
Overgeared: Saharan Successor

A new era of games has raised over the ashes of the decadent game industry of the early 2030 by the mid-21th century, a salvation for the stressed mind of millions of people, an escape from a monotonous reality in the form of a Fantasy Journey. All presented by the game of the century, the VRMMO〘 Satisfy World Online 〙 A game, a new reality garnered for the interest of many, with a sole journey of bringing satisfaction in your lives. It’s your mind and body summoning you for an Adventure, where you seek to become a God and Slay the Evil Gods along with his Demon Kings, this will be an unforgettable journey for you [Chosen One] You seek to be removed from the strenuous and tedious life, to get a break from a nagging wife or partner, you have struck gold, only with 〘 Satisfy World Online 〙you shall discover the true meaning of a peaceful night, no longer haunted by their voices. Here you shall meet new friends and colleagues to travel the uncharted lands into unknown. This is where you will build long-lasting relations and eventually meet your future partner in life. To the seekers of Magic and Knowledge, shall know bliss and smile in Satisfaction, as you explore along this new journey into the unknown where endless possibilities are at your touch. 〘 What are you waiting, Champion, the Empire of Saharan is calling you, oh Chosen One 〙 ................................................................ [Disclaimers] 〘 This novel has been inspired by the Korean Novel ‘Overgeared’ along with 'Brave New World' However my approach to the VRMMO story is more condensed since the original novel has 1500+ chapters, and I’ll only cover selected bits of this story. Which to be honest are mainly the World-building aspect. 〙 〘 Novel can be enjoyed without previous knowledge of the original. As long you’re enjoying VRMMO/RPG/LitRPG style novels mixed with some Slice-of-Life, you’re great to go ahead and start reading. 〙 ................................................................ Socials along with extended pic/gallery share of characters on discord: https://discord.gg/urTNDCufRx

Morpheus146 · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

Chapter 26: Alchemist Recruited

Chapter 26: Alchemist Recruited

After all the teasing, Mathias finished his workout. He resumed with his day-to-day activity before returning to Satisfy World, finding himself in the tavern room he bought for the night to assist in his Stamina Recovery process. 

He looked at the Party Interface and noticed that only three people were online when he logged in: Purphoros, Malfurion, and Elyse. Eve had yet to log in to Satisfy World since she had to take care of her daughter, Mina, which was her main priority. 

Stepping out of his room, he checked the locations of each individual in his party online and noticed that they were split. Purphoros was in the Blacksmith Area, Elyse was in the Clothing District, and Malfurion was in the section of the city that had farmers and gardening tools.

Odin sat at a sturdy wooden table in the dimly lit tavern, the low murmur of voices and the occasional clink of mugs providing a cozy backdrop to his meal. 

The smell of roasted meat, freshly baked bread, and ale filled the air, reminding him of how immersive Satisfy was. 

He glanced at the hunger meter in the corner of his interface, watching it steadily drop as he ate the hearty stew that had been placed in front of him. The bread was warm, the meat tender, and it felt surprisingly satisfying for some virtual food, but again, it was all connected to his brain and neurons.

The Hunger System was great because it forced the Players to stop grinding day-in and day-out in dungeons for EXP and avoiding NPC Quests like it was a plague. Instead, it pushes you into interacting with the world around you, just like in Reality.

Just like it was in the first starting days, when flying monkeys complained on SkyNet about how rigid and 'unrealistic' the RPG was, only to be directed at the door and encouraged to 'You can always quit the game if you don't like it.'

This message from S.A Group Custom Service has turned into a meme.

As he took a bite, he glanced at some SkyNet videos to keep himself updated with the News inside Satisfy.

The tavern was fairly active at this time of day, filled with players and NPCs alike. Some were boisterous, others engaged in quiet, tactical conversations about dungeons or guild strategies. It wasn't long before his presence attracted attention, especially when some players recognized him.

A group of lower-level players seated at a nearby table whispered excitedly as they noticed who he was. One of them, a young archer with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes, nervously approached him.

