
Overlord : God of Darkness

In the realm of Yggdrasil, a solitary figure stands as the paragon of strength, wielding a blade that echoes with the might of legends. This figure, an enigmatic being of both unparalleled power and supernatural lineage, is no less than a god among players. As the possessor of the mightiest sword and the mantle of a vampire deity, their very presence commands respect and awe. In a world where guilds and adventurers vie for supremacy, this individual's name is whispered with reverence. Their sword, a weapon of unprecedented potency, has cleaved through the forces of darkness and laid low the most formidable adversaries. Each swing resonates with the echoes of ancient battles, and each strike forges their reputation as a warrior beyond compare. Yet, it is not only their martial prowess that sets them apart. Born of a vampiric lineage, they carry the legacy of immortality and otherworldly capabilities. Their very essence is intertwined with the mystique of the night, and their presence is akin to a deity gracing the mortal plane. As the world around them teems with ambition and intrigue, this figure's journey unfolds against the backdrop of power struggles and alliances. Their unmatched strength serves as both a shield and a sword, as they navigate the treacherous currents of political maneuvering and enigmatic forces. But within the heart of this god-like entity lies a story of complexity and depth, a narrative that delves beyond the veneer of power. As they carve their path through a world of challenges and revelations, they uncover the layers of their own existence, the secrets that bind them to Yggdrasil, and the destiny that beckons beyond the horizon. Join us in a tale where might and mystique converge, where a figure of unparalleled strength wields the strongest sword, and where a vampire god's journey shapes the very fabric of Yggdrasil's fate.

Azoroth · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

In to the New World -Part 2

In the midst of getting captivated by Narberal's mesmerizing charm, out of the blue, Erembour dropped a bombshell that hit me like an unexpected plot twist like in a cheesy movie. And then, out of nowhere, all the floor guardians were all standing before me. Seriously, when did they even sneak in here?

Looking at the crowd in front of me, Momonga's gaze had that classic "what in the world are you doing" look as he saw in my human avatar. The NPCs are, well, pretty much their usual selves. Fortunately in previous incidents luck seemed to be on my side . Instead of seeing my actions for what they really were, they ends up thinking I had some genius plan all along.

To them, I'm still the powerful, epic figure they've always believed in. It's pretty funny how they can take even the most ordinary stuff and turn it into some massive idea of strategy and strength

But you know what? I'm not complaining; it actually works out pretty well for me. I'm sure it happened with Momonga too

As I was in my inner monologue Erembour approached me, keeping a polite distance to my right, where Demiurge was standing. He leaned forward a bit, put his hand on his chest, and started talking in a calm and respectful manner.

"My lord, I humbly present to you this compilation of intelligence" Erembour began, his voice laced with respect as he addressed Hyper Index. "As per your instructions, my shadow spies have diligently gathered information. We have acquired data regarding their magical capabilities, including their respective levels of magic strength. Additionally, we've unveiled details about some enigmatic and previously unknown spells. Moreover, it appears there exists a phenomenon referred to as 'martial arts,' which is entirely unfamiliar to my existing knowledge."

I couldn't help but get a bit curious. The reason I asked him to do this was that I was unsure about going outside. Who knows what's happening out there? I needed a way to figure out how strong things were, to make sure I wouldn't get crushed. The funny part about all of this is that I have no idea how to read this language. I mean, why bother learning it when I've got that handy-dandy appraisal skill, right? Plus, I've always been more of a "smash things with a sword" kind of guy in this game, so I never bothered with all those bookworm skills. So, naturally, I just passed that over to Momonga, He is a nerd when it comes to books and stuff in this game

While Momonga was busy with that Erembour had began explaining his findings, and it was clear that he had a rather low opinion of the humans in this new world. His voice carried a hint of disdain as he spoke, "My lord, these humans are nothing but pests. If you wish, I can swiftly eliminate them with my shadow army."

Cocytus chimed in, his tone reflecting a similar level of agreement with Erembour's assessment. "INDEED.MY .LORD," he added, "SUCH. PESTS. SHOULD.NOT. BE ALLOWED .TO ROAM .FREELY .IN NAZARICK'S .DOMAIN. EREMBLOUR'S .SHADOW ARMY. CONTAINING .JUST .THE FOOT. SOLDIERS. WOULD. MAKE .SHORT. WORK. OF. THEM."

They seemed ready and willing to follow any orders I had about dealing with these humans. I couldn't help but feel shocked at how casually Erembour and Cocytus discussed the idea of wiping out the human race. It left me confused, wondering if the humans here were really that weak.

While Momonga was knee-deep in that encyclopedia in the name of a document, I couldn't help but think about how I could unload all these big responsibilities onto him without resorting to a teary-eyed farewell party. You see, sticking close to the Main Character typically comes with a hefty side dish of chaos, and all I really want is some good old-fashioned peace and quiet something I've chased through two whole lifetimes.

