
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Book&Literature
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Occlumency and Spell Crafting

Harry had transferred the knowledge of several books in the past hours. Some of them were, Hogwarts Wards, The Lost Arts of Ancient Magic, Merlin's Creations, The Art of Wandlore: Crafting and Understanding Magical Wands, The Language of Dragons: Understanding Draconic Communication, The Secret Histories of Hogwarts: Uncovering Hidden Truths and the most interesting one being a book that has supposedly recorded every potion that has ever been created or brewed; legend or real. A book called, "The Alchemist's Almanac: Lost Potions and Forgotten Formulas". 

Harry did find some quite intriguing potions that had shocking results, from a potion that could permanently alter a person's appearance to a potion that could supposedly allowed the drinker to communicate with the dead. The book listed hundreds of such potions with unbelievable effects, ranging from something minor to something that could potentially put the world in chaos. It seemed that the book updated itself whenever a new potion was invented. He would have to keep updating himself with this book. With all the potions recipes that were running in his head, he doubted he would ever need to read another book. Unlike the normal potion books, this book had gone into the intricacies of making the potions, with detail listed up to the number of times he would have to stir the potion and the way he would have to stir. 

Putting that book aside he turned to take the next book on the shelf. He had hardly gone through about 25 books so far. He couldn't cram them all up because the pain was associated with the knowledge was directly related to the amount of information in that particular book. The next book Harry picked up was titled, "The Mind's Mirror: A Treatise on Legillimency and Occlumency". Well at least this book might help Harry reduce the headache if it is about the mind arts. 

Harry opened the book, the first page had a message that could be considered a warning. 

 Walk Softly, Mind Wanderer:

These pages hold echoes of stolen thoughts, whispered secrets, and minds laid bare. Tread with the trepidation of a thief, for the power you seek comes at a cost. 

This is not a playground for the curious. Dare to enter, and you risk losing yourself in the maze of another's memories. The echoes you hear may haunt you, the darkness you glimpse may stain your soul.

Remember, every mind is a fortress, and intrusion is a trespass. Be prepared for the backlash, the mental scars that may mirror the ones you inflict.

This path is paved with danger, not power. Only those who walk it with empathy and respect can emerge unscathed.

Turn back now, if your heart harbors even a flicker of malice. For within these pages lies not just knowledge, but the potential for your own undoing.

Heed this warning, seeker of minds. The choice you make will echo not just in the minds you explore, but in the depths of your own."

Harry whistled softly. Bloody hell, that quite the warning. I guess the mind arts is not exactly for the weak huh. I guess it is worth learning, even if it is not easy, he thought. Harry pointed his wand to the book and muttered, "Cognitio Transcribere". Again a black aura emanated from the tip of his wand, enveloping the book in a soft darkness. The pages of the book seemed to come alive, their words pulsating with a silverish black energy. Suddenly, streams of glowing words surged from the pages, and flew directly into his mind. In an instant, the vast knowledge contained within the book was transferred to Harry's consciousness, flooding his thoughts with insights and revelations about the mind arts. 

The words weren't words anymore. They were a hurricane of emotions, memories, and techniques, battering his mind like battering rams against a flimsy door. Images flashed – stolen thoughts, suppressed fears, forgotten childhood dreams – each one a blow that threatened to shatter his sanity. The pain was a living thing, a pulsating, writhing creature burrowing into his skull, squeezing the very air from his lungs.

He cried out, the sound trapped in the vortex of his own mind. His vision blurred, the world dissolving into an agonizing kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. He felt his knees buckle, the floor rushing up to meet him, but his body wouldn't obey. He was a puppet, limbs flailing without control, at the mercy of the storm raging within.

Panic clawed at his throat, a primal fear threatening to consume him. He was drowning, not in water, but in information, the very essence of thought and feeling overwhelming him. His identity began to fray, the edges blurring as he became one with the chaos. Was he Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, or was he the sum of every stolen memory, every whispered fear, every fleeting joy that flooded his mind? He screamed from the pain of having his mind shattered into pieces and rejoined again and again. He fought his hardest to keep his sanity intact, even as it was ripped apart again and again.

