

After a hectic day, the 3 friends separated mean while Aliah and Jules decided to go to the bank to deposit money. Both entered a taxi but on arrival Jules forgot her purse with a sum of 2 million in it. The dropped off at the bank.

"I hope you have got all your things for the deposit" Aliah asked

"yh its in my hand bag" as Jules checked her purse and noticed she lost her purse

"ALIAHHHHHHHH, I can't find my purse. Aliah the cap, it's probably in the cap" as she screamed with her voice almost cracking.

Instinctly Aliah runs behind the cab, drops her bag and runs as fast as possible, meanwhile Jules follows her and pick up her bag while crying and screaming "Aliah Aliah, what will I do, am sooo dead"

Her perfectly made bun looses, and her scarfs flies off as she runs behind the cab. The wind blows her hair making a complete mess of it.

(A man in a black car notice the girl running, and was captivated by her hair which moved in the wind as if, it's felt the need to add an exclamation point to it's cuteness, a beautiful smile curved from his alluring lips, as his fingers carefully touches them)

" You need a ride to catch up with something miss? " as he asked Aliah while driving next to her.

"yes i sure do" as she stops and quickly entered the car.

"that cab infront of that baige car, am trying to catch up with it" as she pointed at the cab while breathing hard

"Okk noted " as the good looking man drove smoothly and met up with the cab, pulling before cab , causing the cab to stop. Aliah immediately gets off the car and runs to the taxi

"what are you doing lady, trying to get me killed?" the taxi driver asked pissed

"am soo sorry sir, I forgot my purse in the cab, was merely trying to get it back, am soo sorry" pointing at the purse in the back sit of the car

"Ohh I see, am sorry miss" as he reached the purse and gave to Aliah

"thanks very much sir" as she turn around to leave and saw the black car waiting for her. Rushes toward the car

"thank you soo much for your help sir" as she stared at him and got lost in his icy blue eyes which looked soo tender, she thought he would probably be a model, with his lode - dark hair well groomed, prompting his acquilin nose which complemented his prominent cheekbones. Saying he was handsome was an understatement his basalt Jaws and spartan shoulder talked about his strength

"I am really handsome right? I know that" as the deep voice interrupted her thoughts

"Humm I Humm I I..." Aliah stuttering making her voice sound appealing to the ears and softer. The man step out of the car and stood before her, looking so tall he patted her head asking " Are you ok? With a bright smile"

"am fine, am good" Aliah said unable to hide her face turning red from excitment.

"your cutely all red miss, would you mind dating a loner like me?" he asked with a beautiful at attractive smile.

"ok" Aliah spitted out without much thinking, still staring at him.

He let out a cute laugh "your lovely, let's exchange numbers" bringing out his phone, the numbers where exchanged he patted her hair once more, taking off his scarf, he put around her next.

"later girlfriend" as he smiled and left.

Aliah's phone started ringing picking up, the person on the other line burst crying

"Aliah where are you, I got tired, am not seeing you" as Jules continued crying

"Am heading back, don't cry Jules" as she turned around heading back "don't sit on the ground Jules, stand up am almost there" as she drops the call.

Jules stands up, while wiping her tears but silently sobbing.