

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CHAPTER TWENTY ONE - I have no fear of falling.

As she descended the stairs, Lily glimpsed towards Alex and his needy girlfriend, Emily. She gave a dismissive headshake and went to the kitchen. She entered the room carrying a water bottle and then sat down at the table. When she filled the glass with water, Alex turned to face her. She glanced at him in secret through the kitchen window.

Alex looked away from Lily, who was looking at him incoherently. averting their eyes like theirs do. She exhaled deeply before leaving the kitchen. Alex returned his focus to Emily. "Babe, how are you doing?" She smiled a bit when Alex nodded her head in agreement. "Let's continue watching our movie," Emily said and started the movie with enthusiasm.

As James approached his destination, he applied the brake to the vehicle. He took a long breath and exited the vehicle. "Let's go get it." He walked into the Smith residence while talking to himself. When his phone rang, Alex got up and went to answer it. Emily moaned and sent a sorrowful look his way. Before leaving her, Alex glanced at her, apologized, and showed her the caller ID. "He has so many reasons to leave me," I said. She laughed at the amusing situation while shaking her head.

Alex left his home to answer the call. When his eyes rested on James, who was hurriedly entering the home, he clenched his fist.

Alex grabbed James' wrist as he attempted to pass him and pushed him back, prompting James to frown at him. "What?" Why do you say that? Why are you in this place? Alex tightened his hold on James' wrist as he questioned him. James pulled his hand away while grinning. You may ask whatever you want, but I'm not Lily, who you're going to harm. James entered the home after giving Alex a sour response and went to Lily's room. Why did Lily call him here, and what is she doing? He was impacted by anything Lily-related. Oh, how I detest it.

How come I care? Alex struck a nearby wall before moving into the living room. Emily gave Alex a troubled glance as her eyes grew softer. "Are you alright?" Alex nodded before hopping up onto the sofa. After a little while, Alex and Emily overheard laughter coming from Lily's room. They both wondered about it. James's face was on fire within Alex, who wanted to pull it off. "They are starting to irritate me now." Alex unwittingly tightened his hold on Emily's hand while muttering to himself. Alex glared at her when she yelled in agony and touched his hand. It aches, yes. After regaining consciousness, Alex released Emily's hand. He switched his focus to the television while mumbling, "Sorry." Emily shook her head and pouted.

"Why do you care so much about her?" Emily switched off the TV after catching him by surprise. "Alex, look at him while I speak to you." He sighed and stared emotionlessly at Emily.

"Alex, please don't behave that way. It isn't you.

His hand was clasped by Emily, who massaged it. "Maybe you're in love with her," she asked. She asked for something out of the ordinary and let out a long sigh. "End it. I cease putting her in our way because I don't love her. I could never fall in love with a girl like her, just look at her. Emily was delighted with his response, but what about him and Lily, who had heard his hurtful words?

They flinched a little when Lily approached them and slapped the file down the table. When reality set in, Alex's eyes widened and he quickly regretted what he had spoken. "Well, Mr. Smith, let me make one thing plain. I have no interest in you either. Your behaviour toward me is repulsive. Stop using my name in conversation, and instead bring up more adult topics. I'm here to advise you, nevertheless, to sign these documents right away. As Jun-Sang waited for Lily to say more, he furrowed his brows.

"This is the contract for our new project, and I want to work alone and don't want your presence around me, so please."

After saying that, she turned around and went to her room.

After messing up everything yet again, Alex closed his eyes in irritation. He couldn't control him. Lily, for example, and everything else that wasn't easy for him as well he wanted to break rid of, but no one was there to comprehend his predicament. He was broken and depressed.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to stop before silently leaving the home. As she entered the bedroom to take a nap, Emily grinned. James was calmly observing everything in the background. He shook his head before stopping short of Lily's chamber as he overheard Emily speaking."Yes, I completed my task. Each day, their hatred for one another grows. Simply wait a few more days to find out what I plan to do with them. As she spoke, she cast a mocking glance towards the wall in front of her. "So, you were the one," Emily promptly hung up the call and turned around while widening her eyes. The question "What do you want?" Emily sat on the bed while delivering him death glares. "Don't mess with my head, or you'll regret it," I said. James asked and then waited for her response. "Show me you care. Just gone from my view. I must get some sleep. He grinned. "All right, now just wait and observe." She swallowed her Salwa whole and turned her head away, displaying a strong side.

She exhaled as he left her room and, out of annoyance, grabbed her hair. What am I going to do next?

Alex entered the club and went to the bar area. "A powerful one." He placed his order and settled in. He downed the beverage and ordered another strong beverage from the bartender. He is constantly having flashbacks of his past, which is numbing him down minute by minute. "Another one, the more powerful one this time. The bartender poured him another drink and he nodded. Alex laid his head on the counter after consuming so many potent beverages. She despises me. She regards me as a bad individual. Lily feels repulsed whenever I approach her.

He laughed in a saddening manner, his suffering clearly obvious in his eyes.

"Why, why doesn't she understand how much I love her? Even though I am aware that I am not very adept at showing her my affection. His face was flushed with a tear. She was the original female. She made me love myself and taught me about love. She was never there for me when I needed someone. She welcomed me just as I am. He took a long breath and hiccup.

Please give my wife a call. Please have her drive me home. Please help, I miss her. He asked the bartender while crying like a baby. "Please tell her that I adore her." The bartender snatched his phone while nodding his head.

"What's your wife's name, sir?" What's her name, "Oh, it's Yaa"

As a sudden pang struck him, Jun-Sang held his head still. Okay, relax, I'll wait. Permit me to see. The bartender struggled before locating Lily's phone number. The phrase "My Wife." He dialed after shaking his head in shock.

Hello, Ma'am. Your hubby is really inebriated. Would you please bring him back as soon as you can?

because the store is shutting. Lily sternly replied, "Okay," after hearing a long sigh. Lily said, "He is a pain in the ass," and grabbed her car keys before leaving the home. I'll probably murder him at some point.