
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Morpheus146 · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Taking in new Quests. Valley of Death

Vecna returned to the Grand Hall, where Elysia and Maribel were waiting for him on a secluded bench.

Since leaving Toric's office, he was checking the various rewards he gained and pondering a lot regarding his Status Window and the decisions he made regarding his Stats Distribution.

[Status Window]

[User: Vecna / Class: Caine's Reincarnate / Race: Low-Grade Vampire]


[Level: 75(63,244/146,250) / Title: The Fallen One | Archdemon Vanquisher | Strongest Man in the Neighborhood | Avid Explorer | Sharp Lumberjack | Rookie Explorer | Novice Adventurer]


[Health: 9736/9736 | Mana: 6026/6026]


[Strength: 536 | Stamina: 345 | Agility: 416 | Persistence: 50 (From Lumberjack)

Intelligence: 754| Charm: 360| Dignity: 165 | Composure: 120 (Novice Adventurer)

Regeneration: 105 | Indomitable: 195 | Insight: 101(Avid Explorer)]


Available Stat Points: 0

His gaze shifted to the Available Stat Points, currently sitting at 0. He had meticulously distributed his stats to suit his playstyle, but there was always room for improvement.

Vecna knew that every point mattered, especially as he climbed the ranks and faced more formidable foes.

Watching this Window that only he could inspect, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly. To think his character could grow so quickly in such a short period of time was hard to fathom.

Where once he used to be a slouch, a turtle moving at speeds laughable from the perspective of the players, he was now catching up to the average level of players, which was 100-115 at this period of time.

He was no longer the insignificant figure he once was, hidden among the masses of players. His name and accomplishments were starting to stand out, and with that recognition came new challenges and potential enemies.

It would take long before he catches the attention of the Satisfy World. A clash with the Top Rankers would be inevitable, considering he was already entangled with Bloodhound and his PK guild Black Fang.

Now that he started thinking about his current "Nemesis" who probably shared the same thought process, constantly thinking about the one who screwed him big, Vecna's eyes grew colder, murder intent sparking in the air.

As his thoughts turned to Bloodhound, his demeanor shifted.

A mixture of fury and cold anger settled over him. Bloodhound, the player who had tried to dominate him, crush his progress, and take away his sense of achievement. Vecna's lips curved into a bitter smile. He had no intention of letting that slide.

'I wonder what that jackass is doing? The last time I checked on the Rankings he lost another level. Maybe he got ganked by the other PK guilds since he was weakened a lot by losing the Elysium Blade and his Mithril Gloves.'

'Continue growing weaker. Once I'm closer to you, I'll show you Hell.'

'Just like how you tried to spawn-camp me, and render my efforts useless in changing this pathetic life of mine. I'll try the same.'

A bitter chuckle escaped Vecna's lips. "What am I even thinking?" he murmured to himself, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and resignation.

"Would it make a difference if I murdered him in the game?" The answer was unclear, lost in the complex web of emotions and motivations that drove his actions.

As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, a palpable change occurred in the air around him. His emotions, his intentions radiated outwards, causing NPCs and players in the vicinity to feel the weight of his presence.

Unintentionally, he had projected his Blood Mana seeping out from his dark emotions and his inner turmoil. Akin to a sociopath wronged by society and people, Vecna's inner beast that he thought was slumbering was awakening for a simple reason.


Elysia and Maribel, seated nearby, exchanged glances, sensing the shift in Vecna's aura. They knew him well enough to recognize that something was stirring within him. But they also knew that whatever it was, Vecna would handle it in his own way.

'Let's calm down. It wouldn't be good if I snap on some NPC or player and squash him.'

Vecna eventually reined in his emotions, his cold and composed exterior returning.

He had come a long way from the hesitant and witty player he once was, always looking for chances to cash out a profit at the expense of others, and he wasn't about to let anything derail his progress.

