
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Claiming the Legacy

In the depths of the infernal realm, where the very air crackled with malevolence, Maribel's thoughts swirled with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

As she waited in the dimly lit third chamber, her mind was filled with questions about Vecna's fate. Had he succeeded in defeating Camio, or had the Archdemon broken free from its chains?

'Why does it take so long? I did tell him most of Camio's weaknesses.'

'It's already been one hour since he stepped inside.'

The minutes felt like an eternity as Maribel paced back and forth, her red hair cascading over her shoulders.

She tried to push away her worries and fears, reminding herself that Vecna was a powerful vampire with extraordinary abilities, if not Godly. But still, the uncertainty gnawed at her, and she couldn't help but wonder what had transpired inside the Final Suppression Chamber.

'Something dangerous is approaching.' thought Maribel, her instincts alerting her about an evil entity getting closer.

Finally, the large stone doors of the chamber creaked open, and Vecna stepped out, his crimson eyes gleaming with an intensity that sent a shiver down Maribel's spine. She couldn't read his expression, and that only heightened her anticipation.

Was it a sign of victory or defeat?

'Did he get possessed by Camio? He is the Archdemon of Illusions and Deception afterall.'

As he approached her, Maribel tried to keep her composure, her initial thoughts vanishing with the strange feeling she was experiencing. Her usually cold heart began racing like a young maidens, with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"Vecna," she began, her voice wavering slightly, "How did it go? Did you... defeat him?"

"Is it you, or Camio?"

Vecna looked at her, his gaze penetrating, before a small smirk played at the corner of his lips.

"Oh, I defeated him," he replied cryptically, and Maribel let out a sigh of relief, finding the response so like the indifferent Vampire she played chess against and submitted.

"Thank goodness. I knew you could do it," she said with a smile, feeling a rush of pride for her companion's accomplishment.

Vecna nodded, but his expression remained serious. "Camio was no pushover. He put up a good fight, but in the end, he was no match for me, Ohh, and you omitted many things, but I'll overlook your mistake." he explained, his tone confident.

She was annoyed that even when he managed to get out victorious, he found time to nag her.

Still, other deeper emotions took over her, she was impressed and somewhat frightened by Vecna's feat, Maribel couldn't help but wonder how he, a vampire who had yet to reach his first advancement, managed to defeat an Archdemon.

She knew that even a Soul Fragment of an Archdemon was no easy opponent, especially one as notorious as Camio.

Vecna emanated a coldness from the fight he had against Camio, revealing a darker side of himself that Maribel hadn't seen before. It took an evil to take down another evil, and she could sense that Vecna was reaching into a state he wasn't sure he had in him.

Yet, Maribel, who stared at the somber blonde Vampire, couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Vecna's strength and skill. She had seen him in action before, but defeating an Archdemon was a whole new level of achievement.

It made her realize just how powerful and dangerous he truly was, that his fight against her Automatons was him playing around comparing the fight against Camio.

As they stood there in the chamber, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of emotions. Maribel felt a newfound respect and trust for Vecna, but there was also a sense of unease. She knew that his power came at a price, and she couldn't help but wonder what darkness lay within him.

Vecna seemed to sense her thoughts and reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, his touch surprisingly gentle. "What's with that look, Maribel? I don't hold grudges over small mistakes like omitting a whole different power phase for Camio." he said, as if reading her mind.

Maribel looked up at him, her eyes searching his crimson orbs for any sign of doubt or hesitation. But all she saw was a sinister look that sent a chill down her spine.

"Good," she replied, her voice steady. "I told you all I knew. It should have been of help."

Vecna's smirk widened into a small smile, and for a moment, Maribel saw a glimmer of vulnerability in his eyes. "What should I do? Maybe say a Thank you."

"Your words did save me from a lot of hassle against an annoying foe." he said casually.

As they stepped back into Maribel's workshop, Vecna looked around the chamber while the red-haired beauty followed closely, unsure of how to begin the conversation.

After a long silence, where Maribel struggled to find the right words, she finally mustered the courage to ask about Vecna's fight against Camio.

"You still didn't tell me how the fight went? So? How was the fight against Camio?"

"Why ask if you already know the answer? Obviously, that demon wasn't a match for me. He was rather predictable, even in his Shade form," Vecna replied with a touch of arrogance.

"Shade form? Wasn't he just a crow-looking demon man?" Maribel inquired, trying to hide her shock at the mere mention of the Archdemon's transformations.

Vecna stopped and glanced at Maribel as if finding her reactions amusing. "How long did you last in your encounter?" Vecna asked, looking down at Maribel with his piercing crimson eyes.


