We all (probably) know OverLord and its history. But what if, in addition to Momonga and his guild, more Guild's were also transported to the New World? Would there be unity......or war for supremacy? ----------- I don't own OverLord. The cover is not mine. Updates will be mostly random. Extra TAG's: OPMC. AU.
In a large, white corridor with blue neon lines that glowed as if they were sending data from one place to another, were Lily and Enola, on their way to the conference room, which is located on the penultimate floor of the black tower.
Lily walked beside Enola with her hands behind her head as she hummed.
''Any idea why Eve-sama organized an emergency meeting?'' She asked Enola at her side.
''Well, Lily, unlike you who only have candy and Eve-sama in your head, I follow the flow of information and data available in the command center. So yeah, even though she didn't say anything, I have an idea what it's all about.'' Enola responded with a huff, unhappy with Lily's lack of awareness.
Lily pouted, ''Eh~, I can't help it, it was Eve-sama who made me like this! If you feel uncomfortable, ask Eve-sama to re-program!''
Enola sighed, already used to Lily's childlike personality.
''Forget it, let's hurry, everyone is probably already there,'' Enola said.
Lily stared at Enola with surprise, ''Eh? Seriously?! I thought we were early!''
A vein popped in Enola's head and she clenched her fist, ''We would have arrived early if it hadn't taken you forever to organize your room! Why the hell did Eve-sama assign me to be your babysitter if you're a damn maid yourself? Aren't you supposed to be good at cleaning and organizing?!'' She yelled in frustration.
Lily glared at Enola with a blank expression for a few seconds, then she smiled with her tongue hanging out, tapped herself on her head with her fist, and then she made a cute pose.
''Don't 'Tehe-pero' me! You useless maid!'' Enola exclaimed.
Arriving in front of the conference room door, before opening it, Enola warned Lily.
''Lily, remember, don't say anything if you're not asked to, am I clear?''
Lily gave an exaggerated military salute and said with a big smile,'' Roger!''
Enola nodded in satisfaction, but before she could react, Lily opened the door to the living room with a bang.
''Ya-ho! The number one Maid and also the number one idol of Alpha Prime, Lily, reporting for duty!''
Enola looked at Lily in disbelief, then she massaged her forehead for a few seconds, trying to calm herself so she wouldn't strangle Lily, and she walked into the room.
The conference room was simple, it was a medium room, and it was a rather dark room, as it had barely any lighting. Inside of it has a large rectangular black table, which seemed to float, as it had no support legs. Around the table, some chairs also seemed to float, and they looked like chairs inspired by a centenary movie in Suzuki's world, a movie called Star-Streck. There were three chairs on each side and they all have different colors, symbolizing each one of the six squads.
There was no need to place security measures inside the meeting room, as it is inside the black tower, which is made entirely of a mixture of two prismatic ores, Star Silver and Scarletite, along with innumerable area protection spells, and to finish it had the best Automatic Defense System, which has magic turrets, missile launchers, anti-magic shields, and several other automatic and magic weapons that existed in each corner of the tower as a defense system.
In Alpha Prime, there is no safer place than inside the dark tower.
At the table, there were already four people seated as Enola had predicted. She and Lily were the last to arrive.
''Oh my, Lily-chan, you're late again! And on top of that, you made Enola late along with you! When the meeting is over, I'm going to have to administer punishment on you!''
Said a woman sitting in one of the chairs, which was pink.
The woman who spoke is called 'H-003H Selena', and she is the leader and responsible for the healing squad and its facilities. She has long gray hair and pink eyes, her legs were mechanical and she is dressed like a Nun, and because she also wears pink hues in some parts of her outfit, she thinks of Lily as a mischievous little sister.
All her classes and skills are geared towards healing and buffs.
''Lily.....and Enola. Late as usual...I see.''
The second to speak was a girl with short blonde hair and green eyes who is sitting on the red-colored chair, but one of her eyes was covered by an eye patch.
Her name was 'A-005V Lin', and unlike Lily, Enola and Selena, she is truly an Automaton. She is the leader of the Vanguard squad and its facilities, and her entire class and skills are focused entirely on destroying the enemy head-on.
''Late, as I predicted.''
The third to speak was a white-haired, black-bodied female Automaton. She is called 'A-007I Lapis Lazuli'. She wore an outfit similar to a priestess, and her eyes were kept closed.
She sits in the blue chair, and she is the leader of the intelligence squad, which leads the Central Operations Command. If Eva is the heart of Alpha Prime, Lapis Lazuli was the brain.
''Lily, did you bring any candy?''
The last to speak was a little Automaton girl named 'A-004AF Kanon', she also had long white hair and light green eyes and she wore a custom officer outfit. She sits in the yellow chair and is the leader of the Artillery and Air Force squadron.
Yes, many of Eve's NPCs had white hair like her. But there was nothing she could do, as, by the time she made most of her NPCs, white hair was fashionable at the time.