With a final glance at his Status Window, he turned his attention back to Elysia and Maribel.

As he approached, he couldn't help but notice that their former animated conversation took a break, their voices a soft hum amidst the sea of voices in the bustling hall.

"Find anything interesting to talk about while I was gone?" Vecna asked with a smirk, his crimson eyes glinting mischievously, a far contrast to his murderous look moments in the past.

Elysia looked up at him and smiled. "Oh, just sharing stories from our past encounters. You know, getting to know each other better." she replied.

Maribel nodded, her eyes watching Vecna with slight respect. "Yes, and Elysia told me about how you rescued her from that terrible place. It's really amazing what you did for her," she said, her admiration for Vecna was evident in her voice.

Vecna's smirk softened into a faint smile. "Well, it was the least I could do," he replied, not wanting to delve too much into his past deeds.

Elysia looked at him curiously. "So, how did it go with Toric? Are you officially a member of the guild now?" she asked.

Vecna nodded, reaching into his Inventory Bag to retrieve the diamond-shaped badge that Toric had given him. He showed it to them briefly before tucking it away again. "Yes, I am officially a member of the guild now," he confirmed.

Maribel's eyes widened with excitement. "That's amazing! Congratulations, Vecna!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

"Does that mean we can start picking out Quests from the Wall? I watched how those kids butted heads over some easy picks."

Vecna chuckled softly, appreciating that Maribel knew how to shift the subject.

"That's the plan, but it shouldn't be on your mind. Weren't you supposed to laze around after getting out of the Workshop?"

"Well, forget it. Let's not waste any more time here." he said, standing up and gesturing for them to follow.

Vecna moved through the hallways with a measured pace, his demeanor untouched by the curious glances and hushed whispers that followed in his wake.

The attention didn't bother him as it once might have. Instead, he accepted it as a consequence of his growing reputation, a status he had earned through his own actions and choices.

As the whispers reached his ears, Vecna's keen hearing effortlessly caught the snippets of conversation. Players and NPCs alike were intrigued by the enigmatic figure before them, the rumors of his Diamond status spreading like wildfire.

For many, he was an enigma, a character with a dark allure that contrasted sharply with the vibrant and varied world of Satisfy.

The dichotomy of his desires was not lost on Vecna. He valued his autonomy and sought to maintain a low profile, yet he couldn't deny the satisfaction that came from the attention.

It was a manifestation of his power and accomplishments, a testament to the evolution he had undergone since his early days in Satisfy.

"Let them stare," he thought to himself, a rare flicker of amusement touching his otherwise cold demeanor.

It was a sentiment driven by a newfound confidence and the knowledge that he could now back up the intrigue surrounding him.

With Elysia and Maribel at his side, it wouldn't be strange if eyes wouldn't turn in his direction. Their beauty contributed a lot, especially Maribel, who didn't shy away from expressing her satisfaction.

'Was she ignored when she was a Dwarf?' a random question surfaced in Vecna's head.

Vecna led them toward the Quest Wall. The sense of purpose that had driven him to accept the quests continued to burn within him. Each step he took was deliberate, his mind already calculating the challenges that lay ahead.

As they reached the Quest Wall, Vecna's gaze once again settled on the available quests that his new status in the Guild Hall allowed.

The titles and descriptions held promises of adventure, danger, and rewards. His analytical mind dissected each option, weighing the potential benefits against the risks.