She clicked her tongue, and frowned when sensing that Vecna looked down at her. Yet, the question was valid so she gave it a thought.

"Let me think. It's been a long time since I fought Camio, about 120 years ago... I lasted, if I'm not wrong, 10 minutes before the Seals activated and kicked me out," she admitted, a tinge of pride in her voice.

"Decent. This means you only saw his first phase form," Vecna remarked, keeping the conversation going as they walked deeper into the workshop.

Maribel couldn't contain her curiosity as she bombarded Vecna with questions about his battle against Camio. Despite his stoic demeanor, Vecna casually answered each inquiry, indulging her inquisitive nature. He couldn't help but find her relentless curiosity endearing, even if he didn't show it outwardly.

"So, how did it go, Vecna??" Maribel asked eagerly.

Vecna nodded, his crimson eyes locking with hers. "I can tell you this. The battle was intense, annoying, and stressful. Yet, I emerged victorious," he replied.

Maribel's eyes widened a bit, noticing a new side to Vecna. Maybe she was just overthinking. " Facing an Archdemon is no easy feat, and you managed to defeat one! You truly are remarkable." she said, her genuine admiration for the strong evidence in her voice.

As they continued their conversation, Maribel couldn't help but let her humor shine through. "You know, when I fought Camio, he seemed more interested in running away than facing me head-on," she joked, with a playful glint in her eyes.

Vecna raised an eyebrow, somewhat intrigued by her comment. "Is that so? I must have missed the sight of an Archdemon fleeing in terror," he responded with a hint of sarcasm.

Maribel chuckled, realizing that her jokes weren't as amusing as she had hoped. "Well, you know, demons can be quite cowardly when faced with a strong opponent," she said, trying to salvage her failed attempt at humor.

Vecna nodded in response, not giving her jokes much thought. He was more focused on a new task at hand and the reason why he was approaching the Second Chamber without giving Maribel's Workshop too much thought.

"Wait up, Vecna. I'm not prepared to leave now. Let me gather my tools and belongings before going out," she said, slightly out of breath.

"Sure. Take your time. I'll wait for you at the first chamber," Vecna replied, his expression softening just a little before a flicker triggered in his brain, immediately reaching his hand to grab onto Maribel's shoulder.

"Pardon?" Maribel asked, slightly surprised by the sudden touch.

"If possible, I would like you to grant me access to your remaining Automatons," Vecna said, his crimson eyes gleaming with a hint of intrigue.

"What for?" Maribel asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"There's something I want to get. They might help me quicken up that process," Vecna replied cryptically, not revealing too much about his intentions.

"Is that so? You're not thinking about destroying my servants, are you?" Maribel said, half-jokingly, but there was a genuine concern behind her playful tone.

"Why would I do that?" Vecna chuckled softly, waving off her concern. "Don't worry, I won't harm them. Now, come on, give me those Automatons."

Maribel rolled her eyes and reluctantly agreed to his request.

"... Fine. But I'm serious, don't destroy them. They are worth a lot on the Human Markets."

"Sure. Give me a quick rundown on how they work and I'll give you all the time to prepare your bags."

Maribel rolled her eyes, but she couldn't deny Vecna's request. She knew he was powerful and could easily handle the Automatons, but she still felt protective of her creations. She reluctantly agreed to his request and led him to a hidden underground opening.

With a simple clap of her hands, the platform revealed itself, holding 10 Automatons that looked like Royal Guards. The moment the Automatons activated, they stood at attention, ready to carry out any commands.

[Elite Automaton - Level 300]

Vecna studied the Automatons with a calculating gaze.

'So this is their true level. Now I understand the reason for those runes and Mana Crystals.' he thought to himself.

'They were meant to be watching over Maribel too, so she wouldn't make the lives of Challengers a hell for whatever reason.'

Maribel noticed Vecna's observation and offered a quick explanation, "I designed these Automatons to assist Challengers and ensure their safety during their trials."

"They are programmed to be neutral and won't attack unless provoked. But their presence alone is usually enough to deter any mischief."

Vecna nodded, understanding Maribel's intentions. "Impressive work. However, they need an upgrade to their Intelligence for sure." he complimented her.

"Thank you," Maribel replied, a hint of pride in her voice. "Now, let me give you administrative clearance to control them." She quickly entered a series of commands into a small device, granting Vecna access to the Automatons' systems.

"There you go. But remember, I'm trusting you not to misuse their power," Maribel warned him with a playful glint in her eyes.

"Don't worry. It's only a small side-quest that I've been thinking about." Vecna assured her, a trace of a smile playing on his lips.

