
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Morpheus146 · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Humiliated Bloodhound

Vecna took a step forward, his presence commanding attention. He addressed the patrol guard with a calm yet firm tone, "Mister Guard, I have a complaint to make."

[City Guard Captain Lorent - LV. 235]

The guard's gaze shifted from Bloodhound's scowling face to Vecna's, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "Huh? Outlander? What do you want?"

Vecna placed the respectful persona mask, so he wouldn't give the Guard any doubts that he was the victim in all of this scene. He even brought out the Diamond Badge of the Guild Hall to identify himself as a legit member.

"I've been tasked by the Guild Hall for some important tasks, but these criminals are blocking my way and attempting to harm me and my companions."

When the Guard saw the badge there was a shift into his look, slight respect appearing in his stern eyes.

Then with a nod to Vecna, as if to tell him he was Safe, he turned his attention to Bloodhound and his group. There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere as the other guards also began to take notice of the commotion.

"You criminals?" the guard demanded, his voice firm. "Who granted you access inside Valoria? Trying to harm a Monster Hunter in broad daylight. You will get into custody and be interrogated."

Bloodhound's face twisted with anger, his eyes locked onto Vecna's form.

Bloodhound's rage seemed to reach its peak as he spat back, "I'm going to enjoy ending you, Golden Rat."

As the tension between them escalated, Bloodhound abruptly raised his hand, his body surrounded by a dark aura as he unleashed an ultimate skill,

"Soulreaver's Wrath!"

The air crackled with malevolent energy as his attack charged forward, aimed directly at Vecna.

The two girls next to Vecna saw this attack, and while Vecna remained still, Maribel went along to support him, casting one of her Defensive Spells.

"Empowering Aura."

[User's defense has been increased by 20% for the duration of 10 minutes]

'Mana Shield. Resilience. Stalwart Defense.'

Vecna's expression remained unfazed, his demeanor composed as he lifted his hand. In the blink of an eye, a shimmering barrier of ethereal mana formed before him. The Soulreaver's Wrath struck the barrier with a deafening explosion, the shockwaves rippling through the area. The barrier held strong, unyielding against the assault.

[You have suffered 3592 DMG.]

With a calm yet mocking smile, Vecna lowered his hand, the barrier dissipating like mist. "Is that all you've got, Bloodhound?"

Bloodhound's face twisted with frustration and disbelief. The same reaction applying for the members of the Black Fang Guild who saw something unexpected.

Before they could react, Vecna seized the opportunity, his fingers forming intricate patterns in the air as he conjured his magic. A crimson missile materialized before him, pulsating with ominous energy. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the Blood Missile hurtling toward Bloodhound, surging forward like a lethal projectile

"Boss! Something fast is ahead!" notified one of the Black Fang members.

They reacted too late, the arrogance caused by the belief that Vecna was just a rabid dog, now came to bite them where it hurt the most.

The impact was fierce, an explosive collision of magic and flesh. The Blood Missile struck Bloodhound's form with a resounding impact, the crimson energy of the attack rippling outward from the point of contact.

The Guildmaster of the Black Fang staggered back, his stance faltering against the sheer force of the blow. Veins of ethereal crimson traced along his armor, a malevolent mark to the blood magic's invasive effect.

[You have dealt 3456 DMG.]

[The trigger 'Bloodburst' has been triggered!]

The impact was violent. The Blood Missile struck Bloodhound's form, and in that instant, the 'Bloodburst' effect triggered. The burst of magic caused the Blood Missile to explode violently upon contact with its target.

The result was twofold: first, the explosion dealt a devastating, concussive hit to Bloodhound.

[You have dealt an AoE hit of 5638 DMG.]

He was consumed by the eruption of magic, his form momentarily obscured by the brilliant crimson burst. The force of the explosion drove him backward, the echoes of his pained cries mingling with the menacing blood magic.

"What the fuck? This rat actually hit me! Boys, get ready for the clash!"

While the screamed orders of Bloodhound reached the ears of his guild members, the 'Bloodburst' effect spread its influence beyond its point of origin. As the explosion radiated outward, the blood magic that coursed through it latched onto nearby enemies, regardless of their intentions.