"Excuse me, are you… Odin?" she asked, fiddling with the straps of her satchel.

Odin paused mid-bite and looked up, offering a polite smile. "That's right. What can I do for you?"

Her face lit up, and she quickly motioned to her companions still sitting at the table. "I've watched your videos on dungeon runs with Leviathan! I'm trying to build my character for large-scale PvE, and I was wondering if you had any tips for a archer like me?"

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, trying not to chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Well, it depends on your playstyle. Are you focusing more on crowd control or raw damage?"

Her eyes gleamed with excitement. "A bit of both, actually. But I feel like I'm not optimizing my skills properly."

Odin nodded thoughtfully. "In that case, I'd recommend focusing on skills that give you versatility. Having strong AoE damage is great for dungeons, but you need to be able to manage mobs. Look into skills that provide debuffs or slows, it'll make controlling the battlefield easier when your team's overwhelmed."

The archer scribbled something down in a small notebook she pulled from her inventory, her eyes brimming from this short-lived interaction, but Odin was aware that such exchanges with the new generation of players could make their day if not weeks.

 "Thank you so much, Odin! I'll try that out."

Before she could return to her group, another player, a burly warrior, sidled up to the table. "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I've been having trouble tanking in those damn Ruins of Orishar that you Leviathan have cleared while still in the 150-170s level range." 

"Anything you can share for a solo player trying to make it through without getting squashed by those giant Spider Guardians?"

Odin smiled patiently, thinking a bit about the past when he along with all the Aesir combined raided a SS-rated Dungeon that was constantly failed by the guilds centered on the Zievra Duchy of the Empire. 

From what he remembered, that Dungeon was the ruins of an Ancient Elven City that got lost in history, but monsters had crawled their way from Abyss to claim it.

"Those are tricky if you're the solo Tank, but it's doable. My advice is to bring 3 Tanks, one would be the Main, and the Subs who will act when the Spider Guardian reaches the 2nd Phase, picking the aggro from the boss when you're stunned for the 15-30s duration."

"This is why a lot of people are wiping half-way. Spider Guardian is a Tank-check, so you better review the previous mistakes in the Dungeon."

"The key is managing aggro and keeping your defense high while maintaining mobility. Focus on hit-and-run tactics with high durability gear."

"Don't stand still for too long, or those guardians will stomp you into the ground. Also, make sure to use terrain to your advantage… those narrow passages can funnel enemies and keep you from getting overwhelmed."

The warrior nodded gratefully. "I'll give it a shot. Thanks, man."

Odin offered a quick wave as the two players retreated to their own groups. Though small interactions like these were common, they always reminded him of the impact his presence had on other players in Satisfy. 

As he resumed his meal, a notification pinged in the corner of his interface, breaking his thoughts.

⤷ Purphoros: Boss, I did it! I managed to get the Raider to +7. Hahaha, I spent like 500 gold on the Enhancement Stones and services. The blacksmiths in Fullbaz are crazy with their luck in enhancements. Should I try it to +8 and +9? 

⤷ Purphoros: I want a sword to glow just like yours, Boss."

⤷ Odin: Are you rich?

⤷ Purphoros: Pardon? No, not really. I'm still a broke student, but if I get my sword stronger, I can go Pro in Satisfy and make money just like you.

⤷ Odin: There's still a long road ahead of you. If you want my advice, better leave it at +7

Odin chuckled, finishing the last of his stew and wiping his hands clean. 

'Is this kid smeared with shit or something? He got that junk to +7 and only spent so little?'

'Huhu, he has potential to become a Top-Ranker inside Satisfy. He has the main ingredient, Great Luck.'

He had a full day ahead, and after logging back in, his first stop would be the Open Market to find the young mage he was seeking since he had made up his mind regarding his usefulness to the guild for the present and in future.

Odin made his way through the bustling streets of Fullbaz, his tall figure cutting through the crowd with ease. 