So here's the master plan, folks: I'll go with the flow, maybe dabble in some monster-slaying as a side quest. Who knows, in the midst of all these new world adventures, I might just stumble upon a lady who's the perfect blend of wisdom (Common sense) and loyalty. Oh, and of course, someone who's, let's say, generously blessed in certain areas, a dream come true, right? But here's the real challenge: Finding a way to tell everyone I want to be an adventurer without sounding like an idiot.

After all, according to this game's logic, I'm basically a divine deity with a touch of godliness from the World Tree. How do I convince them I want a career change without raising some questions?

In my bewildered state for getting something for an idea, I decided it was time to step outside and get some fresh air.

As I stood up, Erembour seemed surprised, probably thinking I was upset by his findings. I approached him, trying to sound reassuring, and said, "You did a good job, Erembour." Then I left the room. Momonga, on the other hand, was still deep into his information search So without any further time wastage I just walked towards the door for which the NPCs made way for me

Looking around I noticed that even in my human form, I still towered over these folks, and it got me thinking, "Man, I wish I had this height back in my old world." You know, just to give you an idea of my hardship, in my previous life, I was so vertically challenged that my homeroom teacher once asked if I had some kind of dwarfism. I mean just picture this, me, the human ruler of Nazarick, being mistaken for a garden gnome in my past life. Life sure is a bitch to me

General POV

In the grand chamber of Nazarick, a figure stood clad in a suit that befitted the regal stature of a vampire lord. It was none other than Hyper, who had taken on the mantle of leadership in this extraordinary world. The room was thick with an air of anticipation as he prepared to make a rather significant announcement.

"I will be stepping out for a while," he declared, his voice carrying an air of authority that came naturally to one in his position.

The maids, loyal and unwavering in their dedication to their master, responded to his words almost instinctively, their expressions a mix of concern and unwavering loyalty.

"The guards are ready for you," one of the maids replied, her voice laced with a touch of worry.

However, beneath the surface, Hyper couldn't help but harbor conflicting emotions about the guards who had been assigned to him. Initially, their constant presence had felt suffocating, like an ever-watchful eye. Yet, with time, he had grown somewhat accustomed to their company, even taking a degree of satisfaction in the display of his importance. However, by the third day of this arrangement, a subtle unease had begun to creep in.

Suppressing the urge to sigh, Hyper contemplated the situation. The formality and rigidity of it all were at odds with his preferred style. The guards trailed behind him diligently, their deferential bows a constant reminder of his role as the supreme ruler of Nazarick. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, for his image had to remain unblemished at all times.

This self-imposed pressure had begun to take its toll, and Hyper could feel the weight of it pressing upon him. The stress he was experiencing was a stark reminder of his human emotions, emotions he had hoped to leave behind.

And then, there were the maids, exquisite in their beauty, whose presence was both a pleasure and a burden. As a man, he couldn't deny the delight of their attention, but their continuous intrusion into his personal space was proving taxing.

All these stresses were a clear indication that he needed a respite, a moment to regain his composure. He made a decision and conveyed it to the maids, his expression remaining stoic.

"No... there is no need for the guards to accompany me. I simply wish to walk by myself," he stated with authority.

The maids reacted immediately, their concern for his safety evident in their responses.

"Pl-Please wait and reconsider. If something happens to Momonga-sama, we must become your shields. We cannot allow any harm to come to your person," one of the maids implored, her loyalty unwavering.

It was a difficult decision for Hyper, knowing the depth of their dedication, but he couldn't allow their feelings to dictate his actions any longer. The abnormality had persisted for over three days, and he desperately needed a reprieve from the role he had been thrust into.

Thus, he resorted to a white lie, his words were carefully chosen to avoid suspicion.

"...I have to do something in secret, and I will not allow anyone to follow me."

A brief silence followed, filled with the unspoken reluctance of the maids. Yet, eventually, they accepted his explanation.

"Understood. Then, please be safe, Momonga-sama," one of them replied, voicing the sentiments of her companions.

Then with a final nod, he turned and made his way out of the room, leaving the maids behind.

General POV

[The central mausoleum of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.]

Hyper found himself standing in a vast, dimly lit hall. The rows of mortuary slabs that usually occupied this space were conspicuously empty, and the polished limestone floor gleamed under the bluish-white moonlight streaming in from outside.

This location marked the closest point to the surface that the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown could transport him—the central mausoleum of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

His intention was clear: he wanted to venture beyond these walls, even if only for a brief respite. But as he contemplated taking those few steps that would lead him to the outside world, his path was unexpectedly blocked.

Before him stood three formidable figures, each more menacing than the last.

One resembled a fearsome demon, with fangs, scales, and fiery wings. Another took on a more feminine form, albeit with a crow's head, clad in an attire that left little to the imagination. The last, though bearing the appearance of a handsome young man, sported bat wings and horns, with eyes that harbored insatiable desire.

They were the Evil Lords of Wrath, Jealousy (Lust), and Greed, respectively.

Hyper couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as their unwavering gazes fell upon him. These were no ordinary beings; all of them were around level eighty, making them formidable foes. But why were Demiurge's elite guards stationed here, far from their usual posts they are usually in the 8th floor?

