
Our world has become a show for entertaining the "gods"

Celestial beings are now in possession of earth, and humans are their slaves. The story will have multiple MCs since it won't be the story/legend of one just one person but the story of the creation of a new era. There will be times when two different MCs will fight each other and even kill cause, like I said, not a single dude's story. NO HAREM, NO R-18 & SHITTY ROMANCE cause I am not good at relationships and I do not intend to fuck with your minds with my useless skills.

guy_9999 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Author talks and spoilers.

For those who are reading this you must have a lot of free time, well I have too, and will spend this time actually improving my writing skills because, from now on I'll be writing this seriously though not as seriously as other authors because I am not financially dependent on writing at all as many other authors seem to be, this is just a passion project I'll make in my free time thus I can't guarantee it to be of top quality and definitely don't expect quantity because I'll be posting 1 chapter per month at most, but I'll try to not have potholes cause every time I write a chapter I read the previous chapters to ensure consistency and although it's easy now because I wrote so little I can probably do it in just under 10 mins, I'll try to ensure consistency and grammar at the very least even if the story is shitty.

Please leave comments, either constructive or just pure negative, and I'll try to understand what is wrong and try to rectify it. Also point out any grammatical issues I may be having.

Edit: Oi, I decided the way I want the story to progress.

In Volume 1: the first MC introduced(Arjun) will suffer a lot and make choices that eat away at his humanity, till he becomes cold and becomes a famous mercenary. While I will introduce the three other MCs in the first volume itself will also become strong and famous in their own rights, except the 3rd one, he'll be weak but smart.