
Outside is Apocalypse But I am Safe inside My Dungeon

That day when the apocalypse fell, was a normal day without any big events. like any other, people are busy in their lives and work, some enjoying their lives some are struggling to live. Life was going in a usual routine until changes in the earth started to show up on the surface. while they were living a normal life, the earth was undergone a massive transformation without being noticed. Mysterious energy started to leak from the underground and living or non-living beings that were exposed to this energy began to evolve. Zombie and mutant beasts are roaming in the City. Due to large numbers and sudden appearance, armies from all over the world fail to withstand their attack. Big cities became a playground for savage beasts. Following those events, another catastrophe came that forced humanity to its knees. The environment of Earth has turned into a mess, green lands have turned into deserts and heavy rainfall causes river overflow. the length of winters increased and it has become very harsh for a normal human to survive. Food and shelter became scarce objects that very few people could afford. Instead of fighting mutant beasts and zombies, humans started to kill each other for easy resources. In this world, a piece of bread is more precious than a human life. This is where the story begins, in this horrible world, Sam is the only person who has a safe place with warm meals and every need that people could only imagine. Sam's life was always not that good, at a young age he lost his parents and the people he trusted most betrayed him. He fell into a debt trap that was impossible to escape. But Everything changed after he received his ability as a dungeon lord. At a young age, he faced many hardships and spent all his time working which is why Sam decided to lead a relaxed and enjoyable life even in the apocalypse.

Bidas5924 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

A surprise

The first thing I did after entering the apartment was to call my cat, Coffee. But when I got no response after calling several times, I became a little worried and decided to look for her.

My concern reached another phase when I opened my bedroom door. My whole room was messy, my clothes were torn. Books and things were scattered all over the floor.

" Why is my bedroom like this?

Did someone forcefully enter my room? "

But the door of the apartment was locked and it didn't look like anyone had come in from outside.

I already knew Only Coffee was inside but she had never done anything like that before. Then something must have happened to the coffee.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

While I was thinking about the strange situation, my sensitive ear caught a weird noise. I immediately turned my head towards the source of the sound. These noises come from the direction where my kitchen is

After a few moments of bewilderment, I gradually gathered courage and decided to see where the strange noises in my kitchen were coming from. I thought it might be his Coffee whom I had been looking for for so long.

Dark clouds covered the entire sky making the surroundings a bit dark and gloomy which made it a bit difficult for me to find the way to kitchen.

With a little effort, I managed to find my way to the kitchen with the help of the wall. After entering the kitchen, the first thing that caught my attention was a mysterious black figure in a corner.

Since my cat's colour was black I thought that the black thing was my cat, Coffee and I started to call her.

"Coffee! Coffee! What happened to you, why didn't you respond to my calls?

Are you still mad at me for not coming home last night?"

I received goosebumps when the black thing turned around. I never thought I would see something like this inside the kitchen.

A five-foot-tall creature with sharp teeth and claws standing in front of me. Its entire body is surrounded by a black shadow that gives an unpleasant feeling. Those shadows were moving around as if they were alive. It has large golden eyes that glow in the darkness. With its predatory gaze, it stared at me.

I force myself to smile a little, a reflex to feel better in this situation because I know that I screwed up.

"Ha! Ha! Am I starting to see things?"

If my memory serves correctly, Coffee wasn't that big and I don't remember having such a beast like this in my home.

My face turned pale when I saw that beast silently drop its big paws and start walking towards me.

When I saw that mutant beast getting closer the first thought that came was to run away with my life. Well, that action is considered to be normal if one finds themself standing in front of a scary beast But not for me since I know the future even if not in full detail However, I identify at a glance that in front of me is not any normal creature but a unique mutant beast.

Unique beasts are different from normal mutants, they are superior and dominating creatures. They have a high level of intelligence and strength of multiple mutants even if they are first tier, for ordinary humans it is impossible to defeat no matter how hard they try. Usually killing a unique beast required a team of superhumans.

I know that if I try to run away or enter the dungeon it will take at least a few seconds but it would attack immediately if they see any strange movements so trying to run or fight is a foolish idea. The best option is to stay still and try not to provoke however, always be prepared for any unexpected situations. They usually do not conflict if there is no gain or a particular reason.

"Shit! shit! What a bad luck." How could someone be so unlucky, Not even the Apocalypse had begun and I already met a unique mutant beast now I couldn't even run away. I thought that finally, I could have a good life but even now I can't get rid of this damn fate of mine."

While I curse my bad luck I notice something unusual, that fearsome beast can't process any hostility moreover its face is oddly familiar as if I have known that beast for a long time.

Even though I was suspect, that doesn't mean I could make any reckless move because one small mistake could cost my life. After considering it carefully I decided to take a risk. After letting my guard down I put my hand forward as if I were trying to show that I didn't have any ill intentions then with a friendly voice, I said " Coffee do you not remember me? It's me, Sam"

That beast was surprised when it heard my voice it slowly approached and started to sniff my hand. After recognising it, she rushed and started licking and rubbing her body against me as if she were very happy to see me. I also felt a pleasure to see her with a relief full smile I hugged her

"So my guts were correct. It was indeed you, Coffee. You know I was scared when I didn't find you but I am really glad you are alright."