
Overlord : God of Darkness

In the realm of Yggdrasil, a solitary figure stands as the paragon of strength, wielding a blade that echoes with the might of legends. This figure, an enigmatic being of both unparalleled power and supernatural lineage, is no less than a god among players. As the possessor of the mightiest sword and the mantle of a vampire deity, their very presence commands respect and awe. In a world where guilds and adventurers vie for supremacy, this individual's name is whispered with reverence. Their sword, a weapon of unprecedented potency, has cleaved through the forces of darkness and laid low the most formidable adversaries. Each swing resonates with the echoes of ancient battles, and each strike forges their reputation as a warrior beyond compare. Yet, it is not only their martial prowess that sets them apart. Born of a vampiric lineage, they carry the legacy of immortality and otherworldly capabilities. Their very essence is intertwined with the mystique of the night, and their presence is akin to a deity gracing the mortal plane. As the world around them teems with ambition and intrigue, this figure's journey unfolds against the backdrop of power struggles and alliances. Their unmatched strength serves as both a shield and a sword, as they navigate the treacherous currents of political maneuvering and enigmatic forces. But within the heart of this god-like entity lies a story of complexity and depth, a narrative that delves beyond the veneer of power. As they carve their path through a world of challenges and revelations, they uncover the layers of their own existence, the secrets that bind them to Yggdrasil, and the destiny that beckons beyond the horizon. Join us in a tale where might and mystique converge, where a figure of unparalleled strength wields the strongest sword, and where a vampire god's journey shapes the very fabric of Yggdrasil's fate.

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17 Chs

In to the New World -Part 1

In the grand amphitheater of Nazarick, the guardians had gathered, strong and loyal. The atmosphere was tense, and all eyes were on Momonga and Hyper Index, who stood together, united as a leader and a warrior.

Albedo and Sariel stepped forward, their presence commanding attention. Albedo's regal bearing contrasted with Sariel's graceful poise, yet both exuded an aura of profound commitment. Their eyes met, a silent exchange that spoke of shared purpose and mutual respect.

In a voice that resonated with conviction, Albedo began, her words a testament to her unwavering allegiance. "Supreme Beings, we gather before you, bound by more than mere loyalty. We are bound by a legacy, by the very essence of our existence within these hallowed halls."

Sariel's voice intertwined seamlessly with Albedo's, a harmonious duet that echoed throughout the amphitheater. "Our oaths are not mere words, but an unbreakable bond that transcends the boundaries of this world."

Together, their voices wove a tapestry of unity and commitment, each word a thread that strengthened the fabric of their shared purpose. "As guardians of Nazarick, we stand as a shield, a testament to your leadership and guidance," Albedo spoke, her gaze unwavering upon Momonga.

Sariel's eyes met Hyper Index's, a spark of recognition in that fleeting connection. "Our devotion knows no bounds, as we pledge to honor the legacy you have woven," she vowed.

In the aftermath of their pledge, a profound silence enveloped the amphitheater. The unity of purpose, the strength of their commitment, was a force that resonated in the very air they breathed. Momonga and Hyper Index, leaders bound by destiny, exchanged a glance that held the weight of a thousand unspoken sentiments.

Amidst the guardians, each heartbeat was in rhythm with the oath that had been proclaimed. A pledge of loyalty, a testament to their shared legacy, and an unwavering devotion to the path that lay ahead.

Time Skip (10 days)

Hyper Index POV

It's been ten days since our arrival in this new world, and Momonga and I decided to split up temporarily. Our goal: is to gather as much information as possible about Nazarick and to fine-tune our magical and combat abilities.

During this time, we've been putting in serious effort, honing our skills, and pushing ourselves to the limit. We even had a little sparring match, which, to be honest, escalated quickly and nearly ended up destroying half the amphitheater. Fortunately, just like in the game, we can use the guild's resources to repair any damage.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. These NPCs in this Tomb don't just view us as your run-of-the-mill powerful folks; they've gone full cult mode. Picture this: It's a cocktail of fear, respect, and, dare I say, a sprinkle of worship. They've even set up legit temples on the 11th floor, singing praises to yours truly, like I'm some kind of divine vampire. It's like I accidentally started a fan club.

But you know what? I'm not even mad. In fact, I'm kinda proud of my past self for creating NPCs with loyalty levels off the charts. It's crystal clear that they'd bend over backward, or even do a triple somersault into a volcano, just to keep me entertained. So, that particular concern? Consider it squashed like an annoying bug under a slipper.

Looking at the time displayed in the interface I was reminded that today, it's one of those moments where Momonga and I sit down to talk things through. We've spent the past ten days exploring this new world, and now it's time to catch up and share what we've learned.

Momonga POV

Over the past ten days, it's been quite the journey, a mix of exhaustion and intrigue. I've managed to find answers to some pressing questions like how my emotions are being managed, how it's possible that I don't need sleep or feel tired anymore, and why our loyal NPCs are so, well, loyal. But there's still a tangle of mysteries surrounding our situation.

I'm left wondering why we ended up in this new world in the first place, and, perhaps most importantly, whether this new world is safe for us. These questions are like persistent shadows, always there in the back of my mind, urging me to keep digging for answers.