The market district was alive with noise and activity, with merchants haggling with players who didn't know better, NPCs peddling their wares, and veteran players browsing for their next significant upgrade. 

The scent of various goods filled the air, from leather to spices, mixing with the heat of the day.

Several obnoxious merchants called out to him as he walked, trying to catch his attention.

"Hey, warrior! You look like a man who needs a new set of armor. This is made from the finest Saharan leather!" One vendor waved a poorly-made breastplate at him, the stitching visibly uneven. Odin barely glanced at the merchant, his expression unchanged as he walked past.

Another more persistent salesman waved a glowing blue stone in his face. "Enhancement crystals! Guaranteed to give you a boost on your weapons! Only 1000 gold apiece!"

'Piss of monkeys. Try to scam someone dumber. It's insulting to my intelligence to buy something worth 50 gold coins for 1000 apiece.'

Odin scoffed inwardly at the absurd claim but kept moving. He was no stranger to the scammers and hustlers of Fullbaz. In general, the greedy merchants of the large cities in the Empire all saw the 'Chosen One' as a source of fortune. 

If and when they managed to scam a clueless big whale who just joined Satisfy, they would be earning their yearly profits triple or quadruple just from one individual.

The streets were filled with people trying to make a quick buck from players who knew no better.

But today, he wasn't here for shiny gear or overpriced trinkets. There was no need for him to make any purchases when he had a BiS Equipment from his previous playthrough as a Black Knight. 

This time his goal was far more specific.

As he weaved through the more aggressive sales pitches, a small, unassuming stall near the market corner caught his eye. It was modest compared to the others, almost easy to overlook amidst the cacophony of the larger vendors.

He was still there, selling his modest but 'special' alchemical concoctions.

Various items were spread out on the table, including potions for the starting players, scrolls that could boost a primary stat temporarily, and a few pieces of miscellaneous items from the Magic Tower that probably had no use for the player at his current stage.

What impressed him the most among all this 'junk' was the performance of the Magical Monster Bait.

Behind the stall sat Mustard, a young mage player who couldn't have been more than a high school student. 

His robe was worn, clearly one of the starting outfits, and he had a nervous, almost shy demeanor that reminded Odin of a past time when he, too, was this shy bookworm who didn't have friends. 

In a sense, even though Mustard was an East Asian, Odin saw himself in Mustard, from his posture to the anxious tics he would do with his slim fingers.

His equipment wasn't the best, either. It was a low-level gear that most seasoned players would have long since replaced. 

What caught his attention was the rare alchemical creations he could craft, such as the Magical Monster Bait. He used the common monster bait, but its effects were always limited. But this Magic Bait was as if you placed steroids upon the bait.

Odin stopped before the mage's stall, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the humble setup. The mage looked up, surprised to see someone of Odin's stature showing interest in his goods, and that surprise turned soon into worry.

How couldn't he recognize Odin? Right now, he was the hottest thing inside Satisfy, but for now, he managed to get here without attracting the attention of the passing players.

"Uhh, uhh... Odin-sama?" Mustard stammered, his face flushing with a mix of excitement and anxiety. "I—uh, how can I help you? I—I hope there wasn't an issue with the bait. If there was, I'm so sorry. I can offer a refund, or—"

Odin smiled, placing a firm but reassuring hand on the young mage's shoulder. "Relax, kid. I'm not here to complain. Actually, I'm impressed."

Mustard blinked, clearly confused. "Impressed? But… I mean, my stuff is all basic. I thought someone like you would have no use for—"

Odin cut him off with a chuckle "You don't know?"

Mustard blinked again, his brows knitting together as he shook his head. "Know what?"

Odin crossed his arms, his imposing figure casting an even larger shadow over the modest stall. His grin widened as he spoke. "How potent is your Magical Monster Bait? Me and my team cleared the entire first wave of monsters in Fullbaz."

Mustard quickly went into SkyNet and searched for Fullbaz Monster Wave. Immediately, he got the recordings of the 'Vengeance' players, who could only watch from the side as Odin and the rest lured the horde of monsters, followed by Eve's spell incinerating them.