[Valley of Death. Orcs at our doorstep (S)]

[Quest Rewards: 225.000 EXP, 500 Gold, 10x Guild Hall Tokens]

[Missing Explorers. The Maelstrom Labyrinth(S)]

[Quest Rewards: 125.000 EXP, 200 Gold, 8x Guild Hall Tokens]

[The Ghost Town(S)]

[Quest Rewards: 250.000 EXP, 1000 Gold, 10x Guild Hall Tokens, Possible Meeting with Baron Cecil Blackthorn of Ebonreach City]

[Yatan Servants Hunt(SS)]

[Quest Rewards: 500.000 EXP, 2500 Gold, 20x Guild Hall Tokens, 100 Reputation with Saharan Empire]

[Harassment of the Wyverns (SS)]

[Quest Rewards: 485.000 EXP, 1500 Gold, 15x Guild Hall Tokens, 80 Reputation with Saharan Empire]

[Goblin Tribes Nuisance on the Mountain Border (S)]

[Quest Rewards: 180.000 EXP, 300 Gold, 6x Guild Hall Tokens]

'The rewards aren't half bad.'

'There's some Elite Quest for sure, and the given rewards are also so-so for the hussle. But you'll do it for the amount of experience you could farm from such huntings spots.'

'Would I believe someone telling me they got 60+ levels in a couple of days from only doing a Quest?'

'Heck no. Let me search a bit on the forum for some info regarding these quests.'

'Since they are up, it means people have yet to clear them out.'

[Quest: Valley of Death. Orcs at our doorstep (S)]

[#Beletra: "Tried the Valley of Death quest today. Got my party wiped by a horde of berserk orcs. They hit like trucks and we were totally outnumbered. Definitely need a well-coordinated group for this one."

#Big Boy: "Avoid Valley of Death quest like the plague. Those orcs have some crazy buff that makes them practically immune to crowd control. We tried stunning, freezing, everything - nothing worked. Lost a level and some good gear."

#Buglima: "I have yet to deal with this quest. I'm only a Gold Rated for the moment, but once I get my clearance from Head Branch, I'll give it a shot.

#Buglima: However, for the noobs trying to clear this quest, I can tell you to gather a strong team. When you're dealing with orcs, it's all about burst damage and careful pulls.

#Buglima: If you're not geared up and well-prepared, don't even think about it. Just thought of helping out this "Adventurer's Section" cause most of you are bums.]

[Quest: Goblin Tribes Nuisance on the Mountain Border (S)]

[#Gigs: "Goblin Tribes Nuisance is a trap. We went in thinking it'd be a piece of cake, but those goblins have some nasty traps and ambush tactics. Lost half our team to a hidden pitfall."

#Katan: "Goblins on the Mountain Border are no joke. They have a chief who's ridiculously strong and he keeps summoning reinforcements. We were overwhelmed in minutes. Avoid unless you have a seriously powerful squad."

#Kido: "Just now I cleared a quest called the same. SOLO. It's all about strategy - taking out the chief first and then picking off the others. If you're smart and patient, you can get through it. Just watch out for those traps!"

#Gigs: The guy Kido must be a pussy Stealth Assassin who sneaked around the bodies of Goblins to get in proximity with the Chieftain. If you're not a Rogue Class, don't try. You'll lose levels and nerves for no reason.]

Vecna read through the comments, ignoring the bickering in the comment section, especially of the Thread regarding the Goblin Quest, which is far too wasteful, in his opinion.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he absorbed the information. These quests were not to be underestimated, it seemed.

'Those two are what I want to clear before going with something far more difficult. I'm not sure what Elysia can do with her Magic, so having her face some Orcs and Goblins would be a real test.'

'As for how those guys died… They are stupid. I could clear the Orcs and Goblins of Travian Sierra when I was level 80 at ease.

'However, I might be wrong thinking those quests are easy. If it has an S class Difficulty it means it's another location.'

The challenges the Quests posed were not just about brute strength but also required careful planning, coordination, and adapting to the enemies' tactics. It was a reminder that even in a virtual world, victory was not guaranteed, and every decision mattered.

"We shall proceed," Vecna said, his voice carrying a sense of finality as he selected the quests. He held the scrolls in his hand, each one representing a step forward on the path of his evolution.

After picking the quests from the board and walks toward an available receptionist, which this time was a young lady that instantly reacted to Vecna's handsome and charming features.

