
Overgeared: Saharan Successor

A new era of games has raised over the ashes of the decadent game industry of the early 2030 by the mid-21th century, a salvation for the stressed mind of millions of people, an escape from a monotonous reality in the form of a Fantasy Journey. All presented by the game of the century, the VRMMO〘 Satisfy World Online 〙 A game, a new reality garnered for the interest of many, with a sole journey of bringing satisfaction in your lives. It’s your mind and body summoning you for an Adventure, where you seek to become a God and Slay the Evil Gods along with his Demon Kings, this will be an unforgettable journey for you [Chosen One] You seek to be removed from the strenuous and tedious life, to get a break from a nagging wife or partner, you have struck gold, only with 〘 Satisfy World Online 〙you shall discover the true meaning of a peaceful night, no longer haunted by their voices. Here you shall meet new friends and colleagues to travel the uncharted lands into unknown. This is where you will build long-lasting relations and eventually meet your future partner in life. To the seekers of Magic and Knowledge, shall know bliss and smile in Satisfaction, as you explore along this new journey into the unknown where endless possibilities are at your touch. 〘 What are you waiting, Champion, the Empire of Saharan is calling you, oh Chosen One 〙 ................................................................ [Disclaimers] 〘 This novel has been inspired by the Korean Novel ‘Overgeared’ along with 'Brave New World' However my approach to the VRMMO story is more condensed since the original novel has 1500+ chapters, and I’ll only cover selected bits of this story. Which to be honest are mainly the World-building aspect. 〙 〘 Novel can be enjoyed without previous knowledge of the original. As long you’re enjoying VRMMO/RPG/LitRPG style novels mixed with some Slice-of-Life, you’re great to go ahead and start reading. 〙 ................................................................ Socials along with extended pic/gallery share of characters on discord: https://discord.gg/urTNDCufRx

Morpheus146 · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

Chapter 25: Feeling A Bit Horny (NSFW)

Chapter 25: Feeling A Bit Horny (NSFW)

Mathias began his day like any other since he switched from his engineering job to follow his dream of becoming big inside Satisfy World, which he viewed akin to a mission. He was one of the pioneering colonists or pathfinders inside the unexplored world of Nihilaine, and just like his case, there were hundreds of thousands or millions of dreamseekers.

It was a crisp morning, the sun filtering softly through the windows of Mathias's apartment. As usual, 

The first order was to take care of his hygiene, a quick shower, and a hearty breakfast shared with the Ricci brothers, the bodyguards who didn't feel like ones from their casualness. It made Mathias look like the big brother between the trio.

Luca and Enzo didn't have the appearances of some gangsters, full of moronic tattoos plastered on their bodies. Far from it, they were working at some modeling agency. 

In their usual dynamic, they sat around the dining table, casual conversation flowing about their plans for the day, and it was Enzo who got curious if they would have some action in town.

"Anything special on the agenda?" Enzo asked between bites of his toast.

Mathias leaned back in his chair, sipping his coffee thoughtfully. "Just that interview later. They want to talk about Satisfy's impact on the younger crowd, and I guess, now that Louis uploaded the video, maybe talking about Saharan Successor."

"Beyond that, we're hitting the gym, right?"

Luca, the older of the twin, grinned. "You bet. No skipping today, even if you're a big celebrity now. Tomorrow we go to the Jiu-Jitsu class, maybe you will get your blue-belt by then."

Mathias raised an eyebrow, smirking as he leaned back in his chair, swirling his coffee thoughtfully. "I highly doubt that. I've only been training in Jiu-Jitsu for, what, a year and a half? I'd have to check my diary to be sure."

Luca scoffed, leaning forward with a teasing glint in his eyes. "Man, if only you worked like a lunatic in your training as you've done inside Satisfy. I'd bet all of Enzo's money in Palermo that you could be an MMA champion by now."

"Huhuhu, let's not exaggerate," Mathias chuckled, brushing it off.