Mustard's mouth dropped open from the highlights.

"That's… that's impossible." His voice was laced with disbelief. "I mean, I knew the bait worked well, but I didn't think it could do something like that..."

"It's the best I've used. It's rare to find an alchemist who can create something that effective. My assumption is that you're approaching the Advanced Alchemy Mastery, while most Alchemists are just at level 1-3 Intermediate Mastery. That's why I'm here."

Odin's eyes flashed with a deep crimson glow, like embers in the dark. 

For a moment, the world around him slowed down as the 'Sovereign Insight' took effect, allowing him to peer into a target's status window, revealing the surface-level stats along with their skills and masteries.

However, the stronger the target was than him, the larger the restrictions on what he could scout ahead.

The soft hum of the market seemed to fade into the background as Odin's gaze locked onto Mustard. 

In that instant, a translucent window appeared before Odin's eyes, hovering in the air, filled with intricate details about the young mage's abilities.

[Name: Mustard]

[Class: Magician | Subprofession: Alchemist]

[Level: 118]

[Alchemy Mastery: Level 8 (Intermediate Tier)]

[Status: Eager, Nervous, Hungry for Growth]

[Potential: High (Surpassing most novice players of the same rank)]

Odin skimmed the window quickly, his sharp mind absorbing the essential details.

The young mage's mouth hung open momentarily, struggling to process the compliment. "R-Really? Wait? How can you tell that I'm at level 8 Alchemy Mastery?"

Odin's smirk widened. "What can I say? I have some great pairs of eyes."

The crimson glow in his eyes faded, but the knowledge Odin had gleaned from Mustard's status window lingered in his mind. Mustard stood before him, wide-eyed and visibly anxious.

Odin said, crossing his arms as he surveyed the rest of the stall. "You've got potential, Mustard. And potential is something I don't ignore."

Hearing this kind of praise from someone as high-ranking as Odin? It was beyond anything he'd imagined.

"What are your plans in the game?" Odin asked casually, eyeing the potions on display. "You aim to stick with alchemy as you grow your Magic Class? Or you're just using Alchemy as means to get funds for the Magic Spells?"

The young mage hesitated. "I've always enjoyed cooking, this is why my focus was on Alchemy because I could do what I enjoy the most. Also, I noticed that the higher my level, the larger the expenses for Magic Spells is, this is why I instead invested in Alchemy."

"I've been struggling to keep up with my expenses because the Magic Tower put a ban on me from selling to the NPC Guilds. They want me to sell my potions directly to them, but their price is an extortion."

"This is why I'm selling my stuff here in the Market instead of spending time crafting potions."

After talking a bit in a casual manner, where Odin expressed his interest in his alchemical potions and other gadgets, he cuts to the chase and gets direct with the youngster.

"It's tough for solo players, especially in professions like yours. But that's where I come in. I'm here because I want you to join my guild, Leviathan, as our dedicated alchemist."

Mustard's eyes widened even further, if that was possible. "Me? In Leviathan?"

"That's right," Odin said. "You'll get the resources and support you need to keep creating. The Mages in the guild wouldn't mind passing off their out-leveled gear to you to catch up. Whatsmore, if necessary, we can always grab you and give you a bus ride."

"In return, you'll supply the guild with potions, alchemical elixirs, enhancement stones, and whatever else you can cook up. You'd be part of one big family by joining Leviathan. We'll take care of you, like a little brother or child for older folks."

Mustard looked around nervously, the players passing still ignoring him and Odin, as if they became invisible, and he wasn't wrong to believe this because in those moments, Odin used an Invisibility Scroll to mask his presence.

His mind racing, never expecting that such a life-changing opportunity came knocking down at his door could happen to himself, a nobody, a loser with no future ahead of him, someone who would eventually retreat in himself and become a hikikomori.