As he approached the receptionist, her demeanor shifted noticeably. The blush on her cheeks and the slight flutter of her gaze indicated the effect of his charm. Vecna's charismatic presence was indeed a potent weapon in his interactions.

Vecna's commanding presence is as chilling as it is captivating. Standing tall at 193 cm, his form exudes an aura of both strength and elegance. His blonde hair, kept at a stylish and manageable length, frames his face with an air of sophistication.

The strands seem to catch the light in a way that adds to his enigmatic charm. His sharp, crimson eyes hold a piercing gaze that seems to peer into the depths of one's soul, revealing a depth of knowledge and calculation that belies his youthful appearance.

His features are finely chiseled, giving him an almost ethereal handsomeness that draws the attention of those around him. His skin, pale and flawless, carries an otherworldly quality that hints at his vampiric nature. Despite his striking appearance, there's an underlying sense of cold detachment, a reminder that he is not simply a man but something more enigmatic.

Draped in attire that befits his status as a dignified vampire, he wears a tailored black suit that molds perfectly to his frame, enhancing his aura of sophistication and power.

"Hello, sir. How can I assist you today?" the receptionist greeted, her voice slightly shaky as she met his gaze.

"I will be taking on the quests for Goblin Tribes and Valley of Death," Vecna responded, his tone steady and calm.

"I know you would look at me like this." remarked Vecna as he peered into the brown eyes of the young woman, around 18 years of age.

The receptionist blinked, seemingly surprised by his choice. Her initial instinct to protect him wavered against the backdrop of his Diamond Badge. It was evident that this wasn't his first time dealing with dangerous quests.

"Ahh! An Esteemed Monster Hunter. Fret not, I will ensure these quests are marked as in-progress for you. That way, others won't attempt them while you're already on the task," she explained, her fingers deftly working on the guild's interface to mark his selection.

"Thank you," Vecna replied with a nod. His gaze never wavered, his crimson eyes holding a depth of understanding that seemed to pierce through to the heart of the matter.

With a subtle ding from the system, the confirmation of his selected quests appeared. Vecna's eyes briefly scanned the notifications before he looked back at the receptionist.

[You have accepted the following quests 'Valley of Death. Orcs at our doorstep (S)', 'Goblin Tribes Nuisance on the Mountain Border (S)']

[No time limit for completion imposed on the User.]

"That will be all," he stated, turning away from the counter.

As he walked away, he could almost feel the receptionist's gaze lingering on his back, curiosity filling her stare.

Vecna's footsteps were measured, his mind already calculating the steps ahead, but firstly he took another closer look at the Description of the Quests he picked for any hints that might exist inside.

[Valley of Death. Orcs at our doorstep(S)]

Rating: S

[The tranquility that once bound the human settlers of Trivian Sierra and the neighboring Orc tribes is shattered.

At the edge of the magnificent Trivian Sierra mountain range, Summit's Crest, a picturesque Town nestled within the realm of Duchess Basara, faces a looming peril.

The once-peaceful Orcs, who had shared an uneasy yet cooperative coexistence with the humans, have awoken with aggression, their tusked visages now marred by hostility.

Embark on a journey to Summit's Crest, the village perched at the border. Engage with the distressed townspeople and delve into the reasons behind the Orcs' transformation.

Quest Clear Condition: Put an end to the Orc's Onslaught by force or diplomatic means.

(The user's choice will shape the future of Summit's Crest.)

Quest Rewards: 225.000 EXP, 500 Gold, 10x Guild Hall Tokens

Quest Failure: Event 'Punishment of Duchess Basara']

'Certainly, more information will be revealed once I've accepted them. What a shameless way of forcing players to work for them.'

As Vecna's eyes traversed the words of the [Valley of Death. Orcs at our doorstep (S)] quest, a sense of cynical amusement danced within his mind.

The grandeur of Trivian Sierra, the picturesque village of Summit's Crest, all marred by the machinations of the Empire. The once-harmonious coexistence of humans and Orcs now manipulated into hostility for some shadowy purpose.

