
Our New Miss is a Jack-of-All-Trades

"I quit, you lazy dumb mother**cker!" Yan Rumei declared as she flung the Notice-to-Quit paper in front of her boss. She has put up with this boss and this discriminatory company for more than 3 years and her last straw finally snapped. Like most young professionals, Yan Rumei wanted to advance in her career as an Accountant that was why she left City H and came to City D. But after a few years of being overworked and overused by his unfair boss, the only motivation that was left was to provide her single-mother a good life. Today, however, was a different day. A man, called Assistant Li, came in to inform her that her mother married one of the richest business moguls in the country. He has been calling her "Miss" since he came. He also said that her parents wanted to meet her at the most prestigious hotel in City D tonight. [Hold on, is it even legal for me, a fully grown adult to be taken in by this Gu family? Or even, is it appropriate?!] Join Yan Rumei as she embarks on her new life adventure as a new daughter of a domineering CEO, be spoiled by her doting brothers, and run away from her persitent suitors.

CrimsonLily · Urban
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50 Chs

He Felt Like He Is Forgetting Something

Gu Feng lightly scratched his cheek with his finger, "I… I was curious how Qingqing was doing, so I had someone investigate what happened to her ever since we lost communication. Then I decided to go to City H to meet her."

"Meet me?!" Lu Anqing said in a teasing tone, "Hubby, it's more like stalking me. Your not so inconspicuous entourage has been following me for a week!"


Gu Feng just coughed and placed his closed hand near his mouth to hide his embarrassed face.

"Qingqing, you were the one who couldn't even talk in your normal voice when you first saw and spoke to me. You've been using a high-pitched voice the entire coffee date."

"Ah!" Lu Anquing's face flushed red. She quickly covered it with her palms.

Yan Rumei just rolled her eyes at the two.

[Can you be any chummier?]

[Hello?! There's a single person hurting here. Please be considerate.]


To hide his and his wife's embarrassment, Gu Feng changed the topic. "Meimei, Assistant Li probably has told you most of the arrangements we made for you. If not, he will once he comes back. If you would like to have a hand on any of the Gu Corporation businesses or if you would like to open your own business, just let him know. Feel free to use him and Bodyguard Bo to your heart's content."

Lu Anqing also added, "Hubby is right, Meimei. And if you ever feel lonely here, just come to City A. The mansion is big, your 2 brothers rarely come home, so we'd love for you to come and live with us if you want."

Yan Rumei nodded, "Hnnm, I understand, mom… d-dad."


Back at Cai Liquin and Zheng Li's booth, the two have also settled.

Cai Liquin realized that she can't dissuade her grandson now. He was too invested in his dream to build his own business empire, and he has shown her numbers to support.

In fact, she was very impressed by how his businesses grew in just 2 years. Some of the names were even familiar to her. One can say that a couple of the brands he showed her had already become household names.

So, other than being a little dissatisfied with her grandson's decision to cut ties with the family, they enjoyed their dinner together. Zheng Li shared his plans with his grandma, and she also offered some insights.

When they finished their meal, Zheng Li felt that he was forgetting something.

[Huh? I feel like I'm forgetting something.]

He crumpled his forehead and Cai Liquin noticed this, so she asked, "What's wrong Li'er?"

"Ah, it's nothing grandma. I think I forgot something in my office, but I can't seem to remember what."

He stood up from his seat and walked to his grandma's side to support her to stand up.

The restaurant hall is still bustling.

Some of the families present really did call some of their relatives or loved ones to join them with this event.

While Zheng Li and Cai Liquin found the event interesting, they didn't care about it being free. They're not lacking any money at all.

However, they still respected the event, so they didn't bother to ask for the bill. The waiter who was mostly in-charge of their booth also reminded them. He also apologized for the unreasonable guest and also thanked them for coming today.

At this time, Yan Rumei and company were also leaving their private room.

This attracted everyone's attention one more time. But no one dared to even strike up a conversation with this family. Only looks of reverence, excited faces, happy and thankful smiles were directed at them.

Their group walked quickly to the hotel entrance, including Yan Rumei. Although she lives here, she would need to send the two at least to their car.

It was also at this time that Zheng Li noticed a woman in elegant clothing from the very back of the restaurant hall. He also saw that she discreetly grabbed something from her table and walked speedily towards the entrance.

He felt he was forgetting something again. His brows crumpled.

He paused for a second to think. While supporting his grandma with his left hand, he pinched the bridge of his nose as this is starting to make his head hurt.

When the woman left his line of vision, a certain TV news anchor struck his memory.

[We are currently in City D's St. Luke's Hospital. Tonight, CEO Gu Feng's new family was stabbed by the lady of the Mo family in City A, Ms. Mo Yu! She was already apprehended and was detained in one of City D's police stations. CEO Gu Feng's new wife is still currently in critical condition, we heard that she will be transported back by a private jet to City A for treatment. Unfortunately, CEO Gu Feng's stepdaughter was pronounced Dead on Arrival when they reached St. Luke's Hospital!]

Zheng Li's eyes widened, and he unknowingly halted his own breath.

"Li'er?" Cai Liquin called.

Zheng Li jolted. He instructed his assistant who is following behind them to take care of her grandmother for a while.

"Grandma, wait here for me. I forgot I have something to tell that lady who helped you earlier."

Before Cai Liquin could even react or reply, Zheng Li already rushed to the hotel entrance.

When he took a turn, he saw the group. Zheng Li didn't waste any time and sprinted towards the group.

Mo Yu, the elegant lady he saw earlier, just took out a black pepper bottle and sprayed it to the surrounding bodyguards and even including Gu Feng.

"Aaahhrgh!" a chorus of groaning was heard.

"Die, you sl*t, you w*nch!"

Although the spray weren't targetted at the two of them, Yan Rumei and Lu Anqing still felt stinging in their eyes so they also winced in pain.

Mo Yu was only a meter or two away from them because they were talking earlier. She was acquainted with Gu Feng and even kind of knew Lu Anqing. They were all part of high society back in the day, so it wasn't a surprise. Because of this familiarity, the security was relaxed around them.

Mo Yu's target was Lu Anqing.

When Yan Rumei realized that her mother was in danger, she pulled her mom behind her, and she stood in front to protect her.

A/N (* ^ v ^) / ~~~~ o

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