

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CHAPTER ELEVEN - Business party

Lily took a big breath as she sat on her bed. Did I respond excessively? She shook her head and collapsed onto the mattress.

"Perhaps I did. Oh well, he deserves it. Her eyes began to grow heavy. After a short while, she dozed off. Lily hadn't been sleeping peacefully in five or six hours. She was suddenly aware of someone being in her room. Lily got to her feet, massaged her eyes, and opened them. She rolled her eyes when she noticed several cosmetics artists and designers wearing dresses. "You let Mrs Smith awaken.

Mr Smith told us, "Let's get clean, and then you must get ready for the party." Lily's eyes widened when a woman with red hair spoke.

She muttered, "Party?" and the woman nodded. Lily was made to stand while the designer held her hands. He dragged her into the bathroom after that. "Let's go, ladies, we have a lot of work to do." Clapping his hands, he motioned for them to follow.

After getting ready for the party, Alex cast a quick glimpse at himself in the mirror. In the blue suit, he was as dashing as always. His hairdo will make anyone wallow in admiration of him.

He removed his coat, undid his sleeves, and rolled them up, revealing veins. Jun-Sang exhaled a sigh after taking a big breath.

"I hope she'll get ready without causing any trouble." He shook his head and cast an icy glance at Emily's way. When I was prepared to go on, why did you return once more? She seems to be resting a lot today, why? Is she alright? He spoke while looking at the wall clock. "I won't learn about it till later. I must first go to the unexpected celebration. Alex shook his head and grabbed the nightstand's mobile and keys. Before leaving the room, he gave her one more look.

"This is it. I must say, Mrs Smith, you look stunning. The designer stated with a smug expression. After letting out a sigh, Lily looked in the mirror. Her eyes widened when she noticed her startling expression. "Wow, is it me?" she exclaimed, stunned. An untidy bun with a simple pendant and a blue dress with big sleeves. She laughed at everyone's praise, "Wow, you are looking so good, Mrs. Smith." She descended the steps with a step. Alex was excitedly awaiting her arrival. He stood up and turned to face the stairs, his eyes widening as he noticed Lily's blue dress. She had the appearance of an angel descending from heaven.

Alex's heart was thumping so hard that it seemed like it would burst at any moment. He shook his head, closed his eyes, and expelled his thoughts.

He likewise absorbed Lily in his gaze. She was completely mesmerized by his gaze. As she approached the living room, she walked close to him. She gave a little smile while dodging his attention. Lily was about to walk by him when her foot twisted unexpectedly, throwing her off balance. Alex moved swiftly enough to seize her waist. He drew her near to him while tightly holding her. She had her eyes closed. Before leaving her, Alex cleared his throat and his eyes grew wide. "Walk with care." He said before leaving right away. After sighing, Lily went after him.

Like a gentleman, Alex exited the vehicle and made his way over to Lily's side to open the door for her. He reached out to grab her hand as she stepped out of the car. He caught Lily's disbelieving expression as she was ready to back away by slipping his hand around her waist. In a state of panic, Lily struggled to escape his hold. You are my wife, so don't. After all, I have complete freedom. Laughing, she said, "A contract wife." As they approached the entryway, Alex sighed and followed her. As they entered the hall, the guards prostrated before them.

When he approached them, he gave Alex a bear hug and put his hand on Lily's shoulder.

Hello Mrs Smith, this is Jimmy Fuller, your partner in a forthcoming project with Mr Smith. He received a handshake from Lily, who nodded. I am an attorney named Jones Lily. He showed them their tables while nodding. "Since you got married, you are no longer Jones." Alex gritted his teeth and said. "I'm Jones Lily; stop being absurd," she said. She claimed she was irritated by him. Alex gruffly laughed. "Let's check," He muttered while averting his eyes.

When Alex noticed James was getting closer to Lily, he tightened his jaw. She turned to face him when he grinned and patted her shoulder. She looked at him after a small flinch. Lily saluted him while standing up. Alex rolled his eyes as they hugged each other. "You look gorgeous," I said. Lily grinned at James's compliment. You appear to be handsome. Yeah, as always. They made everyone look at them when they laughed. Alex made a fist and walked away from them.

The question "What happened to him?" James shook his head before focusing on Lily. "I apologize for my uncivilized behaviour." She gave him adoring looks. James gave her a gentle head pat while shaking his head. It's alright. Her joy was visible in her eyes. As she received his pardon, Lily gave him a close embrace.

"You are the same as you were before." Yes, exclusively for you forever.

Both laughed.

Outside of the party area, Mr Smith and a man wearing a black dress were having a conversation. You need to find out what Lily knows about us since I can't take a chance. Black clothing man spoke in a deep voice that made Me. Smith tremble.

"Don't worry; she was still in the dark about you. The evidence was all in favour. I accept accountability. Mr Smith spoke reassuringly to himself. He was left alone in the vicinity when the man nodded.

Mr Smith abruptly heard movement behind him and spun around. shrubs were present. He approached them and scanned the area while perspiring. I hope nobody heard us. Shaking his head, he moved toward the party area.

An unknown caller's notification was received by Lily. She looked down at her phone with scowling eyes. "Who's this?" As she unlocked her phone, she muttered under her breath. When someone stole Lily's phone, she was just about to open the message. She winced and gave the person a stern look. She was glared at by Alex. Rolling her eyes, Lily got to her feet to retrieve her phone.

No, you can't. He spoke while grinning broadly. She replied, "I will," with a gloomy expression. "Try me." Lily was challenged by Alex while he awaited her next move.

After a lengthy nap, Emily awoke. She looked all around but couldn't find Alex.

Emily stood up and went downstairs. When she noticed the deserted house, her eyes became wider.

"Where did they go?" you ask. She muttered something to herself. Where are you, Mrs Rim, and where is Alex? When Emily walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs Rim preparing dinner, she questioned. They are at a party, ma'am. "Huh? That party? Emily inquired. "Mr Mrs Smith also had to go to the celebration. That being the case, Mr Smith didn't bother you.

She sighed while nodding.

"I'm all alone now. Can you make me anything to eat? I am going hungry. Mrs Rim nodded before going back to work.