Slowly, agonizingly, the storm began to end. The images dulled, the emotions receded, leaving behind a throbbing ache that echoed in the depths of his mind. He slumped to the floor, gasping for air, his body trembling with exhaustion. He had survived the deluge, but the journey had left its mark. He knew, with a chilling certainty, that the mind arts were no child's play.

"Merlin's beard! I thought I would go insane. I didn't know the book contained the experiences along with the information.", Harry croaked. 

He felt so weak that he couldn't bear to stand up. 

"And there goes my ability to stand.", Harry sighed. He suddenly remembered something and called out loudly. "Tinsel!". A loud pop was heard as the elf apparated in front of Harry. Tinsel appeared to not have seen Harry as he bowed, "What can I help Harry Potter sir with?" 

"Down here Tinsel", Harry's voice came out as a hoarse whisper. 

The elf was quite taken aback at the voice and lifted his head to look. The scene seemed to have disturbed him quite as his eyes went wide and he quickly rushed to Harry's side, concern etched on his features. "Harry Potter sir, what happened? Are you alright?" Tinsel asked urgently, his large eyes filled with worry.

Harry managed a weak smile, though it was evident that he was struggling. "I'm fine, Tinsel, just feeling a bit drained. Help me up" he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Could you please bring me some water and maybe a light snack?"

Tinsel nodded vigorously, his ears flapping with each movement. "Right away, Harry Potter sir! I'll be back in a jiffy!" With a snap of his fingers, the elf disappeared with a loud crack, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts.

As Harry waited for Tinsel to return, he couldn't shake the overwhelming sensation of exhaustion that washed over him. The knowledge he had gained from the books in the Room of Requirement was immense, far more than he had anticipated. It was as if he had absorbed centuries' worth of magical wisdom in just a few short hours.

But along with the knowledge came a heavy burden, a weight that pressed down on his mind and body, threatening to overwhelm him. Harry knew that he would need time to process everything he had learned, to come to terms with the newfound power and responsibility that now rested upon his shoulders.

As he sat there in the quiet solitude of the library, Harry couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden within the pages of the books around him. Maybe now that he had learnt Occlumency, he could get erect the wards and push information from multiple books into his head. 

"Harry Potter sir, I've brought you some refreshments," Tinsel announced, his voice filled with concern as he approached Harry with a tray laden with snacks, water, and juice

"Ah thanks Tinsel. I am parched", said Harry as he grabbed the water pitcher. He didn't care about getting a glass and started drinking from the pitcher. It was a surprise to him how thirsty he was, as he emptied the entire pitcher of water. He then turned to see what snacks Tinsel had got him. The elf certainly had gone all out. In the tray, there were sandwiches, bite-sized pies, tarts, and fruit salad. Harry thanked the elf as he took the tray from him and set it down on the table, before helping himself to some sandwiches and the fruit salad. 

"Thanks Tinsel. You certainly helped me quite a bit", Harry smiled as he finished eating.

"It is Tinsel's pleasure to help Harry Potter sir.", the elf said with a bow. 

"I'll call for you again if I need you okay?", said Harry. The elf bowed and disappeared with a crack.

As Harry sat there, feeling the weight of exhaustion pressing down upon him, he knew that he needed to take action to protect himself from the onslaught of information that threatened to overwhelm his mind. Drawing upon the knowledge he had acquired from "The Mind's Mirror," Harry focused his thoughts on the concept of Occlumency.

Closing his eyes, Harry took a deep breath and visualized his mind as a fortress, surrounded by an impenetrable barrier of energy. With each exhale, he felt the tension in his body melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and focus. In his mind's eye, he began to construct the wards, layer upon layer of shimmering energy forming a protective shield around his consciousness.

Drawing upon the intricate details and experience provided in the book, Harry incorporated various techniques and incantations into the wards, weaving them together with precision and care. He visualized each ward as a glowing symbol, pulsating with power as it locked away his thoughts and memories from prying eyes. This is the best technique that was supposed to set up a mind ward that was impossible to crack, no matter how skilled or powerful the intruder may be. 

