
Otherworldly Hero With A Group Chat

----------------------------------------------- this fan fiction is made purely out of boredom, the updates will be all over the place. It depends on my mood. The characters and worlds used in this fanfiction don’t belong to me, I don’t make anything off of this, and is purely for entertainment the cover also doesn't belong to me. In short nothing belongs to me except my original characters.

Crims0n · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Test.

Boros's pov:

After our homeroom teacher Aizawa, showed up, we all went to the locker rooms to change into our uniforms and headed to the P.E ground.

Aizawa-sensei was already there, he saw us and spoke, "We are having a quirk apprehension test."

"A quirk apprehension test?!" my classmates all shouted comically, the teacher just nodded.

"But it's the first day, what about the ceremony?! And the guidance counselor meeting?!" Asked the brown-haired girl.

"You, the students of the hero course, don't have time for such frilly activities. You want to be heroes yet you speak of ceremonies? You think the job of a hero is easy?" Aizawa didn't have mercy on the girl, I don't blame him.

Aizawa-Sensei waited for the girl's response, but sighed shortly after as no response came.

"Enough chit-chat, we will be conducting 6 different tests: soft ball pitch, standing long jump, 50-meter dash, endurance running, grip strength test, sideways jumps."

Aizawa-Sensei looked down towards the attendance list he had in his hands, and called out two names, "We will be starting with the 50-meter dash, Tenya Ida and Tsuyu Asui."

Tanya Ida, a classmate who had engines on his calves should be pretty obvious what his quirk does, and more importantly, this is his field.

Tsuyu Asui, I've no clue what her quirk is, but considering how her tongue is hanging out, I assume it's something reptilian, or amphibian.

The two got ready as the machine announced, "On your marks... Get set... Go!"

Tanya immediately sprang towards the finish line, he didn't waste a single second, Tsuyu followed close behind, but it's obvious who would win.

Tenya Ida crossed the finish line at 3.04 seconds, damn impressive.

Tsuyu Asui crossed the finish line at 5.54 seconds, not as impressive but good enough, considering who her opponent was.

This continued until it was only me left.

"Boros, since we have an odd number of students you'll have to do it alone." Aizawa-sensei said to me, I nodded at him and positioned myself.

"On your marks... Get set... GO!" As soon as the machine said "go" I had already disappeared from the starting line, and in a second I was halfway to the finish line. Next second I had already crossed the finish line.

"2.3 seconds!" the machine announced my score.

I looked towards my teacher who simply nodded, my classmates were surprised, after all I don't look like the type built for speed, but for strength, the most surprised was Tenya who didn't expect anyone to be faster than he was.

After that came the grip strength test, and I destroyed the machine, Aizawa sighed and carried on.

Then the stamina test, Aizawa had us run around laps on the track, I didn't do too well on that, but I didn't do too bad either.

Now it was time for the long jump, I jumped over the landing pit, which wouldn't be too impressive considering some of my classmates did the same, but I did it without the running start.

On the sideways jumps I didn't do well of course the reason was the lack of stamina.

For the final test it was the softball pitch, all of my classmates took a turn, some good, some did a lot better, like the brown-haired girl, Uraraka was her name, as for the score she got? infinity.

Her quirk seemed to remove the effects of gravity on solid things, which was honestly very convenient.

As I was zoning out Aizawa-Sensei called out to me,

"Boros, stop spacing out, it's your turn."

Aizawa threw me a softball and I caught it, and got in position.

I tensed all my muscles, starting with my legs to my upper body and finally my arms, and finally, I threw it as hard as possible.

The throw caused a massive shockwave, I continue to be surprised by this body's strength.

Aizawa stayed silend and showed the device, the score displayed was 1357m.

The class was shocked by this Display of strength,

"1357 METRES?!! YOU ARE STRONG AS HELL BOROS!" Kirishima yelled amazed by my strength.

"1357 metres your kidding..." muttered a green haired boy, who I assume is the main character, Izuku Midoriya.

...well this is a bit embarrassing, I'm not used to so many people starting at me in such different ways.

Some stared in awe and amazement, some with jealousy, and some even felt inferior.

"Good, next person... Midoriya Izuku, come forward." Aizawa-Sensei said as Midoriya move forward nervously, extremely nervously.

He grabbed the softball, got in position took a deep breath, and threw the ball to use his quirk, However, the quirk didn't activate...

Aizawa-Sensei approached Midoriya with his hair and scarf defying gravity, and proceeded to speak to him for a minute, class murmured about how he got special instructions or something, one in particular though, said something like "instructions to leave." Oh, I know who this is, Bakugo Katsuki, yeah I don't like this guy at all.

Anyways, Midoriya got in position, and threw the softball again, this time he used his quirk which caused a shockwave, the score? 705.3 just 0.1 above The blonde-haired kid.

Seeing this, Bakugo was angered as he proceeded to use his explosions and propelled himself towards Midoriya, but he was stopped by Aizawa-Sensei who canceled out his quirk and immobilized him using his scarf.

"Stop forcing me to use my quirk, it gives me some serious dry eye." With that said he released Bakugo as he proceeded to pull a device out of his pocket which displayed the leaderboard.

Oh damn, I got 6th place I guess that's good enough.

"With that, we are done here, the documents about the curriculum and such are in the classroom, also Midoriya have recovery girl fix heal you tomorrow's trials are not going to be any easier." Aizawa-Sensei handed Izuku a paper and left.

What a day today's been huh?





I left the training grounds and went back to the classroom packed my things and went straight home.

Once I got home I got undressed had a quick snack and grabbed my phone and opened the group chat.

[Sirzechs Lucifer, offline.]

[Yuji Itadori, online.]

[Ban, Offline.]

The other two are offline huh… Oh well, at least this Yuji is online.

Sorry sorry, I neglected this quite a lot but I have good reasons! (I don’t)

Crims0ncreators' thoughts