
Ouroboros Record: The Infinite Circle

In the shadows deep, Amphisbaena Black, An ambitious man, his spirit intact. Journeys he embarks, seeking the divine, Omnipotent, omniscient, a goal so fine. With fervent zeal, he treads a daring path, Unyielding, determined, to surmount the wrath. No matter the means, be it good or ill, He’ll conquer all odds, his purpose to fulfill. Evil or virtuous, it matters not to him, For his determination burns, fierce and grim. With sacrifices made, he persists without rest, Until his last breath, he’ll strive for the best. An unwavering spirit, unyielding and strong, In pursuit of greatness, he’ll fight the throng. Amphisbaena Black, his name whispered in awe, A testament to the will, an eternal soul’s flaw. Through darkness he marches, guided by light, A man of ambition, a beacon burning bright. Omnipotent, omniscient, his quest underway, Amphisbaena Black, forging his own way.

SapniI · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 6: The Wonders of Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall

On the first day of the official school year, Amphisbaena entered the transformation class in awe, stepping into the classroom of the renowned transfiguration master, Minerva McGonagall. Within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, Amphisbaena was well aware of McGonagall's unrivaled expertise in transfiguration, surpassing even the esteemed Dumbledore.

As a magical prodigy, McGonagall was a rare source of guidance in the realm of transfiguration, hardly found outside the walls of Hogwarts.

Amphisbaena, intrigued by the mysteries of Animagus magic—something even Dumbledore had not accomplished—eagerly sought to unravel its secrets. At its core, Animagus transformation was an advanced form of alchemy.

To become an Animagus, one must first procure a strand of Mandela grass, the primary ingredient for a complex potion. Then, during each storm and at sunrise and sunset, a spell must be cast upon oneself, culminating in the final transformation under the light of lightning.

The arduous intermediate steps were fraught with complexity, with the slightest mistake rendering all efforts futile.

Upon further examination, Amphisbaena noticed the striking similarity between Animagus transformation and the creation of a basilisk. Both involved advanced refinement techniques and shared a fundamental theory. However, while an Animagus could only transform into a non-magical animal, lacking extraordinary powers, the creation of a basilisk held distinct advantages.

Yet, the power of Animagus lay in its ability to alter the very nature of objects. A mouse crafted by an Animagus would deceive even the astute Dumbledore himself, unless its true origin was known.

Upon entering the classroom, Amphisbaena's attention was immediately drawn to the distinctive tabby cat on the table, a hallmark of Professor McGonagall's class. It served as a testament to the boundless possibilities of transformation, often overlooked by many.

Taking a seat, Amphisbaena awaited the ringing of the class bell.

In a swift blink, the tabby cat transformed into Professor McGonagall, leaving the young wizards in awe.

"Mr. Amphisbaena, you observed me intently as soon as you entered. Pray, tell me, how did you discover my true form?" McGonagall inquired.

Rising from the seat, Amphisbaena respectfully responded, "Dear Professor, I aspire to master the art of Animagus transformation—a magic that defies detection, even by the venerable Dumbledore. Within the annals of Hogwarts history, I have learned of your mastery in this realm, making you one of the few transformation experts in the world."

"And this ultimate transfiguration, pursued by every wizard on the path of magic, holds immense allure."

Amphisbaena articulated their reasoning with exceptional clarity, an extraordinary feat for someone so young.

Impressed, Professor McGonagall nodded approvingly. "Mr. Amphisbaena, your character, knowledge, and inquisitiveness embody the traits of an exceptional wizard. Ravenclaw shall be awarded five points."

With their achievements overshadowing Ravenclaw, Amphisbaena captured the attention and admiration of their peers.

"An~jing!" Professor McGonagall's stern voice silenced the classroom.

With a wave of her wand, the podium transformed into a lion, its roar commanding the attention of the young wizards.

"Transfiguration is a profound discipline," McGonagall began, "as Mr. Amphisbaena eloquently stated, it allows us to reshape the very nature of things and grant them the freedom to transform."

She directed their attention to the blackboard brush, which promptly transmuted into a majestic flying eagle, gracefully soaring within the classroom.

"Mastering Transfiguration is no easy feat. I implore you all to approach your studies with utmost dedication."

Amphisbaena marveled at the enchanting falcons and lions, sensing the potential for transformationary greatness. The parallels between transfiguration and refinement arts became evident, suggesting that success in one could catalyze achievements in the other.

"Now, observe the matches on your desks. Today, we shall learn to transmute them into silver needles."

With a wave of her wand, the eagle and lion returned to their original forms—the podium and blackboard brush.

After half an hour, Professor McGonagall's voice rang out once more, proclaiming, "Mr. Amphisbaena has successfully transformed the match into a silver needle. Ravenclaw earns an additional five points."

Holding the silver needle with excitement in her eyes, McGonagall acknowledged the rarity of such a feat in a student's first transfiguration class. Even among pure-blooded wizards who began their magical education at a younger age, achieving such mastery was exceptional.

Amphisbaena's natural talent in transfiguration, already evident, was further honed and embraced after their arrival in this new world.

Following the class, while other students hurriedly exited the room, Amphisbaena approached Professor McGonagall with a notebook, seeking additional guidance.

As Amphisbaena posed several questions on transfiguration, Professor McGonagall soon realized that their achievements surpassed those of students in the first or second grade. It prompted her to introduce intermediate transformation techniques, involving the transmutation of lifeless objects into living entities.

"Mr. Amphisbaena, while I'm gratified by your studiousness, I must caution you that transforming lifeless objects into living beings is inherently perilous," McGonagall warned, pointing at the podium. To their surprise, the transformation faltered, resulting in a lion with a podium for its rear half, its unleashed ferocity curtailed by its incomplete form.

Amphisbaena grasped the implications of failure in intermediate transfiguration—it could lead to uncontrollable transformations or even pose a threat to the wizard performing the magic.

Once the lion was restored to its podium form, Professor McGonagall continued, "As a principle, I cannot condone you practicing intermediate metamorphosis alone."

Amphisbaena, understanding the risks, swiftly responded, "Do you have time to teach me more advanced transfiguration?"

"Of course," Professor McGonagall replied, a rare smile adorning her face. "I have established a transfiguration club where I impart advanced techniques every Saturday afternoon. You're welcome to join if you're interested."

Hogwarts student clubs held a prominent place, not solely for leisure but as avenues for honing magical skills. The Order of the Phoenix, led by Harry Potter, had even established a fighting club.

"It would be my utmost honor, Professor."