
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

39: Team Failure

The water divided to give us path. And Mishu came all the way there running with fun. Her mood swing is so confounding.

"By the way Haris, this could be a perfect timing to ask you why you hate my brother so much."

"That'll be a long story."

"And this could be a long walk. Come on! I'm curious!"

"Your brother is a spoiled brat. I really don't like his attitude."

"Was that it?"

"The first time I met him, I was travelling with Mr. Holland. Your brother is the same age as yours and I'm a little older than Mishuzyñel. Some of the villagers near your sea had an endless crisis because of Merfens.

"They kill and eat humans. Mr. Holland came under the sea with me to negotiate with the King. Your father. We promised that human will cease to sail for fishing and the Merfens will stop hunting landers.

"Both sides agreed. We figured out the cause of Merfens' resentment was because of the tragedy, and we discussed that even humans are victims. A week or two past, the peace filled the atmosphere, yet that was just my futile dream.

"One night I discovered a secret abomination of Merfens. I was training myself alone in the forest and heard a scream of a woman, together with her child, needing rescue. Merfens tortured her until death, then devoured her until to the very skull. And your brother is one of them. The child is hopeless.

"I pick a stone and throw it. I was so desperate to do something but in that level, I curse them with a powerless words. I said that they will regret the betrayal for the rest of their lives... traitors.

"When the child escaped, I run away and they caught me. Flogged and pummeled me. But they didn't ate me. I was abducted and taken captive inside the palace in the very bottom prison of the sea, without oxygen.

"I was hysterical. I broke the chains that binds me and destroyed the walls. I even ruined the best parts of the castle which is the ballroom, until I reached a private room. There hidden the brightest shimmering pearl, the greatest treasure Merfens had.

"As part of my retaliation, I broke it. I smash it down to the ground. I saw the Queen alone on the doorway of the room, with the face of anxiety. Her beautiful face and fair skin turns to scales and scary sea creature.

"Not only her, but all the Merfens. I can't remember what exactly happened, but I lost consciousness with her power and resuscitated at the seashore. She was there, and left me wordless.

"I can't stood on my own frail condition, and I'm lucky that Mr. Holland saw and took me. As the dire consequence, Merfens waged war against the villagers, killing them brutally. An acquainted kingdom reinforced the villagers, that's how some of them survived. That's how I detest Merfens.

"To end the chaos, I told the King what I saw that night, your brother's betrayal. Yet your brother accused me as the traitor for destroying me the treasure. It's true but we're both traitors there. The child stood as my witness. And the Queen didn't.

"She didn't tell anyone. I still have the bruises, that's how your brother was convicted. And consequently the chaos ended. Before we left the village, the Queen conversed with us in private. She knew the cause of my rampage that time. So she offered me this mask.

"Mr. Holland blessed it to seal my turbulent power."

"Wooow! So you're hiding more powers?!" I pinch Snitchie's nose for interrupting the story.

"...Not more. A dangerous one. And this mask was made of the pearl I broke. Secretly crafted by the Queen. For me she's the kindest among Merfens. She died giving birth to you, and that motivates me to leave and hate you. I even accused you as the murderer."

Aishmalen laugh. "I see! That's why you hate me!"

"You can hate me too. It's my fault you all look ridiculous."

"Why should I bother if this is our real image? I took the risks to save my kingdom not to look better. And besides, I'm charming enough!"

Haris smirk. "I never thought you have that narcissism." He laugh again.

Are they starting to have a good company? We're almost there to the seashore of the target island. Mishu is there already. And the sea is deep. We even need to walk above the corals.

"But make sure, what belongs to us, belongs to us."

"I know. I swear to your mother that I will return this treasure."

"And that saves the conflict. To be honest, I kinda hate my brother too. He's so prideful, he only considers me as his servant. But his duty is insane. Since he died I carry all the obligation."

"You said before, a mysterious king ambushed and destroyed your kingdom. You found him?"

"Yes. And you call him King Nemesis."

I knew it. None else but him. We finally crossed the sea. And this island... feels so dead and dark.

"That king, he's always watching us," Haris said. Or maybe in other words, we shouldn't let our guard down.

This land is awful. I don't think someone is still alive. All the houses are ruined, the soil are ashes, we found canons everywhere. Seems like they tried to defend themselves. We stop walking when we finally met a Callion alone. But practically they aren't called Callions.

Its movement is crazy. It doesn't have any intention on attacking us. Instead, it ran away.

"Hey Poc! Heal that...!" Haris said.

"I said leave it fatal, and I will do the healing!"

He sigh, "Worthless." And for a short moment of silence, we heard snarling. This time, many Callions are running instantaneously towards us.

"Aaahh! Walking dead!" she hide behind Aishmalen.

"No they're running," he replied.

A sudden earthquake occurred again. And the ground is rising.

"Whoooaa! Finally! My masterpiece!!"

We're actually standing on a giant monster, a dragon could be, but its tail are tentacles. We came back again near the seashore, and it totally occupied the whole island. I bet the other islanders will see this.

"Uugghh! I just wanna swim!"

Poc is clapping in joy. I sometimes wonder if he's an ally or enemy. The sound of the snarling increased. On the monster's body, the infected are attached. Screaming for freedom. And that is really awful.

"Don't worry Mishu! After this, we can swim!" I said to motivate her. And it worked. Just she did at Up-don revolution, enormous spike crystals under the earth rises to hit the monster. We keep our distance from her. However, she made the situation worse.

She simply help the monster lift itself up from the soil. And I don't really know how to manage this being. A single claw is enough to kill me. And since Mishu is so desperate to swim, she made a giant crystal falling from the sky.

When the monster noticed, a single tentacle whipped it and scattered to pieces.