'They tug at the strings of conflict, painting it as destiny.' Vecna thought, his lips barely twitching in a sardonic smile.

The Guild Hall, an organization veiled in prestige, was nothing more than a puppeteer, crafting narratives to serve their interests. The guise of choice – diplomacy or force – offered no real alternative; it was all orchestrated for their gain

'Duchess Basara's 'punishment' is a mere whisper, a veiled threat to ensure compliance. If I take this quest, the message is simple. Don't return until you solve this problem.'

Vecna's gaze held a glint of understanding. These quests were not about saving a village or averting disaster; they were about enforcing loyalty.

As far as he understood, the size of the Empire was enormous, akin to a sole continent of Europe's size. Thus the Empire's grasp reached far and beyond and wouldn't care much about the livelihoods of some peasants living secluded up in the Mountains.

The problem was different as Vecna started to understand thinking from the standpoint of someone in leadership.

'The idea that Orcs managed to win against the citizens of the Empire, even if they are commoners will hurt the pride of the Nobility.'

'In a place that is centered on hypocrisy and this noble honor. It was worth more than some peasants' lives.'

Vecna, didn't care about the lives of the Townspeople he was about to journey out.

As his gaze shifted to his last quest, Vecna's cool contemplation deepened. The goblin tribes, once unruly and disparate, now stood united in a macabre alliance with the Orcs.

'A calculated move, no doubt, to divert resources and weaken their defenses. They might lack intelligence but those basic things they can do, for sure they take full advantage of it.

[Goblin Tribes Nuisance on the Mountain Border (S)]

Rating: S

[The tranquil lands near Summit Crest Town have been disrupted by a sudden alliance between goblin tribes and the Orcish Tribes.

The usually sporadic and disorganized goblin tribes that inhabit the nooks and crannies of Trivian Sierra have banded together in an unprecedented show of unity. Bolstered by an alliance with otherworldly creatures, they have grown daring and launched frequent raids into the outskirts of Summit Crest's territory.

These relentless incursions have diverted the attention and resources of Summit's Crest Militia, forcing them to divide their efforts between repelling the goblin menace and standing against the encroaching Orcs.

The once-thriving trade routes that wound through the mountain passes now lie in jeopardy, and the people of Summit Crest's find their way of life threatened.

Mayor Reginald Thornfield of Summit Crest seeks the assistance of seasoned adventurers to quell this growing threat and ensure the safety of their homeland. Only by suppressing the goblin incursion can the town remain secure, and its people can live in peace.

Quest Clear Condition: Destroy the Goblin Tribe disturbing the peace of Summit Crest Town

Quest Rewards: 180.000 EXP, 300 Gold, 6x Guild Hall Tokens]

'No punishment on this one? This means that the Goblins are just Cannon Fodder for the Orcs. Used to weaken the Humans. Smart.'

His companions Elysia and Maribel none the wiser to the storm of thoughts that churned within him.

The Guild Hall had shown its hand, and Vecna was more than prepared to play his part, reshaping its carefully constructed narratives to serve his own relentless ascent.

"Where to now?" inquired Maribel, breaking their silence.

"We'll prepare to depart towards Summit's Crest. First I have some business at the Auction House, after that?"

Saying that Vecna glanced once at Elysia, who was wearing her black cloak almost religiously so she wouldn't reveal her full appearance. Yet underneath that lair of linen was some basic clothes that he bought from the Auction House that were fitted for women players, nothing luxurious for his initial budget, being similar to his black suit.

"What? Is something on my face?" inquired Elysia, with her purple eyes confused by that glance.

"No. I was thinking. Maybe I should also include you in these preparation plans. Besides, I want to see what you're capable of."

"Don't you think for a second I forgot about the homework I've given you while I was away, suffering."

Hope you had a good read, and see you tomorrow.

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