Enzo chuckled, shaking his head as he buttered another slice of toast. "Yeah, because becoming a Legendary Class in Satisfy and running a top-tier guild is so much easier than getting a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu, right?"

Mathias smirked, setting his coffee mug down. "Hey, there's no respawning in real life, and no shortcuts either. Jiu-Jitsu's been kicking my ass, but I'll get there eventually. And, yeah, becoming a legendary class is way easier than becoming a Black Belt."

"Fuck you, Mathias. Come, quickly trade me that Legend Class, I'll give you my black-belt right now."

Mathias chuckled, shaking his head at the familiar banter. "Anyway, speaking of working hard, I've got to mentally prepare for that interview. They're probably going to grill me on how Satisfy affects people's lives for the worse with all the realism. It's all they ever ask about these days."

Enzo chuckled, buttering another slice of toast. "Those old idiots from the media can't come around when VR has reached its peak. It's become the most popular form of entertainment, yet they act like it's some kind of danger to society."

Luca nodded in agreement, crossing his arms. "Cuts into their business. Of course, they're trying to spread propaganda. But people don't buy that garbage anymore, not since all the big mainstream channels in the U.S. got wiped out by Trump Junior."

Enzo raised an eyebrow. "You think they'll ask about your plans in the game? You know, after the Saharan Successor reveal?"

Mathias set his mug down, a sly smile creeping onto his face. "Most likely. I mean, Louis dropping that video has stirred up all kinds of attention. Everyone's expecting me to have some grand plan. Maybe they'll dig into that during the interview."

Luca leaned forward, elbows on the table. "Do you have a plan, though? I mean, beyond what's obvious to everyone else?"

Mathias's grin widened a glint of mystery in his eyes. "Now that, my dear brother... you'll have to wait and see."

Luca groaned, shaking his head. "Always with the suspense. Just once, can't you spill the beans?"

"Where's the fun in that?" Mathias replied with a wink, the playful banter bouncing between them effortlessly.

They all laughed, finishing up breakfast before heading out. Mathias took Luna, the genius Russian blue that could put crows and kindergarten children to shame, along with him, happy to walk around on her leash.

Exiting the lift, they made their way to the impressive gym of the apartment complex, which was fully equipped and more than satisfactory for maintaining his physique. 

Traveling elsewhere would waste time when they had everything they needed downstairs.

The trio walked through the lobby, exchanging brief nods with some neighbors before arriving at the gym. It was sleek, clean, and filled with the latest equipment. Despite the early hour, a few other residents were working out, but the place was never too crowded, exactly to Mathias's introverted liking.

Mathias wore a fitted tank top that displayed his lean, muscular frame. His body was sculpted by years of disciplined effort, and his 11-12% body fat, coupled with his 6-pack abs, drew occasional admiring glances from others in the gym, but he paid no mind. 

He wasn't here to show off, reaching past the stage of a fuck boy where he would have frequent hookups with 9s and 10s when he was still in university, trying to grab back his masculinity from the past heartbreak he experienced.

At the current time, he mainly hits the gym to maintain what he has worked hard to achieve.

Enzo and Luca went straight to the heavy bags after warming up and hitting some machines for their session. They started their warm-up drills for Muay Thai and kickboxing, showing excellent skills in their strikes that would make you think they were actual professional fighters.

It was not far from the truth if you consider a Mafioso a pro fighter.

After continuing his workout session, Mathias found an empty bench and set up for his ab routine. He placed his earpods in and selected a playlist containing old 2030s-40s Death Metal, Power Metal, and Metalcore, all carefully selected from his old pops collection.

By his side was his small shadow, who remained ever the curious feline since Mathias adopted her 4 years ago. She might have grown to be a bit of an independent adolescent girl, but to him, Luna will always remain his baby.

Luna padded beside him, hopping onto the bench with a quiet meow.

Mathias started his leg raises, moving through the motions with practiced precision. Luna watched him intently as he worked, her wide green eyes tracking his movements.