Looking at the passing time in my vision, I remembered that Hyper and I planned to meet in the guild hall to talk about what we found. Without wasting time, I teleported there. It's interesting how Hyper, the only person I can really trust in this strange situation, still finds humor in all of this.

I entered the guild hall and noticed Hyper seated there. The room had a large black stone table at its center, surrounded by forty-one elegant chairs. However, the majority of those seats remained unoccupied.

This space held memories of our past guild wars strategy sessions. Hyper had arrived ahead of me, and Narberal was gracefully pouring tea from an exquisite kettle into finely crafted cups. Her countenance bore a solemnity that mirrored the weight of our situation.

Taking my designated seat, I acknowledged Narberal's respectful greeting, and she proceeded to serve me a steaming cup of tea. With a subtle gesture, I indicated for Narberal to exit the room, leaving Hyper and me to our meeting.

Looking at him In our private message channel, I asked, "Hyper, have you come across any new developments?"

Hyper Index POV

Hearing his question in my head, I couldn't help but sigh mentally, and I replied in a more direct manner, ditching the private messaging for a moment. Taking a sip of that surprisingly good tea, I shot Momonga a quizzical look. "Well, you know," I began with a sly grin, "first of all, it's nice to have a normal chat when we're face to face, right?"

Momonga looked a bit puzzled and raised a non-existent eyebrow, asking why we wouldn't want to keep things private to avoid eavesdropping. I leaned in closer, my expression turning somewhat mischievous. "Well," I said with a hint of humor, "the thing is, we'd look kinda... Gay if we used private messages all the time, don't you think?" I continued, "Imagine just standing there, silently exchanging private messages like some secret lovebirds, and then casually parting ways. It'd be quite the spectacle!"

Hearing my response, Momonga seemed momentarily dumbfounded, and he placed his hand on his forehead. "You know, yeah" he admitted, "you're absolutely right. That would have looked pretty creepy. And can you imagine what Albedo would think if she saw us doing that?" He spoke in a worried manner and As his best friend, it was my sacred duty to always find ways to annoy him to no end.

With a sly grin, I couldn't resist poking fun at Momonga. "Oh, come on, Momonga, thinking about Albedo, huh?" I teased with a mischievous grin. Momonga, caught off guard, looked a bit dumbfounded, and I couldn't help but prod further. "You did have a little crush on her, didn't you? That's why you tweaked her settings at the last moment," I pointed out, my tone playful but with a hint of curiosity "Well, it's not like that, Hyper. You know how important her role is, and I wanted her to be absolutely perfect for it." and that continued for sometime forgetting our serious situation

After some light-hearted chit-chat, I leaned in closer with an amused glint in my eye. "You see, Momonga," I said, adopting a more humorous tone, "You know, Momonga," I began, setting my teacup down, "I had Erembour undertake a task for me." I could see the spark of interest in Momonga's eyes, and he instantly became more serious, his demeanor fitting of the leader of Nazarick.

With a mental command, I summoned Erembour to report about his findings. Narberal promptly reported his arrival, and upon receiving Momonga's permission, Erembour entered the room with an air of confidence. He knelt before us as a sign of respect, and after a loyal greeting he was ready to share his findings with the us.

As Momonga delved into questioning Erembour about his discoveries, my attention wandered, fixating on someone else in the room.

My eyes remained fixed on Narberal, and it struck me how much my mind seemed to be preoccupied with her. It was as though an intense desire to conquer and dominate her had suddenly awakened within me. A while back, Momonga had explained that as supernatural beings, They had the ability to manipulate our physical traits and enhance certain aspects of our personalities.

Being a vampire god, I didn't need to rely solely on blood for sustenance, and this granted me a unique control over various instincts. However, some impulses, like this overpowering urge to establish dominance, were proving to be quite challenging to suppress for me.

Narberal carried herself with grace and flawless manners, which gave off an aura of the qualities one might look for in a partner. As she carefully replaced my empty cup with a new one and elegantly poured the aromatic tea, being so near allowed me to truly appreciate her physical beauty. Her attractive features, seen up close, were undeniable, and I couldn't help but find myself captivated by her presence, even as I struggled to comprehend these newfound desires.

In my eyes, Her beauty is absolutely enchanting. Her figure gracefully accentuates every curve, making her the embodiment of elegance and allure. Those lips of hers, with their delicate shade of pink, seem to whisper secrets that beg to be shared. Her eyes, deep and intense like sapphires, hold a captivating mystery that draws you in. Rosy cheeks give her an air of both sophistication and vitality.

Yet, it's her hair that truly captivates me. It flows like a cascade of midnight silk, a perfect complement to her porcelain skin. When she ties it into that ponytail, there's a fascinating contrast between restraint and wild beauty. Every move she makes, every glance she casts, feels like a mesmerizing dance. It's no wonder that I find myself utterly enchanted by her presence.

As I continued to gaze at her face, I noticed her fair complexion gradually turning a shade of crimson. It was then that I made the decision to transform into my human guise. My true form was considerably larger than her, and I didn't want to intimidate her.

Well, I guess you could say Narberal was having a real "senpai noticed me" moment there, blushing like she'd just won a lottery to meet a celebrity. But hey, can you blame her? I mean, who wouldn't be impressed by this dashing figure right here? It's not every day you get to hang out with someone as fantastic as me.