
Chapter 38: Heavenly garden

Guys did you see the last JJK episode?!! It was pure greatness. Once again Gege Akutami and Mappa proved that JJK is one of the best if not the best. Sukuna was wild.


Gojo finaly came back and brought with him three vampires who were sent to Saron the elven village, which by now was no more an elves village, but a mixed races village.

I provided them with enough ressources to rebuild it better and stronger than before, and with this boost of vampires they will become even stronger and can defend themselves without my help.

Walking inside my favourite part of the castle which is the guarden. As I walked through the grand wrought golden gates of this majestic castle, I still couldn't believe my eyes. Before me lay a garden so exquisitely beautiful, it seemed like a piece of heaven had descended to Earth.

Underfoot, the grass felt like the softest velvet as I strolled along meticulously manicured lawns. Ancient trees, their branches reaching for the sky, provided dappled shade.

Marble statues of timeless elegance adorned the pathways, their graceful forms capturing the essence of a bygone era, some of them are statues of me in different poses. There is even one where my up is naked revealing my body having an apple in hand.

In the heart of this earthly paradise, a crystal-clear stream meandered, lined with white lilies and vibrant lotus flowers. Ivory colored stone bridges arched gracefully over the water, leading to secluded alcoves where I could sit and lose myself in the soothing sounds of birdsong.

The castle's stone walls were enveloped in luxuriant climbing roses, their colors ranging from deep reds to delicate pinks and pure whites. Fragrant jasmine vines twined through intricately designed trellises, filling the air with their sweet, intoxicating perfume.

At the garden's center, a majestic marble fountain stood, its waters sparkling in the sunlight. Exquisite, hand-carved cherubs and nymphs graced its edges, adding to the garden's ethereal charm.

Throughout the garden, opulent benches and chaise lounges beckoned me to recline and take in the breathtaking surroundings. Plush, jewel toned cushions offered a comfortable respite, and discreet attendants appeared like genies from a magic lamp, ready to cater to my every whim.

As the sun began its descent, the garden transformed into an even more enchanting oasis. Soft, warm lighting hidden among the foliage cast a gentle, magical glow, turning the garden into a wonderland of sparkling beauty. Fireflies danced in the air, creating a mesmerizing ballet of light.

I found myself in the garden inside the castle, where earthly and heavenly beauty intertwined, offering me a taste of paradise on Earth. The weather was unexpectedly colder this day, since we are in the middle of summer but I didn't think much of it, I just wore a pink hoodie with the word "HENTAI" written on it in yellow color.

Throught the plants, I saw far away a small figure running towards me with a big wooden staff. Getting closer I knew that it was the Goddess of Nature Terania.

Opening the golden box next to me on the table, I took a zaza and lighted it. "NOUFLEX-SAMA~" Terania was shouting from distance waiving her hand.

"Nouflex-sama, huff hufff, I came here, huff as soon as I knew you came to visit the guarden." She was breathing heavily from the distance and speed she was running. The garden is a very big place after all, I remember making it 550 km2 in surface.

"You can be at ease Terania no need to rush things up. Fuuu." I exhaled the smoke. The good thing with weed is that its smell isn't as stinking as cigarets, and it gets off really fast.

"My lord im really happy that you decided to come and visit this humble place!" She was very happy and excited.

'I usually wouldve gave her a cup of water but you reader would say your copying Momonga from the anime, so I wont xD.' I thought.

"Humble? Do you know that out of all the rooms and treasures of this castle, this place is my favourite! You really did a great job Terania." I gave her thumbs up with a big smile.

She blushed slighly and hidded her hands behind her back, still holding the staff. "T-thank you Nouflex-sama." She said looking down, and from time to time taking peeks towards me.

"As for this plant Terania you truly are incredible, you made a good choice using morrocan hashish its really great." As I said that she suddently got excited again.

"Thank you, your majesty! As soon as I heard that you wanted this to be planted in the garden, I immedietly went for this one! It has many benefits for the body and also it can blah blah blah..." She was happy to talk about the things she excells at most, and I listened to every word she said with patience and a smile.

"Hahahaha, I see, I see. Then why not give me a tour of the place Terania?" I asked.

"Your Majesty! In that case please allow me to walk you through the wonders that grace this heavenly place!" She excitedly said bowing her head slightly.

We strolled along the meticulously manicured lawns alongside Blanc, my guide Terania sharing the history of the ancient trees that shaded our path, each one will witness the centuries to come of events of my glory within these castle walls.

The statues that adorned our way were not only beautiful but filled with greatness show casing my powers and rule, preserving the memories. As we approached a marble fountain at the garden's heart, my guide spoke of its origins and craftsmanship.

"Your Majesty, this fountain is a masterpiece, a symbol of your reign's grandeur. Its waters will dance for centuries, reflecting the glory of your kingdom."

Moving through the garden, we stopped at the climbing roses and jasmine vines that adorned the castle walls. "These vines, Your Majesty, symbolize the growth and strength of your dynasty, intertwining with history as they continue to flourish." She passionatly explained.

Amidst the opulent benches and chaise lounges, my guide continued to share the significance of each resting place. "These seats, your majesty, were made so that you can find inspiration and solace in the midst of your rule."

As the sun began to set and the garden's lighting transformed it into a realm of enchantment, my guide's voice filled with reverence. "Your Majesty, in this twilight hour, your garden reveals its true magic, just as your reign brings light and prosperity to your kingdom. The fireflies dancing in the air symbolize the pleasure and joy that your rule brings to us, the Gods and guardian."

In this moment, I felt a deep connection to the garden, a reflection of my rule and the history I will create. This garden within my castle was not just a place of beauty, it was a living testament to the legacy of my kingdom.

"Thank you Terania, It really was a great day." I thanked her patting her head.

"Hehehe, im happy your are happy Nouflex-sama." She looked down holding her staff using her two hands.

It was already night so after I seperated with Terania, I asked Blanc to go tell the chef to preapre icecream and cakes for me, since im going to play with Cloud and Serena.

Now that Blanc was abscent, it was Laila who was acompagning me right now. As she walked next to me I turned my head towards her to see her beautiful figure, swaying her big ass left and right.

'Maybe I should change the outfit of all the maids including Laila to wear something more revealing? It would be fun hehehe.' I thought with a stupid smile on my face.

I lifted my hand and slapped her ass. My hand almost drowned inside her cheeks, as it kept moving even after the slap due the how big it was. Her face became scarlet red but a big weird smile was drawn on her face.

'Yeah it's confirmed, she's a pervert!'

While I was enjoying my time, walking towards the kids room to have fun with them, a suddent evil and opressing aura bombarded my senses.

'Its 7 km away... No its 10 km but its getting closer to here!'



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