"But… I don't have the best abilities at the game, and I'm still low-level. I only know how to do Alchemy, and I suck at magic. I'll become an inconvenience for sure. Are you sure you want me?"

Odin smiled again, his tone serious but encouraging. "It's not about your level, or even your Magic Spells. Each member of the Leviathan Guild has a role they can strive toward. If you think about it, most RP folks are useless by this standard, but I'm looking at things differently than those Divas thinking they are some big shots just because they are high level."

"It doesn't matter if you can't participate in Dungeons or Raids, just focus on your Alchemy and have fun while doing it. I'll make sure that you'll not miss anything, as far as resources are concerned."

Mustard tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat, but it was no use. His vision blurred as tears welled up in his eyes. He quickly blinked, trying to stop them from falling, but the more Odin spoke, the harder it became to hold them back.

"You're a talent that can be nurtured," Odin had said. These are simple words, but they hit Mustard like a tidal wave. 

The encouragement, the reassurance, it was as if Odin was the Guardian Angel and God that has watched over him since his birth. He saw something in him that no one else had. 

Not his classmates, not even his family. They all saw him as a nobody, someone who wasted his time in a game when he should be doing something "more productive" with his life.

Mustard's shoulders trembled, and before he could stop himself, a tear slid down his cheek.

Odin noticed but didn't flinch.

'Whoever said that men can't cry for sure was a psychopath without emotions…'

'Men should also cry, release all the pent up emotions in a healthy manner. Sure, it is better you don't show them to women since they are weird creatures who see it as weakness.'

'I like this kid even more. Don't worry, you'll be in good hands with me.'

Odin just stood there, his presence calm and steady, like an anchor in the tidal of emotions Mustard was feeling. "It's alright," Odin said, his voice soft yet firm. "You've been doing your best, even when no one else noticed. I see that. And I'm telling you, you're not worthless. Far from it."

Those words broke the dam. Mustard's face crumpled, and he wiped at his eyes, embarrassed that he was crying in front of Odin. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, his voice thick with emotion. "It's just... I've never heard anyone say that to me before. Everyone just… gives up on me."

Odin's expression softened. He placed a hand on Mustard's shoulder again, but this time it felt more like an older brother's gesture, warm and reassuring. 

"There's no shame in feeling like that. But you need to know something, I don't give up on people who are willing to put in the work. And you've already proven you have that in you. So, don't worry about being a burden. You'll have your role, and we'll help you grow into it."

Mustard nodded, sniffling as he tried to regain control of himself. But the tears kept coming. Not tears of sadness, but of relief, of release. For the first time in what felt like forever, someone saw him and his worth in this life.

"Thank you," Mustard finally managed to choke out, his voice shaky. "I… I don't know what to say. I never thought… I never thought someone like you would want someone like me in their guild."

Odin smiled, his eyes calm but full of understanding. "Sometimes, the people with the most potential don't even realize it themselves. But that's what I'm here for, to guide people like you, to show you what you're capable of."

Mustard wiped his face with the sleeve of his robe, still in disbelief but now filled with a sense of purpose that would trigger a new change in his life. "I'll… I'll work hard. I'll do my best, I swear. I won't let you down."

Odin nodded, satisfied. "That's all I ask, kid. Welcome to Leviathan. Welcome to your new family."

He looked up at Odin, eyes still wet but now shining with determination. "I'll make you proud, Odin-sama. I'll make Leviathan proud."

Odin gave a slight, approving nod. "I know you will." Then, with a final pat on Mustard's shoulder, he turned and started to walk away, leaving the young mage standing at his humble stall, but soon, the short-felt loneliness of the departure was shattered when all the hundreds of players online in the guild began welcoming the Alchemist as if he was a big thing.

What Mustard wasn't aware of was that Odin had rarely invited people himself since the expansion of the Guild. It was like being recruited directly by the CEO of a large Conglomerate.

With the recruitment done, Odin summoned the party members to himself so they could begin an impending quest, the [Invading Hobgoblin Tribe(A+)], which saw them travel to Talonspear Mountains.