It wasn't long before the little furball began mimicking him. Luna placed her hindlegs on the bench, and with an almost human-like determination, she mimicked Mathias's crunches, her tiny body moving in an adorable attempt at the same rhythm.

You might not even believe this active and adorable cat was half paralyzed.

Enzo, in the middle of his kickboxing drills, caught sight of this and froze mid-punch, blinking in disbelief. He walked over, towel slung over his shoulder, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Is that… okay for a cat to do?" he asked, pointing at Luna, who was now on her second 'rep.'

Having just finished his set, Mathias glanced up, pulling one earbud out. He followed Enzo's gaze to see Luna still at it, her movements small but earnest. A chuckle escaped him as he sat up. "Huhuhu, I see nothing bad in what she's doing," he said, amused by Luna's antics. "What? Do you want to entertain her later or something? You got time while I'm doing the interview."

Enzo rubbed the back of his neck, half-smiling. "It's just… I've never seen a cat mimic someone like that. Saw some shorts on cute cats doing things, but is one thing what bambina is doing. Besides, I think she's smarter than me when we play Jenga." 

Luca overheard the conversation, came over, and leaned on the bench, grinning. "Well, I wouldn't argue with that. Luna's got some serious potential. Maybe we should enter her into some kind of feline fitness competition."

Mathias laughed at the idea, patting Luna on the head as she stopped her 'crunches,' clearly satisfied with herself for gaining his attention and affection. "She's always been a smart little thing. But who knows, maybe she'll teach us all a few new tricks."

As the workout continued, the Ricci brothers went back to their respective drills, with Enzo hammering away at the kickboxing bag and Luca perfecting his jabs and hooks. 

After finishing his intense ab workout, Mathias stood back to observe. His body relaxed but focused. Luna, however, wasn't done being the little star of the gym.

Luna had made her way across the floor to where Luca, one of the Ricci brothers, was pounding away at the heavy bag. She sat quietly at first, eyes wide, fixated on the repetitive motions of Luca's fists striking the bag. 

Her tail swished with interest as she watched the leather compress and recoil with each punch. It didn't take long before the intelligent little feline got curious.

Luna hopped up on her hind legs and mimicked Luca's movements without hesitation. Her tiny paws swatted at the air, imitating the boxing combinations Luca was throwing. Though her "punches" didn't have the same power or technique, the sight of her tiny paws jabbing at the imaginary bag before her was too adorable to ignore.

Enzo, finishing a set of kicks, caught sight of Luna's antics again. He paused, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he leaned over to Mathias with a grin. "Dude, look at bambina. I'm not on dmt shrooms, right?"

Mathias, catching his breath while taking a sip from his water bottle, chuckled. "You wish."

Enzo, still watching Luna, shook his head in disbelief. "Man, I also want a chip in my brain. I swear, if she could log into Satisfy, she'd wreck that game."

Mathias glanced over, spotting Luna's "boxing." 

He chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "I wouldn't put it past her. Maybe she'd even outplay Demacia."

Enzo smirked. "Man, if we could hook Luna up to the game, she'd be a killer beast companion. You could start selling pet VR headsets or something. I'd pay to have a furry sidekick."

Mathias's eyes widened at the idea, his mind immediately spinning into action. "You might be onto something,"

Mathias muttered, his voice trailing off as he wiped the sweat from his brow and swiftly headed over to his bag. Digging through it, he grabbed his phone and opened the notepad app. His fingers moved quickly, typing out the stream of ideas before they could slip away.

~ [When in Seoul, check with Lim Cheolho if pets have the neurological and mental capacity to enter the Virtual Reality of Satisfy World.]

~ [If possible, this could be a great idea for branching out—giving users a chance to have their IRL pets as companions inside Satisfy World, thus extending the time they spend together considering the short lifespan of their fur balls.]

The idea felt more solid the more he thought about it. Mathias paused momentarily, tapping his chin as he mulled over the impact it could have on the community. He typed out more thoughts quickly.

~ [Implement a system where the pet's behavior and habits in the real world influence their in-game actions.]