"What in the world is that Spell?" questioned Steel who was positioned at a safer space that he escaped the AoE explosion of the 'Bloodburst'.

Yet, those unfortunate enough to be caught within the expanding sphere of crimson energy felt the invasive power surge through their veins. Their movements grew sluggish, their strength sapped by the parasitic magic that latched onto them.

'My stats aren't far from those fuckers. And my magic power isn't a joke at all considering the amount of damage done.'

'Now, let's give him the scare of his lifetime.' thought Vecna coldly as his right hand index finger twitched.

Seizing the opportunity, Vecna activated the Abyssal Ring's unique ability, Shadowstep. The air around him seemed to ripple with darkness, an inky aura that obscured his form from view. In the next heartbeat, he disappeared from his original position, his figure melding seamlessly into the shadows.

The Black Fang members had a dumbfounded look when they saw how Vecna disappeared from his former spot, and as such they got alerted about an incoming danger.

"Boss, we should retreat. Those NPC Guards are no joke, we'll lose this opportunity to escape by sticking around for too long."

"... I know. Urgh, getting humiliated again by that Golden Rat."

The group of 6 players surrounding Bloodhound, shifted their looks around so maybe they could get a final hit on Vecna.

It was only when Bloodhound reluctantly turned around that he felt a chill on his spine.

In that instant, Vecna reappeared, materializing just a hair's breadth away from Bloodhound. The sudden appearance of the vampire was accompanied by a faint whisper of displaced air, a mere wisp that hinted at the incredible speed of his movement.

His crimson longsword, gripped firmly in his hand, was poised to strike. It was a weapon honed by countless battles, an extension of his predatory instinct and the embodiment of his vampiric power as it got enhanced by Sanguine Quenching.

"This is my first present for you, friend. I hope you continue remembering me." said Vecna with a monotonous tone, his expression devoid of life.

With a fluid and practiced motion, Vecna executed his signature skill, 'Blood Requiem'.

The blade swung through the air, a dark streak of lethal intent that carved an arc towards Bloodhound. The dark energy within the sword surged forth, amplified by the blood magic that flowed through Vecna's veins.

It was a strike that held the weight of his vengeance, being only one fragment of what he intended to achieve against this parasite who made his life inside Satisfy hard for the couple of months since they encountered each other.

The blade struck its mark with unerring accuracy, cleaving through Bloodhound's defenses as if they were mere illusions.


[You have dealt 6767 DMG.]

Bloodhound's armor, once a symbol of his strength, proved futile against the onslaught of Vecna's attack. The impact was swift and brutal, a force that reverberated through Bloodhound's form.

Blood spurted in the wake of the strike, an eerie dance of crimson droplets that mingled with the potent magic that saturated the air.

Bloodhound's figure staggered, his stance faltering as the reality of the blow sunk in. His health gauge plummeted, the numbers dwindling with alarming speed as the consequences of Vecna's strike became apparent.


Bloodhound's furious curse reverberated through the air, visible rage and disbelief coursing through him.

In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. Bloodhound's expression contorted, a mixture of shock and disbelief painting his features. The once-proud Guildmaster of the Black Fang, notorious and feared, now found himself humbled by the power of the vampire before him.

"Huhu, that's more like it. I love that expression of yours. Scream more, you asshole!" Vecna's voice dripped with dark amusement, a taunt aimed at his wounded adversary.

"I'll kill you three times the amount of deaths you've caused me. The time I lost because of rejects like you, spoiled that their brains turned into mush." Vecna's words were laced with icy venom, each syllable a poisonous retort to Bloodhound's past actions.

Vecna's gaze remained fixed upon his adversary. The crimson eyes held a cold and calculated intensity, a predator assessing the aftermath of its successful hunt. The blood-soaked blade of his longsword dripped with a mixture of dark energy and the life essence of his foe.

"Boss, not time to dwindle. Let's get the fuck away from here. The NPCs are far more dangerous than that low-level scum." Steel's urgent voice pierced through the tension, a reminder of the impending danger.