She once again clapped her hands, and the section of the Workshop transformed into cozy living quarters, impressing Vecna with her ingenuity. He cracked a small laugh at the sight, appreciating Maribel's resourcefulness.

With the Automatons under his control, Vecna proceeded to the second chamber, where the Mana Crystals were located. The chamber was pitch black, but strangely, Vecna could see perfectly in the darkness, an ability he hadn't possessed before.

The Automatons followed him diligently, ready to assist in whatever task he had in mind.

Approaching the Mana Crystals, Vecna took out Miner's Resolve, a pickaxe he had brought with him. With a wide grin on his face, he started smashing the precious sources of energy.

[Miner's Resolve]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 125/125

Attack Power: 25

* The chances of acquiring advanced minerals will increase by 5%.

* The skill 'Beginner Mining Technique' master level will be generated.

A pickaxe passed down from generation to generation by Craftsman of the Mining Craft, only to be found abandoned inside Mithril Halls of the Valorian Duchy.

If you deliver the Pickaxe in the hands of the Stonehammer Clan of the Dwarven Kingdom, you'll be rewarded generously.

User Restriction: Level 50 or higher.


Maribel finished her preparations and made her way toward the second chamber, finding it different from how she had left it before. The chamber was now dimly lit, with only the faint glow of pebbles providing the light. She could see Vecna and her Automatons working diligently, but she couldn't quite figure out what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"Getting extra rewards," Vecna replied with a mischievous glint in his crimson eyes.

"Pardon? That's just a Mana Crystal used as a light source," Maribel said, puzzled by his actions.

Vecna ignored her for the moment, continuing his activity while the Automatons assisted him in carrying a load of crystals to a designated section.

"Are they worth money?" Maribel inquired, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Hah? Of course," Vecna replied casually.

The tall vampire's actions dumbfounded Maribel. His handsome appearance didn't seem to fit with the lowly activity he was engaging in. She wanted to make fun of him for being cheap, but she held her tongue, knowing that Vecna was not to be underestimated.

Instead, she silently observed Vecna and the Automatons at work, her green eyes fixated on his pickaxe. As she stared at it, a sense of familiarity washed over her, and memories from a past life resurfaced, memories of the Mountains of Trauka's Spires and the Dwarven craftsmanship.

"That pickaxe you're using, is Dwarven Craft?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise.

"Hmm? Indeed. What about it?" Vecna replied, curious about her interest.

"Where have you found it? Did you by chance step inside Talima and get into contact with my people?" she inquired further.

"Far from it. This pickaxe was abandoned inside a mine in one of the rundown shafts I had to work in the past," Vecna explained, recalling his days of manual labor.

"Now that I think of it, there were also some skeletons of shorter humans. One of them should be the owner of this pickaxe, but now it's mine, and it serves me better," he added nonchalantly.

"That one should be an heirloom by its craft. It looks rather old even by my standards," Maribel mused, her thoughts drifting back to the days of her previous life as a dwarf.

"Well, I do have the hunch that if I return this pickaxe to the owner's descendants or family, I would get something in exchange," Vecna remarked, considering the potential value of the pickaxe.

As Vecna continued his mining activities with the Automatons' assistance, Maribel couldn't help but be intrigued by the vampire's actions. She decided to break the silence and engage him in conversation.

"Vecna, I must admit, I'm quite curious. A vampire like yourself engaging in such manual labor, it's not something you see every day," Maribel said, her red hair catching the dim light of the chamber.

Vecna paused for a moment, glancing at Maribel with his crimson eyes, before resuming his mining. "It wasn't a matter of choice. In my past, I had my share of struggles, and I still have them. I have to assure a source of income that would be enough to last my people for generations."

"And working in mines was one of them," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia.

"Really? I can hardly imagine someone like you in such a predicament. You seem so powerful and composed," Maribel remarked, genuinely intrigued.

Vecna chuckled softly. "Appearances can be deceiving, my dear. Power and strength are not always enough to escape life's hardships. I've faced challenges and adversity just like anyone else."

Maribel nodded, taking in Vecna's words. She could sense that there was more to his past than he was letting on, but she didn't press him for details. Instead, she decided to share a bit of her own past with him.

"I can relate to some extent. Being a dwarf in the human world wasn't easy. People often underestimated me because of my size, but I proved them wrong time and time again," Maribel said with a hint of pride.

Vecna glanced at her with a small smile. "I can see that dwarven determination in your eyes, even if you're in the body of a Homunculus. Who knows maybe that determination will make you an important Ally to me." he complimented.

"Thank you, Vecna. Coming from someone like you, that means a lot." Maribel replied, a hint of blush coloring her cheeks.

