
Otherworldly Player

Follow a man in his adventures after reincarnating from his crappy life he is reborn into a new world with a new name 'Kon Whiteblood' read as he enjoys this life and the people in it!

SlimeyBoi · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Our Classes Unlocked, How Far Can We Go

A few moments had passed and we had arrived at the class selection ritual, unlike the sword ritual this place had many people surrounding it, This i believed was because they needed that many to do the ritual

"Jim, what are you doing bringing kids to get their classes unlocked, there probably not even strong enough to unlock a class"

"Then how about this, if you can beat this one in a fight then we'll go, if you cant then you do the class selection ritual" my father replied

"fine, but how about if i beat all of them you have to train all our staff from now on"

"okay, yeah sure, which one of you wanna fight him?"

"I'll do it" replied Alex "I wanna see how much I've grown"

saying this he drew out his yin yang destroyer blades


as his white blade activated the symbol on the hilt lit up and within a blink of an eye he was in front of the man

<Critical 1 Hit LVL>

<When Active There Is A 3% Chance To Do 200% Damage>

The man reacting tried to block it with his sword however Alex had already sliced stopping the hit at most a centimetre above his head.

"Fine, fine I concede" said the man realising just how out-classed he truly was, Alex's sword in that 'fight' was so fast that I, with my natural eye, was barely able to keep up


Alexander Yellowhorn Has Learned The Skills

<Flash Step> And <Flash Strike>

That notice made me remember something, 'Yo, D.A didn't i unlock my 2nd hidden skill'


Indeed, you have obtained the skill <Hidden Inventory>

Stat Screen has been updated to include it

i opened my stat screen and two new sections had opened

<Inventory > and <Party >

Checking them out my inventory seemed to have one page of 28 slots with 4 extra slots for armour and the party tab allowed me to create a party of 5, noticing this i made a party named 'Otherworldly Fighters' where i then invited Sam and Alex their faces looked puzzled because to them a new screen had opened they had never seen

<Party >

<You have been invite to party 'Otherworldly Fighters'>

<By individual 'Kon Whiteblood'>

When they accepted it a new menu had opened up in their stat screens

when opened it showed the current hp and mp of every member of the party

and to the right it said 'EXP share enabled' 'Title Skill 'Otherworldly Player' Multiplier active' they all knew what this cheat skill was and were happy to share it, they decided they would ask questions after they obtained their 'Class'

all three of them were directed to different rooms in the centre of each room was a colourless mana crystal however this energy was running into a chair, as I sat down on the chair i was instructed to place my hand on the crystal, as i did the crystal changed colour to blue, which was the colour of my mana, before i lost sight and was in an empty black void almost like when i was dead, then around me their were many prompts that opened all titling different classes, there was one that stood out to me though and that was 'Divine Barrier Mage' and so i selected it as a i did it asked me to select a subclass those being <Dimension > and <Time > it also told me i would eventually gain access to the other, knowing this and having read many light novels i knew nothing good could come from messing with time so i decided on Dimension, then i heard <Choose your 2nd class> this didn't come at a surprise my dad had told all of us we were strong enough to obtain a 2nd class what did surprise me though were that all the magic based classes were gone that's when i noticed <Divine Weapons-master> and so i selected that then i was back to reality when.


You have obtained class-specific skills