
Overlord: So I'm a spider, so what?

I decided to write an overlord fanfic due to my deep love for the overlord series (and because they do pretty well). ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Anyway, the story revolves around the Mc whom dies and gets reborn in a heavily polluted and corrupted world completely ruled by corporate greed as just another wage slave with no way of achieving any riches or meaning. But just as the main character makes up their mind to kill themselves, preferring to die on their feet then live on their knees, they have a revelation that maybe, just maybe, this is the same world where the protagonist of overlord originates from. Due to that possiblity in combination with their instinct to survive, the mc decides to stick it out until the announcement of Yggdrasil. The story starts on the day of the announcement. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Btw as u might have figured out from the Cover and title, the Mc's chosen race will be a spider monster just like Shiraori from "Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?" another series I am very fond of. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This year I am very busy with my studies and I only have Sundays free so I can only guarantee one chapter a week on Sunday though I'll post one whenever I got free time.

Lustful_Death · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


[1848 Words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



Congratulations to Argentina and Messi for winning the world cup!


A week came and went and today was a special day, Joseph had a vacation today. The first one in months.

Checking his balance on his banking app, he found that he had $972,718 in his bank account, almost a million.

Having gained an intense desire to add another digit to his wealth he decided to go out and make some money.

Joseph walked to his "wardrobe" which was basically just a pile of clothing he had thrown in a corner.

Rummaging through it, he picked out a long sleeved white collard shirt, a short black skirt, long black sock and shoes.

He then grabbed a long black wig that he had sitting over his fridge and a make up box. Once he was done wearing his new outfit and putting on a bit of light makeup.

He was a able to convincingly look like a woman due to his skinny fame and short stature.

Opening his fridge, took out the only thing that wasn't soup. A small white box. Stuffing it in his black handbag he left his house and walked through the underground tunnels to a train station.

It was time to hunt, and he knew of more that a dozen trains that would be stuffed full of prey at this time of day.

Riding in crowded trains, he waited patiently for a prey to bite and finally after 4 hours someone finally took the bait.

Joseph smiled as he felt a hand fondle his behind, at first it was just a few touches, but after "Josephine" gave no response, the train groper grew more daring, his touches lasted longer and longer, and finally, Joseph felt his behind being squeezed.

Joseph didn't make a sound nor did he put up even a hint of resistance as he waited patiently for the next stop.

Once he arrived at the next train station, he started moving towards the doors, noticing that the train groper still stood unmoving he boldly grabbed his hand and walked towards the exit, there was a bit of a weak resistance at first but he was soon following behind him by his own accord.

His prey started resisting again however when they arrived hand in hand in front of a police station.

Seeing his resistance, Josephina turned back to look at him.

"C'mon, let's go in." Joseph spoke in a higher pitch of voice than usual.

"And why are we going in there exactly?" The black suited man with shifty eyes spoke.

"I have some business to do real quick, we'll be in and out in a few seconds, I promise." Josephine said with a warm smile.

"Well, if it's just something quick then I'll wait for you outside." Folding his arms, the train groper replied.

"Why won't you go in with me? is it because you're a molester Mr. Samuel?" Josephlana held his arm in "her" bosom as she asked.

Aggressively pushing "her" off of him the man said as he stepped away "Who are you and what are these baseless accusations you're spouting! I'll sue you for slander if you don't apologize immediately."

"How shameless, you were just aggressively fondling my rear just a few minutes ago and now you're denying it without even flinching. Is that how you became a department head at Tesla?" Josephina asked as he stepped closer towards the man.

"H-How do you know all this." The man asked.

Josephine simply smiled in reply.

"Who sent you." He asked in a cold tone.

"Who indeed." Josephine said.

Samuel scoffed and said "If you're trying to blackmail me then I'm sorry to tell you that you have nothing to use as leverage."

"Are you playing dumb or are you really this stupid? You walked all the way here with me hand in hand, how many cameras do you think captured us on our way here? I wonder what your wife will think." Josephine said with a smile.

"That's not enough evidence to prove that I'm a molester as you said." The man said before he quickly started walking away.

Josephine let him walk a bit of a distance away before shouting at his back "What about the finger prints all over my underwear!?" Garnering the attention of both the man and plenty of passers-by who looked at them while whispering.

And as if that wasn't enough he then continued shouting "You know! The ones from you molesting me on the train! Did you already forget!"

For the first time in Samuel's, he felt his soul leave his body.

After his skillful use of the stick and the bigger stick method, Lester the molester finally agreed to go with him inside the police station.

Walking inside the police station while holding hands, Josephine immediately lifted the man's hand in the air and shouted "This man molested me!"