As he worked, Harry could feel the energy coursing through him, a tingling sensation that seemed to resonate with the very essence of his being. With each layer of the wards he added, he felt a surge of strength and confidence, knowing that he was taking control of his own mind.

Finally, after what felt like hours of intense concentration, Harry opened his eyes to survey his handiwork. In his mind lay a complex network of wards, shimmering with a faint silver light and radiating with an aura of protection. It was a sight to behold, a testament to his newfound mastery of the mind arts.

"Finally...", Harry let out a content sigh.

With a sense of satisfaction, Harry settled back into his chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion begin to lift from his shoulders. Thanks to the knowledge he had gained from the books in the Room of Requirement, he had succeeded in fortifying his mind against any would-be intruders.

What's the time again? He thought. The room responded to his thought and a small watch appeared on the table in front of him. Harry picked it up and saw that it was already 4:14 pm. He had been in the room for almost 10 hours now. Exasperated he looked at the number of books he managed to finish so far. It was barely about 30 books. He had to take a break after each book to bear the pain of the knowledge adjusting itself in his mind, so he was not able to complete many books. He wanted to complete at least one more book before he left. 

Harry stood up and went towards the book shelf, thinking about a book that could probably help him somehow. Suddenly a book fell out of the shelf. He bent down to retrieve the book, the title read, "Arcane Alchemy: The Art of Spell Innovation". It seemed to be a book that dealt with making new spells and reforming existing spells. This could be useful. If it allows me to reform the Cognitio Transcribere spell to scan the entire book shelf rather than one book then it might help me. I think the pain would be bearable now that I have the wards protecting my mind. Harry thought.

Elythral materialised in his hand again. He pointed it to the book and muttered, "Cognitio Transcribere". The book was enveloped in a blackish aura again and the words and diagrams turned into a silverish black hue and floated directly into Harry's mind. Harry braced for some kind of pain but was pleasantly surprised to feel no pain at all. The information immediately sorted itself in his mind.

"Well I guess that proves my theory of not feeling the pain now that I have mind wards established", Harry said out loud. He looked at the rest of the book. There would be about a thousand of them left. He wanted to finish them all in one go, but what if the pain shatters Harry's mind. He didn't feel any pain when he transferred the content of one book, but just what if that is because it is just one book? He began worrying about all these things. In the end his curiosity won against his better judgement.

"Okay, I know this is crazy but I am going to modify the Cognitio spell to scan all the remaining books and transfer it into my brain", Harry said out loud. "Maybe I should set up some precaution first? I wouldn't wanna be stuck here if I collapse"

But what could I do? Should I call Dumbledore? It is a good option but I somehow don't really feel like doing it. Hermione? No, she would go mental if she saw me doing it, and would want to do it herself. Maybe Lupin? Hmm....I am sure he would be glad to help me but then again I am not really that close to him right now. Who else? Bloody hell, leave it. I am not calling anyone. I would call Tinsel just in case I collapse to make sure I get to the hospital wing at least, Harry thought.

"Tinsel!", Harry called out loud. 

The elf apparated in front of Harry with a loud pop, "Harry Potter sir called?". 

"Yes Tinsel. I want you to check on me in an hour. If I am collapsed I want you to take me to the hospital wing but don't tell anyone that I was here. Just tell them that you heard me call you and found me near the lake when you appeared. Okay?", Harry explained. 

The elf gave another deep bow, "As Harry Potter sir, wishes."

"Great now you can go and do whatever you were doing before Tinsel. Just remember check on me in an hour", said Harry. The elf bowed and disappeared again. 

"Something tells me I am going to regret this very much...", Harry groaned. "Well let's hurry up then."

Harry sat cross-legged in the center of the room, he took a deep breath, focusing his mind on the task at hand. With his wand held firmly in his hand, he began to dissect the spell "Cognitio Transcribere." Each syllable held significance, each word a key to unlocking its potential. "Cognitio," he mused, the essence of knowledge acquisition. It was clear that this aspect needed to remain intact. But "Transcribere," the transfer of that knowledge, felt limiting in its singular focus on one book.

