
Overbearing Power

Follow Robin, A hot-blooded arrogant boy, on his journey of survival and hunting down big bad monsters. One day when Robin was in his high school math class, the world started to change. One moment there was a massive thunder strike splitting the sky open and the next the school was being attacked by goblins. When Robin leveled up and got strong and bulky, he didn’t want to be a hero or a villain. He wanted to get strong enough to get rid of anyone who stood in his path and smash their skulls open. What to Expect: OP MC Arrogant MC Little To No Romance No Harem Game Elements Giant Muscular MC Base Building Monster Pets

theFlyingDog · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Shopping & Love

All four of us walked towards the village center, the first shop we decided to visit was the Potion shop. The moment we got a little closer to the shop, I could smell an intense stance of herbs.

The inside of the store was filled with glass bottles of all colors and shapes, some bottles were round, some square, some really tall, and some really short and small. The colors were even more bizarre, everything from red potions to green, blue, pink, and many more.

The one running the shop was a human female, I was a little stunned looking at her since she had green hair and emerald-green eyes. All her other features were the same as a normal human's.

"Welcome to Kargraga's Potion Shop, What kind of potion would you like, I have everything from minor health potion to the potion of vigorous love.", she welcomed us with a warm smile.

Walter was the one to ask immediately, "Potion Of Vigorous Love?"

Kargraga giggled hearing Walter, "Young man the Potion Of Vigorous Love will give you the stamina to last in bed for as long as 90 days without any breaks, that too with the small price of 400 gold."

Walter's mount was left open after hearing this.

After checking out a few potions, I decided to buy 20 minor health potions and 5 minor speed potions. The speed potion was the one that intrigued me, it was capable of boosting my speed by 20% for 30 seconds, and it was also stackable with other speed-related skills as per the information provided to me by Kargraga.

In total, it cost me 400 gold for all the potions combined, the minor health potions were only 10 gold each whereas the speed potions were a bit more expensive costing 40 gold each.

After getting the potions, we went to the general merchant store. This store had everything ranging from gems, weapons, potions, and a bunch of other bizarre things which I had no idea about.

The person standing behind the counter was not a race that I was very familiar with, he had pale skin even paler than mine, and his pupils were blue as the sky. His frame was skinny with bones sticking out.

I was curious, so I used Identification on him.

*Halfblood Vampire Lvl 8*

Well, being undead was probably the reason behind his pale skin.

With the stupid identification at level 1, I was not able to check anything more than his race and level. The moment I thought of this, the idea of continuously using it and leveling up came to my mind. And what other place to use it on other than a shop filled with a lot of magical items.

I used Identification on 20 items, after which it happened.

*Identification Leveled Up*

There were still a lot more items in the shop, so I continued using Identification.

After I got to level 2, now I was able to check the durability of common and uncommon items, although I was not sure if I would be able to check the information on rare items or not.

I tried checking my robe again and yet the only thing I saw was the name of the item, nothing else was visible.

After I was done with all the items in the shop, my identification was at level 4.

*Identification Leveled Up*

*Identification Leveled Up*

I tried to check the information about my robe one last time.

*Robe Of Betuga (Rare)*

*Belonged To Once Infamous Commander Of Blood Hound Goblin Legion*

*Durability: 90/100*




The only thing I was able to check now was the info about the item and its durability.

Now I tried using my identification on the shop keep one more time, while he was busy talking to the others.

*Raspero Waritos (Half-Blood Vampire) Lvl 8*

We spent a lot of time looking through the wares at the Merchant Store. It was apparently part of an Organization called Red River Merchant Union. They were a group of merchants who traded throughout a few universes.

After checking all the items in the shop, I did not find out anything that picked my interest. Looking at my disinterested face, Raspero told me that all the items which were hanging were low-ranked items, since right now people were incapable of buying the valuable stuff.

After saying this he took out 3 items from his inventory and kept them on his desk.

The items were a sword, a belt and a red crystal. Respero sent the information about the items to me through the system.

*Elven Fire Sword (Uncommon)*

*An elven sword imbued with shards of a lower fire crystal and enriched with fire magic*

*Attack: 30*

*Durability: 100/100*

*Fire Damage: 2/s*

*Belt Of Swiftness (Uncommon)*

*A Belt enhanced by wind magic, it was made with the sole purpose of speed*

*+ 2 AGI*

*Durability: 100/100*

*Normal Fire Crystal (Rare)*

*Mined at the depths of Planet Valtara, a fire crystal can be a great conduit for amplifying fire spells.*

*+40% Fire Damage*

*Durability: 100/100*

All three of these items were great. Although the Normal Fire Crystal was rare and had a great advantage for fire magic, but I didn't have any use for it right now, plus the price was too much. Raspro told me that the price for the Normal Fire Crystal was 35k, which was not even close to the gold I had with me right now.

The price of the elven sword was 1k gold and the belt was 800. Although I wanted to get both of them but with the money I had, I went for the Belt since it offered me a little more agility, which I was lacking.

I paid for the belt and wore it. It was much lighter than I thought. It was made of some kind of monster skin, and it was big enough to look like a WWE championship belt, so I thought it would have been heavy, but it was light as a feather. The buckle of the belt was made of some kind of iron.

Lily bought a new bow, the new bow was made of some kind of green wood, making it stand out a lot. On the other hand, Walter bought some smoke bombs and throwing knives. Liam got himself a blue mage robe, it was apparently supposed to make mana channeling easier, other than that it didn't provide any kind of defense.

After we were done with shopping we went to meet a few of our friends, since it was already noon we decided to go for the Tree Spirit hunting at the dawn of the next day.


We went around the village checking on our friends. While doing this, we found that a lot of the people were making small groups same as us to go and do quests.

People were adapting really quickly to the change, and those who were having trouble with the change chose to help out with the maintenance of the village. The jobs in the village ranged from anything like cooking, cleaning, crafting, and farming to guarding.

Although these jobs weren't as rewarding as being an adventurer, but these people were safe and sound inside giant walls, away from the dangers of the outside world.

We ran into Jessica and her boyfriend Henry on the way, Lily asked Jessica to join our group to level up faster. After they talked about it for a few minutes, Lily came back and told us that Jessica and her boyfriend had already joined a 10-man group and were going to start doing monster-hunting quests after a few days.

Even after this, Lily was somehow able to convince Jessica to join our group, but she wanted to bring Henry along with her.

Lily was looking toward me, waiting for an answer on if Jessica and her boyfriend could join our group or not. Jessica and her boyfriend were both avoiding our gazes while looking into the distance and waiting for my answer.

I looked towards Jessica and Henry with a severe look, "If she wants to join then she can, and no Henry can't join."

Both of them looked at me and opened their mount to rebuke me, but seeing my golden monster's eyes staring at them made them gasp.

Jessica still somehow made out the words, "W...wh…why", she gulped immediately after saying this.

I looked into her eyes and waited for a few seconds to see if I still felt something for her. After 10 seconds of that, I was sure that my feeling was gone, I was not sure what caused it. Was I really getting so hungry for hunting monsters and getting stronger that I abandoned my emotions? I did not really have a problem with that though, so I answered her question, "Well because I don't give a fuck about him!"

Immediately, I turned my head towards Lily, "This is the last time you are asking her to join us."

After saying this I turned and got ready to leave, but from the back Henry barked, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"

I turned and glared at him, which was starting to make him shiver a little in fear. Even I myself was a little scared of my monstrous golden eyes when I saw them in the mirror this morning. So to have this pair of monstrous pair of eyes staring at you in anger was sure to make someone scared for their life.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

theFlyingDogcreators' thoughts