
Outside is Apocalypse But I am Safe inside My Dungeon

That day when the apocalypse fell, was a normal day without any big events. like any other, people are busy in their lives and work, some enjoying their lives some are struggling to live. Life was going in a usual routine until changes in the earth started to show up on the surface. while they were living a normal life, the earth was undergone a massive transformation without being noticed. Mysterious energy started to leak from the underground and living or non-living beings that were exposed to this energy began to evolve. Zombie and mutant beasts are roaming in the City. Due to large numbers and sudden appearance, armies from all over the world fail to withstand their attack. Big cities became a playground for savage beasts. Following those events, another catastrophe came that forced humanity to its knees. The environment of Earth has turned into a mess, green lands have turned into deserts and heavy rainfall causes river overflow. the length of winters increased and it has become very harsh for a normal human to survive. Food and shelter became scarce objects that very few people could afford. Instead of fighting mutant beasts and zombies, humans started to kill each other for easy resources. In this world, a piece of bread is more precious than a human life. This is where the story begins, in this horrible world, Sam is the only person who has a safe place with warm meals and every need that people could only imagine. Sam's life was always not that good, at a young age he lost his parents and the people he trusted most betrayed him. He fell into a debt trap that was impossible to escape. But Everything changed after he received his ability as a dungeon lord. At a young age, he faced many hardships and spent all his time working which is why Sam decided to lead a relaxed and enjoyable life even in the apocalypse.

Bidas5924 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

New home

Stormy dark clouds cover the entire sky. With less daylight, the atmosphere started to give an outrageous and gloomy feeling.

people in this busy society don't care or you could say they don't have time in their life, they had more than enough problems so they turn a blinking eye after saying that it's normal in the rainy season.

Not long after, the heavy rain started with a gale."Oh no I almost fell asleep " I told myself "Wake up Sam, now is not the time to get comfortable"

I was very tired, but how could I forget about the apocalypse? Moreover, I can get free time to sleep in the dungeon, outside is not very safe for me. I try to concentrate on the most important things and the main culprit for putting me to sleep.

"Coffee Are you okay, do you feel pain or discomfort in your body?"

she nodded her head in response to my question. I was so relieved to know that she was not hurt. Usually, when a creature transforms into a mutant it becomes savage and bloodthirsty.

The only concept that comes to my mind was that coffee was a unique beast maybe that's why she didn't process any trial from a normal mutant.

I petted her head "As long you are fine " To be honest, when I did not see her, I was very frightened. I thought something bad happened to her but I was truly glad to see her fine.

I don't want to lose my only family that left However, I am really surprised after seeing her, who thought that our cute coffee turned into a scary mutant beast.

But if I see her carefully nothing much changes in her behaviour, she is just like a big cat.

Truthfully she became more fluffy and adorable, I wanted to hug her so badly "No! No!" I can not repeat the same mistake. I stop smiling and put on a serious face

"You truly become a formidable creature with your fluffiness that no one can resist. You know because of this fluffiness, I nearly got into big trouble"

She glanced at me with an innocent face as if she did not know what I was talking about, then she started to lick me.

"Stop licking me, you are no longer a little cat ."After a long effort finally, I managed to calm her down. Occasionally I came to be suspicious if she was even a cat or a dog in disguise.

"Please sit here and don't move an inch, we can leave this place after I collect the important stuff."

The next hour turned into a big commotion, I entirely devoted myself to finding necessary items that I could acquire from my apartment.

"Haa! After the upside down of the whole apartment, I only found a few things."

I didn't have high hopes but it was less than I expected as I guessed I didn't find many things in my small apartment, it seemed like I had to go to the city to find important items But not now.

first, let's put things that I collect in the dungeon. "It's still a lot better than nothing ." I opened the gate to transfer the collected items, and after seeing this interesting thing she couldn't help herself from being curious.

She slowly came to me and pointed at the gate with her eyes as if she were asking what was this new thing that she hadn't seen. I also feel happy that she asked about the dungeon, especially I was very excited to see her reaction.

Even though I forced myself to not show any sign but a little smirk showed on my face. I instantly cover it with the help of my hands "Chugh! Cough! If you are that interested then I can reveal to you how awesome my power is ".

So I decided to show her the dungeon when we entered the dungeon, she was shocked by the scenery, as I thought her reaction was best I wonder if my reaction was like that.

" Do you like it, from today this is our new home that only belongs to us. we don't have to pay rent to stay here and no one can even kick us out Now you can truly tell that this is our home."

Hearing this she looked at this place with her shining eyes and started running and jumping all over the dungeon. Her joyful and cheering sight brings me satisfaction.

She through very much, every day I had to go to work and did not have time to play with her. sometimes I slept in the streets if I failed to pay rent but she never complained about it, she even comforts me in hard times.

After a long time, I saw her that playful so I did not disturb her and silently transferred things inside the dungeon.