
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

40: Promise

We set foot on the seashore where Davih and other's are. The incident is now under the government's custody. I'm grateful we still survived from that thing.

I found Poc groveling his face on the sands, wailing. I usually see him on Haris' shoulder. He keeps on disappearing then appearing. Just like before while sparring with that monster.

All the sunken hostages along with the monster are individually rescued by those regime with Aishmalen's assist. And I'm relief that Poc is enacting his condition.

Some residence approached me to express their gratitude. They are the casualties yesterday. Those people I touched without a guaranteed cure. But my guts proved. And I was thinking that Haris provided a big part here.

And it's kinda late to recognize, Jexica came closer and slapped Haris. I was startled.

"How could you drag yourself in such an eerie situation?! You didn't even considered the princess with you—!"

"I'm sorry..." he's looking straight on her lips. Frowning. And somehow frightened.

"You could have been killed!! And you're even neglecting your purpose for this mission! What if you failed?! What would be her father's response if you broke his trust?! Even your sister—!"

"Jexica—" I halted her bursting emotions.

"You sound so concern. And I understand that. But I don't want to reduce his heroism to naught. Well if you could clearly depict, I'm doin great. We're all safe. So let's just hope those pessimistic expectation would lead not to occurrence."

We caught most of the people's attention nearby. This could be an embarrassment to her and Haris. I don't want to repute myself as a professional pacifier.

Jexica humbled herself. And look away. "Once you accomplish this objective, you'll face your pending punishment." Then she walk away.

I've never seen anyone who could scare Haris, except Jexica.

"That's what you get," I said. He look at me. Teased.

It's time for lunch. A certain cafe owner invited us to eat in there free of charge. And this gratis offer is worthwhile. We're all partaking luncheon on one wooden table. Jexica and Emia are absent. Poc is on top of the table, eating while huffing.

Practically I'm sitting beside Haris and Ino on the my left. Mishu is in front of me, Davih and her cousin beside her. Ino and Davih are obsessed in ales. I don't even know why they served it.

The only answer is Davih insisted to have those. There's a wall behind this seat and a picture frame with painting hanging just an inch above my head.

"I haven't fully introduced myself." Ino took a toast. "I am an Alfa. My name is Ino, the god of might."

"The god of—!" Mishu reacted. And choke.

"Hmph!" Poc's pride.

"There's no doubt about it. You defeated that monster effortless," a compliment from Aishmalen.

"Uhmm, Ino. Thank you helping us," I said.

He gulp again. "And you, Haris? Right? You have great sensing skill. You knew I was coming, right? Well thanks for giving me the turn."

What? So he didn't gave up that time? Haris is slowly trying to taste an ale but I stop.

"Yes," he answered.

"And you all made a nice team work, despite it ended up disappointing. Those kinds of cases should be under the adults' surveillance."

"Naaah! They are bunch of weaklings! They can't even scratch it!"

I pinch Poc's nose. And gradually he's fading then disappeared. After seconds I saw him on Mishu's shoulder. And when she's full, desserts are great conclusion for meals. She ordered for it.

We can eat all we can, so Davih came himself inside the kitchen. Kids are great imitators, consequently she followed Davih and pulled Aishmalen.

"Ino, can I touch your tail again?"

He laugh and heed my request. It's so fluffy I can sleep anytime!

"You know Ashti, you remind me of someone. And it's so funny!"

"Why is that—?"

"An Alfa huh? You must have a daughter," Haris spoke. And Ino took a gulp again. "And her name is Mistella."

He slam the ale pitcher. But he don't answer in hostile.

"So you've met her? Yes, she's my daughter."

"Then, why are you here? You're suppose to nourish your child." I gave him an insight.

"I will if I could. I'm still recouping things. Just the same as Poc."

"You committed a crime?"

"A gruesome murder." He's toying the pitcher. "Just as I mentioned lately, you remind me of someone, very important to me." He raise his chin to take the final gulp. "My wife."

"She's an albino like our daughter. Her tender kindness and angelic face robbed my heart. But actually she carried a wings at her back. That gives her the capacity to command the wind.