Everyone in the police station from the staff to the people waiting started glaring at the man intensely.

Samuel's soul left his body a second time that day, though that was just the beginning.

A few minutes later Josephine, Samuel Di molester and two police officers sat in an interrogation room.

"Officers I didn't molest this woman, you have to believe me." Samuel pleaded.

"That's what they all say." A black haired, middle aged officer with mean features replied.

"Sexual assault is a very serious crime, if you keep insisting on your innocence like this and you are found guilty later on, neither the jury nor the judge will look upon you kindly. If you show remorse and admit your mistakes then you're much likely to be able to hold onto your reputation." The young police officer woman with a ponytail tried to coax him into confessing.

"I'm telling you, this woman is insane, she's trying to destroy my reputation!" Samuel said and smacked the suit case that he had placed on top of the interrogation table.

"Well, first we're gonna have to see some I.D, do you have any on you?" The police man asked while stretching his arms and leaning back into his chair.

"Uh, yes, just let me see here." The molester replied and opened his suit case to grab his I.D, only for a certain object to fall out.

Seeing the thing that fell out, Joseph struggled to subdue the evil smile that tried to creep onto his face while Samuel's soul left his body through his mouth with a "Guh" sound.

The thing that fell onto the ground and just barely out of the sights of the two police officers was a pink rubber dildo.

Looking around, he was relieved to see that neither of the police officers reacted, he then looked at Josephine who had a twisted smile on his face as he looked at the rubber dildo on the ground and Samuel fell into despair.

He fell into even greater despair when Joseph opened his mouth to speak to the officers.

"Officers. I think I made a mistake and wrongfully accused this man." Josephine spoke.

"Hmm? are you sure? there's no reason to be afraid, he won't be able to do anything to you, we can guarantee that." The police man said.

"No, I made a mistake." Josephine said as he got up.

"Here, please accept this as an apology for wasting your time." Josephine said, reached into his hand bag and handed them a white box.

Opening the box, the police officers found a chocolate cake inside.

"You're too kind, miss." The police woman said with a smile.

"Yeah, feel free to make as many mistakes as you want in the future as long as you bring more cake." The police man said.

The police woman pinched his arm and said "That's bribery you idiot."

"Well, I hope to see you both in better circumstances in the future, please take care of yourself." Josephine said and started walking away.

While leaving, his foot was caught by the table and he fell onto the ground.

"Are you alright miss." The police woman asked Josephine and helped him get up.

"Yes I'm fine, I just tripped on the table leg, I am very embarrassed." After saying that, Josephine quickly left.

Seeing that the devil like woman had left, Samuel breathed a sigh of relief before remembering the dildo that was still on the ground.

His head whipped to where it had fell only to find that it had disappeared into thin air.

Samuel felt exhausted while leaving the police station, he felt even more down when he felt several gazes boring holes into his flesh.

Going outside, he found the devil leaning on a wall while smoking a cigar.

"Wow, this stuff is really good, also expensive, I can't believe you would spend a thousand dollars on a single cigar. Your pockets must be DEEP." Josephine commented while smoking the cigar he had swiped from Samuel.

Samuel was about to say something but he stopped midway and started walking away.

"Are you gonna leave without your toy?" He heard the voice of the devil ask him from behind.

"You can keep the cigar." He said while waving her away.

"No, the other one." he said and the dildo stopped walking and looked back at him

"You know. The one you were planning to sexually torture me with." he said after taking a puff of his cigar.

"Just what do you want." Samuel asked in a defeated tone.

"Come with me real quick." He said and dragged Samuel to a public restroom.

Going into the female restroom, he pushed Samuel into one of the stalls and sat him on the toilet.

Josephine took off the white panties he was wearing.

"What are you doing." Samuel asked nervously.

"Shush." Josephine replied as he stuffed the panties into Samuel's pocket.

"What did you do that for." Samuel asked in great confusion.

Joseph smiled and said, "What do you think will happen if I were to scream rapist right now?"

Samuel gulped.

Joseph took out the dildo from his hand bag and said, "Open wide, here comes the choo choo train~"

Samuel hesitantly opened his mouth and instantly had the dildo get thrust inside his mouth and all the way to the back of his throat, a round of intense deep throating took place and Samuel lost consciousness.

Waking up and finding that the devil had left, he sneaked out of the bathroom and took the train home, while on the train he received a picture file from an unknown contact, opening it apprehensively he saw that it was a picture of him passed out with a dick in his mouth and tears in his eyes.

That day, after going home, Samuel spoke neither to his wife nor his children and just passed out as soon as he hit the bed.


Someone recently commented about how they weren't sure of what type of person Joseph was. I hope this chapter helped.

leave a comment u cute cunts

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