
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Demon in Human Skin

[A/N: Check the axuliary chapter: Abilities & Powers, and comment what kind of new magic you would like to see.]

[Ro-Lent Castle]

Princess Renner was looking at the stacks of documents placed on the table. It was the thorough details about the fiefs under the Kingdom.

"Phew~ That's it."

She was preparing all these documents under Ainz's order. When he left, he asked her to stabilize the royal army and collect information about the territories controlled by nobles.

She has some idea about the use of these pieces of information. So, she has categorized it into three parts; Military strength, Geographical terrain and Resources.

Now, after hours of work, she was taking a short break. Although she had arranged all the documents neatly, there were things left to do.

"It seems, with the help of Gazef, almost all of the royal army is on our side. On the other hand, some soldiers from the Nobel faction has also started to change sides. They might be spies, but we can't refuse it. Reducing the casualties is a must."

Gazef was the leader of the royal army, and they all respected him. So, it was natural for them to follow him. And the most important thing is they don't have to rebel.

Some soldiers from the Nobel faction were also of the same mindset, which was not to go against their own country's royal family. But, however the ideology of those soldiers was, Renner couldn't count them as loyal as the royal army.

For that, she transferred them to the garrison of ordinary figures of the royal army to observe them. While monitoring those, she also wanted to check the royal army.

But, it was out of her ability for now. So, she wants to propose this idea to the aide Ainz was talking about, Albedo.

"I'm so tired. I haven't done this much work ever. However, the positive result will be the best, and the failure will be the worst nightmare for me."

Although she doesn't care about other people's conditions, she is careful of the invincible ones. She knew well that in front of absolute strength, scheming is fruitless.

Now that an invincible existence has entered her life and given her a task, she will do her best to gain his trust. If the result is satisfactory, then she will get benefits.

But that's not the reason for her hard work. The reason was to avoid the consequences of the failure. She couldn't help but shiver while imagining what turn her life will make at that moment.

So she will ensure success with any means. She came up with this decision right after she felt the horror of seeing through Ainz.

'The other party was evil, to begin with, so only the outcome matters. I can also manipulate the Noble faction to attack the family of the Royal section.'

Nobles of royal faction are of primary importance for now. They've got the right to the throne after the royal family, so they will also start their own scheming.

Killing all of them will also imbalance the already unstable situation. As a result, Renner can only slowly wipe out the remaining supporters of the previous King or royal faction.

The reason is that they can use that role to threaten in the future. Although killing them at once will be simple, and the governmental affairs can be handled with a few personnel, it will be called genocide.

And it represents the tyranny of the new ruler.

"Rule by fear can only earn their submission, not dedication."

"Splendid~ You have the same thought as my lord. It shows your worth."

Suddenly the playful voice echoed in the whole room. Then, a portal opened in the room, revealing the demoness of peerless beauty.

When Renner saw the portal opening, she instinctively knew it was Albedo. She quickly stood up and slightly bowed her head.

"Welcome, lady Albedo."

Although in the verbal agreement, she was under the rule of Nazarick. So, she has to show her respect to the close aide of Ainz.

Seeing such a scene, Albedo was satisfied. But it was only up to slight satisfaction, nothing more. She wouldn't even care about the lowly humans if it wasn't Renner. Even Lakyus and Evileye were nothing but mere bugs positioning below the maids of Nazarick.

The reason for such bearing was that Renner would be added to the inner core of Nazarick in the future, while people like Lakyus and Evileye will be placed in a different section.

It was specially proposed by the cooperative discussion of Demiurge and Albedo to separate the founding Nazarick and supporters. The true Nazarick will only accept inhumane creatures with significant usefulness, while the superficial Nazarick will maintain the relations.


Albedo nodded her head and sat on one of the chairs. Renner also lifted her head, but the next moment she was stunned. The other party was unparallel in terms of beauty, and while she, herself was a beautiful lady, it was incomparable to that of Albedo.

"So these are the reports. I hope it's all useful information."

"Rest assured, lady Albedo. I've personally checked every detail."

Seeing the perfectly categorized documents and details in it her impression of Renner was increasing. The documents gave the approximate idea of all the Nobles while also presenting their weakness.

"Hmm.. What is the condition of the royal army?"

"The royal army is being stabilized by our captain, Gazef Stronoff. They all respect him, so they will obviously follow him. And, we can slowly change their respect after being attached to us."

Renner paused for a moment before continuing.

"I would also like to propose to attract adventurer's guild to our side. In the previous battle of E-Rantel, they have suffered a huge loss. According to the report, many high ranking adventurer groups were either eradicated or dissolved after losing core members. We could use this to force our way to suppress them under us."

"Why don't we change the guild master to that human adventurer named Lakyus?"

Hearing the tone of Albedo while mentioning Lakyus, Renner wasn't surprised. She had some idea about the true face of Nazarick, and it was impossible for them to accept such a brat to join Nazarick.

"In my opinion, Lakyus isn't fit for the position. She is stubborn and doesn't use her brain often. An ordinary man will be of best use than her. At least he wouldn't question the orders."

Lakyus was a type of person with children's ideology. She doesn't understand the scheming natures and politics, so she isn't the type to lead such an organization that can connect to other nations.

Albedo also knew that, but she just wanted to hear Renner's point of view. Humans with frail personalities are only usable as a tool to a lower degree. So, before coming here, she specifically said Lakyus and Evileye to help Gazef.

"Then, what should we do? Do you have any thoughts?"

Here, Albedo was analyzing Renner's every movement; her methods, cruelty and bottom line. It was necessary to measure these things if you want to join the inner core of Nazarick.

Once she joins the true Nazarick, she will have a position below floor guardians, and she can participate in the important discussions. The spineless person will only disrupt the discussion. So, Albedo was examining Renner.

"I think we should keep the current guild master and gradually change her views. We can use magic to change her views without affecting her capability to manage the guild. And as a last resort, her mother and sister are still in the capital. In the next wave of demons, her house may wretched apart, while her mother may be disabled and sister may lose the way in the middle of chaos."

The more Albedo listened to Renner's ways of dealing with the various problems, the more she understood what Demiurge had said. She was a demon in human skin.


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