A fifth figure, unnoticed until now, finally made his presence known, shedding light on the situation.


The demon, addressed by name, reacted with a surprised expression, seemingly puzzled by the unexpected turn of events. Hyper had a slim chance to escape without revealing his true identity, and he decided to take it. With a plan in mind, he started to move cautiously, keeping close to the wall and attempting to walk past the monsters as if they were not there.

However, their unwavering gazes followed his every move, and the tension in the air was palpable. Hyper knew that any wrong move could expose his secret.

As he inched closer to the demon trio, they simultaneously genuflected, bowing before him in a display of submission. Demiurge, at the forefront, executed the gesture with utmost elegance, like a refined nobleman.

"Hyper-sama. May I ask why you have come here, without your escort, and dressed like this?" Demiurge inquired, his tone respectful but curious.

Hyper couldn't help but feel that the jig was up. Demiurge, known for his intelligence and cunning, had likely already deduced more than he let on. Still, Hyper decided to maintain his cover.

"Ah... it's complicated. Demiurge, you should know why I am wearing this."

Demiurge's expression shifted with understanding, and he attempted to address Hyper by his chosen alias.

"My deepest apologies for being unable to divine your fathomless intentions, Hyper-sama—"

"Call me... Shadowblade."

"Pardon me, Shadowblade-sama...?"

Hyper had a simple reason for adopting a different title—preventing every resident of Nazarick from addressing him as "Hyper Index-sama" everywhere he went. It might have been an embarrassing name, but it was in line with the eccentric monikers of other game monsters.

As for what Demiurge had discerned from this change, Hyper could only hope that the demon had not seen through all of his intentions. He was well aware of Demiurge's brilliance and didn't want to underestimate the demon's deductive abilities.

"I believe I have some grasp on your profound schemes, Hy... Shadowblade-sama. Truly, they are considerations that only the ruler of this domain would have taken into account. However, I cannot allow your noble self to proceed unaccompanied. I am aware that it may inconvenience you, but I hope that in your boundless mercy, you will permit one of us to escort you."

Unable to continue with his preferred plan, Hyper reluctantly agreed.

"...It can't be helped. Very well, I will allow one person to travel with me."

Demiurge responded with a gracious smile.

"My deepest thanks for humoring my selfish request, Shadowblade-sama."

"...Just call me Shadowblade, you can dispense with the honorifics."

Demiurge's fervent response, replete with admiration, prompted Hyper to nod in acknowledgment. While the name "Shadowblade" might invite ridicule, it was a practical choice to avoid excessive formality.

"How could I!? To do so would be unforgivable. Of course, I can obey such an order while acting as a spy or performing special missions, but within the Great Tomb of Nazarick, how could anyone not show the respect due to yourself, Hyper-sama... no, Shadowblade-sama!"

With their understanding reached, Hyper and Demiurge prepared to continue their journey. Demiurge signaled to his subordinates to remain behind and inform others of their departure.

"Understood, Demiurge-sama."

With a final nod, Hyper moved past

"Why was Hyper-sama dressed like that?"

"I don't know, but there should be some reason for it."

As the perplexed Evil Lords exchanged hushed words, they couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by Hyper's aura. It was as if a colossal force had descended upon them, and they struggled to maintain their composure. The pressure was so immense that it was a test of their loyalty not to faint in Hyper's presence.

The remaining Evil Lords muttered to each other in confusion.

After all, they had not seen through Hyper's disguise because he teleported here.

Hyper had no way of knowing this, but the denizens of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, or rather, all of Ainz Ooal Gown's servants, radiated a certain aura that the servants could sense to determine whether a stranger was friend or foe. Within the guild, the aura of the Forty-One Supreme Beings that ruled was enough to identify them as their absolute rulers. They could sense their overwhelming might even from a long-distance

General POV

[Momongas Chamber]

After hours of poring over the compiled information from Erembour, Momonga finally allowed himself a moment of relief in his dimly lit workroom. The vast tome lay open before him, its contents now etched into his memory. His skeletal fingers tapped rhythmically on the polished obsidian desk as he contemplated the intricate web of knowledge he had acquired. The weight of leadership in Nazarick often left him isolated, and he cherished these solitary moments to gather his thoughts.

However, his solitude was soon interrupted by a discreet knock on the door. Momonga's crimson eyes shifted to the entrance, and he inclined his skull in acknowledgment. Alfred, the ever-efficient butler of Nazarick, entered the room with a grace that belied his skeletal form. "My apologies for the intrusion, Momonga-sama," Alfred began, his tone respectful as always. "I come bearing news of Hyper-sama. He has ventured outside with Demiurge."

Momonga's bony fingers stilled their rhythmic tapping, and he leaned forward, intrigued. "Outside, you say? That is indeed unusual. Thank you for informing me, Alfred. I believe it is time I join them. Some matters are best discussed face to face ." The sense of curiosity and purpose stirred within him as he rose from his seat, his violet robes flowing regally around him.