They continued their mining activities in comfortable silence for a while before Vecna spoke again. "You mentioned Talima earlier. Can you tell me more about this City? At least what you remember."

"Sure. From where to start? Well. It's a magnificent dwarven city, hidden away in the mountains. Their craftsmanship is unparalleled, especially my Golden Palace." Maribel said, her eyes lighting up with fond memories.

Silently taking in the information Maribel shared about Talima, a location still yet to be discovered by the general player base, only a handful of individuals have been graced with the luck of getting connections with the Dwarfs of Talima.

He didn't mind sharing some of his experiences inside the Travian Mines under the jurisdiction of Count Comeo.

Things transition with Vecna finishing his own side-quest before instructing Maribel to have her Automatons on standby inside her Workshop.

As Vecna finished his mining activity, he turned to Maribel with a satisfied smile.

"Well, that takes care of my little side-quest. Now, it's time for us to move forward."

"Have your Automatons return to your workshop. It wouldn't make sense for them to follow along. They could attract unwanted attention," he advised her.

Maribel nodded in agreement. "You're right. It's best to keep them out of sight for now." she agreed, and with a few claps of her hands, the Automatons obediently marched back to her workshop, their mechanical footsteps echoing through the chamber.

As they stood before the first door, Vecna took a deep breath, relaxing his mind and not pondering too much on what plans Alistar might have for him. However, for some strange reason, he could sense the powerful energies emanating from the gate of the Dungeon.

Making it seem that someone was too excited and could barely contain his emotions.

Maribel stood beside him, her gaze fixed on the door, her red hair cascading down her shoulders. "It's that brat of the Siegfried Family, right Vecna?" she asked, concern in her eyes.

Vecna glanced at her, a small smirk playing on his lips. "It's just an old man, nothing to worry about. Besides, he has a lot of stuff to hand me." he replied confidently.

He was first to push open the door and step into the exit, only for both to find themselves surrounded by a swirling vortex of energy. The air crackled with power, and they could feel the raw intensity of the magical forces at play.

Without hesitation, Vecna channeled his own dark powers, creating various shields to protect them from the chaotic energies. It was a quick succession of casting as he wrapped his hand around Maribel's waist.

'Mana Shield. Resilience. Stalwart Defense. Reinforced Stability.'

'That's Siegfried's Aura. To think he would reach this far into his mastery. It is as if his Kolm appeared before us.'

'Hmm? Vecna has such power? Let me help him then. Empowering Aura.'

Maribel followed suit, using her own magical abilities to reinforce the Shields summoned by Vecna.

The energy vortex intensified, threatening to overwhelm them, but Vecna and Maribel stood their ground. Both wouldn't yield to such attempts at lowering their body.

And then, in an instant, the swirling vortex subsided, and they found themselves standing in the secret basement of old Alistar. The transition was so seamless that they almost didn't realize they had teleported out of the dungeon.

Alistar was waiting for them, with a proud grin as he applauded Vecna for his accomplishments. "Well done, Vecna. You have proven yourself as a true challenger," he praised.


[You have cleared …]

Vecna, however, interrupted him, his expression serious. "Hold on. You can't be serious about your quest reward. Better think about my current state and adjust it accordingly," he stated firmly.

The words of the system suddenly took on a break, and it paused from announcing to him he cleared the Quest, A Knight's Forgotten Legacy.

Alistar chuckled, amused by Vecna's boldness. "Hahaha. Of course. For the one who destroyed the Archdemon, I would gladly make amends," he replied, acknowledging Vecna's point.

[In accordance with the user's Achievement, NPC 'Alistar von Siegfried' has changed the rewards of the quest <A Knight's Forgotten Legacy (S)>]

[Clear Rewards: +5 Levels; NPC Alistar's Mentorship; +25 Affinity Points with Alistar von Siegfried]


[You have leveled up!]

[You have reached level 75!]

"Ahh, and you can also keep your crystals," Alistar added, slightly surprised that Vecna had noticed the hidden rewards.

Vecna's response was nonchalant. "How do you know?" he inquired, curious about Alistar's insights.

Alistar smiled knowingly. "I know everything that happened inside the Suppression Chamber, boy. Especially the play you had against the Empress," he replied cryptically before winking at him as if he knew a deeper secret that happened in Maribel's Workshop.

So far, my little experiment hasn't proved me wrong. The algorithm is really a thing even here. Matrix is everywhere.

Hope you had a good read, and see you tomorrow.


I'll drop an extra chapter if we get to 100 powerstones in 2 days.

100 magic stones in 2 days = Extra Chap.

You want extra chap. I'm sure of it. So make sure to vote if you want to progress the story faster.


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