(A / N: Obviously this is a lie, I just couldn't find other images that came close to what I imagined they would look like, and interestingly all the images I found for the characters, had gray/white hair, so just pretend that was the reason above, ok? Here, I will give you a cookie.)
''Hey, hey! I haven't seen you guys in a while!'' Lily replied excitedly as she positioned herself to the side of the north end of the table.
Lily wasn't a squad leader, but she played just as important a role. Like the squad leaders, she also has her specialty, which is defense. Her role is to protect Eve at all times and all costs, regardless of the threat.
To be honest, Eve only created Lily because she wanted to have a maid, as any threat that Eve can't handle, Lily certainly can't either. But there's another reason she created Lily. Eve wanted to create an NPC that would be the complete opposite of her in terms of personality, and thus, Lily, the extroverted maid, was born.
As Lily positioned herself at the end of the table, Enola sat down in her purple chair. Enola was the leader of the Elite Squad, a squad that specialized in eliminating single targets.
''Wait, isn't someone missing?''
Enola looked to her side and saw a black chair, which was empty.
Before anyone could respond, Eve teleports along with her silver throne and appears at the north end of the table next to Lily.
''Answer: No need to worry. Ghost is currently on a special mission and will not be able to participate.'' Eve said.
With Eve in the room, all the squad leaders rose and bowed to her respectfully.
''Order: Rest,'' Eve ordered with a simple wave of her hand.
With that order, they all got up and sat down again.
Eve looked at each of them in silence for a few seconds, and they all felt pressured. Eve's gaze was so potent they all started to sweat.
''Order: Let's start the meeting. Lapis, status report.'' She said looking at the blue seat.
''As you wish, Eve-Sama.'' Lapis Lazuli gets up and touches the black table, which with her touch, glowed blue.
The table, once completely dark, was now filled with files and holographic images.
''As you already know, our base was forcibly teleported elsewhere. So far, we don't have information on how this happened or why, but we do know that the atmosphere readings are different and the mana concentration is lower than normal.'' She said and then paused for a few seconds for everyone to digest the information and to pass the holographic files that contained the information to everyone.
''Our drones have already covered an area of ten kilometers, but there is still no sign of land in sight, and we have not yet explored the aquatic life that is beneath us.'' She finished.
Eve and the rest read the files patiently, and Lapis, with a wave of her hand, made a hologram showing their location, as well as the area explored by the drones.
''Currently, we are here,'' she said pointing to a red dot on the blue hologram, ''And as said, there is no sign of land for now, and because of that, we have no way of determining which ocean we are flying over.''
Eve nodded.
It was a matter of concern, as in YGGDRASIL, guilds have their territories. Suzuki doesn't know if others were transmigrated or if there were other guilds, and if there were, invading another guild's territory is a clear declaration of war.
''Reply: I see. '' Eve said.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds, thinking of a plan, and then she said, ''Order: Elite Squad and Air Force, you two will assist the intelligence squad in its exploration. I allow the use of Warships. Cover as much area as possible and, if contact is made, keep yourselves in secret and gather all information you can.''
Hearing the orders, Kanon and Enola stood up, and along with Lapis who was already on her feet, saluted and replied in unison.
''Roger that!''
''Order: One more thing... Kanon, Enola, if somehow there is imminent danger, I allow the unrestricted use of your Mechas.'' Eva said, which caused everyone else to be surprised by such an order.
The Mechas were the most powerful weapons created by Eva, and each squad leader, including Lily, had a unique Mecha.
As the name suggests, Mechas are giant robots and the Mechas that Eve created are so powerful, that they can easily destroy entire cities depending on the unit.
''Are you sure it's a good idea? The Mechas are still in the experimental phase, what if there is a problem with the Mechas and the enemies somehow manage to capture one?'' Lapis asked with concern.
Eve looked at Lapis and said without hesitation, ''Reply: I'd rather lose one hundred mechas than lose one of you.''
This answer warmed everyone's hearts, Selene even cried.
Suzuki meant it. One, or even a hundred robots or Mechas, which are consumable, could never replace one of her NPCs.
''Question: Anything else to report?''
''No, my Goddess. That is all!'' Lapis replied, still touched by Eve's earlier statement.
If Eve's body could express anything, her face would now be contorted in cringiness.
'Oh god, I'm going to have to ban the use of the word 'Goddess' to refer to me later, that's too embarrassing!'Suzuki thought.
''Order: If there's nothing else, then I'll give my last instructions for now. Vanguard squad, you will be assigned to patrol and protect the perimeter of the citadel and Heal squad, no instructions for now, but stay prepared in case something happens.'' Eve said.
Lin and Selene stood up and saluted, ''Roger that!''
''Final Order: That's all, you are all dismissed.''
With her last order, Eve teleports out of the room, leaving all the squad leaders alone.
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