
Overlord: The Progenitor

Xander was a typical boy until he suddenly experienced voices in his head. These voices changed him. However, his life took an unexpected turn, a tragic and unexpected circumstance. This circumstance made him lose his life, but he was a lucky person and got a chance to experience another change in a new world. Notes: I do not own Overlord, and do not own the cover Updates for this novel will happen Monday, Friday, and weekends between 9-10 am CST ----- If you liked the story and want to see more, consider taking a look at my Patreon, several chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/Isfet84 -----

Isfet_12 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Tragedy

(Pov: Emilia Evan's, Xander's mom)

 It was 11:30 pm, and I was watching TV shows in the house, waiting for Xander and the other three to return. When I heard a loud bang four times. At first, I thought it would be someone launching fireworks for some odd reason.

 After about 5 minutes, I noticed that most of the surrounding houses had lights on, and in far the distance, you could hear siren sounds.

 Soon after hearing the sirens, you could see blue and red flashing lights. You could hear someone screaming in the street, so I decided to go outside and look.

 When I went outside, I looked around and saw the surroundings. Which were covered in snow, and saw multiple people looking down the road where the screaming kid was. It was hard to see everything that was going on since it was dark.

 The child was down the dark road, and some of the lamp posts were flickering on and off. Even though it was hard to see you could understand that something was on top of that child and holding him down.

 As if something was calling me, it felt like my body was possessed, and I started running over there with a bad gut feeling.

When I started to run, I saw a flash of red and blue that passed me quickly, when it suddenly stopped at the child. After running for a few seconds, I could see the child who was screaming. It was Carlos, who was being held down by a white "dog," which surprised me.

 The people in the car stepped out, and the one in the passenger seat gasped and said, "Nick, we have to call the medics immediately." The female cops said urgently. "What do you mean, Diana? It's only the kid here, right? First, I believe we should get that dog off of him," Nick said, confused as to why his partner was so panicked out of nowhere.

 "There's another one on this side, from what I'm seeing it looks like he was shot by someone and is bleeding out. He is wearing multiple layers of clothing and has a blue umbrella with black accents on the ground next to him." Diana said, urging Nick to call the medics.

 After hearing what the police said, Emila's heart dropped, and she rushed over to the other side of the car only to see Xander lying on the ground, not moving, with blood slowly coming out of his body. After seeing such a sight, her body froze, not knowing what to do.

 It was only after she heard Diana say, "Ma'am, could you please move so we can administer first aid." After returning from her shock, I said, " This is my son. He was on his way back from watching a movie with his friend," with a shaky voice. After calling the medic, Nick said, "Okay, Ma'am. Could you please take a few steps back so that we can take control of this situation?

 Taking a few steps back, I felt like my knees were buckling, trying to keep my shaking body up, but I ended up collapsing to the ground.

 After taking note of my situation, the police went to get the "dog" off the boy when Nick Noticed and said, "It seems as if this child was the one who shot the other one, and this dog came to save him."

 After approaching halfway there, the "dog" started to drag Carlos towards the police, and after one of them took the gun out of his hand, the "dog" released him and walked away from the people and walked towards me. It came up and rubbed its body against me as it knew something significant to me was gravely injured. 

 After a few minutes had passed, they put Carlos in handcuffs and administered first aid to my son, when you could hear sirens once more and see an ambulance approaching us at fast speeds.

 After putting all the medical equipment on my son, one of them approached me, helped me to my feet, and said," He's your son. You can ride in the ambulance if you want to, or you can go get in your car and follow behind us," the man said with a calming voice and a smile on his face.

 After saying thanks to the man for helping me calm down, I ran to my house with the "dog" by my side. I got dressed in warmer clothes. Then I hurried to my car while leaving the "dog" behind, saying, " I'll make sure to thank you later, so please stay here until I come back." The "dog" barked as if it could understand what I said.


(Xander Pov)

 After waking up from what seemed to be a long nap, I woke up in a hospital bed feeling excessively sick and sore from pains in my back.

 After recollecting my thoughts I realized that I was shot by Carlos, and I guess that I survived that. Soon after, a nurse came into my room and seemed shocked. Then she dropped all of the things she was carrying and ran away from me like she saw a ghost.

 "I guess we're way uglier than we thought," Lucas said, laughing at my astonishment. "Yeah, maybe we should start wearing a mask so no one can ever see us again," Zach said, continuing the joke. Tom was laughing hysterically in the back. After some time, the nurse returned with a few more nurses and a doctor.

 The doctor approached me with a reassuring smile and said. "Hey Xander, do you happen to remember anything? Oh yeah, we called your mom, and she is already on her way here now." It was only at this time when I tried to convey that I noticed something was off.

 When I tried to speak, a pain as if someone was stabbing my throat hit me. It was then that I jerked back in pain, surprising the doctor and the other nurses.

 When they looked confused, I pointed towards my throat. The doctor told one of the nurses to get a pen and paper, then pointed to another to get medicine to help ease the pain I was in.

 Both nurses ran off and came back in a few minutes. When I was handed the notebook, I started to write down everything I remembered. Reading everything that I wrote down, the doctor continued to nod his head as if he was trying to put himself in the situation I was in.

 Coming back from his delusion, he started to explain my situation. Long story short, my body is deteriorating faster than my body can heal. For the time being, they can only guess that there was something in the snow that was fighting against my already weak constitution.

 Thinking about what this implied, it meant that I had a death sentence with a limited time to be alive. Before my mother came running in, I made sure to ask the doctor not to tell my mom since I knew she would break down. After another 10 minutes of answering the questions he was asking me, my mom ran into the room, then ran over to me and practically jumped on me.


 After a day in the hospital, I learned about everything that happened. I was saved by a wolf, and that wolf is currently at our home. Carlos is in prison and will have a trial soon. While I did survive the gunshots, thanks to how many layers of clothes I was wearing, it stopped all four of the bullets from hitting any of my vital spots.

 Now I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I can go home now, but the bad news is that I'm going to die. The reason is that they have no way to help me in my current situation. They said if it was earlier in the day without the flow of constant people where it was and there not being as many germs, I may have had a chance.

 After a long inspection, they found that at my current rate of muscle deterioration, it probably won't be long enough for them to find a solution.

 I had to make sure they didn't tell my mom for any reason. So my mother still doesn't know that I will only have a few months to live. I more than likely pass my 16th birthday, which will be March 8th.

 When I came home, I was in a wheelchair and had quite a few medications that I had to take. After coming home, I saw the wolf my mom was telling me about, and it came up to me and started to lick me. In my head, Lucas was saying, "You must be the wolf whisperer, lucky for you."

 As the time ticked towards my death, my body slowly became weaker and started to break down to the point that daily tasks became challenging to do.

 Although I had a happy smile on my face and spent a ton of time with my mom, in reality, I felt like someone was tearing each layer of my body slowly and constantly with little to no rest. 

It was such utter hell and torture to the point I didn't want to do anything, but I wanted to make these last few months that I had with my mother the 

happiest days of her life. So, I didn't care about the pain and kept pushing myself forward.
