
Outbreak Chronicles: Dead Pandemic

Labeled as a delinquent and bad influence, high school student Kyosei Ichinose choose to stay out of the people around him, indulge himself to his headphones, pick fights against other people and stay alone. He was later famous for being a dangerous fellow that even his fellow students and his teachers feared him. One day, everything is normal until the world is now in turmoil after the appearance of a mysterious disease that turns humans into mindless cannibals, infecting humans all around the country in an alarming state. After receiving a distressed message from his former friend, he reluctantly returned only to find the school overrun by the dead. Armed with his house keys, a revolver and a duffel bag containing a few items to aid the rescue, he returned to the school without knowing why he still need to rescue a former friend.

Kyosei · Horror
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354 Chs

The Dead Nightmares Part 1

Day 11: 01:54 P.M

Osaka: Shitennoji Junior and Senior High School: Second Floor - Third Floor Stairs

Melee: Brass Knuckles, Wakizashi, Kitchen Cleaver(Repaired and Enhanced), Piyavka Sickle

Guns: AR15(Scope and Suppressor attached) Colt 45, Beretta M9 Pistol, Hunting Shotgun

(Kyosei's View)

Flicking the Kitchen Cleaver and my fists off the blood, I look at the carnage I have done. The dead bodies of the undead that I have killed are all littered on the floor with the blood and flesh scattered. It took me a few minutes before I managed to kill them all due to how many of them cluttered after the noise that occurred earlier, causing them to be attracted to that.