tier illusion magic [False World] and 9th-Tier [Fox Dream], which consumes a large amount of MP. And [Combination Magic] is in itself difficult to master.

And about [Domain of Dreams], all of them had heard about a week ago. But they have never experienced it. So, all of them said in unison.

"We would be honoured to experience it."

"Alright then. Brace yourself. [Combination Magic: False World-Fox Dream] -> [Domain of Dreams]"

In an instant, colourful smoke emerged from every corner of the room. After a minute, the smoke faded out, revealing the new scene. In this domain, the people present are real, but the scenery is an illusion.

All of them will be able to see each other, but the environment will be unique to them. That is the beauty of this spell. Same people in the same place, but different scenes. And those scenes are the environment they want to experience with the people next to them.

"Whoa.. Lord Ainz. Amazing."

"Yes, Lord Ainz. Such a lovely bed, shall we get started? Hehe.."

Like this, all of the maids, Narberal, Ainz, Albedo and Shalltear experienced the amazingly effective illusion magic of the highest level possible for now.