
Otherworldly Player

Follow a man in his adventures after reincarnating from his crappy life he is reborn into a new world with a new name 'Kon Whiteblood' read as he enjoys this life and the people in it!

SlimeyBoi · Fantasy
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25 Chs

A Few Months In, My Sword Can What?

a few months had passed, I'm unsure of exactly how long. I've been training my swordsmanship with Alex and my Magic with Sam. everything was normal my stats had grown and my skills had too then something weird happened.


Your weapon is beginning to bloom

"I'm sorry, what?" i blurted out

"Um, U-u okay?" Sam responded

"Yeah sorry I'm talking to my skill"

"Oh okay then"

'what does my sword is ready to bloom mean'


It means your sword is almost ready to evolve from the basic tier into the intermediate tier, by doing this your sword will gain a name as well as an active ability. The active ability will reflect the owners soul and can only be used by the owner thereby binding you to the sword, this also allows you to call your weapon forward, the known tiers of weapons are; basic, intermediate, high, king, high king, supreme, emperor and finally demon/divine, once bound to your weapon you can unbind yourself through a ritual however that would revert the sword to its original state and if someone else bound with that sword it would not be the same but if you were to rebind yourself to the sword, assuming no-one else has bonded between your bonds, then it should revert to how it was when it was originally bonded.

I went and found my dad to tell him about this development,

"Hey dad!" I shouted

"Whats up?"

"My sword is blooming"

"Really, nice first sword evolution, okay lets go to the tower, we'll get your classes chosen while we're there"

"Classes?" i replied "Whats a class"

"did I seriously never tell you?" he said "Well anyway my classes are Defender and

Weapons-master, if i were to guess the classes you guys would get based off of your training then you would probably get Magic Swordsman, Alex would probably get Two Bladed Swordsman and Sam would probably get Flame Mage, that would be if you guys were normal, your all freaks of nature you shouldn't be so strong at your ages damn"

"Wait, we're that strong for our age?" i said "i knew we were strong but not that strong"

"Show me your stats"

[STR 560] [SPD 432] [STAM 353][MANA 5000] [LUK 310]

"See what I mean if you were still human you would have hit your cap for your age a long time ago, although i'm not convinced your friends are human, there not to far behind you they should have hit their cap"

We arrived at the tower to get mine and possibly Alex's swords evolved and to get our classes chosen

"We'll do the swords first, go ahead Kon"

in-front of me was a pillar surrounding it was several larger pillars in the middle pillar there was a place for me to stand with my sword.

"all you have to do is pour your mana into it during the process"


Sword dance ritual detected, would you like to use title Otherworldly Player to increase Sword growth

[Yes] [No]


i started to pour my mana into the sword and as i did the ritual began, around me a thick fog of natural mana had encased me and my swords body, as the mana began to grow and grow i felt as if i was getting stronger until.


Sword Dance Ritual has finished, Sword has skipped the intermediate stage and gone straight to the high tier stage, Notice obtained skill [Sword Dance Ritual]

What would you like to name your sword

'Soul Slicer'

Sword Soul Slicer is gaining its active ability

as my skill said that another thick gale of mana had surrounded me, this time my own


You have reached the correct milestone, unlocking hidden skill

Congratulations you have obtained the hidden skill [Hidden Inventory (Lvl 1)]

Soul Slicer has successfully gained the active skill [Soul Slice]

When activated this skill ignores defence up to a certain level depending on the tier of the weapon.

i finally looked down at my blade and noticed that it no longer looked like a slightly too long two handed blade and had instead become an almost weightless perfectly sized one sided blade, its colour had changed it was now pure white with the slicing edge of the blade being black where there was once a guard had been replace by a circle which slightly went out of the blade and in the centre of this circle was what looked to be a blue mana crystal.

"T-That sword" my father said "how in the hell did you not only skipped the intermediate tier but your sword also formed a natural mana crystal, how the hell are you so strong this shouldn't be easy"

Alex then did the same process he stood in the centre with his two blades and again a mass of mana formed around them, when it was done his two swords looked like half of the same blade, one black one white, they had thin blades and half guards in the centre of each was the symbol for yin and yang, one blade was black one was white, this sword was named the Yin Yang Destroyer Blade, one made him stronger while the other made him faster, he couldn't use both abilities at once.

Then when we thought we were done my mother said something "looks like its your turn Sam"

but Sam didn't have a sword how could she?

as she stepped into the middle i got a notice


Detected Mana Staff Evolution ritual nearby

so this wasn't just for swords

Once this ritual was over her once wooden staff looked to be made of a thick white material, the foggy red crystal was now clear as day, this was Sams Phoenix Flame Conduit its active abilities because it had gained two allowed her to buff her fire spells as well as lower mana usage on all spells, now all that was left was to chose our classes.

Sorry for being gone for like a month, i started school recently so ive been sorting out my schedule and also thinking of ideas for the story!! the break should (hopefully) be over now

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