

Meet Aaron Thomas a twenty eight year old guy facing mid life crisis . He works for an IT company and spends his salary on his exotic girlfriend's lavish lifestyle and beer to drown his sorrows into .

He also goes by the name amorcito ( loverboy ) , for his extreme and overrated love life . This mama's boy hasn't left home ,and needs his morning dosa with a cigarette . He claims to be very religious when it comes to a living relationship , but actually doesn't want to move in with his current . He knows something's missing and knows she's not the right one but never admits .

(I still don't get it whether his love is fucked up or his relationship is .

But one thing is true

Love is fucked up .

It can take a second , a year or death to love someone .

I personally don't like the word ' like ' its bullshit . Like doesn't define a person's feelings yaar. But love is immaculate , it hits the right spot. )

Aaron knows his life is messed up but acts like a " gets it all " guy . After all he is an engineer not even from IIT what can u expect . ( no offence ) . Setting the bar too low , his sister Erica acts like she doesn't have it all but in reality has it all. From being a topper in school and getting into a top medical college to drinking Starbucks occasionally .

Erica Thomas a twenty six years old female , just out of a ten year old relationship, acts all cool for being dumped . Its difficult to describe her cause she's complicated . She's often called psycho and acts like complete maniac unlike her calm brother Aaron.

Where Aaron has the behavior, Erica has the looks . That's what brings the hatred in them . Aaron hates Erica for being more smarter , brighter and successful and Erica hates Aaron for being the center of attraction. Although Erica being successful , hasn't won her strict ass mother's heart who is the ruler of the Thomas family ( their dad has no say ) , patriarchy rules in this family you see.

You see mama Thomas is old school and prays a rosary for a daughter in law ASAP. Aaron seeing desperate mama Thomas is in a pickle himself . His sobo girlfriend kashmeera and her atheist culture is sure gonna put his roman Catholic malayalee mother in the grave . Kashmeera not believing in marriage and wanting to move in with Aaron is killing him more.

The fear of hurting his mom kills him .

Erica knows it all and uses it for her benefit . Often blackmailing is done with bribe and special amenities she shuts her mouth . Erica's love life is no good either . With a recent break up according to her ( which is 5 months back ), she hasn't moved on from her high school sweetheart Ravi , who she dated for 10 years .

Their relationship was fucked up from the start . With constant fights to jealousy this couple had to end it . Erica never knew it would end on a very bad note . She really loved him. Its just destiny that didn't want them together and with Erica's temper Ravi had the balls to break up with her.

Erica never thought about dating another , she never thought she and Ravi would have an end , but when it did she lost hope and wanted to find someone she was compatible with … yes, she found no one.

Aaron and Erica both having a difficult time on their own, finds it hard to believe what a few months have done to both of them . From getting into a relationship to getting out of one. From moving in to fucking up .



Both hoping for miracle



One hoping for a rebound

Another for a hand of help .



They never knew .

Why they were siblings .

To help each other out or




To fuck things up ;)