
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 37: Dangerous entity

Hey guys I hope you are doing well, just before we start I would like you to go check my friend's book 'shikigami masuru' he is just starting in this domain so please support him and be cool with him.

It was all, enjoy!


Landing softly on the crater, the dust cloud finally cleared revealing the vampire cracking his neck.

"HUMAN! YOU TRULY ARE MAKING ME WANT TO GO ALL OUT!" He had a crazy maniac smile while squatting a little bit and turning his palms towards the sky.

"Hehehe, your interesting too." I was starting to feel excited as well and enjoy the fight. The vampire im facing right now is an adversary of extraordinary strength, an ancient vampire with probably centuries of bloodlust.

As I ventured further to the center of the crater getting closer to the vampire, the ground beneath me trembled, and from the shadows emerged shadow spikes that didn't serve their purpose and simply decomposed after getting stopped inches from my body.

"This abillity of yours is truly troublesome, but it can't be perfect, it must have a drawback, I'll just keep attacking you until I see a weakness!" Zaratras annouced.

I tightened my fists lifting them before my head getting into a stance as my aura erupted. The real battle was about to begin. With lightning speed, the vampire lunged, claws extended. I sidestepped effortlessly, dodging the attack with a graceful twist of my body.

I retaliated with a barrage of cursed energy blasts, each strike illuminating the whole place with dazzling colors. The vampire countered with a deafening roar, unleashing waves of dark energy and blood that tore through gravestones and trees.

I deflected the onslaught with a waves of my hand, my limitless barrier holding strong against the assault.

The battle raged on, each combatant pushing their limits. My movements were a mesmerizing dance of power, and the vampire's ferocity was unmatched. We clashed with such force that shockwaves rippled through the surface surrounding us, shattering everything in our path and destroying the forest even more.

Minutes turned into hours as the two titans continued their epic struggle. Each killing blow landing on his body, ended up being healed instantly by his super regenrative abilities, but it became slower, it was clear that he was needing more blood.

I elbowed his chin throwing him 70 meters away and knocking him out for a few seconds giving me time to do it. I lifted my hand, my blindfold finally came off, revealing my unique blue eyes that held unimaginable powers.

Seeing that Zaratras was starting to regain his consciousness trying to stand up, I teleported behind him and crossed my index and middle finger.

[Domain Expansion: Infinte Void]

Unleashing my ultimate technique, a swirling dark vortex of cursed energy inside a pitch-black abyss that seems to have no end erupted. It creates a spatial distortion, effectively erasing the boundaries between space.

This makes it nearly impossible for anyone caught within it to escape or perceive their surroundings accurately due to the unlimited amout of informations coming into the victim's brain.

Within the Infinite Void, all matter and energy are disrupted and negated. It's as if the laws of physics themselves are bent to my will. This created a void that swallowed the vampire's attacks and countered with a devastating assault of his own.

The vampire, wounded and enraged, attempted one final, desperate attack. His brain was already completely destroyed and overwhelmed with infinite information. All he could do now was to exist and look at the beautiful sight inside my domain.

"Zaratras, it was really fun playing with you..." I lifted my hand and placed his on his head. "But its bed time now, let's meet again in hell." Tightning the grip on his head, I pulled with strengh as his head was disconnected from the rest of his body

Breathing heavily, I stood amidst the ruins of the battlefield as the domain shattered. It was already night, completely silent. I placed my left hand on my waist and my right on my chin as I asked myself.

"His majesty didn't specify what we should do with the surviving vampires. Well, I'll just do what I find is good."

Going back to what was left of the mountain, I found Busquets stopping the vampires from going anywhere.

"Good work Busquets! I will take those vampires to drink from the blood of the vampire I killed to see if they can evlove. We will ecort them, you stay behind in case someone tries to escape." I ordered him.

"H-he defeated Zaratras? No way!' One of the vampires said.

"Shit, now a even crazier monster is leading us."

"That human is not normal at all."

We took them all the way to Zaratras's corpes as they started drinking his blood. The prensence of some of them was getting stronger and more imposing, as their forms changed.

Out of the seven Vampire I brought, only three managed to evolve. The four other failures have nothing else to do, so I just crushed their head as they fell to the ground.

"Drink their blood too." I ordered.

All they could do was to nod their heads and obey. Although they now became stronger with new abilities, and they could resist the sun too, they still were nowhere close to Zaratras powers.

"You probably will need a few more decades of blood to reach him..." I said as I walked towards Busquets. "Anyways, you will follow behind us and come to our castle. There my lord will decide your fate."

Busquets brought his head down as got on him, he flapped his bony wings as we started flying in the skies. We went back to the moutain once again. I freed all the humans and eleves still alive and we brought them to the elven village.

I explained to the village chief the situation and told him that those people will start living here for now. He quickly accepted.

Now we were heading back to the castle, with the vampires following behind le tracks.




*Somewhere near the Crimson Grotto*

A very small black substance was crawling on the ground going towards a white pale corpse that has already started decomposing.

"Those damned humans, I will definitly get my revenge on them." It was a very small part of Zaratras that abandonned its original body to live for a few more seconds.

It extended its very small hand to the corpse taking what was left from blood on it as it started drawing some weird signs on the ground. "My death won't be in vain, I will make eveyone of you regret doing this to me!"

While drawing some satanic symboles with blood, it starting chanting.

""Oh, dark ground, you defy my will and deny my hunger,

The blood flowing freely shall bring me what is mine.

My thirst for life has claimed the cursed,

And now they shall rise and bring forth destruction and strife.

I offer you this soul, so the fallen shall hunt,

The living shall be lost, and mine shall be their torment."

As it muttered these words, it lost it's life on the spot and the blood drawing started shining red, illuminating the whole place. And from the portal of hell, came out an unwanted person for the living.

A scary figure floating in the air in a lotus position. It has a goat's head, with a pair of curved ram like horns that spiral outward. The goat 6 eyes are depicted having a penetrating and hypnotic quality. Its face carries a serene expression, contrasting with the overall eerie and occult nature of the figure.

"I the great king of malice Baphomet shall bring back the calmness to the world that was before life existed!"

The body of Baphomet is human-like, It has a muscular black torso exposed, with two arms the right one is raised upward, while the left arm points downward, both of his hands having their thumb, index and middle fingers extanded.

Baphomet's lower body is covered in flowing black robes. Black feathered wings extending outward from the shoulders, adding to the creature's otherworldly and supernatural appearance. The feet are cloven hooves resembling those of a goat.

(His picture here)



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