
Overcoming Talents and petty Dreams I am invincible!!

ON HIATUS im doing another book haha He was born as a killed prodigy of the nine lands...... he killed the killer....with the lowest possible cultivation... Watch as he suppressed everyone in the world right here with 0 chapters a decade -_- Don't read I nub also 500+ each chap

DaoistGrandVillian · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Meeting a diet-y

" Uh hello" said Wang Li, looking at the darkness around as if he was in an abyss or a void.

The darkness didn't respond.

It didn't, no matter how much Wang Li called it out.

Hmmm, Wang li thought and ''pinched'' himself?

He felt Pain.

After realizing it, Wang Li couldn't have been more horrified, realizing he had nothing on him.

Neither his keys nor his phone. He frantically searched his pockets again for traces.

Nope, he had nothing on him except his clothes....

Wang Li was'nt sure if he was even alive or not.

Unable to control himself, Wang Li started shouting very loudly.

A few hours later....

Wang Li was the only noticeable thing in the large, maybe infinite, abysmal void...

After seemingly lost in thought, Wang Li jolted awake and was utterly confused on his state.

Suddenly, Wang Li sensed himself or maybe touched himself.

He couldn't feel his skin. Even if he pinched himself again.....

He couldn't feel hunger,

He couldn't feel pain.

He couldn't smell,

He couldn't hear,

It was almost as if he was fading away....

Wang Li, terrified of the thought, screamed at the top of his lungs. Maybe they don't exist, but still.




A loud voice came into Wang Li's ear. And light spread out in front of Wang Li.

Still terrified, Wang Li "tried" to run. But he found himself unable to move.

Wang Li, still on his legs, faced something or someone coming out of the seemingly empty abyss.

Wang Li now turned to focus on what it could be. From his view, it seemed a female ?

Yes, it was a female.

She immediately walked to Wang Li.

Wang Li was still unable to move and couldn't run.

She stood in front of Wang Li.

Maybe too close to him.

Wang Li was stunned by her. She was beautiful and too close to him...

She was Hairs width away from him moreover she was exceptionally beautiful.

If Wang Li were to say how beautiful she was....[Yeah u know where i am going]

After a bit of a state kinda moment, the woman spoke.

"Hello little Guy".

Wang Li was also a bit stunned by her melodic voice but didn't care too much, he just wanted a way out of here. Quickly, Wang Li replied.

"Hello, please help me to get out of here", said Wang Li.

" You seem to be different. How did U get HERE" asks the female

Not wasting time, I told her I was just sleeping and i woke up here.

"Hmm, so maybe you are one of those." Said the Female and Waved her Hand...

Blinding light flashed.... and I fainted.


Wang Li opened his eyes in front of the rising sun. seemingly shining the same as that Fema--

Ugh where am i?

Hi guys, I am a normal guy like you. Just wanted to try writing because it seems fun. Why not be the author. Also, thanks for reading, ima make a few more chapters. Don't read all. ima go on vacation. lol also read reverend insanity

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