~ [Have specific pet classes: support pets, combat pets, gatherer pets, etc. Could tap into that niche market of pet lovers.]

Satisfied with his notes, Mathias swiped his thumb across the screen and highlighted the most critical points. His heart raced slightly, not from the workout but from the idea's potential. 

This idea could be something huge.

Just as he was about to put the phone back, a notification popped up on the screen [Mi-Jun (Eve)].

They had just talked earlier after breakfast, appeasing a bit of her loneliness, but she had a habit of sending him funny messages throughout her day at the office.

While for him, 9:45 AM was just the start of the day, for her, it was 3:45 PM, approaching the end of the 9-5 working hours. 

Mathias swiped to open the message, expecting another Korean Meme that he couldn't understand because he still had trash Korean reading skills. He had to use the Translator only after that to laugh with her. But he could give her props. She had a dark humor that matched his own.

Instantly, his eyes widened when he opened the new message. It was a spicy selfie from all her heart.


Eve was in the office bathroom, snapping a selfie in a tight, form-fitting office dress, her voluptuous curves on full display. But that wasn't what made Mathias's breath catch in his throat.

Her dress was open, and she was boldly flashing her bare breasts, the lighting making her skin glow seductively.

"Whoa… mommy. She knows I love that low-skirt and pantyhose combo." Mathias muttered under his breath, but more messages came through before he could fully react.

By now, it was an all-fair game for Mi-Jung, who caught Mathias online.

[Honey, I'm so horny from thinking all day about you. You're so hot in the new video posted on SkyNet.]

Mathias blinked, a large smirk forming on his face.

[I want you inside of me.]

[I want you to fondle and milk my tits.]

Mathias's smirk deepened as he glanced at the screen, his mind spinning from Mi-Jung's boldness. 

The playful exchanges they usually had took a sharp turn into more daring territory.

He chuckled softly, shaking his head at her boldness, but another head reacted naturally to the stimulus. 

He felt himself getting hard, straining against the fit of his pants, and the fact he was drenched in sweat didn't help him a lot. 

'I'll not let them go, even after they sag.'

Nonetheless, Mi-Jung's image, her seductive selfie, and her provocative messages were permanently etched into his mind. 

He would for sure scratch her itch when they would meet later on today. It wasn't the first time Mi-Jung had teased him like this, but she always had a way of catching him off guard. 

He quickly typed a response, knowing exactly how to play along without crossing any lines.

[You've got my full attention now, babe. Keep distracting me like this, and I won't make it to that interview later.]

Mi-Jung's response was quick, sending a playful emoji followed by more teasing words.

[Good. You'd better be thinking of me the whole time you're in that interview, honey. You have no idea what I want to do to you right now.]

Mathias couldn't help but laugh under his breath, setting his phone down for a moment to collect himself, but then not long after him trying to calm down his erection, as if she was a psychic and could tell from experience that her man was trying to collect himself, she pulled out the big guns, sending him another photo.

He opened the new message, and there it was, another picture.

[Look, I'm already this wet.] 

Mi-Jung had gone all out this time. Her skirt was hiked up just enough, her pantyhose slipping down to reveal smooth skin, and the glimpse she gave him was enough to stir his imagination, revealing a very hungry kitty.

He loved how Mi-Jung could effortlessly flip his switch. Maybe it was because she, too, was into his kinks as he, too, was into hers. They were compatible on all fronts, maybe not so much professionally and in terms of music taste or movies, but intimacy-wise, their compatibility was off the charts.

He shook his head again and quickly responded before returning to his workout, his fingers flying across the screen.

[Just wait until I'm done here, then we'll see who's teasing who.]

[After killing all the goblins in my sight and we return to the Inn, you'll have to calm me down with everything you've got in store.]


(Author Corner)

Mi-Jung is boiling the poor guy, but she's also lacking some Vitamin D. Nothing to worry, the doctor will take care of her.


I would love if you people upvoted/liked the story and comment if you can! It really helps me a lot getting a morale boost and I'd greatly appreciate the feedback.


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