"And you know, me as an Alfa, we don't trust humans, in our perspectives, they're just mere satisfaction from our hunger. I was the strongest among my race. That's how the supreme deity bestowed upon me the crown of might."

He pause his story when Mishu leaned on Haris' head. Jubilant.

"Let's go swim now!! I can't wait to beat the heat!!"

Then she left immediately together with those two boys. I caught Ino smirking.

"I killed children like her." I turn my head swift to him. "I killed and devour all the people in a certain village due to rejection and breaking the trust worth giving.

Some treacherous orcs took away my wife's life and plucked her wings to be their souvenir or possession. I plead for cure from that village yet they ignored me. They all agreed that the best cure is death.

When those orcs ambushed the village, I killed and ate them. Even though they taste like a horse crap. Those fools thought I saved them. But I simply cleaned the mess to keep my meal in perfect ambiance.

That is when I murdered them all. As for exchange some rebellious people killed my neighbors, but that doesn't matter! I simply ate them all alive!" Then he laugh. I don't think that was sarcastic, I hope he's just drunk.

"That's how Alfas can become strong!"

He slam the pitcher hard enough to break it even the table. He created a crack on the floor going to the wall and the frame broke too. All the customers was frightened.

"Aheh! Sorry bout that! I was a dangerous being so my auntie adopted my daughter."

Using the cane, Haris restored everything. Then he stood up and walk away a little. I follow him with the doubt to leave.

"Ino, I'm not predicting the fact, but what if you died without giving her the opportunity to see you?" Haris asked.

"Then tell her, that I love her so much."

"...Okay. Then be careful," he sound so disappointed with Ino's answer.

We left that cafe. I'm thinking why would Haris said that to Ino. And I'm not in the mood to talk to him.

Here on the beach, the part where we cornered King Nemesis, Mishu is having fun on the flail of the waters. And Davih is clinging with her spree. Emia and Jexica are preparing the logs, precisely a bonfire since they made it bigger.

"Hey guys! Don't just stand there!" Aishmalen approached us from behind. He noticed that we're both stuck on a gape. "Haris... and Princess Ashti, thanks for that team work!"

Then he run going to the water to hangout with everyone. To swim. I guess we should too. And maybe that's how these two began a foundation for their friendship.

"Ashti, do you still remember the time you were desperate to swim too? Back with the twin..."

"No..." I said looking straight. But the truth is, I can remember it clearly. The same time he dared me to paddle for his energy conservation's sake!

The four of us, Emia and Jexica sat around the logs. I can feel the stare of shame whenever Jexica look at Haris. Emia took here some fresh meats for dinner. She's savoring those when Ino came here all of a sudden. His speed is extraordinary that he even tossed the dust away when running on sands.

"Sorry about that!"

"Ha! When did you—?!"

He laugh, his arm leans on Emia's shoulder. "Just let me join the fun! I know you guys will leave soon."

"Ino, you're welcome. Apparently you're the eldest. Free to feel at home with youngsters."

He clap his hands with joy after Jexica utter that.

"Let's have a game! Just to beat the boredom."

I wish to decline. But not in buoyant mood isn't a valid reason. The sun is hiding behind the clouds, and the breath of the waves seems so refreshing. We played a game for tipsy. That's how I judge it. Using only our fingers. I simply play along though I have no idea about the general rule since I'm not totally interested from the first place.

For the first round we only have one finger raised. Tapping the other player's hand will automatically raise another finger until five fingers are up. When that happens, it's game over. We played another game. It was somehow relieving my stress. I never experience these at home. Playing with peers and talking just for fun. To make it complete, it was even more exciting fighting with them too.

And I can finally call this a day off, a half-day off. We enjoy the whole day until sunset. Finally the three swimmers gave up. It's Emia's dinner time! I'm so grateful for her existence, a travel could be worth the while with her dishes. Haris fired up the logs with a snap. We watch the fire grow taller and the ashes reaching for heaven.

During the chew, Ino shared a horror story about this beach. It doesn't seem to have a scary effect on us but it does with Mishu.

