

Life has its ups and downs. We mainly see the downs and we are not able to catch up the present because our bitchy past haunts us .

Its haunts us for eternity . I still keep remembering those dumb and horrible events and why the fuck did I do or say that .

Aaron is a emotional mass of flesh . His past relationships have been a hell . His current relationship with his girlfriend kashmeera is … definitely complicated. He and kashmeera are each others rebounds actually . Aaron was dumped and kashmeera dumped . During an office party, a couple of drinks and the romantic mood was enough to get attracted to each other . Kashmeera and her honest confession and an drunk Aarons blank face lead to a weird ass make out session and boom started this so called relationship. The next morning sober Aaron wakes up to a million texts from her. ( drunk Aaron is fucked up )

After a few pinches ,slaps to himself and a depression cigarette Aaron finally " thinks " he has feelings for her and starts dating her .

They meet up that evening and things move on from that on. This so called love story didn't have a proper start only . Aaron's desperation to be with someone lead to this tsunami of future events .

Kashmeeras past relationships have been with hot toxic men. Realllllly hot toxic men. Finally dating a calm and silent gentleman like Aaron was a jackpot for her but Aaron dating this high end sobo girl was not his cup of tea . Things got difficult for Aaron but kashmeera had him on a leash. This romance was a very hot gossip among mutual friends of Aaron and Erica. Erica soon knew about it and Erica being the nosy bitch she is found out. Aaron had to introduce her to kashmeera. Erica hated kashmeera from the very glance, her tone to her outfit to her Chanel bag and her bright ass pink lipstick shade . She didn't believe that Aaron would date someone like her. ( poker face )

Erica being the major witness of this event knew what to ask in return to keep her mouth shut in front of their amma. That night in the Thomas House. There was peace at the dining table . Glances , winks and shut the fuck up signs were thrown at each other . Aaron and Erica meet at the balcony to discuss the bribe .

Aaron : DONT TELL AMMA , Please I beg of you . She is literally showing me chicks everyday , she wants me married . If she gets to know kashmeera she's gonna go crazy.

Erica : no problem , I won't, but i need to help me with something .

Aaron: what , don't you want money or something.

Erica : no , not money . I want you to help me get revenge .

Aaron : REVENGE , aren't I the only person you hate . On whom exactly?

Erica : ........RAVI PRABHU ......

Aaron : RAVI !!!!!

Erica : yes , I want to destroy him . Ruin his life, make him into a papadum and burn him in hot oil. THAT PATI BROKE UP WITH ME .

Aaron: WHAT ! didn't you guys date for like ten years … hahahaha you bitch your love life is worse than mine .

Erica : * glare * (Slowly whispers ) amma would love kashmeeras septa piercing and owl tattoo.

Aaron : * shuts up *

Erica : so , I want to destroy him and I need your help …. hold on to your horses this is gonna get feisty.

Love , drama and now revenge . Erica being the baddest bitch isn't the type to cry over spilled milk instead plans to take revenge on her ex with the help of "no option "brother Aaron.




Ten years to ten minutes .

First kiss to last slap .

First fight to the revenge .


Don't miss on Erica plan.