"... Low level? Look at my health gauge." Bloodhound's bitter realization cut through the air, his voice laced with frustration.

Bloodhound, the once-feared guildmaster of the Black Fang, stood staggered and dumbfounded, left with only 42% of his health remaining after this short yet explosive exchange

Before the scene could escalate further, the blaring sound of patrol whistles cut through the tension. The urgent and authoritative notes echoed through the market, shattering the hostile stand-off like a hammer striking glass. The city guards, clad in their polished armor, sprang into action, converging on the scene with swift and determined steps.

Vecna, his own crimson gaze unrelenting, stepped back from the confrontation. He allowed a calculated distance to form between himself and Bloodhound, a space that acted as a buffer between two volatile elements.

The battle had been brief but impactful, leaving the notorious player killer visibly shaken and humbled. Blood splattered on his armor, a stark reminder of the power he had just faced.

Vecna stepped back from the confrontation, his crimson gaze still fixed on Bloodhound. The battle had been brief but impactful, leaving the notorious player killer humbled and on the brink of defeat.

As the guards closed in, the consequences of Bloodhound's actions had finally caught up with him.

"Tsk. Annoying NPCs, can't they piss off like they should?" Bloodhound muttered through gritted teeth, his irritation palpable as he cast a scathing glance at the approaching city guards.

His arrogance had been dealt a significant blow, and the arrival of the guards only added to his frustration. "Let's go, guys, back to the Hideout."

As the tumultuous aftermath of the confrontation unfolded, Vecna didn't waste any time.

He firmly grasped the hands of both Elysia and Maribel, a silent signal for them to follow suit. With a seamless fluidity, he activated his swiftness-enhancing skills, propelling them away from the scene of chaos.

The trio moved like shadows, slipping through the crowd of players who were a mixture of confusion, excitement, and curiosity. Whispers spread like wildfire, and questions buzzed in the air.

Who was the enigmatic blonde man who had made Bloodhound, a notorious figure, attempt a PK right under the nose of the city guards? How could he actually humble this notorious PK player?

What was his level? Was this blonde man a Hidden High-Ranker and Bloodhound finally found his match?

While Vecna vanished his traces, the same could be said for Bloodhound and his guildmates who managed to evade the City Guards by navigating into the winding paths of Valoria's slum. They finally put some distance between themselves and the relentless pursuit.

Bloodhound's fury was palpable, his face contorted in frustration as he turned his ire toward Steel, one of his most trusted comrades. "How the hell did that Vecna block my Soulreaver's Wrath? That skill could one-shot a low-level scrub like him?"

"Also, how the fuck did he manage to hit so hard? Wasn't he just a level 84 RP noob who liked to do mining and various oddjobs?"

Steel scratched his head, his own annoyance evident. "I have no idea, boss. That was unexpected. I've never seen anyone negate your attacks like that. Besides, is it true you guys got hurt that badly by that explosion with blood?"

The priest of the group chimed in, his tone thoughtful. "Could it be that he's not as low level as we thought? Maybe he power-levelled using some services with the money he swindled from us."

Bloodhound scoffed. "And who the hell would boost him in the Unified Rankings? Those top players are all about themselves, look at Kraugel. He doesn't give a damn about anyone and just farms Leveling Grounds nonstop."

The discussion continued as they navigated through the grimy streets of the slum. Frustration simmered beneath the surface, and the prospect of revenge dominated their thoughts.

Bloodhound's fixation on Vecna had intensified, fueled by the humiliation of losing his prized weapon and the audacity of the blonde man who had dared to challenge him.

"What about Viper?" one of the guildmates cautiously ventured. "He hasn't been around since that incident with the dungeon."

Bloodhound's eyes narrowed, a sinister grin curling his lips. "Don't worry about Viper. I've already taken care of that snake. Let's just say I made sure his family business isn't doing too well."

His words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the lengths to which Bloodhound was willing to go to exact his revenge. The guildmates exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that their guildmaster's obsession had taken a dangerous turn, and his thirst for retaliation was far from quenched.

Hope you had a good read, and see you tomorrow.

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