He needed to deal with this limit of one book, to fix the spell to his need. With a furrowed brow, Harry delved deeper into the spell's core, unraveling its intricacies like a puzzle. He realized that the bottleneck lay in its exclusivity, its confinement to a single volume. In other words, there seemed to be a part of the spell that limited it's use to one book. If he wanted the spell to scan all the remaining books he would need to delete this part of the spell. But the complicated point is that this part of the spell seemed to be linked with the incantation so if he wanted to make the spell scan all the books in a bookshelf he would need to change the incantation itself.

"Well at least I figured out the problem. Now onto the more important part. What kind of incantation should I fuse into the spell to modify it to my need?", Harry thought.

Armed with the arcane secrets gleaned from "Arcane Alchemy," Harry embarked on the ambitious task of transforming Cognitio Transcribere. No longer would it be confined to a single tome; it would devour an entire shelf.

First, he dissected the spell's core. "Cognitio," the acquisition of knowledge, and "Transcribere," its transfer, remained the pillars. But the singular focus on one book, a restrictive bottleneck, needed shattering.

He started to infuse the spell with a broader intent. Instead of a single book, he envisioned the entire bookshelf, its aura expanding to embrace each volume within. "Libri Omnis," Latin for "all books," became the new prefix, broadening the spell's scope. "Transcribere" evolved into "Imbibere," signifying a deeper, more complete absorption of knowledge. 

"I guess this would do. Now that the incantation is finished I need to fix the inner workings of the spell. I would also have to make a library of some sort in my mind to better fix all the information" He thought. "Well the inner workings first..."

Drawing upon his understanding of magical theory, Harry crafted a network of ethereal threads, intertwining them with the essence of the spell. These threads formed a web of interconnectedness, binding each book that was scanned to the spell's core and allowing for seamless navigation between them.

Next, he turned his attention to "Imbibere," the transformative aspect that would facilitate the absorption of knowledge. He envisioned a conduit, a channel through which the essence of each book could flow freely into his mind. But he knew that such a process carried risks; the sheer volume of information threatened to overwhelm his senses if left unchecked.

To mitigate this, Harry introduced a series of filters, like mental barriers that would regulate the flow of knowledge. These filters would sift through the torrent of information, allowing only the most relevant and useful insights to pass through. It was a delicate balance, requiring finesse and precision to maintain.

"Phew...now that the inner workings of the spell is completed. I should organize a library in my mind", Harry said out loud. 

For the next part, Harry delved into his mind. He found that his mind was nothing but a fortress surrounded by impenetrable wards. There was nothing in the fortress inside. He was quite disappointed at this. 

So Harry set about transforming the blank canvas. He visualized the first floor, a library brimming with bookshelves laden with knowledge. Each book a memory, each shelf a category – childhood joys, magical experiences, friendships forged, lessons learned. As the library materialized, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, forgotten moments resurfacing with vivid clarity. Even memories from his past life that he had long forgotten resurfaced.

He didn't stop there. Floor by floor, the fortress grew. A cozy living room materialized, filled with the laughter of loved ones. Upstairs, a training ground emerged, echoing with the clang of practice duels and the sting of past victories. Each room, a reflection of his experiences, became a repository for his emotions, neatly categorized yet interconnected, forming a tapestry of his being.

As he built, a profound change washed over him. The jumble of emotions that had plagued him began to settle. All the emotions found their designated spaces, no longer an overwhelming storm but a collection of weather patterns shaping his life's journey.

This wasn't just about organizing his mind; it was about understanding himself. The fortress, once a barren shell, became a living testament to his experiences, his growth, his very essence. And as the final stone settled into place, Harry stood in the heart of his creation, no longer lost in an empty void, but firmly rooted in the intricate landscape of his own mind. 

"Well now that's that done too. I should hurry up and finish scanning the books, it's already late enough. I might miss dinner if I delay any longer.", he thought.