He said that most of the nights, multiple corpses lies here. The criminal is a woman who committed suicide 50 years ago. Some witnesses saw her crawling and grasping legs with a killer grin on its face.

"I never heard such stories before," said Emia while trembling.

"Right! That was just a nonsense story this pipsqueak made!"

Poc appeared out of nowhere again. But he's standing next to Haris.

"Oh was that it?! Then I'll go swim again!"

"Some people says that she's found underwater."

Davih halted.

"Really? Then I want to see her," Aishmalen boasted.

"Let's have a test of courage! Before I arrive here earlier I hid a golden brooch just around this area. The first one who gave that to me will be the boss for the night!"

Mishu complained, "What?! But it's getting dark...?!"

"Don't worry! Let's do it by pair!"

He made Davih and Mishu a pair, Jexica and Aishmalen, and he had no choice but to make me and Haris a pair. Him and Emia will stay.

We all search separately, and the two of us here in the forest. I'm watching every steps I create assuming that the brooch will appear just like Poc. Haris could be on a reconnaissance duty, waking backward with a lollipop in his mouth.

"Don't you ever plan on helping me?"

"Hmm... I don't give a crap with his stupid game. And besides, I saw that brooch with Poc, using as an earring."

"Ow, then Poc is the culprit."

He offered me a lollipop, "No thanks," I declined. He covered the candy by his hand then uncovered, it became a meat on a stick, "No thank you," I declined again. He shake his hand holding the stick once and it became a rose, "Haris..." I glare at him.

"You know... you seem kinda down. Something wrong?"

"Nothing. Maybe I'm jusssstt... tired."

"No. I can sense some resentment. And I'm not used to it."

I walk ahead. Not saying a word until he spake again.

"Ashti..." I stop. Scratching the soil with my tiptoe.

"Because for you I'm an idiot. It's bothersome to you. Simple... Almidoron is... my partner for everything. In crime, in sparring and laughter. He's such a gentlemen, sweet and funny! He's always protecting me like you do.

And the longer I stay with you the harder I miss him. I really... really miss his voice..."

I noticed the rose withered on Haris' hand. He spin it with his fingers and evolved to an empty stick. He throw that away.

"Maybe... soon you'll forget him."

"I can't stay that longer Haris. I don't even know why I last until now ever since he died. I can't live in a world without him any longer."

I turn my head round about.

"No one can see us. So please Haris. Kill me."

"No," he shook his head.

"Ino told me everything about this chain last night. One of us must die, huh? And I think that's me."

"No," he shook his head again.

"King Nemesis told me... that you knew about this all along. I guess you lied to me again, and this time it's worst." I keep my voice low even my tears are running down.

"I know you're just doing all of these efforts for the sake of your mission. You said I'm a nuisance, right? You should have stayed longer with Jexica and fulfill your divine role. So just give me the taste of death-"

"No! Ashti—!"

"You can't save the world with me like this!"

"How can I save the world if I can't even save a woman?!"

"Haris not because you're a hero you can save everyone!"

"Ashti. Not because I'm the hero I should live with that principle!"

That made me stop.

"Look... I actually—I know... I lied. And I'm sorry. I just did that to spare your emotion. If I told you earlier I know this would happened and much complicated. Because we're a total stranger. But now we're not.

I promise...! I will find a way to free ourselves soon. Just let me... do my part... I can't kill you. Because you're peculiar. I don't care about Almidoron waiting for you somewhere when you die..." he took a breathe and sigh, "I want to save you, as the child of that trivial prophecy!"

I have no idea what I said. And it burst his emotions too. On the other hand, I felt the warm from his words. The ease I was looking for. I face down and cried.

"A-Ashti..." he wants to touch me, and he's now wearing the face of sympathy.

"Alright! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! CUT!! Cut that drama! Cut—!"

"Poc! When did you—?"

"Cut! Cut! Cuuuuuu—! Ouch!!"

He's making noise at my shoulder then Haris snatched the brooch from his ear. It wound Poc.

"I hate you!! I hate you so much!!"

"Cut that drama. You can heal yourself, right?"

I smile. I almost want to laugh but I may only sound crazy.

"Let's go back to Ino."