"Whaaaaat?! Come on, I want to swim!!"

Another tentacle is approaching. She defended us with crystals and it broke until it reached and bash her down.


"What's wrong with you people?! Letting a kid fight on its own?! She's just a baby, didn't you see?!" Poc complaint.

We all run to her when Haris grabbed my waist to trade spot and defend. I never noticed this tentacle coming to us. Haris manage to hamper with his arm but not longer.

"Get down."

We flounder. It moves straight to Aishmalen in full speed, good thing he dodged, passing above it. Mishu is still full, there's a crack on her face, which means her body is still protected by crystal. And she's crying.

"Uugghh! I can't swim anymore~!"

I took her hand to raise her. "It's worth it. Let's give another shot! Can you make another giant crystal from the sky? I mean, bigger and heavier."

She nod and smile. "But this will take some time," and there she started.

"Aishmalen, can you do the same what you did to Mishu?"


"You trapped her and boil her inside that amount of water..."

"Aahh! Okay!"

"What?! You did that to me?!"

"And you..." I look at Haris.

"I bind it."

I look at the monster's legs and it's chained, hinders some possible movements. And he's looking at me, maybe waiting for command. I pull him going to the canon. The waters that Aishmalen raises blocks the sun beam.

And he's starting to boil it. The heat moist and the monster growls.

"You can make bomb gums, right?!"


I face him, "I said, you can make bomb gums, right?!"

"Right." He pick a pouch somewhere from his clothe and reload the canon. However, I don't know how to launch this. I search randomly, I saw a string and pulled it. It launched. But we hit the wrong part.

"We should aim for the wings."

Then he fired again. The explosions are insane. I would like to offer this gum to a naughty kid, one good example is Poc. The monster move drastic and unplugged the chains. But the big blessing, the crystals Mishu formed waiting above fell.

It knocked the monster down rigoriously. The boiling water splashes around. We all thought it's triumphant but the opposite. The crystal broke again. And the monster stood up. Poc is dying with laughter.

"That's my baby!! No one can beat it!"

I think he's playing with us.

"I don't mean to be rude, but that was really a bad idea," Haris said. "It hold hostages. If we keep attacking, we may harm the infected—"

We don't expect another attack, a fire ball! All of us was thrown down the water, and the island was divided. Underwater, the monster almost tread on me. The water brought us up to the surface. And we can stand on it. Just like land.

"I have the advantage. The two of you must leave with Shu, she's there on the seashore." Aishmalen's scales are delighted by the water. Its color-like-rainbow.

Mishu is consciously laying on the sands from the island we crossed before. I hope some residents will rescue her.

"Just tell her... to watch and learn," Haris said. Both of them glares at the enemy with a daring stance. They look cool. And then there's me, I have no idea what I can provide since my first cooperation was futile.

And I finally recognize the reason why weren't got chopped by the fireball, a thick stone wall hinders. Here comes another fireball. Haris used the cane and it vanished. Later on, an explosion triggers from afar. And that explains, Haris transferred the location of the fireball.

But this things keeps pursuing to attack. Haris reversed it and thwarted the monster's next move.

"Sorry... my bad," he said. Of course he hurt some infected. I stand behind them when the water splashes as sharp as blade. I got a tiny cut on my cheek. But that's fine. Those splashes carefully slices the monster just to keep the hostages safe.

On the other hand, the monster is unscathed. Poc created a perfect monster! And since the splashes won't work, Aishmalen hold its legs by the water.

And a big surprise! A fireball came from behind! And again, we were shielded by an anonymous stone wall. They're both looking at me.

"Really... ah—I'm okay...!"

I look down. Its tentacles are under us. Haris released a white blanket then the tentacles emerged out from the water attempting to grip us. The blanket covered me, or all of us, and flew high above the monster.

The blanket spread out so we could lean. Like a magic carpet. Haris used the weapon that killed me during illusions. A riffle, but its shot is the same like the gums. He's aiming for the wings. Then stop.

"This is endless. We can't even scratch it."

"Hohoho~! Brave but not smart...!" Poc scoffed.

The monster release the unbearable shrill scream. I cover my ears but it wasn't helpful! The sound vibrates my brain. Haris still manage to stop the sound by shooting the throat, then shivers. My ears bleed, and Aishmalen's.

And it's so lamentable that the fireball never cease. The impact when we caught the explosion dragged us down to the surface where the blanket floats. And once again, my walls protected us. Both of them are tired. The water cannot hold the monster any longer. And Haris is out of idea.

This creature, is almost the same as Green Panda.

I heard him whispered. "I'm sorry Mr. Holland..."

Did he... gave up?


The monster is standing in front of us. I saw a giant eagle in the sky, then a man falling down to the monster. Afterwards, I failed to follow him with my eyes. The monster's head was thrusted down the water. Aishmalen blocked the up coming waves.

"Wwhaaaaat?! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Nooo! This can't be happening!"

"Hey!! Are you kids alright?" I heard his call.

"Ino!!" a synchronized utter of Haris and I.

"Uuugggh!! You...! I hate you!"

"What? Like I care."

The monster is melting which is the total knock down.

"My masterpiece! Masterpiece!!"

"Masterpiece? This?" he's sitting pretty on the monster's skull. "You made this mess. Serves you right."

"I'm gonna kill you! Erase you~!"

Poc tackled Ino with his full speed. But he lose with Ino's single flip on his forehead.

"Well honestly, this monster you made is so weak. You simply made a huge crap."

Poc is weeping. Ino, he's not just an adult or Alfa. For now, his tail is very visible and bigger. Just by looking I want to cuddle it! I found Davih waving at us standing next to Mishu, and Jexica with them. All of us seems fine. So that's how the battle end.