

Sitting on the carpet of her purple decorated room, the bright flame from the candle reflecting in her dark room, expose tresses of her russet brown hair which shrouds her symmetrical face revealing her milky skin. "mom the hardest part seems to have passed away. Feels like time is healing all my wounds" as tears feels her lustrous eyes "I hope your watching over me where ever you are, our time together was rather short. Am growing bigger everyday, I clocked 21 years old and am a renoun street model" using her soft milky hands she wipes away her tears n blows the candle. Lay on her bed and was fast asleep.

"Aliah Aliah Aliah" a beautiful woman with long fingers pushes the door open, pulling the sheet from her sister's body, Daisy's soft long curl hair which fell in cinnamon swirls, touched Aliah as she quickly got up

"Daisy, you freaked me out, tie your hair please" as she pulled back the sheet from daisy, "well check your phone, you will probably be more freaked" daisy left Aliah's room.

Looking her phone Aliah jumps off the bed straight to bath, after 30 minute she heads for the kitchen with her white blouse and fashion white Jean. Her russet brown hair tied up in a perfect bun. "Eat your breakfast I will drop you at your campus and don't forget ur coat and scarf, this summer is icy"

Aliah arrives at her campus "hey Watson, behind you" as an average height woman turn around exposing her silky smooth wavy hair waist level, with her angular face complementing her amber eyes.

"A minute please" as she turned toward a tall good-looking young man, Clearly rejecting every proposal from him, but the stranger persist as Aliah interrupted while holding her friend's hand Cleary annoyed

"Sorry for intruding, but you would have to excuse us, for we are in a hurry" looking straight at his valley green eyes

"hurry, seriously?" as he asked with a smirk

"We have a program to catch up with" Aliah plainly answered

" which program would that be?"

"what else? Should we present you our birth certificate or national ID too?"Aliah asked sarcastically

" that's not what I meant to say" the young man tried to explain

"Well excuse us" as she left with her friend to the campus.

Sitting next to Watson, Aliah asked "so how much do you owe me for always saving your ass from this funny guys"?

"We are friends, that's what frienship means, saving your friend from time to time". "ladies what are we talking about?" as a voice from behind asked while walking towards them. "ohh I will tell you" Aliah answered excitedly. "nothing is going on silver , don't listen to her". Both Aliah and the other voice burst out laughing, as silver Bailey finally joined the girls and sat next to Aliah, her baby blue eyes shines of curiosity. "I know, I know another weirdo tried chatting Jules Watson right". "Exactly" as Aliah burst out laughing again. ( 1 year old friendship between this 3 girls, Aliah Walton, Jules Watson and Silver Bailey, was soo solid.)